Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 27, 1911, Image 6

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of the building ¡«’finished except j
for the painting and staining and j
Charlie Fleming et al, are busy ,
slapping brushes on the third floor.
Webster Holmes Re-Elected
President--The Club is in
a Flourishing Condition.
Circuit Court
Baking Powder
There was u large attendance at To Pay a Fine of One Thou
the Tillamook Commercial dub in
Baud Dollars.
Monilav evening wheu the roll was
called previous to the annual elec­
On Wednesday morning Judge
tion of utticers.
President Holmes Galloway sentenced. Thomos Hoi-
wus in the chair. The first business mar, who was charged with contri-
was the reading of Secretary Har­ butiug to the delinquency of a mi- ■
rison’ a report, which Treasurer nor child, who, with Henry McKin-
James Walton, jr„ concurred in, ley,induced two girls under 10 years
which showed that the receipts hud of age to go to the rooms over the
amounted to $4,585.71, and that the Gem Theatre, where they remained
c ub was in good financial shape. all night Holman pleaded guilty
There was very little opposition in to the charge, and a large number
the election which followed, as the of persons were in court when the
President and Vice-Presidents all the Judge passed the sentence,
had "walkovers,” the result being which was a fine of $1000.(X), which
as follows :
was the maximum fine.
President—Webster Holmes.
Judge Galloway said in sentenc­
Vice Presidents—D. L. Shrode, P. ing Holman:
R. Russell, Charles Ray, Russell
"Owing to the nature of this indict­
Hawkins, Frank A. Rowe and Geo. ment, and to the fact that you huve
L. Davis.
entered a plea of guilty, thereby
Secretary—George W. Willett.
saving the expense and doubtful
Treasurer—James Walton, jr.
result of a trial at this time, and the
Hoard of Trustees- Frank Sever­ further fact that the original charge
ance, M. F. Leach, R. T. Boals, E. filed against you will receive further
T. Haltoin and Rollie W. Watson. consideration, the Court is unable
The two hold overs are C. I. Clough to impose such a penalty as the
and Fred C. Baker, and with the enormity of the offence demands.
President and Secretary, will have
“You have been charged and
tin* management of the club.
have pleaded guilty to contributing
The only change in the Board of to the downfall and desecration of j
Trustees is that George W. Willett the person of a child under the age
and Dr. R. T. Boals will succeed of consent, or 10 years ; a crime the
Erwin Harrison and James Walton. most henious in the catalogue of
The President, us well us most of crimes.
tlie newly elected officers, were cull­
"You admitted in your sworn
ed upon for a “speech,” and the testimony that you were the lender
former being the last to respond, or lead the way through the devious
Mr. Holmes expressed himself as path to the awful abyss over which
being highly complimented at the you plunged u human soul; the
honor paid him in unanimously steps up which you led those two
Mixtures made in imitation of baling powders, but containing alum,
electing him the president of the young girls that awful uight, were
are frequently distributed from doer to door, or given away in gr
club ugain. He dwelt upon the pro­ paved in death and degradation .
stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use in food. In Enj
gress the club had made and com­ and the result is sorrow, humiliation
France, Germany and some sectors of the United States their sale is
plimented the officers and members and shame, in heretofore two happy
prohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, and all
on the interest they had tuken in homes.
physicians condemn baking pewdirt containing it
the club, who had made it a success.
“Over the path you trod that fate­
The President showed some of the ful night in February last, are to be 1
of alum baking powdert muat
good features of thej club, one of seen the murky clouds of wholesale
abow tho ingredient*.
which was in eliminating the bitter perjury, such as I never before
factional feeling which prevailed in heard in a Court of Justice, and all
this city for so many years.
to shield your unpardonable crime.
Chas. I. Clough, who^was on the
“As a friend of your family, and
nominating committee, offered 11 one who would gladly assist you in
word of good advice to those who thia awful stage of your young life,
hud been nominated by statiug that I warn you that the public con­
Dissolution of Partnership.
For Sale.
the mnnugement of the club took science of this community is arous
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
A heavy team, 5 and 6 years old;
considerable time and work, and ed as never before and if you would the co-partnership heretofore exist­
those who were elected to manage esenpe the wrath of on outraged ing between the undersigned, under also heavy harness and new 3-inch
the affairs of the club should not public, desist I pray you, from your the name af Talmage & Johnson Mitchell Wagon with box. Enquire
will by mutual consent be dissolved
shirk their responsibilities.
The evil ways.
Shun |the company of on the 30th day of April, 1911. All of C. L. Wooley, Beaver, Ore.
previous officers had devoted u lot young girls as Satan would shun business now pending will be con­
of time to ttie club, und it is ueces- holy water.
Touch them not, for ducted by each of the undersigned
Cattle to Pasture.
sury that the new officers do the in your present condition
the same is consumated. All
of mind until
persons in debt to this firm must
sa me.
and soul, your touch is that of ' adjust such indebtedness without
Wanted, cattle to pasture at the
Quit the haunts of vice delay.
Netarts sand spit.
Enquire of
Bayocean Brevities.
C. W. T almage ,
und idleness, take up some useful
Hodgdon Bros., Fairview.
idney S. J ohhson .
Mr, Russell, incompany with Mr. occupation or labor and by honest
T. Irving Potter and Captain Schra­ endeavor, prove to the people whom
der, recently called iqion the Cup- you have outraged, that yon ure de­
tain of the Light House Service termined to yet be a man.
"You are fined $1000.00, und upon
und requested four spar buoys for
the northern portion of the buy; your failing to pay sume, you will
these ure to murk the channels from be confined in the County Jail of
Gurabuldi to Sturgeon und Ship this County at the rate of two dol­
Channels. They were graciously lars per duy, until such fine is paid,
received anti were assured that the and the Sheriff is authorized to
buoys would be soon forthcoming. take you in charge until this sen­
To be SOLD CHEAP so as to introduce this splendid machine
I'he above is a small matter in it­ tence is executed.”
Holman, being unable to pay the
self, comprising as it did, merely a
into Tillamook.
conveiitiunul visit and u highly sat fine was locked up in the county
islactory result. But it goes to show jail.
There ia quite a hostile feeling
that those in charge at Bayocenn are
e in their efforts to better the uguinst Holman, on account of the
c.i e of navigation in Tillumook boustful manner in which be is
Bay. Despite the open and hidden said to have ruined young girls in
obstacles everywhere confronting this city, und there is talk of a vigi­
iis in our fight for bar and harbor lance committee taking him in hand
improvement, it is gratifying to should he pay the fine mid get free.
note the tardy but unfailing advance­
ment ever onward to final achieve­ Meeting at the Court House.
ment. “Rome wus not built in a
A muss meeting of a number of
day” nordid the engineers in charge
of the Panama Canal think it an Tillumook citizens, including th«
overnight's job. Unceasing effort, members of the Ministerial Aasoci-1
coupled with confidence und faith, ution und representatives of the re­
Two passenger torpedo body ao-horse power, transmission,
these are the faculties that lend to ligious bodies of this city, was held
the doing of deeds. The bugbears at the court house Sunday evening
doubt, indecision and indolence ut 5 o'clock.
PRICE, $925.00.
It had been announced from ths
have killed more successes tliuu the
ui iiiies of the world have killed men. different pulpits of the town tliut I
Small ns it may appear, every lit­ i Judge Galloway was going to talk
tle net has a significance nil its own. at that tune on the issues of the day,
Its the |>ei>iiies that makes the dol­ but upon reaching the Court House
lars, the brooklets that makes the it wus found that the Judge knew
rivers the little things of life that' iiothing of the affair.
go to make up the great ones; and | Rev. Emerick seeing that aome-
even such a wee addition to onr thing inuat be done to hold ths
present equipment as these four crowd, talked to the people ou the
liuoye, but one of the lesser details ’ moral side of the town, especially
The chairman of
that will ultimately serve to give us the black aide.
The Iowa Bred Prize Winning Trotting Stallion and
the meeting then called on Dr R. T.
the finished ha it sir.
producer of large sized high classed prize
I he new yacht “Bayocean** still i
continue« to attract thousands of but they utterly refuted. whereu|>on i
Winning Colts ; and
The |a>werful cngin-l resolution« weie presented and
es which are to furnish the propell voted ii|>onconcerning the enforce-;
ing force have arrived,‘th-highest incut of th- law in regard to the lute '
ty ¡5es ut J heir class that the human | ru|>e case.
mind can concsivesnd human work | At about 5:Ml the Judge made his
apt>earunce and iq>on being called '
manship produce. The trial will I on to speak stated that he hud caiue '
take place early in June and the! to the Court House because he t
The North Dakota Bred Trotting Stallion of large size,
Isiat will receive her tirst intrudin'- thought Ins bailiff had left some, fine
action and kind disposition, and of the very highest breed-
lioii to Tillamook waters about the
known anything about the resoln ing ; and sure t° become one of the greatest sires o*f this coast,
tions Ire would have never entered
The |H>les for the telephone system the building, lie further stated that will be tn Tillamook City about the first of June and
remain two
ure very nearly ail in place and the he brheved in enforcing the law I months
wire will tie strung next week. Mr. but could not state what decisions
he would make
Odermatt has a good crew at work I
TERMS on either Stallion 920.00 to insure with foal
anti promises n< «ur first message
Vur babycrieoforChaniberlaia's
for colt one week old.
a I suit May the -Uffi.
t ough Remedy,** writes Mrs. T. B.
The lumber tor the Pergola to tlie
is merit in quality, and here it is in
. licet cough remedy on the market
both th es
Annex finally arrived and work for coughs, colds and
andI CrUtltY
croup?” For
k.xe- stallions,
Yours for business,
will be .usUed al once. The inside ••leb/ Lamar's Drug Store.
The manufacturers of Royal Bak­
ing Powder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality.
Royal Baking Powder is made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and is
the embodiment of all the excellence
possible to be attained in the high­
est class baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price, and is more economical
at its price than any other leavening
agent, because of the superlative
quality and absolute wholesomeness
of the food it makes.
The Best
K. CASE, Agent
Registered No. 33271.
Very Proud Indeed.
In case of rheumatism relief from
pain makes sleep and rest (tossihie.
This may be obtained by applying
Chamberlain’s Liniment For aale
by Lamar’s Drug Store.
When a medicine must be given to
yoqng children it should be pleas­
ant to take. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is made from loaf sugar,
and the roots used in its prepara­
tion give it a flavor similar to maple
syrup, making i) pleasant to take.
It has no superior for colds, croup
end whooping cough. For sale by
Lamar' s Drug Store
Constipation brings many ail­
ments in its train and is the prim­
ary cause of much sickness. Keep
your bowels regular madam, and
will escape many of the ailments to
which women are subject. Con­
stipation is a very «impie thing, but
like many simple things, it may
lead to serious ■ onsequences. Na­
ture often needs a little assistance
and when Chamberlain's Tablets
are given at the first indication,
much distress and suffering may
be avoided. Sold by Lamar’« Drug
,-.i ]
. ‘. A-.
No. 48bö2.
"Once.” said a labor leader, “tlx
garbage collectors in a small town
strtick for higher pay. While th*
strike was on the municipal employ*«
—the cashiers and clerks—were called
on to |«erform the collectors' wort
As they went about the town doing
this work, clad in high collars, patent
ieather shoes, kid gloves and fnr Hoed
overcoats, they attracted a good d«l
of ntteutlon. One old dame was heard
to say:
“ ‘My goodness, the slopmen mast
have got that raise they struck for!
Look what dudes they are now! And
so proud and cold like! They'll hardly
speak to you as they take your slots'*
Seven Wonders of the World. -
“1 wonder where be gets his money.
“I wonder bow she can afford suck
“I wonder if be is really In earnest'
"I wonder if she will be sitting «P
for me.”
“I wonder if he thinks nobody
pects him.”
“1 wonder if she thinks the po
doesn't show.
"I wonder If be will ever propose.'
Chicago Post.
taish plate a ad
*Ci4eew«rt foe mt*.
<kf t.ww patrona ia
day if dw.wH
tlaaa oitractioe
• hew p atn« nr
■•work . order
Ceaeuiteten »-«a.
Sad, but True.
Proud Father (showing off bis fit*
bom—Jim. what do you tbluk of du*
for a kid? Jim (unemotlonally•-fl•',
all right. Proud Father (persisting»-
Think be looks like me. old man? JIB
(really embarrassed«—H'm! Well.
► tell you the honest truth. I’m «ft*"
ba does!—Loudon TTt-Bits.
■doc,»« J5 03
1 00
• SO
A number of scholars were n«k*4 •
erplnln the meaning of the '<*•
"righteous indignation.” and one lit*
ehap wrote. "Being angry wiibs^
The Circuit Court which has been
in session since Monday of last week, Ths Cambray League and the F>|l
tho Venetian Republic.
will close this evening, as Judge
The League of Cainbray was the
Galloway has to hold court in Mc­
Minnville on Saturday.
The other lltlcal combination of continental
rope In 150R against the Ven««,,
other cases to be disposed of were:
public, wliicb tore from the “Queei«
J. H. Fildew vs. J. T. Milner and
H. E. Noble and O. O. Boardsley the Adriatic” her resplendent cron
md Eastern Investment Company, and forced to her lips the cup old­
est humiliation.
Limited. To quiet title.
Back of the lengue and causing j.
John Conklin vs. Mary Conklin.
formation were Jealousy, ambition iu
Divorce. Continued.
Hiram Eadus vs. The Tillamook the desire of crippling the proud pg
Counly Bank, a corporation, and pie, whose history was the wonder is
Glenn H. Johnson. Action for envy of the world. Too powerful to*
overthrown by any single power |
Oak Nolan vs. M. H. Larsen, et I was resolved that Venice should\
al. Confirmation.
crushed by the combined forces of y
Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. Europe.
vs. Nellie G. DuBois and John E.
During the terrible days of Attila
DuBois, her husband. Condemna­ aliout A. D. 453. Venice was founds
tion. Continued.
out among the lagoons of the Adriatic
Gue Leon vs.
Mabel Leon. where, it'was felt, safety would >
found from the ravages of the Hua.
Goldie White vs. Leon White. The history of the thousand years iron
Divorce. Default entered.
the foundation of the city to the
John B. Clark and Nelly Bogard 1508 reads like magic. Rising from th
and Anne C. Clark vs. C. D.
waves, Venice became the wondet <<
Latourette. To quiet title.
the world. Her navy cut the waten
William Barker vs. Roscoe Bar­
of every known sea. Iler merchant!
ker and Willie Barker. Partition.
were the greatest on earth. Her bait
Pearl Phelps vs. George W.
Phelps ar.d George W. Phelps Com­ wus the financial center of the work
pany. Divorce. Taken under ad­ Her palaces, which seemed to be do«,
ing upon the blue waters of the Adri
Samantha Mills and Christopher atlc, were the envy of the kings ig
Mills vs. C. Daniels, H. Crenshaw, queens of the continent. Wealth, fish-
as Sheriff of Tillamook County, ion. splendor—their abode was Venw
Oregon, and the Tillamook County
And so for more than ten centurts
Bank. Suit in equity.
did Venice remain the glory of th
Frank Hannenkratt vs. E. W. world. the center of wealth, opulentt
Stanley, as the Justice of the Peace and power, the home of culture and
for the Second Justice District for Intelligence, the hearthstone about
Tillamook County, Oregon, and H.
which sat the finest of the intellectual
C. Keys- Writ of review.
Tillamook County Bank vs. A. graces and hospitalities, and suck she
H. Malaney. Action for money. might have remained but for tbe
League of Cambray, which, with It»
Alex Watt vs. Frank Long, Sr.
and Catherine Long. ”
For deed. On overwhelming forces, gave her the
blow (nt Agnadello In 1509) froa
trial to-day.
J. M. Liisberg vs. Charles F. which it was impossible for her to
Hobart. Foreclosure.
Nancy E. Olson vs. Norman Ol-
Divorce granted
and plaintiff given
custody of
You Can Make Purchases In Thin if
A. B. Salings, vs. Charles Chaf­
You Try Hard Enough.
fee. Action for money. Motion by
You may walk through the muddy
plaintiff for non suit granted.
old markets of Rangoon for hours ata
Clay Daniel and Dora Daniel vs.
L. H. Kenny, Nallie Kopieske, time or through the bazaar at Mandi-
Wm. Kopieske, Gust Nelson and lay without any of the salespeople til­
ing the slightest notice of you as 1
Petter Nelson. Foreclosure.
W. H. Johnson and H. B. Johnson possible purchaser of their wares. Tlw
vs. L. E. Sanders and Gertrude dear little ladies sit crosslegged upon
long tables in front of the high cup­
Sanders. For deed.
Bay City Land Company ye. boards containing their goods. They
W. S. Cone. Damages. Jury trial are placidly smoking or chatting «
and verdict for Cone with the excep­ painting their faces or braiding their
tion of a small strip of land from hair. They are not attending to boil-
the three foot tide mark to the shore. uess In the least.
Ladd and Bush vs. F. D. Stal-
If the European Is conspicuously
tord. Action for money. Continued. dressed or presents a figure which tb*
Ladd and Bush vs. Anna G. Stal- Burman, with his finely trained sena
ford, and F. D. Stalford. Action of humor, considers at all ridiculous
for money. Continued.
then a gay ripple of laughter pass«
State vs John Chang, Practic- along the stalls, and then Indeed the
ing medicine without a _______
licenBe. would be customer is noticed, but oth-
Trial by jury on Monday and found erwlse the tourist is an object of no
not guilty. Jury out six minutes. Interest whatever.
State of Oregpn vs. Chas. Lowden.
It requires a great effort to get I
Jake Miller and Emil Miller for Burmese sbopwomau (they are nearly
exploding dynamite in the waters
of the State of Oregon. Demurred all women) to show you her silks, and
overruled by court after argument, when at last she has spread her mer­
Plea of not guilty entered as to all chandise broadcast upon the table and
three. Trial by juiy and found not you are reveling In the illusion that
guilty after an all night delibera­ you are living in the middle of a rain­
bow. with a chance of bolding fast to
John Hackman was sentenced to some of its colors, she will ask her
one year in the state penitentiary price, which Is seldom more than 1
and taken to that place by Sheriff rupee too much, and will stick to I
like glue.
She is an Indolent lady In many
Presbyterian Church.
ways, who loves a quiet life, and ff*
has determined that her most co»
Subject of morning sermon, “The fortable course is not to haggle In the
Bitter Fruita of Pardoned Sin.’’ market place. So yon may make op
Subject of evening sermon, "The
your mind that bargaining and pent»
Prodigal Son.”
slon are useless arts to practice la
Bible School, lO.a.m.
Burma, however valuable they may bi
Christian Endeavor, 7:15 p.m.
A cordial invitation is extended to elsewhere.-Blackwood's Magazine.
all to be present at these services.
S. G. F inney , Pastor.
Wise DentalCo.,1^
That*. Whit It*. Foe.
Patience—Do you believe in wrsrtiS
falee hair?
Patrie»-Why. certalW
What etoe would om do »Itk B>*
Yankers Statesman.