Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 13, 1911, Image 3

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    T illamook headlight ,
He Obeyed Order*. ~ ~
General Dabney H. Maury In hl»
“Incidents of General T. J. Jackaon"
says that when the war between the
ata tea broke out Jackson was the pro­
fessor of u> uhematlea at tbe Military
College of "
lie wished
strongly to tab? .uiutuami of a cadet
corps. but tu. bends ot the luaUtn-
tiot\ were
Irons to have hint con­
tinue his Reaching. Governor Wise
culled otrf the state troops and ordered
that ayforps of cadets be held ready
for Wnmedlate service. Jackson, then
major, refiorted at once at tbe guard­
room mh ready for duty.
Smith an id:
"Major Jackson, you will remain aa
you are until further ordero.”
Jackson at that moment was sitting
on a camp «tool in tbe guardroom with
his Halier across his knees. At reveille
tbe next morning be was found In the
same position.
"Why. major, why are you here?” ex­
claimed General Stulpr.
"Because last night you ordered mo
to remain where I was," was the reply.
Royal Jewels In Pawn.
The ex-Sultau Abdul Axlz pawned all
his crown jewels for a million franca
at tbe Mont de Plete at Paris, and
they were only just redeemed by the
Moorish government In time to pre­
vent tbelr being sold among other un­
redeemed goods.
Tbe sword of state, which is regard­
ed in Servia as a sacred relic, was also
pawned by a former king, while one
well known European monarch found
himself In sueb straitened circum­
stances that tbe famous bouse of At­
tenborough once temporarily had pos­
session of all his old silver.
Queen Isabella was. however, tbe
most famous royalty who made no
secret of tbe fuct that she raised mon­
ey npon tbe security of tbe portraits
of her ancestors, which bung on the
walls nt the palace Catile. her Pari­
sio u home. Tbe royal lady often de­
clared how deeply ehe was Indebted to
her royal forbears for coming to ber
rescue and helping ber out of ber finan­
cial predicaments.—London M. A. P.
The Road to Success.
Just tack this up somewhere where
you can see it:
Success consists tn getting out of
yourself everything that’s Ln you. It
does not consist In doing almost quite
as much or a little more than the otlv-
er fellow. What the other fellow does
doesn't umount to a dent In a door­
knob so far as you are concerned.
Tbe fact that he succeeds by laying
an Atlantic cable, buHding an Eiffel
tower. Inventing wireless telegraphy or
cornering the world’s supply of oil
doesn't make you a failure because you
haven't gut enough ready money to
buy an automobile. You're successful
when you put to some useful purpose
every ounce of energy, every grain ot
gray matter, every mite of muscle that
you've got. Y’ou're successful when
you've developed all there is to you
aud have given that to the world.—
Pittsburg Gazette-Times.
Stories of ths Paris Ceurta.
Among humorous stories of tbe Par­
is Law courts it la told bow a well
known lawyer, M. Alem Rousseau,
was once pleading a rather tiresome
raao and, noticing that tbe judges were
paying no attention to blm, aald. "As
i tbe president la falling asleep I sus­
pend my speech.” But tbe judge had
> just .woke up and cried. "And 1 sus­
pend you from practicing for six
mouths.” Nothing daunted, the law­
yer retorted. “Well, 1 suspend myself
forever and ever," and, gathering up
bis brief and cap. be left tbe court
and never appeared again.
A Paris barrister, M. Clery, however,
was more vigorous Seeing that tbe
■ president and the aeeeesors were all
asleep, be stopped, and, dealing a tre-
mendota« blow on the desk in front of
him that woke everybody up with a
start, he cried, “Yesterday at thia same
hour I was saying"— And tbe whole
bench rubbed their eyes and asked each
I other if they had really slept through
I twenty-four hours.
Tbe same counsel was pleading at
i Versailles on a cold day and remarked
> that the judges were all turning more
and more around toward a stove that
gave out a welcome beat “Tbe tribu­
nal behind which I have tbe honor of
speaking" brought them all right about
face at once.
He Had a Claim.
In a certain town was a young law­
yer whose father was very rich and
who had been sent to an eastern law
school. Since his graduation be bad
done nothing except open an office be­
cause be bad plenty of money. This
young lawyer was proposed for mem­
bership In tbe local fire company.
"We cannot elect him," one of the
members protested. "Tbe constitution
of our company says that tbe mem­
bers of it must sleep and live here In
the city, and be lives out of town on
a farm and not In the city at all. He
would be of no value at all In case of
a fire at night. He doesn't sleep here
at night."
“No," replied bls proposer; "It Is true
be doesn't sleep bere at night, but he
sleeps bere in bis office all day.”
And they elected blm on that ground.
—Philadelphia Saturday Evening Poet.
“ ’. A Leng Credit.
The motto of tbe blgblaud Lost that
battled for tbe Stuart cause, which
bonny Prince Charlie beaded. ap|mr-
ently was that heaven belt« those who
help themselves liberally. They levied
toll on the henroost, stable aud. ac­
cording to the author of “Tbe Laud of
Romance," even on tbe pockets of tbe
At 8wartbholm a parly of these ma
rauders overhauled tbe bouse of u tai­
lor, and when one of them was about
to cut up a web of homespun that bad
taken his fancy the good wife earnest­
ly remonstrated.
“A day'U come wbea ye'll ha’ tae
pay for that.” she solemnly assured
Scissors In hsnd. Donald paused.
"An* when will she pe bating to do
that?" be asked.
"At tbe last day." said she.
' "An' that will pe a fery goot long
credit," the robber coolly returned.
"Sbe wass going to pe only taking a
coat, but now she will pe taking a
waistcoat as well."
We carry a Large Stock of
Espsnsive Fiction.
"Is that picture really a work of -
A Tip For John.
“I di.n't know." replied Mr. Cutnrvk. ' Mr. CritnaonLeak —Here's an Item
' but the «torr tbe dealer told me whl- h says the swaa outlives any oth­
ab-mt it surely »««.” — Washington er l-.rd. In extreme canee wa' h'ng 8*M)
Mrs Crimeoul-eak—And. re
member. John, tbe swans Uva oh wa­
"Thrifty, la abe’"
"Thrifty! 1 won't go Into a long
An Old English Inn.
dl» ourse ! merely teil you tbat abe
Tbe Seven fears la as las or pab-
beaks money in December.”—Waab- Uc bouse to Manchester. England,
tagton Herald
which has held a Urenee een«n»eady
son o 1370 It served as the meeting
His Dilemma.
place for tbe Gay Fowkes band of
"For »>» I’ll fix yoor teeth so yc I
tea ctosw without dlBceity ”
“If I was to give roe
I coal* t
As obstinate man does not Mid
(•< anything to chew ea*-Ufe
eptatoua. Umy held Mto-Bottar
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
A Mountain In ths Sky.
Somewhere many miles away from
this earth an enormous mountain
twenty miles high Is flying through
space. Tbe mountain Is known astro­
nomically as the planet Eros. Tbe or­
dinary man has long taken It for
granted that all tbe planets are more
or lees round in shape. Tbe small
planet Eros, however, is an exception
to this rule. According to the latest
astronomical information. It is a mere
mountain In space, “without form and
void," and as It turns upon it» axis
first one corner and then another la
presented U> view. These small worlds
(few are over ten or twenty miles
across) are not large enough to have
sufficient gravity to draw tbelr struc­
ture into symmetry and remain as
when launched Into space—mammoth
meteorites. A tantalizing fact for as-
tronomery Is that Eros passed very
close to us about Jan. 24. 18D+—before
the planet was recognized—and that
quite so near an approach Is not due
again till 1975.
Forgot the Proverb.
"You may not get any more business
from me I've I •cur ht a law book "
“I won't worry.” responded tbe law­
"In tbat case I shall probably
get more business than ever.”—Woab
lngton Herald
13, ion
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most
Maks Children Happy.
The first duty toward children to to
make them happy. If you have nor
made them luippy you have wronged
them. No other good they may get
can make ap for that —Cbarlea But
■ Tillamook
Lumber Manufacturing Compy.
His Reward.
And ths Grounds
Lady CastoMr—Do you keep coffe,
to tbe bean? Naw Clerk-L’pwta 1rs
This to tbe ground door.— i
Priar^n Tiger
H emlock LUMBER
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County.
New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and
First Class Lumber of the EJest Quality.
Sold by Chas. I. Clough.
The Best Hotel.
J. P. ALtUBR, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish
Liver and Habitual Constipation.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A Hirst Class Table.
It cures by aiding all of the
digestive organs—gently etimu«
lates the liver andre^uLtc; the
bowels—the only way that
chronic constipation can bo
cured. Especially recommended
Clears blotched complexions.
Pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes.
Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
» Tillamook Iron Works
» General Machinists ¿c Blacksmiths.
j L
Lawwr Brown - Ao 1 called tbe
Jud,-v «liar. Lawyer Jones-And then
what did you do1 Lawyer Brvwu-
Thlrty days.—Toledo Blade
Whxh Was Far Woeee.
Wllttomaow-Doee your wife always
hate tbe last word? Headerson - Well,
if she doesa't. old fettew sbe looks tt -
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
"The Mine’s Blown Up.”
I was sitting on the edge of my bed.
loosening tbe heel of one of my rubber
boots with tbe toe of the other, when
The Simple Maid.
'Twas in a simple country town, aud suddenly through tbe stillness of tbe
the maid of all work was simple and sleeping town, from the power house
innocent In sympathy. When sbe re half a mile away, came a low and ris­
turned from shopping half a sovereign ing note, the great siren whistle in tbe
short in her change Mrs. Mango- power .bouse.
Almost fascinated. J
Chutney was naturally incensed.
listened as tbe great note rose higher
"Go back to each shop, you careless und more shrill and died away again
girl,'’ she told tbe weeping maid, “and One blast meant a fire In the town, two
tell them you are half a sovereign blasts fire In the buildings at the mine
short in your money aud they must and three blasts, tbe most terrible of
give Lt you."
all. a disaster or trouble In tbe mine
Susan went and was back again in Once more, after an Interminable
half an hour. Entering ber mistress' pause, the sound came again and once
sanctum, sbe laid five half sovereigns more rose and died away. 1 did not
on tbe table before ber. Faithful as move, but there was a sudden cold
always, she bad carried out Mrs. ness that came over me as once more,
Mango-Cbutney’s Instructions to the for the third time, the deep note broke
letter, and each shopkeeper, fearful of out on tbe quiet air. Almost instate
doing wrong and hurting a fellow crea­ tuneously the loud jingle of my tele­
ture. had thrust the missing coin upon phone brought me to my feet. 1 took
the bewildered girl.—London Answers down tbe receiver. "Tbe mine's blown
up," said a woman's voice.—Atlantic.
A Hard Haarted Psopls.
Ths Offending Black Bottle.
Filial piety finds no plane In Tibetan (
A church member in a lonely district
character. It is no uncommon tiling
8aying No.
for a son to turn bls father, when too of Saskatchewan absented himself
The author of "Pot McCarty." a book
old for work, out of doors and to leave from services for..some months. On of verse with a setting of prose, shows
blm to perish in the cold. Tbe suifersti- being approached bn tbe subject be bow naturally some of tbe Irishmen of
tlon that the souls of tbe dead can. said he was sorry.'but it was impossi­ Antrim dilute tbe wine of narrative
He was with tbe water of verbiage. In tbe ex
If they will, bsunt tbe living drives ble to attend any more.
tbelr hardened natures to gain by tbe pressed to give reasons and at length cerpt below—"The Way We Tell a
exercise of cruelty the promise of the said it was owing to the bad conduct Story"—tbe diluent is used with a par­
dying that they will not return to of tbe superintending clergyman and ticularly free band:
earth. As death approaches tbe tlylng catechist.
Says I to him. I says, says I.
He and others bad witnessed them
Bays I to him. I says.
person is asked. "Will you come back
Ths thing, says I. I says to him.
or will you not?" If he replies that drinking when driving round on tbelr
Is just, says I. this ways.
he will they pull a leather bag over visits. Thky had (tassed a black bot­
I hev. says I. a gre't respeck
bls head and smother blm. If be says
For you and for your breed.
And onythlng I cud. I says,'
lie will not be is allowed to die in sible to attend the ministry of such
I’d do. 1 wud Indeed.
I don't know any man. 1 says,
tending "bottle” was a pair of field
I’d do It for, says I.
glasses with which the drivers sur
As fast. I says, as for yourse!'.
A Lightning Change Artist.
tailin' ye no He
Tbe rapidity with which chameleons 1
There's naught, says I, I wudn't do
change tbelr color Is marvelous. You - tried to locate the various churches
you» feytheF* son.
gather one from au outdoor sb rub and shacks and trails —Sunday at Hom*
But thia. I says, ye see. says 1.
I says. It can't be tt>ne.
it immediately becomes dark, almost !
Not Always.
black. hl«slug and with Its mouth wide I
The Spectacled Bear.
open, threatening to bite. Meanwhile
The spectacled bear of Ecuador Is
It Is never still, but continues to crawl bated.” said an English lord, “on tbe
upward whenever- possible—up you. up score of woman's protected, sheltered, so called because of .g patch of white
your sleeve, always upward. By de­ petted life I think of a poor woman I around each eye. Which makes the
animal loolr as thong* be was fleering
grees tbe angry biack changes Into once questioned in England.
“This poor creature had bgen beaten through a pair of Wreat spectacles.
whatever color Is nearest
If one's
la size and gekFral color tbe spec­
dress Is of a browulsb color so Is tbe by ber busband In a drunken fury
Tbe man bad been drunk, it appears, tacled bear looks not unlike tbe Amerl
for ten days running.
can black -bear. But Ita hair Is very
“ 'My good friend,' I said to ber. shaggy At each side of tbe bead is a
The Reel Thing.
‘does your busband always drink like white bar. which gives the animal tbe
"This." aald tbe young benedict wbo
appearanewof wearing a baiter Bnt
was Just realising that be bad caught that?"
” ’No. my lord.' sbe answered 'Some the most distinctive feature to tia- '
a tartar, "is w>bat 1 cell real married
times I gets bout o’ work.' ”
wbiw around tbe^eyes.
"I'm glad you're satisfied with some­
A Witty Retort.
thing.” «-he «sapfied
Au EntQsbman in Dtobllu was asked
Tbe'ocboolteacber was trying to 11
“Ob. I’m not! 1 merely meant to In­
by an Irish cab driver if be wished to lusttute tbe difference between plants I
form you that It is not Ideal
ride through tbe dty.
sud Àpi mah»
delpbia ledger
"Na." replied tbe Englishman: “I am
"Plants.” sbe explained, “are not bus ,
cetdllAe of attachment to man as ani­
aWt to walk."
HSs Good Adían.
A I'.ttto ttinadbin boy went to bed j "Ab. well." remarked tbe Jehu, "may ma la-are."
yer honor lung be able, but seldom
"How about burs, teacher?” piped a I
and then suddenly rveoUeck-d that he 1
amali buy wbo bod passed tb * sum
hadn't done o:w good action tbat day. '
etr in tbo country.—Chicago News
Hh i-ons Icti.e was gnawing at blm.
Ue heard a little squeal In tbe corner
of his room, aud be got up and re-
I -need a mouse that b.td beeu caught
In tbe trap. Then be gave it to tbe
■ at.
apr I u
Buller Work. logger'* Work and Heavy Forging.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
will give yon full value
for every dcllar spent
and keep you dry In
the wettest weather.
John B. Langley
During tba past SA year« no ram.
edy has proven moro prompt or
more effectual In Ito cures of
Coughs Colds and Crouo
then Cbamher.aie'eCu tab Itomedr. In
many bo n". It 1« ra'lod upuo aa Im.
plloUly aa the family piiyalc.an I. r uh.
talnano opium or o her naiootlc, and
u>a« be elven M confl Jintly to • baby
eetoan adult. friaoUSc. large aiaafiOe
eij Tillamook Blcck,
T illamook
Cough Remedy
glrtiteclter Jtbvohrd.
itoli Telephone. I!W7
SUITS »322
Sold by Chas. I. Clough
O bkgon .