TILLAMOOK, OREGON, APRIL 37, 19« insurance agents, saving and loan association agents, h like, induce tniuy people to take out policies that not want. Hundreds of dollars have been wasted in y in Tillamook. We know many instances of policies gkeu out and after the payment of one or two prem- re let drop with a total loss of the tn juey put into them. Bgsand loan association ageuts promise big profits that (realized. Their system has proven unsatisfactory to Tillauiookers, offered for sale cheap on which an enorrnaus profit is td is a good thing to steer clear of. e I your money where it will be safe until needed with THE OLD RELIABLE. Baby Chick food. Blachord’s Calf - Meal, Dement’s Best flour $1.50 sk. Dement’s Marvel flour $1.50 sk. grass seeds, Vegetable fertilizer, Land plaster, Cement, Shingles, Lath, Hay, Grain, Mill-feed, Cream Separator, Machinery, Farm imple­ ments, und the celebrated St tide baker wagons and harness, or any other old thing you want at the Tillamook Feed Co. On Sunday night Rev. A. Ander­ son, a Scandinavian Missionary to Alaska, gave ajvery interesting lec­ ture at the Methodist Church. Rev. Anderson hue been among the na­ tives of Northern Alaska for 18 years and has done as much as anyone in reforming those people. When he first went to that country, he knew nothing of the native language and had only a light knowledge of the English. U. G. Jackson, the County Survey­ or, has secured the services of Geo. Poysky, a Civil Engineer of Astoria, to help him with his work in this county. Mr. Poysky is a graduate of the University of Oregon, having finished with the class of ’09, and comes to this place with a thorough knowledge of his profession. The Surveyor’s office has had an excep­ tionally large run of work this sea­ son. Frank Mayers died on the 4th of April at Tigsrdville, near Portland, the cause of death being paralysis, and on the 20th of April his wife, Mary Mayers, died of typhoid fever and pneumonia, leaving a family of six children. Mrs. Mayers was a daughter of E. Marolf, of this coun­ ty, and a sister of Albert Marolf, who went to Portland on account of his sister’s illness and returned on Wednesday with four of the chil­ dren. and said that he hadn’t been locked up When the s eriff returned und heard of the mutter lie told the boy that he either had a knife or a key with him and upon this being de­ nied u search was made by which an old pocket knife was found in the lining of the coat. It had been used to take the screws from the lock. After reaching Salem Roy- stated that he would escape from the reform school within three days. The Sheriff therefore told the war- den at the school, who, thanking Mr. Crenshaw, put iron balls on the young man’s feet. M c K inley -7 TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK »»» 1 flIWAR’S VARIETY Au ordinary safe is ‘'dead easy” for yeggmen and safe crackers. OURS IS BURGLAR PROOF, Aud as further precaution, WE CARRY BURGLAR AND HOLD UP INSURANCE. Don’t worry aud loose your sleep when you can put your money and valuables where they are out of the reach of robbers. We invite the opportunity to explain more fully the facilities we have to safe guard the money and valuable deposited with us. goes to the PENITENTIARY. Judge Galloway Imposes Three Years Sentence on Charge of Rape. The case against Henry McKinley, which caused considerable interest in this city, was tried last week in the Circuit Court, the grand jury­ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE SUPERVISION having indicted him on n charge of rape. The jury- which tried him brought in a verdict of guilty, and Attorney Holmes made a motion kMOOK JOTTINGS Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ for a new trial this afternoon, which ber at $8.00pertliGusandat the Sum. was overruled by Judge Galloway, inonville Saw Mill, seven miles who proceeded to pass sentence trie, eye specialist. south of Tillamook City. Goldsworth- upon McKinley. He said : te II. Elmore came in on ey & Dalpez, pros. “ You have had a fair and im­ lay. Mrs.Louis Labowitch,of theGrand partial trial and have been con­ IS Wanted at the Tillamook Leader, is visiting relatives in San victed of the crime of rape. You Bank. * Francisco at preBent. She intends are of mature years, past the age of On Tuesday, to the wife of staying there some time, before re­ twenty-two years, and deserve a ¡azer, a girl. turning to thia city. heavier penalty, but in consider For rent—House of 21 rooms In ation of your heart-broken mother Two games of baseball will be qu.re Headlight Office. and the many good citizens who played on Saturday and Sunday, at Good^iuggy and harness for sale, Gilford Stillwell’s Park, between have asked the Court’s clemency to Webb Maddux. on her account, you will receive the Astoria High School and the Tilla­ minimum sentence. ■or sale by L.C. Wilks. In­ mook Cheese Makers. “ You should have thought of ¡ Rosenberg’s Store. Judge Win. Galloway lectured at your mother and .her blighted life, pt--Rooms for rent close in. the U. B. Church Sunday night to a Another auto accident, the third large and appreciative audience. one for the present year in this before you and your confederate in Box 62, Tillamook, Ore. crime persuaded two young girls of pr phone to E. G. Ander- Mr. Galloway is having all the work county, occurred Stlnday i night the tender age of fourteen and fifteen that he can do in this county. ^Benilock, for Cedar Fence at 9:30 near Bay City, when one of years to go to a deserted building Rev. S. G. Finney returned to the W. Harris’ drivers ran one of their in this city, and there, after debauch­ 1 farm to sell or trade for cityon Wednesday after attending a teams head on into Mr. Harris’ ing then with strong drink, kept A B^^Hbperty on easy term.—J. R meeting of the Presbytery at Oregon passenger car. Charles Kennedy, them in your lustful embrace for City and the usual services will be who was driving the machine, had one long night. held at the Presbyterian Church in slowed down to a complete stand ickens wanted at the Tilla- “ You should have thought of this city next Sunday. still. Some damage was done to tlie the mothers of your at Company’s Market, 13c. hapless Wanted—Position as manager or rig, most of which was in regard victims whose lives you have d. helper on dairy ranch, by good far­ to the tongue and front axle. The forever blighted, with no ray den Gate came in Thurs- mer and dairyman. Best of refer­ little roan mare wae also injured of sunshine and gladness to ing and reached thia city ences. Give particulars and wages to some extent, although not ser- lighten their great sorrow. You noon. first letter. O. F. Winslow, 461 East iously. should have thought of the mother our chicken to the Tilla- Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. * The Henrietta No. 2 arrived in of your associates. Yes, there are it Company’a Market. We Mayor Talmage lost his hat at port Sunday night after a most tour broken-hearted mothers, from >er pound. the Swastika doings on Wednesday thrilling trip from Astoria to this whose lives the joy of life has for­ of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 evening, aud he does not know city. The first of the week they left ever departed. for 15 eggs.—C. A. Corn- whether to blame those unruly out over the Columbia bar, which “May I hope that you can feel la mook, Ore. Swastika “kids” for playing a pra- was quite smooth, but upon reach­ the enormity of your offense, and re, cheapest and best paper tical joke on him or whether some­ ing the Tillamook bar they found by a contrite spirit and earnest en­ 1 town. Leave orders at one made a mistake in donning the it so rough that they could not deavor, regain the confidence of the t to Harris’ barn. * cross. They then went south to community which you have so mayor’s head gear. re and Lot and Furniture, Rev. A. Anderson, for many years Netarts Bay for protection from the grossly outraged. len tool, to be sold Inquire missionary in Northern Alaska, is storm, but as the sea was exceed­ " The public sentiment and con­ adlight office. expected to speak at theU. B.church ingly rough, Captain Jenkins then science of this community has been ill will have fresh fruit and next Sunday evening. Other ser­ headed back for the Columbia, aroused beyond precedent. A peti­ tn on every boat. Try her vices will be as follows : Bibie against a strong wind, having been tion has been presented to the Court school at 10 a.111., mission study at out 25 hours, and when the Henri­ asking for the Court’s clemency. I cakes and sallads. 7:15 p.m. and the morning sermon etta reached the Columbia bar, it A public meeting has been held, ivil will sail from Portland at lla.m on the theme “In the Light wae also exceedingly rough, but she but in no instance has extreme mook Monday May let at went through six miles of breakers punishment been urged on the p. m. Freight and paseen- of the End.” without mishap. The bar was quite A unusual thing happened today. rough Sunday when they came over. one side, nor has there been asking that you any petition e, one pure bred Berkshire Instead of maintaining the prices The Henrietta has resumed her reg­ The Press of this be | paroled. to farrow in a few days, on Heating Stoves on account of ular schedule on the bay. She city and county bus been mamy (lie, on the H. C. Kunze the cold weather. King 4 Smith I ! brought in 180 cases of gasoline and impaesionate in discussin. Co. have reduced their entire line j from Astoria. The Court could ask this ■natter. i 10 per cent and will give with each lay 8c-, 10c. and 11c. for calf While crossing the Wilson River no loyal support than more I stove a Handsome Iron Clad Alarm my shop. Try me out and ! at Bester's Ford last Saturday, the has been given it throughout i Clock. See our window. ie Old Reliable Hide and 1 team, driven by W. B. Louaignot, this action by the higher citizen- The P. Y. P. Class of the Metho­ was thrown from their feet by the ler, N. E. Melchoir. • ship 1 of thia county, and all the dist Church were entertained bj At the officials whose duty it has been to to a rush of other work we Mrs. F. R. Beals Friday night. A swift current at that place. ible to finish the literary ! most enjoyable time was* had by time of the accident Mr. Lonsignol assist the Court. “Therefore in consideration of all i boost the county this week, all present, lunch was served and and hie brother, who was accom­ panying him to Forest Grove, were the circumstances you will receive 11 appear next week. ' games were played after which the , nearly through the swiftest part of the minimum sentence, which is (need dairyman with part- - crowd were entertained by a nuin- the current and when the wagon up­ commitment to the State Peni­ d like to rent a ranch. Ad- ber of musical selections. set, which was caused by the team tentiary for the term of three years, x 105, Tillamook, or can lie The Wiison River Timber Co. has being thrown, they jum|>ed into the under the rulea and regulations of raigs confectionery store. • > bonded all its timber in Tillamook water and succeeded in reaching that institution, and the Sheriff of i Shoe Repairing Shop is I County and a small tract in Wash- the shore. The team and wagon this county is authorized to da­ t the back of Beals’ offices, ington County to the Michigan were carried on down the stream liver you to the proper officials of ge Ross, where first class Trust Company for $1,500,000, which ' and lodged againct a log, one of that institution.” guaranteed. Give him a is a first mortgage six percent gold them lieing drowned before help k Electric Light A Fuel on the hurricane deck of the over­ Grove. land limited for North Yamhill Sat­ Sheriff Crenshaw returned from res all txrttom land,together with 14 y- urday night on his way to Salem good milk cow», I span of horses, 1 r Pangborn, who has been Mr. Winslow has been the acting Salem Wednesday, where he went set of harneaa and all necessary with John Hackman and I-ouia W. H. Eberman ranch for District Attorney during this ses­ machinery to run a first clans dairy Smith an prisoners for the peniten ­ 1 year, intends to leave for sion of court and has won a place farm, a good H room house, good tiary and Roy Smith for the Reform in about lome in Kansas in every one’s heart as an able pro­ School last Thursday. It seems barn and dairy house and other ; b . He will have charge of secutor. He has certainly spent a that Roy Smith changed his views buildings. I mile from High School •’s farm there this season. 1 strenuous week in thia county. of wanting to tie a jail trtrd when hr and Public School, 1 mile from was put in the proper placr for bad cheese factory. Terms easy. H H. boys. l’|>on reaching Astoria the Tubbesing. Nehalem, or enquire of Sheriff left the tioy in charge nt W H. C. Kunze, Tillamook. C. King, he having business up Holstein Bull for Sale. town. Mr King knew that the lioy For sale, a thorough bred Holstein had been kicked in his room l»y the S lent!, and thinking that he «as bull, niieljr marked, first class pedt- Will trade, or price $125 cash. ated two Doors wr>t of Lamar’s Drng Store. safe, he started to walk on the dock. Hathaway. In a few minutes lie saw Roy stand- “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” ing on the deck, leaning against the railing, and walking toward him Rest Room fur Ladies. Foe aale. U' or 15 head of gc»--d asked how be got out the-e. 1 he mil rowa. all fresh. Fieri llalu.er, * • ¡»>oy merely said “i just «alked” 4 miles east of town. r DEAD EASY FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK OF Only U.S. Government Examined Bank in the County. Swastika “Kid” Party. The Swastika Club gave a novel social ut the Tillamook Commercial Club on Wednesday evening, their husbands as well ns the members of the Shakespeare Club, with their husbands, being invited, and there were few absentees of either Club. Mrs. D. I- Shrode, dressed hs a quaint school tnarm, welcomed the visitors. The amusing feature of the evening’s entertainment was in the school inarm presiding ovci three classes, the ladi-iBof theSwus tika Club being attired in abort dresses and aprons, and in school girl fashion, looking girl like null pretty in their make ups. Their husbands formed another class, and they proved a fractious, noisy lot of “overgrown kids.“ Both classes kept the school inarm busy retaining order. The girls chewed gum and did other pranks, even to placing a pin in the school inarm’s chair for that dignified individual to sit on. The members of the Shakespeare Club, with their hus­ bands, formed another class, and was the most dignified. The school marm invited the visitors to see the progress the Swastika "kids” had made in their studies. Quotations, compositions, spelling, drawing, arithmetic, etc., were then given, moat of which contained some amus­ ing and laughable “skit” on the Shakespeare Club. The members of the Shakespeare Club were call- ed on for quotations from certain parts of that author, and no sooner were they given when the school marm pronounced them “wrong," who appealed to one or the other of her fractious boys to give thecorrect quotation, their unsw«;i-s being a burlesque. Then the two clubs lined up for a "spelling bee,” but the school marm promptly put the Shukespeares out of business. The Swastika Club served *a dainty lunch, after which a grand inarch was formed and the Virginian reel closed a most enjoyable evening, Mrs. Whitehouse expressing the sentiments of the Shakespeare Club at the moat enjoyable time they hud participated in. The Base Ball Games. Two interesting games of base­ ball were played at the Gilford Still­ well Park on Sunday. In the morning the Cheese Mak­ ers met the Hav City Clam diggers, the former defeating the latter team by u score of 6-3. Much credit is due the pitcher from the home team, Francis Provoost, to­ gether with the support given by the infield. The fane were much delighted with the work of "Curly” in hie first trial in a big game. He is a south paw and have good speed. The afternoon game was between the Commercial Club team of thia city, und the Nehalem team. One of the largest crowds that ever wit­ nessed in a ball game here were in attendance to seethe home team win the second game of the*series with Nehalem. Over one hundred people from the North ai-’e of the county came to thia city on the P. R. A N. train to foot for their team. The final «coie was 11-1) in favor of the Club. Big Bargains! Look at Our Prices. | ¿5.20 1 Best Fruit Sugar, per sk Dry Granulated Sugar, per sack 5.00 ] Extra C. Sugar, per sack . . 5.00 3 Leach’s Best Lard, 10 lb. pail . 1.80] Leach’s Best Lard, 5 lb. pail . .90 Diamond “C” Lard, 10 II).pail . 1.50 Diamond “C” Lard, 5 1b. pail . .80 Rex Lard, 10 lb. pail 1.35 Rex Lard, 5 lb. pail .70 White River Compound, 5 lb. pl. .65 Cottolene, 4 lb. pail .... .60 Cottolene, 10 lb. pail . . . 1.50 Breakfast Bacon, Rex per lb. . .22 Breakfast Bacon, C.B. per lb. .20 Heavy Bacon, per lb. . . . .17* Snow Drift Flour, per bbl.. 5.40 Light House Flour, per bbl. 5.00 Elaine Coal Oil, per case 2.90 STORE 1 < The Ray Feed Co.! C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Gio. ÿ 1