T TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT APRIL 20, 1911 r WORKING WITH GOLD. CIRCUIT COURT The Grand Jury Returns Several Indictments. 0*4 L Factories In Which Dark Colored Clothe* Must Be Worn. CREATING A VIOLIN. Ro Hard and Fast Rules t0 6uj| Artist Mechanic. Violins are the most dei^ Light suits of clothes are not favored In factories where work Is done on gold. In fact. In rnauy such factories a dark suit of clothes Is absolutely re­ Circuit Court convened on Mon­ quired. and even a light waistcoat may human voice. The quality dij" day, with Circuit Judgv W. Galloway Zj lose a mau a job. The reason for this cording to the wood, the un the bench, when a grand jury was TWICE SHE MET HER MATCH Is ibat any stray grains of gold that the construction of the few perfei drawn, as follows: R. C. Magarell, The violin contains the fewest may get on the clothiug cun easily be R. O. Richards, Grant Mills. F. Sever­ caught on a dark suit, while they of any musical Instrument tin Th» Empre»» Josephine One* Gav» ance. Peter H ise), O. W. Bodyfelt might get away from the establish­ and it seems like the simplest of Her, So to Speak, a Dreeeing Down, I all to make. But. alas, it dtf, and J. J. Hudson. The Judge ap­ ment if light clothes were worn. and the Fashionable Mme. De Cou- pointed Frank Severance foreman That such a rule was enforced expert, the practical mecbaolesJ Anybody can niak, , fades Figuratively Boxed Her Ears. among gold workers one mau learned musician! of the grand Jury. lln, but few can make a recently when a Bohemian gold beater In the absence of District Attor­ Napoleou was anxious to have Gen­ So, with the exception of conm ney McNary, Attorney Winslow eral Marmot marry ids sister Pauline, applied to him for a helping hand. The tlvely few factory violins. but the wily old soldier refused to Bohemian said that be bad only re­ them are produced by individtm came in from Salem to fill Ilis place make the dirt bis bride. Tlieu Napo­ cently come to this country, that be i strument makers, who spend as the prosecuting attorney, and to leou turued to General Leclerc, who bad had a chance to obtain a good Job 1 loving care over them than a ma assist Deputy District Attorney G. really loved Pauline, and they were at hls trade, but that the place bad I i does over her first child. Willett. wedded. Leclerc was then sent as been refused him because he turned A violin maker Is an artist K. G. Staples vs. W. II. West. head of the French expedition to Haiti. up with a light coat and waistcoat ou. chanlc, a sort of anomaly in this Action for money. Dismissed. Pauline going along under protest. Le­ and they were the only clothes he had of machinery. With a pot of 8iw J. H. Fildew vs. J. T. Milner and The man whom he approached was few sharp tools, a cabinetaiai clerc died of fever in Haiti, and Pau H. E. Noble and O. O. Boardsley line returned to France with bls body. struck by the story and offered to help bench nnd a few sticks of woof After a time Pauline, whom Lyndon him out if it proved true. He went to will labor diligently in the math and Eastern Investment Company, Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to Orr in Munsey's describes as a “featb a downtown factory with him aud an Instrument that mn.v glre forth Limited. To quiet title. produce at home, quickly and economically, er bended, languishing, beautiful, dis­ found out that the man could have the sweetest, the wildest, the weirdest, Hattie B. Marolf, Ethel Holden tricting morsel of frivolity,” resumed Job if be presented himself withiu an the strangest muslcnl notes. He i fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, and Arthur E. Holden vs. Preston her heartbreaking tactics. hour with the proper clothes on. Two glue his Instrument together and fl E. Marolf, Currie Marolf, John E. the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, "Presently It becume noised about," dollars enabled the mau to rig himself take it apart twenty times to adji Marolf-Wallace, Lola V. Marolf- wr.tes Mr. Orr, "that Prince Camillo out In the dark coat and waistcoat to the fraction of an Inch, the baa crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and Lamb, J. D. Wallace, Martha E. Borghese was dirtlug desperately with go with bls dark trousers, aud. sure or the sounding post. A creator of wholesome, with which the ready-made food Wallace, F. M. Lamb, P. E. Lamb Pauline. The prince was an excellent enough, be got the Job. violin may spend weeks on a th and Arthur N. Marolf. Partition. spi-elmeii of the fashionable Italian "You may think this strange.” said instrument and then find, to bit ( found at the shop or grocery does not com­ He was immensely rich. His palace at the man at the factory, "but it means gust, that It does not satisfy. The, Settled upon stipulation on file. pare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. Itome was tilled with artistic treas­ quite a little to us. Every man's cloth­ net point where the sounding pc«, John Conklin vs. Mary Conklin. ure. He was the owner, moreover, of ing is carefully examined when he stick of wood only a little larger th ROYAL COOK BOOK-SOO RECEIPTS—FR£E Divorce tile famous Borghese jewels, the finest leaves here at night and the gold a match—should be placed can m Matid Joseph vs. David Joseph. Send Name and Address collect iou of diamonds In the world. brushed off whenever we see any on be determined In advance. It b "Napoleon rather sternly Insisted his clothing. mystery that ever recurs In each Divorce. Continued. upou tier marrying Borghese. Fortu­ "It is Impossible to hide even tiny violin. C. E. Reynolds vs. William Hiatt, nately the prince was very willing to grains ou a dark background, but take Then the wood is of so much in Action lor .tiotiey. Continued. be connected with Napoleon, while a mixed or a light suit and we might tance to the violin maker-now j. W. Sweeney. S. S. Blaurnauer Pauline was delighted at the Idea of your fresh timber nor kiln dried sti Tillaniook County Bank vs. A. | man had been spending a good having diamonds that would eclipse easily lose quite an amount of gold, It must be seasoned by years, eren and Isaac Blaurnauer, partners and gold isn't anything you want to H. Mulaney. Action for money. | share of his time in relieving the all the gems which Josephine possess­ lose even lu small quantities.”—New decades and centuries. Every time doing business under the firm Alex Watt vs. Frank Long, Sr. Gamble house, at Wheeler, of its be­ ed. for. like all the Bonapartes, she York Sun. century old bouse is demolished soi name and style of The Sweeney musical maker Is likely to appeari longings, making the greatest raid detested her brother’s wife. So she Construction Company vs. Jos. E. and Catherine Long. For deed. the scene and make a quiet bld t Hackman’s squaw would la- married aud show her dia­ Etfenberger, as Justice of the Peace Jacob Kamrn vs. Marie Karnin. last Friday. REFUSED TO OBEY. some of the thin old rafters. Toil wife told another squaw of the burg­ monds to Josephine. It was a bit of ot the First Justice District of Tilla­ For deed. Dismissed. novice they may seem worthless, h mook County, Oregon, und Omar | Marie Kamm vs. Jacob Kamm. lary and she telling the constable, feminine malice she could not resist. "The marriage took place very quiet­ Major Butler Carried Hie Obstinacy the violin maker may find in this« made it possible for quick justice Bush. Writ of review, The writ Divorce, Divorce granted. Right Into Hie Coffin. tury old timber Just the wood for I ly at Joseph Bonaparte’s bouse be­ to be meted out to him. The Grand cause of the absence of Napoleon, but was sustained nnd the cost taxed Many amusing stories are told of beloved instruments.—Chicago Recot j J- M. Lüsberg vs. Charlee F. Jury brought in an indictment the newly made priucess was Invited the great formality blended with a Herald. to Justice Etfenberger. Hobart. Foreclosure. against Hackman. He pleaded to visit Josephine at the palace of humorous brusqueness and independ­ Hiram Radus vs. The Tillamook W. C. Dwight vs. Led McDonald. guilty and the judge will sentence St. Cloud. Here was to be the tri­ ence which characterized early Revo County Bank, a corporation, and PATRICK HENRY. umph of her life. She spent many lutlonary days. An incident of camp Glenn H. Johnson. Action for Foreclosure tax title. Continued him at four o’clock to-day. life Is related by the author of "Ro­ for service. days in planning a toilet that should money. Roy Smith, who was connected i mance and Realism of the Southern Thomas Jefferson’» Opinion of the Or tor and Patriot. W. C. Dwight vs. Annie Mc­ with the burglary at Hobsonville, be absolutely crushing to Josephine. Gulf Coast.” Oak Nolan vs. M. H. Larsen, et Whatever she wore must be a back­ When William Wirt was engaged Donald. Foreclosure tax title. Con ­ was committed to the reform school In 1798 the first United States I. Confirmation. ground for the famous diamonds. Final­ tinued for service. by Connty Judge Mason on Wednes­ ly she decided on green velvet. troops that came down the Mississippi writing the memoirs of Patrick Heuj Pacific Railway ¿¿Navigation Co. were quartered at Fort Adams. Gen­ be turned for information to Thou» day. William N. Bays vs. Edwin "When the day came Pauline stood vs. Nellie G. DuBois and John E. eral WUkinson, Colonel Hamtramck. Jefferson, who had been associndi Orley Kellow was indicted by the before a mirror and gazed at herself, DuBois, her husband, Condemns- Hooker, trustee, and Robert T. Major Butler. Captain Green and oth­ with the orator for many yean, is Fowler nnd Annie Fowler. Fore­ Grand Jury on a charge of setting with dlnmouds glistening in her hair, er officers were merry over their Ing his aid In furnishing blograpta; tion. closure. Dismissed upon motion out fire during the closed season, sliimmet-ing around her neck and fas­ punch one night, and the general by material for the work. The correspni: Pacific Railway A Navigation of plaintiff. and pleaded guilty. The judge tened so thickly on her green velvet some accident got bls cue burned off. ence between Wirt and Jefferson, po­ Co. vs. J. L. Vosburg, et al. Con- gown as to remind one of a moving Anna S. Abraham vs. J. A. Abra­ fined the defendant $25, and in re­ I jewel casket. She actually shed tears Angry at the laugh which followed hls lished In the Pennsylvania Magas»: denination. Continued. ham. Divorce. Divorce granted' mitting the fine, the judge impress­ of Joy. Theu she entered her carriage mishap, he next day issued an order of History and Biography, from M Ida May Simeral V». Frank forbidding any officer to appear with manuscript collection of John Gribbad James Walton, Jr., trustee, vs. ed it upon Kellow that the law in ' and drove out to St. Cloud. Simeral. Divorce. a cue. Obedient to orders, all the offi­ has a decidedly Interesting passgi "but Josephine, though no longer cers but Major Butler cut off their Joseph Therdich, Transcript from regard to setting out fires must be showing the opinion Jefferson Mi: C. I.. Dre vs. L. E. Rnnder», Con- young, was a woman of great subtlety cues. Justice Court. Jury trill and n ver­ obeyed. about bis famous colleague, inaniw firniatior dict for defendant. This was a case Henry McKinley is on Trial. as well as charm. Stories bad been “The vain old prig!” said the major. to Wirt's first request Jefferson M George Phelj s va. Srethna S. told to her of the green velvet, and “I'll see him banged before 1 cut off plies with an assent and adds a gs where Clyde Clements endeuvored The ease which is causing Phelps „t.u Allen 1!. Wiljou. Fore- to deprive Therdich of a lease, and most interest at this term of the therefore she had had her drawing my cue to gratify him!” And be bold­ eral and unfavorable summary < closure. DieuildSed upon motion room redecorated in the most uncom­ ly appeared without changing the style failing to do ao in the justice court Circuit Court is that against Henry’s character: of plaintiff. promising blue. It killed the green vel­ “He was certainly the man whop» appealed the case to the circuit Henry McKinley, who is on vet completely. As for the diamonds, of hls hairdressing. major was put under arrest, but the first Impulse to the ball of revol» United Railways Company vs. court ou a writ of review. trial to-day charged with delin­ she met that maneuver by wearing not he The declared obstinately that he would William B. Smith. Condemnation. tlon. were I to give his character a Nancy E. Olson vs. Norman Ol­ quency of a minor child. It took a single gem of any kind. Her dress spend the rest of hls life In prison be­ general terms. It would be of miM Continued upon motion of plaintiff most of the afternoon Wednes ­ was an Indian muslin with a broad fore be would comply with such a silly aspect. I think he was the W with consent of defendant upon son, Divorce. day to select a jury, and when j hem of gold. command. Soon afterward he was humored man in society I almost e« A. B. Salinge, vs. Charles Chaf­ payment by pinintiff of $25 ns costs. the trial commenced this morn­ "Her exquisite simplicity, coupled taken very 111. and, realizing that he knew, and the greatest orator tin: Gus I.con vs. Mabel Leon. fee. Action for Money. ing the court room was packed with her dignity of bearing, made the was at the point of death, he gave in­ Clay Daniel and Dorn Daniel vs. with men eager to hear the evi­ Princess Pauline, with her shower of structions for his burial, which be ever lived, he had consumate 1» Di vorce. H. Kenny, Nallie Kopieske, dence, and much to their sur-1 diamonds and her greeu velvet dis­ knew would be witnessed by the whole edge of the human heart, which F U IL United Railways Company vs. A. L. recting the efforts of his eloqwm command. I Prv'.uost aud Lilah Provoost, hls Wm. Kopieske, Gust Nelson und prise Judge Galloway ordered played against the blue, seem abso­ enabled him to attain a degree of p* “ Bore a hole, ” said he. “ through the lutely vulgar. Josephine was most gen ­ I'r ’ ie; Nelson. Foreclosure. the court cleared of spectators, I wife. Condemnation Coutlnucd ularity with the people at large »ft Lois C. MacMahon vs. Agnes and the case is being tried be­ erous in her admiration of the Bor­ bottom of my coffin, right under my perhaps equalled, his judgment i upon motion of plaintiff. ghese gems, and she kissed Pauline on head, and let my cue come through It. Vp to noon departing. The victory was hers. that the old general may see that even other matters was inaccurate, in n* United Railways Company vs. Reid and Frances Trevor, 1r. To hind closed door. all of the witnesses for the pros­ "There is another story of a defeat when dead I refuse to obey hls order.” ters of law It was not worth a copper Sarah McMiliuu und N. McMillau. quiet title. Continued. And these directions were literally he was avaricious & rotten benrtM \\ . 11. lohnsonandlL R. Johnson ecution had testified. They in­ which Pauline met from another lady, Cunucinnatiou. t. uutinued. bis two great passions were the It* carried out. cluded Ferney Klinehan, Mr. one Mme. de Coutades. This was at vs. I.. E. Sanders and Gertrude A. Hush and A. N. Bush, pait of money & of fame; but when the» a magnificent ball given to the most Klinehan, Mrs. [Klinehan, Jas. ners, doing business under the firm Sanders. For deed. came into competition the former ft fashionable world of Paris. Pauline Where Waltzing Is Barred. Walton, jr., and Dr. R. T. Boats. T. J. Bowles vs. Mary J. Bowles. name of l.udd A Bush vs. Francis German court regulations forbid dominated. If the work you propose! The evidence went to prove the decided upon going and intended. In Xavier Moreau, sometimes knowu Divorce. Divorce granted. waltzing. This veto dates buck to 1859. not destined to come out speedily! her own phrase, to blot out every charge and which tended to­ us Frank Murey, con compos men- James Waton, Jr., trustee, vs. Mar­ when the Empress Frederick, then will endeavor to recollect what mny woman there. She kept the secret of 'tillan, guardian of cella B. Turner and H. S. Turner. ward the fact that there was bad her toilet, and she entered the ball­ crown princess, was tripped up by her of use to it” behavior on the part of Henry Confirmation. Foreclosure. Continued for service. room at the psychological moment, partner lu a waltz and fell at the feet McKinley, Ferny Klinehan, of her mother-in-law. The Empress Modern Kitchens at Sea- U P. Brunstetter vs. John Borba. Thomas Holman afid Eva Wells when all the guests had assembled. The term "son of a sea cook” l> "She appeared, aud at sight of her Augusta, a despot on the score of eti­ Militi- v». Leoti Dismissed upon ino- on the night of Feb. 10th over I Foreclosure. the music stopped, silence fell upon the quette. forbade the inclusion of waltzes longer a title of reproach. Tbe hip" Dll over. Default entered. tion of pluintiff. the Gem Theatre. assemblage, and a sort of quiver went thenceforth tn all balls at the New paid specialist who presides over Bay City Land Company V8. Job« B. Clark und Nelly Boga r set off her loveliness, and began thought of It. and I told her; that's dentist s office and told the dent* ■ The screens razing at the princess through a • H.”—Philadelphia Times. extract an aching tooth as soon ««P* Ernest Beelitz vs. George Eich­ able in many ways Oregon, and the Tillamook County ■tele After getting the man seete*^ inger. Trim script from justice anil curtains are made, so classes double eyeglass. Pauline felt flattered Bunk. Suit In equity. in the Bible School can be partition - the chair the doctor asked which t«“ Enterprise. court. Motion to dismiss appeal ™ uu , and work done more for a moment and then became uneasy. ed off Fr mk ilannenkratt vs. E. W. ’! he lady who was looking at her said “What would you do If 1 should be wished pulled, and the sailor. teM allowed. etfec lively. Last Lord's day 103 Siuiilq*, ns the Junticc of the Peace •boot myself?” demanded the ardent cnaed by pain, lost no time In «fi* ------ The ntw class in to a companion In a tone of regret State of Oregon vs. Cha*. Lowden JL e,C .------------ Pr**e“t tor the Second Justice District for ” What a pity! She really would be suitor. “Upper deck, second one from aft. P* ,, i t- i »I training for service is lat ....... ind *--■ Emil Miller for’starts out enthusiasticiiilv. Tillimiook County. Oregon, and H '■kr lovely if It weren’t for that!" "I'd sign up in vaudeville immedi­ ^•e ”—Cincinnati Commercial Trtb* Key* W rit of rev tew. explornnff (Istiainite in the waters Lord s day the minister will present I or whatF returned her escort. ately,” replied the actress. "I wouldn't ol the State ol Oregon. Demurrer! Dem or ret! i | *" *hc '''°rnini morning the third sermon on [" ,hc "Why. ere you blind? It's so re­ hare time to get a play written. These It Often Happens. Chartea Burke vs. (.hartes W. Spirit-Peace.” markable that you surely must see IL’ shooting sensations soon Ozzie out”— overruled by court after argument “ ri. The ” Fruit of the 'C' “A man cannot serve two tn-istrt* Gilmore. Dumuges. Dismissed upou Pte. of not gouty entered1.* to.,, will be "Pauline waa beginning to loae her Kansas City Journal. pasted the wise guy. — ------ . ..ight Live I nto (oxi.” motion ut I da in tiff tnrvc. “Oh. I don’t know.” addei • , Yow will be sure to get help if you self coxiposore. She flushed and look­ ed wildly about, wondering what she In Later Life. Frank Long und Fruiik Long. Jr., Maple mug. “A man may State of Oregon v». Loui* Smith. I come to these service*. meant. Then she heard Mme. de Coo "I see you are doing a good many *f money and also serve time."— partners doing business ns Frnuk Burglary. Plea of guilty entered. Fudee aay: things now that once you would bare Akiphla Record. Notice. l ong A Son, vs. E. E Cross sud Sentenced by Judge Cwlloway to J Why. her ears! If 1 had such •an been shocked at.” Frank t rose, doiug l»ueit:eee ns E. two years tn the State Pcuitentary. Cheese maker wunted at Netarts ea those I would cut them offf "Well. 1 make up for it by being I A Sour Critic. R. L ros« A Son, Action for money. For particulars see on "Pauline gave one great gasp and »hocked at a good many things that 1 An unu*ital incident occurred Creamey. Miss Vzllmore—I was to write Carl llnberlach. Sacretarv of Jun trini nnd $401 5* verdict for Wedneedav, W K. Young, the Con- fainted dead away. /- - ---- ; „ ones did."-Pittsburg Post A» « matter of Netarts Creamery, on Charles Lee temon Juice for my singing. Mr plnintitf ns prayed ter. Counter fa.L her ears were not ao bad Tbev •table of the lat District, brought ot Netarts.____ ly—Haven't you got will power r»®* claim 11 *3.21 allowed. were simply very flat and colorless John Hackman, charged with burg- to »top singing without the »■ In ca«eof rheumatism relief from forming a , .arrest with the rosy tints Iiilaiouok County Ba&n vs. Ur-we l.ry. to thia city in |ime to lemon Juice?—Chicago News- pain makes sleep and real possible. of her face Rut from that moment Itese. Action tor nvity Cua- betoi* th“ Crend Jury Iwtore tbev Thi« »nay lie oluained by applying no one could see anything but these tibvrfl Liniment. For'»ale It 1s nsnaliy not so much the jadJoutBfld- It ***ois that H.«k- I Chaiiibetlain'* ears, aud thereafter the princess wore by La umt * Drug Store Mas of our trouble ■• tbs tittles^ trr h,lr !ow enough to corer them." our spirit that makes us compiai* Napoleon’s Pert and Pretty Sis ter’s Pride Was Humbled. 1WO£R Makes Home Baking Easy I ■* w ".T.r i, ~ if» ¿'•t * . at—™