TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT APRIL 20, 19Ü RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ,rr*lCTLV IM ADVANC».) I The sad news of the fatal ac­ chickens, eggs,fruit,vegetables, cident to A. T. White in Port- j butter, milk and cream will be land came ns a great surprise great. Here, then is an industry to the people of thiscouuty last; which will prove profitable to week. Although it removes a all those wlioenga e in it, and good citizen, it must be said of| it is to be hoped that a large him that he waB one of those number of our citizens will who had taken some interest in make provision not only to sup­ the welfare of the county, and ply the local market in future, what public or private positions but also to cater to the beach he occupied, he carried out in a trade. There will be bi< money conscientious and painstaking in raising chickens and garden manner. Though somewhat truck. There are a large num­ reserved, it is fitting that a word ber of children living on the of praise should be sounded by farms who should raise chick the Press in his favor. His was ens, and in this way they can a humble life and he lived it make a start in life and learn without complaining or fault­ to become industrious and thrif­ finding. ty. ____________ High School Flashes. Overland,” The Ciceronians give their pro gram next Friday and from all ap­ 50 pearances it will be one of special ’ merit. Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July. 1838, at the post office at I A general debate was held in the ' Tillamook, Ore., under the act of eighth grade room the past week on , March 3, 1879 I "Resolved that Reciprocity between Canada and the United States would be beneficial to this country.” The To be SOLD CHEAP so as to introduce this splendid machi affirmative was lead by Howard La­ into Tillamook, mar and the negative by Thoe. j Coates, Jr. Howard Harris, the Junior “Pet,” There are lots of butchers just left school for unknown reasons, now in Tillamook killing off i although some of the girls say that the young dairy stock directly they have seen others in the same they come into the world. fix. Examinations are over again and ‘‘Stung again.” We mean The “squatters” on the water It is in order to take the Therd- a great burden has been lifted from Tillamook City. The case of ich case to the Supreme Court front tnay feel hostile in having' this city against George Tone the minds of the students. These if the pluintiff thinks he hasn’t to vacate when the order is I was another instance of foolish­ delights will soon be over, though beet) spanked enough in the two made for them to move off on | ly appealing cases to the Su­ as school will only last a couple u twenty-four hours notice. The! lower court)-. OVERLAND MODEL 50 When the city ! months longer. ’ commerce of Tillamook City is! preme Court. The High School base ball players officials induced the farmers to The grand jury has been in I of much more importance than! under the name of the “Cheese "white slave” a lot of unsightly shacks on the! give a right of way for the pipe vextigutiug the Two passenger torpedo body 20-horse power, transmission, makers” played the Commercial line, one of the arguments made It is time they traffic in Tillamook City, Any-1 water front. ’ Club team the second gume of their to them was that it would en ­ planetary. mid were nil removed and their j way. it wrib long overdue, series last Sunday. It seemed to uuW 11 start is made in that di­ , places occupied xx ith docks nnd ; hance the value of their land if be a game of great interest to every PRICE, $925.00. rection a clean sweep should be i warehouses of some importance they wanted to dispose of it. Now see the change of front of ¡oneexcept the Club rooters. About j to the commetce of the port. made. , T here yre those xvho want to the city officials. It was taken ! the fifth inning Edmunds was ready . to draw his inen from the game Some persons predicted that build as soon as the "‘squatters” for granted that as long as the | and when the seventh was reached pipe ran through the farmers ’ the Port of Tillamook would are removed, and xve cannot have considerable difficulty in see how anything can be gained property they should have the he was fully decided as to that be­ No soooner ing the only way to keep the If in-1 by allow ing them to remaiu free use of water. disputing of the bonds, quiries go to prove anything, | there any longer. It is only re­ does one of the farmers sell his “ Cheese makers” from entirely there are quite a number of per­ tarding the progress of the port, land than the city immediately missing their record. The score was 9-3 in favor of the sons who are inquiring about and, besides, it would be giving attempts to repudiate its agree­ them already. We have always a large amount of employment ment and deprive the purchaser younger men when the game closed To the and undoubtedly there will be no believed that the Port would to a large number of men who of the water rights. average person it looks more report of the game sent to the Ore­ get a good premium on them are looking for work. like a case of bulldoze on the gonian this time. The Iowa Bred Prize Winning Trotting Stallion and when they were ready to sell. The High School will give another The snap shot man is getting part of the city than anything producer cf large sized high classed prize else, to drag a person into the one of those sidesplitting plays at Well, what’s the matter xvith out some literary matter to help Winning Colts ; and It will be circuit court, and having lost the Gem Theater in the near future. business this spring ? It seems boost the county. Every one wants to watch the date there, to appeal the case to the to us tlint the people voted for condensed into four pages, but The city lost as this will be the beetone this year. will contain all the salient fea­ supreme court. Home Rule, aud without minc­ in both instances, because it New scenes and costumes will be ing any words on the subject, tures and made interesting to was attempting to do those who prepared for this play. they are having a spell of busi­ those whom it is sent to in the Later, had given the city the right of Unless the weather hinders the ness depression in consequence. East and Middle West. Who's the foolish fellow that ns soon as a number of interest­ way across their property out Astoria High School base ball team The North Dakota Bred Trotting Stallion of large sia, will argue thnt saloons bring ing photogrnphs can be pro­ of their rights which went with well be here next Friday to play the trade ? It is proving just the cured,an illustrated edition will the property as long as the city “Cheese makers” two games of ball; fine action and kind disposition, and of the very highest breed- We expect to maintained a pipe line across one Saturday and Sunday. The opposite right now in Tilla­ be published. ing ; and sure to become one of the greatest sires of this coast, have the four pages out next it. That, we think is good horse games will be played in the park mook. will be in Tillamook City about the first of June and remain tit week, as the Tillamook Com­ sense and good law, but some and an immense crowd is expected mercial Club is having numer ­ of our legal lights were given months. Another month or so and the to be present to drive the boys on automobiles will be rolling into ous calls for literary matter. power to take the case to-the to victory TERMS on either Stallion $20.00 to insure with fuel Tillampok from Portland and One feature of it will be devoted supreme court at the taxpayers’ The tennis club measured off their to theCo-operativeAssociations ’ expense, with the the result other places. What concerns court Friday evening and had a $25.00 for colt one week old. which that the taxpayers are “stung” lively game of tennis on their new those who own autos is good reports of last year, There is merit in quality, and here it is in both the» roads. This county is one of makes interesting reading, es­ again. ____________ grounds. It seems very pleasant to Yours for business, the most progressive in the pecially to home seekers who play on the new court after having stallions. A. T. White is Killed. good roads movement and the are looking for locations where such a hard time getting it in con­ E. F. ROGERS, work which has been done on dairying is both profitable and dition to be played on. (Oregonian.) the roads in recent years have successful. Andrew T. While, aged 56 employ­ A large number of interesting brought forth many favorable ed by his aon-in-Taw, J. R. Neal, Jr., games is expected to be played in arnrorna 0» td Amrvax statxhzwt ot twb One of the sensational preach ­ comments from those who have I wno hns the coptract for building the near future, and some of the FIREMEN’S INSURANCE COMPANY visited this county in their mu- ers who visited this city recent­ the couuty ferrjfor the Willamette boyscontemplate challenging some ly, told his congregation that or °t NKWARK IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, chines. .***• *!■* ■tsy Dws.mbw, 1810, made to the In.urance Commissioner of tk it was not necessary to prepare aiough, at Holbrook, was instantly of the leading tennis players of the ■tate of Oregon, pursuant to law: sermons, for he depended upon killed Wednesday when a jack slip­ city for a game as soon as con QAM TAX. Judge Galloway read the riot Amount of capital paid up God to put words into his ped and the fieavy.timbers crushed venient. 2i.ooo.6w» act in the circuit court on Mon­ his head. N*al c»me to Portland in _ IH001CB. mouth, What an idiot. It is Wood Wanted. day to those who had spirited Premium* received during the year In cash..................... 12,173,480 13 the early ¡»part Of the afternoon, Interest, dividends and rent, received durine year 287.588 01 away a state's witness. He not only by research and deep study leaving Ilfs father-in-law alone at Bills wanted for 80 cords of sound Income from otbar aouroaa reoelved during the year 127.978.78 thut one knows anything about only insisted that the witness work. When lx^‘ returned at 4:30 p. m. seasoned 4 foot wood for Schoo Total Income ................................................................................... the precepts of the bible, und the »2.559,66.4 be brought into court, but stated White’» head' was found crushed Dist. No. 9. To be delivered and .. . . . »ISBtntSEMESTTS. thut he would not dismiss the preachers who fail to spend and pinioned under the ferry. The ricked in basement of school house . Looeoa paid during the rear.................................. Dividends paid during the year on capital stock. .. grand jury until the witness considerable time in their stud­ boatjfcas lifted and the body remov­ by Sept, let, 1911. Bids to be re­ Commissions and aalarlea paid during the year Taaeo. licensee and fee. paid during the year.......... was found. Spiriting away ies, can be relied upon us be­ ed and the coronor notified. ceived until April 24, 1911. Bond or Amount of all other expenditure........................................ longing to those who are not state witnesses in Tillamook certified check for $75.03 to accom­ Total expenditures ................................................................. R 82.111.16411 County has t>een altogether too very well informed. “Hotair” f pany bid. Obituary won ’ t do any more in the pul ­ ASSETS common to defeat the ends of Value of real estate owned......................................... .. .. .. A lva F inley , S 800,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned............. justice, and the )M*oplt* will ap­ pit than it will anywhere else. 2,389,572,50 On April 12, at 6 o'clock p. tn.. Dist. Clerk. Loans on mortgages and collateral etc............ The intelligent,studious preach ­ 2,485 850.00 preciate the firm stand the Cash In banks and on hand..................... Mrs. Wm. Baxter died nt the family 72 823.82 er is in the same class as the Premiums tn course of collection and In transmission 318.597 22 judge has taken in this matter. home at Dolph, Oregon. She was Interest and rent* due and accrued .................................... 46,538.73 studious attorney or physician) born at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 7, 1837, Total asset* admitted In Oregon....................................... 16.121.3IUI We understand thnt the sett­ but there are shyster attorney^ being at the time of her deuth 73 FAMILY LXABXXIT1ES lers in the south part uf the ns well as quack doctors umi yr».. 6 ino. and 5 duys of age. She Grom claims for losses unpaid ................................. • ». 7«« Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding 1 uunty vv ill bung suit to litiiiul "hot air” preachers, but the^, was ipurried to Win. Baxter ut Good­ RECIPES. risks . . ZX«7 QKO 48A don ’ t amount to anything wheii Due for commission and brokerage.......... .. .. ......................... ' linn nn the t» II road contract. Th«-1< 11 rich. Ontario, on Sept. 15th, 1839, All other liabilities ............................ ................ 26 523 80 weighed in the balance. wind question bus taken a long wh.p survives her. She was the " ——————— . j Total liabilities ................................................................................ 77~T7 . . 12,279.448» time toxolx e in Tillamook C'ouu mQtlier of nine children, seven of The valued family re- As soon as arrangements can whom survive her: George T. Bax­ Total Insurance In force December 31. 1910 ly. It is ti surprise to it» that . . .1379.690,831» ci es for cough 1 and cold anyone can Is- found who is »0 lie made the Editor-Boosters' ter and Mrs. Margaret Meador of Total Gros. risk. ?h”®?rW ™ 506.068» cure, liniments, tonics and antiquated t<» udvociite toll Association will pay different Dolph. \V. E. and P. A. Baxter of Gross premiums received during the year 7 885.» Premiums returned during the year ................................................. 2.166.11 r< ads in these enlightened dux », parts of the county visits for I-OS Angeles, David E. Baxter and other remedies have as Groeo losses paid during the year . .......................................................... 131 th)* purpose <>f creating ti get- Mrs. Olive Johnson, of Spray, Oie., Gross losses incurred during the year...’’*’’’*.................................. careful attention here as im Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon, Dec. 31, i 916 ' 457.658» together, boosting sentiment, and M.a. P. I.. Frosin of Salem. the most iutricate prescrip­ and, il possible, bring together One daughter died in infancy, and FIREMEN’S INSURANCE COMPANY tions. and cement together all those and another died Sept. 4, 1893, at OP HBWAHK, MEW JE3BSET. ■tatutors . Bj DANIEL II. DUNHAM, Preside* xx ho have a lively interest in Dolph. She united with the Metho­ ■latutory resident general agent and attorney for service: Our fresh, high grade A. G. HILLIS* the weliare of the county ns a dist Church when a girl, und lived drugs will help to make xx hole. That is the aim und these remedies mare effec- a consistent Christian all her life. ir/xn— or THE A3THVAX rr.TEMBgT or THE object of the Editor-Boosters, She was a devoted wife and mother The Tillnmock C ntitnereiul > tive than ever. ns well as to ascertain the need? 0^?,iJ?i VESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Chib has now tieen orgunized 1 and her loss will be keenly felt. Right prices are < ver twelve months, , inni une of the ditierent localities and to also The remains will be taken to Salem I to lb. attfWo^ see that they get 11 "square assured. good feature brought ahout by and interred in the family lot in the deal" in roud and bridge im* Amount of capital paid up.................... OAFTTAX the club is Unit the fnction.nl I. O O. F. cemetery. As fur us the f bt lei» eied • -ut and the metti- pruvetnents. Rt^tTdtiJSrodï1 Mdrr"5ta‘,,r*eeeB^ ber» lite all piilliug togetner ter snap shot man 1» concerned, he Notice to Commercial Club Mem­ ber». believes that every part of the CLOUGH, thè interest of thè cit i unii c< tin­ ,nCOTma.fI,?nmeom*.h-r — -^Wr.ne present. er. Total expenditure. ................... itii'te its v-»-f e lue»-, but uew ...| LV».I*8 E rwin H arrison . Sec y. niemliers will l*e ndled tu it. ¿tsrket value of real estate owned Amongst the provisions ship- 1 X*1“’ °.f ,,ock» *n,t bonde owned Kicked By a Mad Horse PrTmrnm and «ollateral. etc , p-d to Tillamook from Pvrtluud I 1 Samuel Rirch. of Beetown. Wis., Wroug ugniti, Bro. Trombley, this week xx e Hud that mutton, I j had u moat narrow escape from 823,468. 296.571.1 leg. ax no doctor could heal the the simp shot mini 19 not nt- |M>rk. chicken nud butter were , j Pr-n lum. 208.103. Mfchtful sore thut developed but at 104.18«.! tvitii 'iou to dictate totlie Port : in the shipitieuts. Thi» umv | laat Rucklen's Arnica Salve cured Total aasete admitted In Oregon.. nf 1 ill inns k. but he isdeimind- appear strnuge to a good many | it completely. Its the greatest i ig that Tilluin*» k City obtain l>er»«»ns, iicvertlielea», it is a healer of ulcers, burns, boils, Net reeerve ................ .»•“«y clalme ccxemii, scalds, cuts, corns, cold­ the best channel so as to make fact thnt the Ixitiner dairying' All other llablllilee sore». bruises and piles on earth. Surplua..................... .... this city nn “open port” for County of Oregon is not raising Try it. 25c. nt Chua. I. Clougli'a San Fnmeisco vcmc I s . We art* enough of these* provisiou» to| drug »tore. Total nabtllUea........................ Total Insurance |a fore. Ooeember tl'.'iti« tired of sex ing the money of the supply the lox'uI market. It is I W ben a medicine uniat be given to Port iir-«-d in nn attempt to main­ seldom that the market is over-1 young children it ahould be pleas­ Tjui rirt. wrttt«B?Sr„m,.““BOOW ■•is tain an expensive chntinel on •locked, and chicken» bring ant to take. Vlisnilierlain'a cough I *h‘ Keuiedv is made from loaf sugar, the bay. Sat Bro., ie vour liver 13c. live weight. When the , laeurrod dnrtag the year" ‘‘ the roots n.ed in it» prepara­ out <>f whin k again, for you are nuuiervut tH'Hx'h resort* are and i tion gixe it a flavor similar to maple ______________ -----................................................................................................. .. JH«!}.** laboring under some false de- teeming with thousands of per- syrup, ! making i» pleasant to take luaiou ? Do use u little cotumuH sous, ns they northwestern national life insurance co will surely le in It baa no superior for colds, croup •ente. Uro. a tew year«. tbs demand for •ud whooping cough. Fur sale by Lamar « Drug Sturs **•••«» • A •* «*•» H. asesar»mi One year........ Six months.... Three months 1.50 Editorial Snap Shots. 75 on Automobile MARKET. the fl. K. CASE, Agent. MAJOR WEITZELi, Registered No. 33271. LORD REX, Registered No. 48862 v.s. * « i i I * * »■ I I « C S • I » * « I I : a a : ”! : i X:h,r„mh.B„oir.rddonpo^d,°— Wise Dentaí¿¿:,¿ . 1 5 JOHN A HONST. Medford- Of.