TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 4, 1Ö1L Much credit ia due Art Case for afternoon, and I’d give them the the help which he gave the school premises and say, “ here’s to you, by making two tripe to Nehalem 1.50 Gne year......... now have a good time aud enjoy and back, one of which was en i »• ¿ix month«.... yourselves to the fullest, and come tirely after dark. ,rtl Three month« again next Sunday.” A large parade was formed at i i Do you suppose for one instant one forty-five Saturday under the I Entered as second class mail mat that those young people would be direction of Roliie W. Watson in ter July, 1888, at the post office ut Tillamook, Ore., under the act ot careless or indifferent enough to which was the Tillamook Concert March 3, 1879. do anything that would bring any Band and over 20 of Tillamook’s semblance of reproach on me or automobiles. At two p.m. the themselves? I'm sure they would game was called and the eager ú”br filiamoli ìjcabligbt, not. ciowd which had gathered, witnes­ Don’t try to make them old before sed one of the cleanest games that their time. Cares and “ life in I Tillamook High has ever played, Editorial Snap Shots earnest” will come soon enough, | at the close of which was found to and then they will know without be Tillamook 7, Astoria 1. On Sun­ The beautiful warm rain this being told that the time has come day the Astoria boys, not being al­ week made every dairyman for them to settle down to ‘‘stern lowed to play on Sunday under the wear a contented smile, for the realities,” but give them some name of their High School, had to grass is making great growth. privileges now that they can look play as the “Centennial Amateurs” It is generally conceded that back upon and say, “Well, I surely and our boys plaved under the Send a copy of this week's a large amount of money have did have a good time when I was name of "Tillamook Athletic Club.” issue of the Headlight to your been wasted by the government young, and that helps to make life Again the High School played a friends in the East and Middle in bay improvements in Tilla­ more pleasant now, even with all I good game, only three errors being West and help boost Tillamook mook bay, and although the the hardships and trials that are found against them at the close of County.___________ engineers may not be inclined bound to come.” the game. The score was Tilla­ We as older people should not mook 13, Astoria 0. Much credit is Help boost the county. The to admit it, it is a fact, never­ Now that it is pro­ forget that we were young once, due the pitcher, Clent King, who I’. R & N. Co. will be running theless. trains in a few months und the posed by the different Ports to even tho’ it was long ago with some pitched all of the first game and United Railways will be rush­ expend large sums of money on of ns, and we should also remem­ most of the second. ‘Sco’ the ing work us soon as the weather harbor improvements, we do ber how utterly impossible it was coach is also to be complimented not want to see any mislicks in for us to understand some things, on his good work. permits. expending large sums of money that we can see clearly enough now. A reception was given the As­ It would be better to not see the toria boys at the I. O. O. I. Hall The bridge across Hoqunrton experimenting, the same as little mole hills,” which if let Saturday night which was attended slough needs a little attention, some of the government engi­ in fact, a new bridge is needed. neers have done, such as the alone will never be anything else by about 90 persons. Far better spend a little money Trask cut-off and other experi­ except harmless "little mole hills,” on ii now than have an expen­ ments which have done more and don’t try to catch every "gnat” harm than good. Had the en­ that comes one way, lest by the Notice of Dissolution ot Partner­ sive damage suit later. ship. gineers consulted with those time we are through with it, it has who were familiar with local growu to the size and magnitude of N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o Come to Tillamook City oti condition, probably better re­ all whom it may concern, that the a camel. Saturday, for the merchants are sults might have been attained. co-partnership heretofore existing By all means let the young between the undersigned, who have going to make it a bargain day. Admitting that the bay will be­ people have your hearty co-opera­ been doing business under the firm Drop into the Headlight office come a great lumbering center, tion in any and all kinds of inno­ name and style of A. Finley &Co., arid give the editor the address now is the time to plan for it, cent recreation, thereby making at Tillamook City, Oregon, has by of a person in the East or Mid­ so that the most suitable parts mutual consent of the parties, been life pleasant for them, and keeping dissolved, and that Mr. A. Finley dle West ami lie will send a of the bay for manufacturing wrinkles from our own face. has assumed the payment of al{ copy of this week's issue free of purposes can obtain channels. A S incere F riend of Y oung liabilities of said firm of every name charge. ___________ It is not the correct thing to cut and nature, and that any and all P eople . debtB due and owing to said firm off one part of the bay to benefit It transpired in the case of are to be paid to the said A. Einley some other part of the bay. But Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, thia Cone vs. Bozorth that instead of High School Flashes. April 28th, 1011. the United Railways closing a before any money of the Ports The Emeraoniane are working H. A. K innaman . deal for about 60 acres of pro­ is expended upon harbor im­ A lva F inley . provements,let competent engi­ hard on their program this week perty at Bay City, $10 ¡sail the as undoubtedly the one which they neers be employed to plan out money that was put up by the Dissolution of Partnership. render next Friday will be their laBt railroad company. Tillamook a practical project for the per­ one and they want to have a good manent improvement of the N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That City, notwithstanding reports impression with the students. ________ the co-partnership heretofore exist­ to the contrary, is the goal to bay. A number of the students are ing between the undersigned, under which the United Railways ia the name af Talmage & Johnson What la Sabbath Desecration ? talking of taking a trip to Munson will by mutual consent be dissolved aiming to reach. Falls in the near fntnre. Accord­ on the 30th day of April, 1911. All TO EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ing to present calculation those business now pending will be con­ Since there is considerable dis­ who go will get a wagon and hay ducted by each of the undersigned It seems to be the opinion of those who are in a position to cussion going on regarding this rack if possible and take the trip until the same is consumated. All know, that the money is avail­ subject I felt moved to apeak a one week from Saturday. It seems persons in debt to this firm must adjust such indebtedness without able for the United Railways to word for the purpose of learning that there has been a good deal of delay. extend its line to Tillamook something myself, and perhaps trouble in getting the students to C. W. T almage , S idney S. J ohhson . That is good news. And we lead some one else into the light, feel the need of an excursion. are reliably informed that as as well. We were told not long At last the Gilford Park has been Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. soon us weather conditions are ago, by a very able speaker, and favorable construction will be by the way, a conscious Christian fenced. The committee which was N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That started nt both ends and several gentleman, that it was not so much appointed by the High School to the State Land Board of the State improve the park has had a hard camps will be operating in the the things we do on Sunday that of Oregon will sell to the highest mountains. makes it wrong, but it is due to the | time getting the work completed bidder at its office in the Cnpital fact that we stay away from church j and they are glad to get the fence Building at Salem, Oregon, on built. The Board of Trustees seem July 11, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., Is Portland politically corrupt and spend the day elsewhere, there­ to be an undecided lot, as they of said day, all the State’s interest by allowing our minds to be filled to the con* ? By the look of in the tide and overflow lands here­ were at the school house one after­ inafter described, giving, however things it is politically rotten, with worldly things which lead us noon last fall and told the mem ­ to the owner or owners of any lands for the ‘‘grafters” appear to tie to forget God. Now the majority of 1 bers of the High School to see about abutting or fronting on such tide fur more numerous than the the Christian young people of this and overflow lands, the preference land grabbers were a few years community attend Sunday-school getting lumber and to go ahead right to purchase said tide and und get the work completed. We overflow lands at the highest price ago. Another visit of Francis and church in the morning, league J. Heney as a public prosecutor and endeavor and church in the have now finished the work and it offered, provided such offer is s ems that the Board are of the made in good faith, and also pro­ would uncover the “grafters.” evening viding that the land will not be That leaves aliout three hour» in opinion that we should pay for it sold tor nor any offer therefor ac­ And what a jolt and a surprise also. We do not know what they cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, it would lie to see some of the the afternoon for a little hnunlcHS city officials clothed with peni- recreation. The time ia too short intend to do with the three hun­ the Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Said lands for any very great amount of mis dred dollars which they have in are cntiary duds. situated in Tillamook County, chief, even if they were so inclined. their trensery but think that they Oregon described as follows: might afford to use some of it after Tide lands fronting on Ixitsl and To hear some people talk, one tn the death of Embert Mar- elf on Wednesday, this county would infer tlint the young people the boys have gone to the trouble 2 of Section 23, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. Beginning at the meander corner High School lost a sturdy settler who had of our community were not capable | of helping them. on bank of North Fork of Nehalem reached the ripe age of 90 years, j or responsible beings. That they1 students are the same as other River on line between Sections 23 anil who was respected ami are even lacking in intellectual people and can see things as well and 24, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. (Said meander corner being S. 1» honored by all who knew him. ability to carry out their Christian as any see, and when people prom­ 45' E., 1.34 chains from corner to As these old settlers pass away principles. Why not give them a ise them that they will back them Sections 13, 14, 23, 24) thence (Low one after another, it is well to little credit at least for ordinary up in any thing, if they go ahead W. 5' to left). with it, and then those people go S. 0U 51' W 111.9' along H. W. L. reverence their memory, lor judgment as to what is right and back on their promise, they cer­ Low Water 3' to left. they hilsired hard and endured wrong ? K S. 61° 25' W. 500.0 along many privations in their efforts Is it wrong for them to meet at tainly do not need to expect the Low water 5' to left. I students to trust them again. Io open up and develope this the home of some friend and pass S. 58« 38' W. 363.9 along isolated section of Oregon. As the time in social chat und a Although it may pay them at the Low water 10” to left. 4 i present, we wish to say that those S. 52“ 51' W. 216.2 along the county in u few months genera) mingling together? water 17' to left. will have railroad coniiettions, Surely it is just as legitimate and > in school now will someday be men Low S. 62’ 53» W. 277.7 along of business of whom trust will be n large number of the old set­ pro|>er as it is for older ones. Low water IS' to left. desired. * < tlers have passed away Indore S. 67° UY W. 409.4 along Most of them air in school, either We understand that Prof. 1. 1. Low water 18' to left. the railroad was completed. il* pupils or teachers, and a little S. 68 58' W. 260.0 along | inms-ent, reviving, eminating, out Baker hns again been contracted Low water 12- to left. w ith to superintend the city schools | door airing is going to do them S. KI 01- W. 205.4 along rhe Uitv Council is io be I for the next year. The students Low water 7’ to left. commended for turning down good, morally, mentally and physi­ are delighted beyound measure, ss S. 56° 47’ W. 239.8 along th ? effort» ot tlu* saloon kee|>ers cally, nt least it seems so to me. all ot them have a warm place in Low water 12" to left What would you rather have to tiul i x the Home Rule ordi- S. 54“ 37 W. 192.5 along their heart» for him. The school to corner on line between lots 2 and n ince. It was only last full that them do ? has been in the moat flourishing Perhaps it would tie wise to plump 3 of Sec. 23, low water line 13* S., the saloon keepers were figlit- condition that it ever was in since *° point of beginning, containing 1 >g f >r Home Rule, mid uo ' them down on a straight backed 0.778 acres. Prof. Baker took charge of affaire sooner is u model saloon ordi- ' i chair, or possibly a backless stool, Bid should be accompanied by a last fall. He ia a man strict in mince passed than they want to and say to them “Now ait there regular application to purchase discipline, thorough in every point, and exchange for the full amount overthrow it. It is gratifying) and don’t you dare to bat your eye. and capable of getting the molt offered and should be addressed to know that some of the city lor move a muscle, or so much an good from the student that it at* to G. G. Brown, Clerk State laind allow your face to relax into the dads see the trend of public Board, Salem. Oregon, and marked tainable. sentiment ugiiinet this city lie­ very faintest shadow of a smile.” "Application and bid to purchase Ruby McGee, of the senior class tide lands.” Do you nupiHiae they are ao short coming run by m I ooh keeper», G. G. B rown , i'he sooner the saloon kee|iers of good common sense, or horse expects to go to Portland uext week Clerk State Land Board. realize, that if they expect to sense ns to indulge in all sorts of to be gone about ten days. Dated this 28th day of April, 1911. remain in business, that they! rowdyism, hoodlumism. or any The High School Base-ball team other "isms ” that are in any way plaved two games of ball with the must keep out of city politic« Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps. they must allow the progressive unbecoming young ladiea and team from Astoria, one on Saturday No, Never. Its foolish to fear a young gentlemen ? citizens to ruu the city admin-: of last week and the other one on fancied evil, when there are real ! and deadly perils to guard against Trust them, by all menno. trust Sunday of thia week. tuition, and the saloon kee(>ers the swamps and marshes, bayous who act white will have no tear ' them and let them know that you The Astoria boys together with | and lowlands. These are the ma- of getting a sqtuire deal. ' do trust them, aud feel sure that one of the instructors in the Astoria I laria germs that cause ague, chills they intend to do the right thing High School, Prof. Murritt. started and fever, weakness, aches in the Wc feel sorry if we ruffled under any and all circumstance«. from Astoria last Thursday, stop­ bones and muscles and may induce If you are going to draw a fine ped one night in Seaside and made deadly typhoid. But Electric Hit- Bro Trombley'» tetuper, uml we tern destroys and rasts out these1 tender him our humble fipoto- bead on everything, the next thing it over the Nacarney trail Friday to vicious germs from the blood tfie». We did not know lieforv anyone knows, there won't be any- Nehalem, There they were met "Three bottles drove all the that our respected brother wna thing left for them to do. with earn, which were furnished by­ malaria from my system.” wrote " m. Fret well, of Lucama, N. C. If conditions would permit I Art Case. “ trying to "skin” us. but we will Henry — Delhi ’ and Leslie "and . Tve had fine health ever __________ __ _ j would have a group of young admit that he has gut us "akin- Harrison. They reached thia city since.” Vae thia aafe, sureremedy «»•d'' aud beaten to a frazzle for (m>‘ home every Sunday about five thirty in the evening only. NA at Chaa. I. Clough s. HATF.S of subscription .STRICTLY IX AUVAXCZ.) swiping the crenm of the news from the Nehalem, Cloverdale and Bay City newspapers. We do not know of another instance in Oregon where a newspaper published at a county seat is swiping the news from all the country newspapers of the same county, making it that much harder for them to exist. Say, dear brother, don’t get the rep­ utation of being a "skinner” and aecoud hand newspaper publisher. However, as Bro. Trombley claims that he’s got us “skinned,” we’d like to divvy up with him when he dis­ poses of the snap shot man's hide. ____ GOLDEN GATE Sailinq Days for of (DAY month FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSONVILLE, And all points Sail from Port-I on Arrive Tillamook. May 2, 4:30 ,, 6, 9:UO „ 11, 1:00 ,, 15, 3:30 19, 6:00 23, 8:30 ,, 28, 1:30 Tillamook Bay Sail Tillamook. Arrive Portland. p.m. May 3, 3:30 p.m.1 p.m. ,. 8, 7:00 a m p.m. „ 12, 11:30 a.m. p.m. ,, 16, 2:O0 p m. p.m. ,, 20, 4:00 p.m. p.m. ,, 25, 9:00 a.m. ,, 29, 12:30 p.m. p.m. Freight Received Daily at Dock Foot of Washington Street. J R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Tillamook Delivery $1,250. Every Owner a Booster for the E.M.F. EVERY MAN’S FRIEND, Comfort. Style Satisfaction. The biggest and the best automobile value in the world to-day. The Comfort Car. The every-day-in-the-year car. You can use and enjoy your car in stormy weather as well as fair. The F.M.G. gives you this privilege. You’ll want to see it. Come to-day. Place Your Order. Remember, when you buy of us you deal directly with the people who build the car and we guarantee every car against break or defect lor one year If you comtemplate the purchase of an automobile let us demonstrate to you the value of E.M.F. over all others at any­ where near the price. Roliie W. Watson, /.GENT FOR TILLAMOOK- Tillamook Meat Co I will deliver on Saturday to the train, or any part of the city. 5 lb. Can Lard at - - 75c. 10 lb. Can Lard at - $1.45 This lard is guaranteed abso­ lutely pure, and is a reduetion of 3c. per pound. •/ M- F- UEACH, ÍDanag«1' Tillamook JVIeat Compa ny.