COUNTY ! TILLAMOOK The GARDEN SPOT of WESTERN OREGON One of the Wealthiest Counties in Oregon for Timber, Dairying, Fishing, General Farming and other Valuable Undeveloped Resources. NO CYCLONES ! NO DROUGHTS ! NO CROP FAILURES ! NO ZERO WEATHER ! NO NO NO NO BLIZZARDS ! SEVERE COLD ! EXCESSIVE HEAT ! DESTRUCTIVE STORMS ! Homeseekers who Want to Locate in Western Oregon—the Best Section of the State—and Engage in Lumbering, Shingle Mills, Dairying, Fishing, Farming and Other Profitable Industries should Visit Tillamook County. FACTS ABOUT TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Immensely Rich & Fertile Region. Wonderful Timber Resources. The western part of Oregon is the richest, the best and the most developed section of the State, and In the northern part of this favored region, «>n the coast, is situated the immensely rich and fertile region, kest of the Coast range of mountains known as Tillamook County. Of all the resources .of Tillamook County that of its timber is the most extensive and valuable. The State of Oregon contains one-fifth of the timber of the United St ites and Tillamook County contains one- fifth of the timber in the state, so that within a very few years the eyes of the commercial world will be turned toward thia const in search of lumlier. To give some idea of the magnitude of its forests, it is roughly estimated there are 12,(MM),0(M),(MM) teet of merchantable timber tributary to Tillamook Bay, on the Miami, Kelchis, Wilson, Trask and Tillamook rivers, all logging streams emptying Into the bay. Nehalem in the northern part of the county, has a still greater amount of standing timber that is practically un­ touched as far as logging and manufacturing are concerned, for tributary to Nehalem Bay it is estimated there are at least 2(1.(Ml),(JIMl.(MM) feet of merchantable timber. The timber in Tillamook County is unsur­ passed by any. A great many of the forest trees measure 15 to 20 feet or more in girth and are often free from limbs for the first 150 feet. Nearly the whole belt is comprised of red and yellow fir (the recognized king among lumbers), spruce, hemlock (Alaska pine), and cedar. Yellow fir readily finds n market the world over, while the other timbers are not unrecognized for their particular uses ; spruce being used extensively in the manufacture of boxes and in finishing lumber ; from the cedar is made shingles of the best quality, and hemlock is valuable for its bark, which is used • for tanning purposes, us well us for lumber. On the higher lanils is to be found in considerable quantities some of the magnificent lurch, prized the world over as a finishing lumber of the first class, while along the streams timber suitable for furniture, such as alder and maple, grow in great quantities anil of first quality. Here, then, is u vast undeveloped timber country presenting vast opportunities for capital to invest in saw-mills, pulp-miUs, box-factories, shingle-mills, etc. To place this vast body of timber upon the market means the expenditure in Tillamook County, in the process of manufacture, of not leas than ifS.OO per thousand feet or more than Two Hundred Seventy- five Millions of Dollars. Minneapolis in her palmiest days,with all the upper Mississippi water shed to draw upon, never had tributary to her lumber mills the amount of standing timber now awaiting the saw in Tillamook County. What a beehiveof industry in saw anil shingle mills, sash, door and box factories, in pulp and paper mills, and what tonnage in ocean and rail transportation facilities to transport thia more than Fifty Millions of tons of manufactured lumber to the markets of the world. What an oppor­ tunity for thousands of mechanics and laborers, aad homes, and business in every conceivable form, and what a home market for every pound of produce that can be raised on every acre of land as fast as cleared of the standing timber. And every acre of timber land in thia county will be more, valuable for farming when the timber is cut, than it is today covered with its vast wealth of.forest. The natural points for the manufacture of all of this standing timber into lumber are Tillamook Buy and Nehalem Buy and these two bays are destined to become large centers of population and lumber export. Oregon has an area of 95,274 square miles; a continuous water front from the northern boundary of California to the mouth of the Columbia River and thence up the Columbia along the northern boundary »early to its eastern limit ; one-fifth of the standing timber of the United States ; a climate unequaled by |hat of any state, and scenery which is surpassed by none. Tillamook County was first visited by white men in the Spring of 1851, and is, therefore, a new Country. It lias a coast line of about 00 miles, has three small harbors besides Tillamook Bay, which is katurally one of the best harbors between San Francisco Bay and the mouth of the Columbia River, and kith the completion of the railroads now building it will become one of the most important ports on the pregon coast for lumbering. There are seven rivers in the county, namely, the Nehalem, Miami, Kelchis, IVilson, Trask, Tillamook and Nestucca Rivers, along the banks of which is located some of the richest ¡arming and timber lands in the Pacific Northwest. Entering on Dawn of Wonderful Prosperity. Tillamook County. Oregon, destined to becomeone of the greatest tonnage producing sections of the Jnited States, just entering on the dawn of its wonderful prosperity. With the crest of the picturesque ?oast Range for its eastern boundary and facing the vast Pacific with (MJ miles of cost line on the west, pillamook County contains within its boundaries the finest 'body of virgin timber in the United States ; insurpassed beach resorts for the teeming millions of Portland, the Willamette Valley and the Inland Empire ; a vast yet practically untouched for the production of dairy products that will make 1 the Holland of this continent ; large areas adapted to fruit, cranberries and stock ; sixty thousand torse power running to waste in its rivers and longing to turn the wheels of shop and factory ; bays ¡nd harbors only needing improvement to float the largest ocean carriers. With such unlimited potential factors for manufacturing, commerce, domestic and foreign trade, iairying, fruit, stock and farming, and great beach resorts filled with an ever increasing stream of plea- iure seekers pouring their money into the channels of trade, Tillamook County offers the best field now >pen for manufacturers, dairymen, farmers, fruit growers, professional and business men, mechanics, ¿borers and investors. Summers Cool & Winters Warm With the warm Japan current washing our coast line summer in Tillamook county is cool and winter So uniform is the temperature that the same weight of clothing and bed clothes are comfortable irm. te year around. The moist mild climate, free from fog. the salt breezes and mountain air ladened with >rest odors, the slight daily variation in temperature of less than 13 degrees, makes this an ideal climate l which to bring up children that are sturdy of limb and pink of cheek. Cyclones, blizzards, cloud- nrsts and droughts are unknown and freezing weather rare. Green pastures greet the eye the year round. Rainfall is heavy but the greater portion is precipitated through the fall and winter months ith enough throughout the balance of the year to insure the most abundant growth without irrigation. From the above explanations of climatic conditions of Tillamook, it may be readily inferred that talthfulness is one of the chief attributes of this favored region. On account of the evenneasof temper- ture, abundant moisture, constant ocean breezes, and the redundancy of clear mountain streams, the rerage health of the inhabitants must be good. A climate where the average daily range of tempera- ire is less than 13 degrees does not subject the physical organization to such shocks and «Tenches as 1 climates where sudden and marked changes occur. People live with open doors and windows at all tasons. Chills and fever, ague, malaria and typhus are unknown. Epidemics never assume a danger- ub form. Splendid Rivers and Harbors. Tillamook County is well supplied with harbors, there being four along its coastline, of which Tilla­ mook Bay is naturally one of the best between San Francisco Bay and the mouth of the Columbia River. In the northern part of the county is the Nehalem River, which widens out about two miles from its mouth into a bay of about one and a half by two mileB, upon which are fine mil) sites and booming grounds. There is about 20. (MO, (MM), (MM) feet B. M. jf timber tributary to thia bay. The Port of Nehalem is upending $50,000 in harbor improvements on the bar. Netarts Bay is surrounded by quite a heavily timbered area, but has no streams of any size empty­ ing into it. Nestucca Bay. in the south end of the county, is accessible to small ocean boats, as ure also other bays named above. There is but little timber tributary to this bay, though enough for local needs. Tillamook Bay, which is one of the best harbors on the Oregon Coast, empties into the Pacific. Ocean about fifty miles south of the Columbia River. The tidal area of the bay is thirteen and one-half square miles. Five rivers are tributary to the buy, viz., the Miami, Kelchis, Wnson, Trask and Tillamook. The bay connects with the ocean through a gorge 750feet wide at low tide, with a maximum low water depth of sixty feet. The approaches to the bay are free from rocks or other hidden dangers. There is but one channel across the bar. whose direction seaward may vary from about,northwest to southwest, amt there is rarely leas than ten feet minimum depth at low water. The prospects are very favorable for securing an appropriation for improvement of this bar during the present session of Congress, with the assist­ ance of the Port of Tillamook and the Port of Bav City. These porta will appropriate $(1,50,(IK) to improve the bar, bay and the channel to Tillamook City, the county scat, whi'Ti is at the tiead of navigation for ocean going vessels, and which is situated in the heart of the county—the best dairy section in Oregon. Come to Tillamook the land of rospenty ig Timber, Cheese and Milk Come to Tillamook, the land of Golden Oppor tunities for Homeseekers and Investments SAMPLE OF TILLAMOOK LOGS illamook is the Greatest County in Oregon for Hunting, Fishing & Camping Splendid Opportunities for Home Seekers and Industrial Enterprises.