Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 20, 1911, Image 1

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For rent —House of 21 rooms In­ EXCITING SCENE IN I
quire Headlight Office.
Henry Rogers is attending the
horse sale in Portland this week.
Judge Galloway Grills
A unusual thing happened today.
Instead of maintaining the prices
Parents of Delinquent
on Heating Stoves on[ account of
Minor Child.
the cold weather. King
Co. have reduced their entire line
10 per cent and will give with each GIRL SPIRITED away .
stove a Handseme Iron Clad Alarm
C. S. Wells and Wife Put
Clock. See our window.
Through a Rig!d Exami-
r Dehner O. Frederick and Iva Vine
nation by the Acting
world-traveler» who carried
District Attorney.
“A. B.A.” Travelers’ Cheques last season are
Point. The young-couple kept the I
enthusiastic in praise of them. "Good as gold every­
news of the wedding quiet and I When Court convened Wednesday
where", is lheir testimony. Try them yourself on your
a march on their friends. They ^igrqing Jhe witnesses in the case of
next trip. They are safer than money; handier than
left on their honeymoon trip last State of Oregon vs. Henry McKinley
drafts; self-identifying.
were present, with one exception, Iva
Monday. —Medford Times.
The Golden Gate came in on Tues­ Wells, daughter of C. S. Wells, As it
day with the following passengers: was freely circulated after the arrest
Tillamook County Bank.
S. M. Smith, Bert Flin, C. F. Barley of Henry McKinley and Thos. Holman
and wife, Miss Gatehel, J. M. Chain- that this witness would be spirited a-
berlain, N. Drevin, George Higgins, way before the case was called in the
U. R. James, T. C. Shankland,Mrs. circuit court, a large number of per­
were in the court room to witness
LAMOOK JOTTINGS The steam shovel is working on Hantier, Frank Barker, J. C. Barker, sons
the [cut off east of town and in a Ges Chase, H. D. Foge and wife, the proceedings, and another attempt
to defeat justice by tampering with
few days the rails will be laid on and seven other passengers.
; Morris, eye specialist,
the State’s witnesses. The State's at­
the spur as far as the saw mill.
nnies Wanted at the Tillamook
torneys were ready for trial and coun­
The weather turned wet, and with inspector, has under consideration
sty Bank.
sel for the defendant expressed a desire
copious showers of rain and warm a recommendation for the establish­
arles Ray was in from Clover- sunshine, grass and other vegeta­ ment of four buoys in Tillamook to proceed. The sheriff was ordered to
produce the witness, Iva Wells, but be­
this week.
tion is making considerable growth. Bay, as the result of a visit from a
ing unable to do so the father and
>rk appears to be scarce for the
Bids wanted on from 100 to 1000
mother of the girl were Bubpoenied to
enters just at present.
cords body spruce wood. Quantity seven buoys were asked for, but the appear before the court and they were
od buggy and harness for sale, taken will depend on the price.—
placed on th«- witness stand by Judge
Tillamook Electric Light & Fuel the request.
ply to Webb Maddux.
Galloway, where they underwent a
The Shakespeare Club met for its grilling examination by both the Court
K>d for sale by L.C. Wilks. In- Company.
Lost, April 5, a check, for $8.11 monthly meeting on Friday after­ and Acting District Attorney Winslow.
: at Rosenberg’s Store.
Judge Galloway sat patiently through
anted—A competent girl in din- on the First National Bank, Chicago, noon at the home of Mrs. C. I.
another pleasant the rigid examination before taking a
made payable to W. H. Harrison. Clough, when
room at The Todd Hotel.
time was participated in. There
»r rent-Rooms for rent close in. Return and receive reward.—W. H. was a full attendance of members, hand himself, and when no definite in­
formation was elicited from either
Iress Box 62, Tillamook, Ore.
besides a number of invited guests, father or mother of the girl, Judge
gite or phone to E. G. Ander-
2 horse wagon with wood rack and all of whom enjoyed the dainty Galloway said:
1 Hemlock, for Cedar Fence
“This Court demands most emphati­
gravel bed. Call on C. W. Thomas, lunch served by Mrs. Clough.
Sunday services with the United cally that this girl be brought into
*6 mile east of P. O. on Fairview
itice Effenberger was down road, and he will make price right.* Brethern in Christ are as follows : court; with the good people of Tilla­
Nehalem this week attending
The following passengers left on Bible School at 10 a.m., Preaching mook County behind me in this matter
the Golden Gate: C. H. Johnson, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.111., and Young with the sheriff upholding me in this
• mall farm to sell or trade for Mrs. Lowe, J. A. Richardson, A. M. People’s Mission Society at 7:15 p.m. matter; with Mr. Winslow, the acting
k property on easy term.—J. R Chamberlain, D. Curtis, C. V. Atter­ The theme of the morning will be district attorney assisting me in this
bury, Geo. Court, D. Boyer, G. F. ‘'God’s Counterpart of the Civil matter, 1 reneat most emphatically
Court ” We expect Deputy Att’y that this Grand Jury will not bo dis­
ve chickens wanted at the Tilla- Norblad.
ik Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
The amount of money turned over Winslow of Salem to speak in the missed ard this court will not adjourn
until this witness is produced, if we
to County Treasurer Beals as a re
Dr. H. E. Morris, accompanied by have to stay here ail the Summer.
Ibert Marolt is in Portland on suit of the tdxes collected by Sheriff
“How can you clear the name of
Hint of the serious sickness of Crenshaw amounts to $238,239.98, his wife, will leave on the 21th for
child of anything dishonorable if
which includes some fees collected
you insist upon hiding her from this
ring your chicken to the Tilla-
Court?’’, inquired the judge of the
>k Meat Company’s Market. We
Wanted—Position as manager or father, M. L. Morris, will drive in parents of the girl. But you say you
il3c. per pound.
helper on dairy ranch, by good far­ after them. Anyone wishing ser­ do not know where she is. I he good
vices in Dr. Morris’ line are request­
tting of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 mer and dairyman. 'Best of refer­ ed to call on him at once, or they name of your daughter is sacred to you
$2.00 for 15 eggs.—C. A. Corn- ences. Give particulars and wages can send their work to him at Mc­ for anything that reflects upon her
first letter. O. F. Winslow, 461 East
h, Tillamook, Ore.
good name re-bounds upon your name,
, Sours, cheapest and best paper Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. *
the name of her parents. I; not your
ger in town. Leave orders at. , , There will be an excursion from located in thia city. They come standing in the community where you
Nehalem to this city on Sunday on from Walterville on the Mackenzie have lived to be based upon your acts
I next to Harris’ barn.
House and Lot and Furniture, the P.R. &. N. Co.’s railroad, and a river in Lane county. Mr. Gordon as father and mother in this matter. It
garden tool, to be sold Inquire large crowd is expected down from is a fishing tackle expert, and makes is your duty to produce her here in
the north part of the county, as the flies and leaders to order and does Court and let her state to all the world
be Headlight office.
fare is only $1 for the round trip.
repair work in the fishing line. the conditions aud the proof of her in­
re. Hill will have fresh fruit and
Leave work or orders at Ed’s garage, nocence. Would not that be better than
|ies in on every boat. Try her
Mr. Stanley the past week in which or at Mr. Gordon residence in the for­ hiding her away, or probably wander­
pioty cakes and Ballads.
ing amohg strangers? You say you do
bv. S. G. Finney left on Monday the former takes the property of mer Sulton property in the west not know where she is, but you are
ning to attend the meeting of Mr. Stanley in Norton’s addition for part of town.
not worried about her. Is it not pos­
Portland Presbytery at Oregou- $1010. Mr. Breeden just arrived
The members of the Young
lately from Illinois and intends to People’s Society of the Christian sible that she is among strangers and
subject to the temptations and machi­
make this his home.
Church were entertained at the nations of evil men and women she
r sale, one pure bred Berkshire
Scott Bozorth, of the Bay City home of Erwin Harrison Thursday
due to farrow in a few days.
might meet.?
i Neglie, on the H. C. Kunze Land Co., came in from Portland evening. The members of the
“This Court demands that you bring
on Wednesday. He says that work Society, beside about twenty-five
child into this room. What do you
on the United Railways will be
le next call for county warrants commenced as soon as the succes­ invited guests, partook jn the games think of it as a mother?”
|e by the County Treasurer will sor of President John F. Stevens of which there were many instruc­
Mrs. Wells: “I know she does not
tive and entertaining ones until want to come here.”
bel all warrants up to the first of takes charge of the work.
nearly eleven o’clock, when refresh­ Judge Galloway: “But you say she
The annual election of officers of ments were served. The jolly crowd
Eretary of State Benson died in of the Tillamook Commercial Club left for their homes at twelve o'clock would probably come back after this
court adjourns. I want to tell you,
sornia last week, and Governor will take place next Mondayevening feeling well repaid for their visit
both you and Mr. Wells, that you will
■ has appointed Ben W. Olcott in the club rooms, at eight o’clock.
The Sue H. Elmore came in on have to bring that child into this court
11 the vacancy.
As there is some interest taken in Wednesday with the following pass­
rill pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf the election a large attendance of engers: G. W. Kiget, Mrs. Hi tuple room and before this Grand Jury. I tell
you now that all of the powers of this
■ at my shop. Try me out and of members will be present.
and daughter, I. Flemming. B. A, county, all of the powers of this Court
1 The Old Reliable Hide and
Wm. Thun, of Beaver, has pur­ Day, S. Bozorth, Mary Allison, F. will be used to bring about this result
[Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
chased the saw mill outfit from W. Newcom, C. C. Wood worth, Miss as long as the moral sentiment of this
rperienced dairyman with part- D. Gladwell and moved it onto the B. Bahr, F. Hadley, Mrs. C. K. Dye, community, which 1 believe to be as
irould like to rent a ranch. Ad- ranch of A. O. Foland, at Beaver. Mrs Wells, Warren Hoskins, II. C. high as any community in the State of
■ Box 105, Tillamook, or can le He intends sawing the timlier on Kruse, F. L. Snppingtion, Roy Oregon, backs up this court. The sher-
tat Craigs' confectionery store. * Mr. Foland’s place and the places White. Chirk Hadley and wife, Ed. rif will back up this court, the District
I New Shoe Repairing Shop is near there before moving. Mr. Thun Clark, Mrs. Curtiss, I). Oliver. A. Attorney will back np thia Court, and
led at the back of Beals’ offices, has two saw mills in the Beaver Anderson, J. Coulter, William Wal­ I will stay here indefinitely, and this
Beorge Ross, where first class neighborhood and furnished most lace J, A Johnson anil G. A. Brant. Grand Jury will not be discharged un-
I is guaranteed. Give him a of the lumber forthat vicinity.
. * K II. Virgil, who was stricken t’l they have examined thia witness.
Baby Chick food, Ulachord’s Call' with paralysis several months ago The sheriff will bring to his aid every
; number of the members of the Meal. Dement’s Best flour $1.50 sk., in Portland, has so far recovered as available man in the county, the Dis­
1. P. Class of the Methodist Dement’s Marvel- flour $1.50 sk., to lie able to walk down town, trict Attorney and the attorney for the
fch spent Sunday afternoon at grass seeds. Vegetable fertilizer, almost unassisted. His recovery is defendant shall have every possible
home of the Sven son young Land plaster. Cement, Shingles, considered remarkable, owing to assistance, and I want you both to un­
¡.ath. Hay, Grain, Mill-feed, Cream his age. Mr. Virgil decided that derstand that the sooner that child is
iwe has been received here of Separator. Machinery. Farm imple­ he would get well and enjoy motor­ produced the better it will be fur you
leath of Dora Foster, formerly ments. and the celebrated Stude- ing for a while, and even before both. We do not care whether she is 15
lis place, at her borne in Porl- baker wagons and harness, or any he w as able to get out of tied ordered or 16 years old. You and your wife
k Consumption was the cause other old thing you want st the one of the finest high-power cars will be held responsible. Nuw go with ,
he could get. and it will be de­ the sheriff and bring that girl. Thia :
Tillamook Feed Co.
livered in a lew weeks. Mr. Virgil Court is in session as long ss the peo- I
owns an automobile which at pre­ pie of this county desire the law up­
sent is at his Tillamook la>me, but held. If she is sick bring me the cer­
it was not a;>e«<Jy enough.
tificate of a repntabie physician. There
has been no crime charged against this
girl. The Court knows that the people
of this county want the law enforced,
Located two Doors
Nest No. 1181, Order of Owls, will and you aa loving parents should do all
hold a sfiecial meeting at two in your power to protect the name of
o’clock p.u«..
Sunday. April 23. your daughter by bringing her here and
mil. in lodd'M Hull-
Important stating all the facta to thia Grand Jury
Rest Room fur Ladies.
T. B. H a .XIHET,
and the sooner you do so ti e better,
for there will be bo excusing of this
H. Sovas, President.
>i.5o per year.
An ordinary safe is “dead easy” for yeggtnen and
safe crackers.
And as further precaution, WE CARRY BURGLAR
Don’t worry and loose your sleep when you can
pnt your money and valuables where they arc out of
the reach of robbers.
\W invite the opportunity to explain more fully
the facilities we have to safe guard the mouev and
valuable deposited with us.
Only U.S. Government Examined Hauk in the
Grand Jury and no adjournment of this front lights knocked off.
Court until you have done so.
Nene of the crowd have been
heard to cay that they wish to try
When court was called this morn­ breaking any more records.
ing Iva Wells was present, being
accompanied by her parents.
Relatives and friends of Grandad
Jenkins are invited to a picnic at
Another automobile accident oc­ Jenkins Bridge on Sunday, April
curred Friday afternoon, when a 23rd.
Bring your lunches and
party, consisting of Wm. Stephens, have another good old time.
Thos. Johnson, Robt. Whalen, Dr.
For Sale.
P. J. Sharp and a liquor salesman,
in their rush to reach Nehalem,
My ranch of 195 acres, mostly all
slid off the trestle between Upper River bottom land,either all or 80 ac­
and Lower Nehalem. Mr. Stephens, res all bottom land,together with 14
who was driving the car, seemed to good milk cows, 1 span of horses, 1
be anxious to show his companions set of harness and all necessary
what speed could be secured on the machinery to run n first class dairy
smooth plank roads, when as he farm, a good 8 room house, good
began to go around a sharp curve barn and dairy house and other
on the trestle, the hind wheels slid buildings. 1 mile from High School
around and the ear went off over and Public School, 1 mile from
the edge of the planks. However, cheese factory. Terms easy. H. H.
it hung over against some brush Tulibesing, Neluilem, or enquire of
along the road until help could be H. C. Kunze, Tillamook.
secured to place the car back on the
Farm For Sale.
For sale, one of the beet 80 acres
That night the crowd had a good
time in Nehalem and the next day on Salmon River, all nice land, on
the main road and •% mile to cheese
Henry Rogers’ chauffeur towed the factory. About 25 acres of beautiful
injured car back] to town.
bottom clearing easy ami a lot of
Price $28.00
They arrived in town at (1:30, one open land on place.
of the dustiest looking bunches that Enquire of E. F. Hardin, Otis, Ore.
ever rode into Ed's garage.
Holstein Bull for Sale.
As soon as they had taken refresh­
a thorough bred Holstein
ments, the store of E. T. Ilnltoin
hull, ni/ely marked, first-class i»edi-
was visited in guest of new lints, gree. Will trade, or price $125 cash.
Dr. Sharp being the only one who John Hathaway.
had a hat which was not crushed.
Cows for Sale.
The car was damaged to the
greatest extent by a plank going
For Hale, 10 or 15 head of good
through the radiator, although the milk cows, all fresh. Fred Balmer,
front fenders were smashed and the 4 mil**s cant of town.
Another Auto Accident.
Big Bargains !
Look at Our Prices.
Best Fruit Sugar, per sk
Dry Granulated Sugar, per sack 5.00
Extra C. Sugar, per sack
Leach’s Best Lard, 10 111
Leach’s Best Lard. 5 lb
Diamond “C” Lard, 10 II
Diamond “C” Lard. 5 Ib.
Rex Lard, 10 lb. pail
Rex Lard, 5 lb. pail • •
White River Compound, 51b. p
Cottolene, 1 lb. pail .
Cottolene, 10 ib. pail
Breakfast Bacon, Rex per lb.
Breakfast Bacon, C.B. per Ib.
Heavy Bacon, per Ib.
Snow Drift Flour, per bbl .
Light House Flour, per bbl.
Elaine Coal Oil, per case .
The Ray Feed Co
C. F. SHORTRIDGE. Mgr. Gro. Dept.