TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL. WAR WARM WORK MILITARY PUNISHMENTS, SCIENTIFIC MYSTERIES. Times When Rebellious Soldiers Gam­ Th* Probtom» of Mind, Lifo. Gravita­ tion and Elootricity. bled For Their Lives. A moat remarkable state, condition In times past the military code In The Fhrase “Heat of Battle” Not England was no less stern and uncom­ 1 or point in nature, tbe absolute zero promising than the civil. Sentence of i of temperature, baa been reached to a Mere Figure of Speech. I death was readily decreed and as within three degree«. This Is cop- promptly executed. Where offenses slilered to be a great iwieiitific achieve­ Hydrogen gas was solidified multiplied and wholesale executions ment. FIGHTING FIRES THE BLOOD. would have weakened the army nu­ Into pure white ice. nnd this was em­ merically decimation—the slaughter of ployed In tbe process of cooling he­ An Old Veteran’s Story of an Early every tenth man—was the rule, or the lium. and all works of tbe baud of troops gambled for their Ilves by cast­ tuau were surpassed The temperature Morning Attack In Zero Weather and ing dice upon a drumbead or druwtug i sunk lower and lower until a point the Change the Skirmish Wrought in lots under the gallows tree. ' only three degrees from absolute was Hie Half Frozen Body. Lesser penalties—not capital, but rea< bed. but the obdurate helium did “The expression 'beat of battle' Is physical, and causing pain with per­ I not even liquefy. more than a mere poetic figure of manent degradation—were maiming, 1 The imagination, however vivid, can- speech descriptive of the tierce glow of branding the cheek or forehead, bor­ not encompass what this Intense cold It may tie the death of the emotion the soldier feels when In the ing the tongue or cutting the nose and implies midst of conflict," said a southern sol­ ears. These last named were retained activity of matter—that Is. a state of dier who was an officer under Colonel upon the military statute book until rest so far as chemical reaction is < oti- Mosby. "It describes exactly the sen­ the reign of Queen Anne, The "trap- i i-emed Thus If the true zero of na sible. physical condition the soldier pado” was a fiendish device by which ture can be reached It may obtain that high by a ; mutter will put ou new aspects and feels, no matter what the temperature n delinquent was hoisted on I rope fastened to his arms and then Hitherto unknown pro|,ertfes. nr It may may tie. dropped down by a sudden Jerk that expire. Iiei-ome chemically Inert, total "That this Is true was evidenced by often dislocated his shoulders. flnug- ly devoid of heat atul lifeless. my own experience during the war be Ing by the thumbs, sometimes calle. I Still even then the standing mystery tweeu the states. It was lu February. "picketing." was also practiced. wld'e IfitM. and Colonel Mosby, with some tile body was raised to such a height ever confronting man. always await- lug explanation. gravitation, will a-I. hundred of us. was cumited ueur Ip that Its whole weight rested on one pervllle, a village in Virginia about toe. and that again on n sharp (diluted ■ Nothing known can a ITeel the uní­ forever directly as to thirty miles south of Harpers l-erry. I versal attraction, spike. mass, whether hot or cold. Lute one afternoon our lender received To "ride the wooden horse" was to However, the three degrees a dispatch from General Lee to make lie mounted on a razor edge, with never be overcome, or. indeed, they a forced march ttiat night and attack ‘ weights fastened to the extremities. a body of Federal troops that was sta- I Running the gantlet, or “gante- may. for It Is now thought that science tloued on Ixiudon heights, which over ■ I lope.” was as old as the Cromwellian has no limits, the scientific mind being look Harpers Ferry The weather was | ! army, and It Is thus described In an capable of solving all problems—so bitter cold, the coldest that had been i army order about 1(M9: The culprits snlth some mentologists. The capital problem is first to dis­ known lu that Bectlon for many years I (who had been guilty of blasphemy ns The mercury was coquettlug around well as deer stealing) were to be cover what mind Is. then life, next zero, a six Inch fall of snow, half melt­ "stripped naked from the waist up­ gravitation, next electricity, and reach ed and frozen again, made the roads ward and a lane made by half the a climax In finding how it is that gase­ almost Impassable, and h stiff north lord general's regiment of foot and ous musses glow nnd issue light when wind, ndded to these oilier evils, made half Colonel Pride's, with every man existing In frigid voids at zero abso­ the outlook for a pleasant dash of a cudgel In his hand. They were to lute. There is no solution In sight for any thirty miles a most dismally Itnprob be run through In this posture so that able one. every soldier might have a stroke at of these perplexing problems and har­ "It was about sunset when, muffled their naked backs, breasts or arms assing. No progress whatever has been made In finding what mind Is. the rea­ to the eyes against (lie biting frost and wherever it might alight.”—Pearson’s. son being doubtless that mind Is un­ bitter wind, our column left camp at able to think of itself. On trial it will Uppervllle. For lhe first ten miles our GETTING TIRED, be soon discovered that one Is unable squadron, made up of veterans Inured to all manner of hardships, did not Fatigue That Follows Monotony of to set up a train of reasoning regard­ ing bls own or another’s mind. "His suffer much, and occasionally someone Work or Exercise. own" Implies an owner, but no fact as would even essay a Joke. Hut lu lhe It is said that for horses the hardest to who this owner is has ever been seeoud teu miles the cold, that had road out of London is the most level slowly eaten Its way through oven-oat one. There are no bills to climb and discovered. Humans are not perfect and Jacket and shirt, begin, It1 lilte Into descend, and the tired horse has no — Eilgnr Lucien Larkin In New Y’ork our bodies. To restore life to our numb chance to rest one set of muscles American. legs we would take our feet from the while another works. Monotony pro­ Belled the Boundary. stirrups and let them hang until the duces fatigue, and because this par­ “Artificial boundaries" are generally circulation was restored—an old trick ticular road Is one dead, monotonous with those compelled to ride lunch In level more horses die ou It lhau od Invisible. But a highly artificial one forces itself upon the notice of the , the cold-and we would keep mit­ any other leading out of London. traveler by rail between the Lake of bands aud arms in some measure We can even take a charitable view warm by lient lug them ngalust our of the time taken dally by the type­ Lugano and Lake Maggiore. The fron­ bodies or clapping them severely to- writer uirl for the arrangement of her tier between Italy and Switzerland Is followed for a considerable portiou of getber hair Her fingers are congested by the journey, and It Is marked by a "The i ne second ten was bad enough. I the work of writing and tired by con­ loft.v barrier of wire netting hung with say. but the Inst was-well, a polar tact with the tin rd keys of tier inn- bells for tin* puntóse of preventing nightmare. The vitality seemed to be chine, and the different feeling of her smugglers from getting Into Italy frozen out of man mid beast. For hair and the little plays and move- without attracting the attention of hours the horses stumbled through ments of her tlngers In adjusting It nrmed defenders of Italian' revenue, the snow bearing a troop ns silent as are it distinct stimulation and relief lit extreme contrast with this Is the the dead save for an oei-aMlinuil Fatigue following long continued ex­ natural boundary tietween Italy and thumplug of some poor devils half ercise Is really a mild form of Illness France provided by Mont Blanc, which frozen arms against his able us he which arises from overexerting some In spite of Its mitumliiess Is so vague •ought to restore life to lite deadened one [tart of the body. In writing, for that it Is still undetermined, though limbs. When I took my feet out of Instance, the lingers move up nnd scarcely worth disputing, whether the the stirrups to help lhe circulation I down hardly more than a quarter of summit of the mountain Is Franco- would have to tnke iny hands and lift an Inch ns they travel across the page. Italian or all French.—London Cbrou- my legs up to get the feet back In Yet this Is hard work for their little Icle. place, so lost to all sensation were i muscles mid burns up tissue In the they. Mortification Well Earned. fingers very fast if rest Intervals are "At length about 3 o'clock tn the An Englishman, alone with Klchard- morning we saw the lights of the en­ too short and Infrequent, there Is not time for the removal of the waste son. tbe novelist, said to him. "I mn emy's picket fires and could dl«tln gulsh the muffled forma of the sentries products of this destruction through litippy to pay my res|>ect.s to tbe au­ is they paced their beats. There was the normal cbaunels of the body and thor of Sir Charles Grnndisou.' for at The feeling of Paris, nnd at The Hague, aud. lu fact, i small strip of woods that ran to congestion results. within a hundred or less yards of the ftUlgue or pain that follows long con­ at every place 1 have visited. It to Federal camp, and In this we formed tinued use of any of the muscles Is much ndmlred." Itlchardscu appeared not to notice for the attack. My hands were so due to the Influence of such poisonous ■old that 1 was unable to cock the material, ns well ns to the stretching tbe compliment, but when nil tbe com­ lammera of my revolvers with my of the tissues caused by the pressure pany were assembled addressed the numb, but was com (tel led to effect It of the blood which settles there.—Pau! gentleman with, "Sir. I think you were saying something about 'Sir Charles W Goldsbury In Atlantic. With my teeth, holding the pistol Ise Grand Ison.’" ween my numbed fists mid drawing “No. sir." he replied. "1 do not re­ Puzzled ths Englishman. *ack the hammer by gripping It in my A I’tilladelphinn who bad been enter­ member ever to have heard It men­ eeth and pulling it back until it taining a friend from Ixindou for sev­ tioned."—From Orvine'a "Cyclopedia of ■aught. I “At length all was In readiness As eral days noticed that his guest ap­ Anecdotes." sst then*, tut rely able to grasp my peared to be In deep thought at dinner «volvers, the 'Charge" rang out. and the other evening. "What's the mat­ Remarkable. he next moment we were In the midst ter?” he asked, fearing that tile Eng “One of the astronomers claims that f the enemy, who were too astounded llshman was III or worried or home be has charted tD.dotl new worlds." t an attack on such a bitter night to nick "I'm rawtber puzzled, old chap." "By George. It's remarkable?' ffer much resistance nnd for the moat replied the Londoner "I really cawn't "Not so very when you consider the •art fled down to Harfiers Ferry to make mil what the blawated bounder fai t that he has the use of the largest lie main body. Some of them, how meant. I was lost In your div the telescope In the world." ver. put up a stout fight for men other day. and I dropped Into an aiatrt "I wasn't thinking of that. Wh it I wakened from warm sleep to fight to uieut house to ask my way A fellow consider strange Is that with so many he death In the bitter night air. and was loading freight ou a bally lift I other worlds Iu existence the lady who nr a couple of minutes we had nil we awskml him. 'Me good man. t-nit vou la acting as stepmother for niv chil­ mild do. but It was soon over, and tell me bow far down is Hpruts street? dren had to light on this oneChi­ ♦e were tn poaaeaaion of the camp. Ami that fellow said. 'I don t Know cago Record-Hera Id. "When I rims to tu.vaelf I found I old top; my elevator only ruus to the •as sitting with one leg thrown over basement.' Now. what the dickens did Memory Resents Distrust. ie pummel of my saddle, my over- that blök» meanF*—l'blladeiphlii I remember telling the bishop of Itl Ke.' net and fncket flung wide open, while ord pon that I envied him bls splendid ly shirt, opened to the last button. memory "I seem to rvmenilier a Bowed n grateful zero zephyr to play thing quite well." I told hint, “then I Largest les River. pon my bare »wentlng breast In The great antarctic river discovered get frightened " ty hand, from which I had pulled the by l.leuteuant Nhaekletou la the largest The bishop said- 'That's the worst love, molat with «west. I was hold Ice river known and represents the thing vou can do Memory I« s very la my hm. with which I was vigor only visible outflow from tbe vast lee delicate organ sttij resents dlntnist."- lair fanning myself sheet of the soutbem continent Thin t Kllen Terry In McClure's Magazine ..“And less than five minutes before I the Ben rd mor« glacier desceuds 0.000 id been so chilled Hist had I been tn feet between raodatene bills nod Is A Matter of Luck. comfortable house with a physician IW mile» long by 60 wltlr Tbe Mai- "Bad luck I h aomelltiHHi good lu, k " ’ hnnd he would haw tilled me full aspliia glacier In Alaska cover» nearly “lilillcuious!" ? hot drinks, wrnpissl me In blankets <••• square mil««. Himalayan glaciers "Not at Mil |Md you ever get a club id kept me In bed a couple of days. reach a length of twenty iullea. and to fill a heart flush and afterward dis “No." concluded the veteran, the tbe longest Alpine gtaclev to sixteen cover that some one else had a full eat of hat tie* la something msv miles. house?“-Detroit Free 1‘raaa imn a mere figure of speech."—New ,nrk Time«. Harking Beali A Legal Camplimtnv "Von were tetlin« MI m Gausaip this “V<*s, young Coke baud I. st the case Fill» 1» Rr»v»nt Esrthqu»»»» morning that yee were going to bo magnificently. He proved heyond the “I rwurmh-r says Addison In the married again, waraa't yo»r aaM the possibility of a doubt that the accused H» hundred atul fortieth Tatter, shrewd man msn wasn't guilty." rben our whole Island was shake« "Why. yea." the wMower gasped in "Rut he was guilty, of coursa."- |lth aa earthquake some years ago surprise 'How did you toowF' Cteveland 1*1« 1« liealer ere was an Impudent mountebank "After you left her ahe began to ho sold pl I la which, as he told the count oa her •agora.’* — Philadelphia Keen Scaw of Small. antry people, were '»cry good l*raae The aborigines of fern >nn In the ( a last aa earth quake 'Letter is darkest night and In the tbh-kest nooHe hh I vu Saturday Review dletlngiilah respectively a eh — — ■ — - ....... , - - alte man. a uegro and one of their owe race by ’*ve made It a prac’l.-e to put all the sense of smell *• worries« dow n In the bntl Ma of »» i»rt. then art ,« d» nd aa' emtte.- 'Mf ■» Wlggw A ft ft ft 4 DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of * M Tinware Hardware Ch in 3 Varnish. Doors. Window Sashes Oils, Paint, Agents for the Great Western S; w ALEX McNAIR CO Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. The Most Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy Manufacturers of KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALI KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The 13es;t Hquipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER EJILh.jg FOLEYS OBINO LAXATIVE 1 i°r st0™’ch troubles—-indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad * breath,sick headache,torpidliver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. The Best Hotel. Foley’s THE ALLEN HOUSE J. P. ALtLiEN. Proprietor Pills Headquarters for Travelling Men. What They Will Do for Y ob Special Attention paid to Tourists. A Hirst Class I able. Comfortable Bedsand Accommodation rMOPXIKToM Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists à Blacksmiths. Boiler Work. I.ogser’s Work and Henry Forcing line Machine Wsrk h Sold by Chas I.GIouoh Í Specialty. T illamook i I 4 4 4 They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor­ rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre­ vent Bright’s Disease and Dia­ bates, and restore health and Strength. Refuse substitutos. oregon teaming and hauling GKA EL SCREENED UK UNSCREENED. ’M RS. ALICIA PHELPS FOR OUT DOOR WORK IN DIE WETTEST WEATHER NOTMIM6 EQUALS GRADUATE NURSE. ICWEJT j MRS. I , MATtkPROOT ' OILED GARMENTS MIYlKMWUL-WVi **0 WIU. MOT LL*A L0NCCM13.*3«.«3» sens »ya •A. J Towr w Co. > U4kA. cam . PAGE’S HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, ORE J. CLAUSSEN, J—LAWYER, Çrntschrv Abuohat ’>3 Tillamook Blcck, T illamook O mkgon . WOOD FOR SflLiE Bell Telephone, 1367. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy During th« pmit 36 ymirs no rem­ edy hu proven mor« prompt or mor« effectual In Its cures of Coughs. Colds and Croup than Chaxntarlairrn ConfbBwnftdr In many horn* n k upon aa im- pltoitiy aa tbe femily pbyvictan 1» non- telnano op!am or o bar naree*4c. and m