OREGON NEHALEM EXCURSION A Market Day in Tillamook THE TILLAMOOK MERCHANTS HAVE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE P. R. & N. CO FOR AN EXCURSION FROM NEHALEM AND WAY POINTS TO TILLAMOOK CITY, SATURDAY, MAY 6tli, 1911 This Will be a Buyers’ Excursion and to make it worth while and interesting, the Merchants will offer something special in their respective lines which will more than pay for the time away from home. TRAIN will leave Wheeler promptly at 9 o’clock a.m. TRAIN will leave Tillamook 5 o’clock p.m. FARE—Round trip from Wheeler to Tillamook City and return, $1.00. Other points in proportion. Spend the Day with Us. We will make you stay as Pleasant as Possible TILLAMOOK MERCHANTS For Sale,—A pair of young mares, weighing between 1200 and 1300. Will sell cheap. Frank Tone. Raise your calves without milk by feeding them the World’s Famous Blachford’s Calf Meal. Cheaper 0 ton, see Shrode. There was a steady down pour of than milk. Can be had at the Til­ orris, eye specialist, rain the first part of the week, lamook Feed Co. les Wanted at the Tillamook Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ which will do a great deal of Bank. ber at $8. (JU per thousand at the Sum. good. nt—House of 21 rooms. In- J. C. Gove,of Independent Church rnonville Saw Mill, seven miles eadligbt Office. fame, who went to Southern Cali­ south of Tillamook City. Goidsworth- A. Rowe was down from fornia and Mexico, returned to the ey A Dalpez, pros. this week. Word reached this city that W. E. county this week. AMOOK JOTTINGS Miss E. A. Wilkinson, the teacher of school district No. 17, has a silk quilt on exhibition at Iaiusr'n Drug Store, which is to lie disposed of to secure a wheel chair for an old lady who has lieen in bed more ilian 25 years. Tickets are 30c each. Miss Monroe, a sister of Mrs. E. T. Baltorn, who has been « ashler at Ifaltom's Depart mon t Store for nearly n year, resigned her posi­ tion the first of the month. She leaves ou the next boat for Seattle, Tacoma and other Washington points. Miss JennieWooley took her place at Haltom’a store. At a meeting of the Esecutiva Board of the Tillamook Cumiuer- cial Club on Tuesday, Chns. I. Clough and James Walton, Jr., with President Holmes, were ae lected a» the house committee of tlie club. The other committees will Ire selected at the next meeting of the board. other old thing you want at ths Tillamook Feed Co. A number of the iiiusicians of the town met at the Star Theatre the the latter part of lent week and reorganized the Tillamook Concert Band. The officer» are: Dr. Psrkins, director; Cheater McGhee, manager; Dr. Thus. Monk, secretary and treas­ urer. At present there are alxiut twenty member« and from all ap- pearencea our citv will have no need of saying thut we do not hare a good Im nd thia summer. Councilman C. F. Shortridge ex­ pects to leave Tillamook shortly and will locate at Willamina, where he will go into bnsiness. He has re­ Sours left on Friday to visit Mias Clara Tinnerstet, who has Wheeler, who is heavily interested signed his pos tion as manager of home in Portugal. been teaching school at McMinn­ in Tillamook timber, is reported to the grocery department of the Ray buggy and harness for sale, ville, is reported to be very ill there have dropped dead, the cause of Feed Co. death being heart disease. Miss Blanch Whittemore who'll is Captain John Groat went to Port­ to Webb Maddux. with pneumonia. Ixa-n keeping laarka forttie Tllla- S. A. Brodhead is prepared to do land last week to confer with the nt-Rooms for rent close in. it is expected that train service mook Meat Co., for ths pant year, Engineer's office in regard to har­ Box 62, Tillamook, Ore. between this city and Nehalem, all kind of wood work on abort resign««! tier position the first of the Furniture repaired, All bor improvements here and to or phone to E. G. Ander- either daily or three days a week, notice. upon what improve During the month of May Post­ month, Mias Vida Rogers taking her work guaranteed first class, Call decided eralock, for Cedar Fence will be started soon. ments are to be made to the dredge, master Baker has to keep a record place. Mina Whittemore left on the at his shop and leave orders. Henry McKinley, who was sen­ as she needs overhauling. of all the mail passing through the morning stage Wednesday for Cor­ The partnership existing tietween 11 farm to sell or trade for tenced to three years in the state Tillamook post office and the time vallis whore she will remalu Im Word was received Tuesday morn ­ perty on easy term.—J. R penitenuary, has appealed his case Attorneys Talmage and Johnson ing by Fred (Minick of ttie death of it takes to sort the incoming mail. about u month. She intends intend­ was dissolved on Monday, and At to the Supreme Court. his father in Kansas. Fred left on About 7.UII pieces of mail arrive ing .the review of the cadet troops at ickena wanted at the Tilla- . A new pi|>e organ was installed torney Johnson will retain the prac­ the four o’clock stage for his father's daily on the morning rnuil and ail O. A. C. and also the commencement t Company’s Market, Iff«:. in the Presbyterian Church, which tice and the office in the Commer­ home and exfiecta to-remain there of this has to be bandied twice and exercises at that college. Her was used for public service for the cial Building. mother and brother will join her at until fall. According to reporio some of it four times. E. W. Wagner and wife of Rosa­ your chicken to the Tilla- first time Sunday last. death came suddelv from an injury. Attorney E. J. Claussen will act Whitson snd go with her to Cor­ lia, Wash., came in on Wednesday atCompany’s Market. We The post office authorities have as^assiotant secretary of the Tilla­ vallis. A unusual thing happened today. turned down the petition for the to make their home here for the Instead of maintaining the prices mook Commercial Club and attend per pound. The Willamina Times insists that summer. Mr. Wagner is an at- ent, 15 cow ranch, stock I extension of the free rural delivery I torney and comes to Tillamook for on Heating Stoves on account of to the publicity bureau of the club a railroad is to tie built from that Apply at once to G. H. route No. 1 from this city. the cold weather. King A Smith and will answer that class of corres­ place tn Pacific City. It is the same his wife's health. I will pay 8c, 10c. and 11c. for calf ilia mook Ore. * Co. have reduced their entire line pondence, which is becoming heavj company that solicited righto of Halaey Pangtiorn leaves this week hides at my shop. Try me out and 10 per cent and will give with each of late, there being an unusually way last year—The PortiaudjA West ae and Lot and Furniture. for Kansas where he will take charge The Old Reliable Hide and stove a Handsome Iron Clad Alarm iarge number of inquiries about Coast Railroad Co., of which A H. en tool, to be sold Inquire see. of his father's ranch for the coming Maloney is one of the promoters. Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. • Tillamook County. Sec our window. . Clock. eadlight office. year. Mr. Pangborn, Sr., is expect­ A right of way man has established The Board of County Commis­ ed to reach Oregon in a short while Fairly good For sale, quick: Saturday while most of the |>eople headquarters at Willamina and will —A Girl to do housework; team, weight about 24fl), troth of the town were at the Gilford Stil­ to a steady girl Apply sioners, composed of Judge Mason to make bis home here. make an effort to secure the balance and Commissioners Alley and light office. J. E. O'Neal, the druggist at the horses, age eight years. Wagon well Park the Vidito Hotel caught of the rights of way. The survey is Farmer, is in session this week. new. harness new, halters new. 1 fire on the roof. The autos of the from Willamina tn Dolph and along ill will have fresh fruit and C. I. Clough A Co. Drug Store, left ( The Pacific States is the only Monday for Corvallis and Southern will sell thia outfit of team, wagon town came in handy in carrying the the Salmon river to .Pacific City. in on every boot. Try her telephone line now to have con- i Oregon point«, to be gone about I and harness for three hundred ■ fire boys from the grounds to the fire It is stated they have secured Iff |«er cakes and saHails. nected with Portland from this I two weeks. He will take in the or- | dollars, if taken at once Thia is j which bail byrned quite a hole in the cent of the rights of way and have of Buff Orpingtons, fl.50 county, the Mutual having been I view of the Cadet Troops at O. A. C. a lairgain for someone that wants a roof when reached. Hut it was only 0|>ent »50,««-too much to pul in a for 15 eggs. —C A. Corn good teaming outfit. Inquire of I the matter of a moment until the venture without completing it, hence cut off. while out. lamook. Ore. * Rollie W. Watson, in fieraon. I water was turned on the place and the Tunes argues, its a sure go. Tne petition calling for a special The Golden Gate came in on cbe:i|»est and l«e«tpaj>er the fire extinguished. election to incorporate the Port of Wednesday with a large passenger One account of the Bargain Day Tint Courier heartily endorses the town. I-eave orders at Bayocean was acted upon l.y the list. .T. Caldwell. Claud Parrish. Excursion to Tillamiaik Saturday, Baby Chick food. Blachord s Call efforts to «evure a railroad tint will t to Harris' bam. * county court, and the election will 'George Williams, tap the southern part of Tr.lamonk W. Williams, May ft, the Tillamook Feed Co. in Meal. Dement’s Beat flour fl..10 sk Two-room house and be held 1st July. i James Williams A. C. Black. Mrs. vite« the public to visit their etore, Dement's Marvel flour fl 50 sk | conntv even though W passe« up ths Second street. Reason- The Swastika Clnb was entertained T. R Duncan, E. J. Allgood and and look over tlieir magnificent line grass seeds. Vegetable fertilizer, hub -Cloverdale. We enipliatirallv uireat house. Mies Batt. . on Friday at the home of Mrs E. T. wife. James Cole ami wi e. Miao Fay of “Upto »he minirt»' Studebaker' Land plaster. < ement, Shingle«, 'ssy we ars in tor its site e««. I i.t Shoe Repairing Shop is fir OXI trntra I' e gv nd bit • f rsr.nr» Hsltom in this city and, with a Burke. & W Wagner, wile aad son, Buggies and Wagons they carry tn « Lath. Hay. Grain. Mill feed, ( ream t the back of Beals' offices. fch’s number invited guests, a most Har-y hnvarf, IL Stillwell, Mrs. et ck. On any buggy |»urvhna«s|f hoparator, Machinery. Farm or ¡ le- t .ep- nd tor 1« i • i e Roas, where first class • i*r enjoyable after noon was s|>eot, . A. S. Speur. H. P. Kerr snd C. S. that day for cab. tuey will allo* • aient«. nn<1 the celebri,R>| : I.«fr