- ï T illamook HEADLIGHT, a PRÌ u 13, ion T. BOTTS, Joseph Therdich, Transcript from Justice Court. A ttorney - at -L av ;. Nancy E. Olson vs. Norman Ol­ Complete set of Abstract Book) Convenes Monday with son, Divorce. A. B. Salings, vs. Charles Chaf­ in office. Taxes paid for non- 51 Cases on the Docket. fee. Action for Money. I Residents. Clay Daniel and Dora Daniel vs. The April term of the Circuit L. H. Kenny, Nallie Kopieske, Court will convene in this city next Tillamook Block. I Monday, with Judge William Gall- , W’m. Kopieske, Gust Nelson and Roth phones. Petter Nelson. Foreclosure. oway on the bench. The docket j Lois C. MacMahon vb . Agnes_____________________________ contains quite a number of cases, To i but very few of much importance. Reid and Frances Trevor, Jr. quiet title. arl haberlach There are several persons bound W. H. Johnson and H. B. Johnson over to the grand jury by the justice vs. I.. E. Sanders and Gertrude courts. The docket is a follows : ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Sanders. For deed. K. G. Staples vs. W. H. West. T. J. Bowles vb . Mary J. Bowles. Peitfecher ^bvohat, Action for money. Divorce. J. II Fildew vs. J. T. Milner and James Waton, Jr., trustee, vs. Mar­ Tillamook Block. H. E. Noble and O. O. Boardsley cella B. Turner and H. S. Turner. and Eastern Investment Company, Foreclosure. John Borba. i QEORGE WILLETT, Limited. To quiet title. L. P. Branstetter vs. J Hattie B. Marolf, Ethel Holden Foreclosure. and Arthur E. Holden vs. Preston Bay City Laud Company vs. A ttorney - at -L aw . E. Marolf, Carrie Marolf, John E. W. S. Cone. Damages. Marolf Wallace, Lola V. Marolf- Next to Tillamook County Ladd and Bush vs. F. D. Stal- Lamb, J. D. Wallace, Martha E. ford. Action for Money. Bank, Wallace, F. M. Lamb, P. E. Lamb Ladd and Bush vs. Anna G. Stai- T illamook - O regon . and Arthur N. Marolf. Partition. ford, and F. D. Stalford. Action John Conklin vv. Mary Conklin. for money. Divorce. H. GOYNE, To Prevent Forest Fires. Maud Joseph vs. David Joseph. Divorce. Forest fires, one of the greatest A ttorney - at L aw . C. E. Reynolds vs. William Hiatt ( sources of destruction to the most Action for money. i valuable resources of the state, will Office : Opposite Court House, J. W. Sweeney. S. S. Blaumauer soon be restricted and their terrors T illamook , O regon . an J Isaac Blaumauer, partners . largelj reduced if the people will doing business [under the firm 1 co-operate with the State Forrester name and style of The Sweeney in the administration of the new T. BO ALS, M.D., Construction Company vs. Jos. E. forrestry law enacted by the last Effenberger, as Justice of the Peace Legislature, which will be ready for of the First Justice District of Tilla­ distribution in pamphlet form in PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, mook County, Oregon, and Omar the near future. One of the most important pro- Bush. Writ of review. TILLAMOOK. Hiram Radus vs. i The Tillamook visious of the law is that making a County Bank, a ■ corporation, and closed season for burning from lune Tillamook Block. ... r • 1 irvi vìi r 1 /11 * T-i n ir urViir'h r»*»rir»ri Glenn H. Johnson. Action for 11 to October 1, during which period out door fires of all kinds are pro­ money. hibited except under most stringent Oak Nolan vs. M. H. Larsen, et M. KERRON, regulations and the probability of a). Confirmation. heavy penalties. Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. In this connection the State For-' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, vs. Nellie G. DuBois and John E. rester urges upon every one the ne- j Tillamook Block, DuBois, her husband, Condemns- cessity of doing all possible burn- ( tion. ing before the closed season begins Tillamcok, Oregon. Pacific Railway A Navigation and thus save the trouble and risk . was seen in Tillamook City on of doing it by permission during et al. Con- Co. vs. J. L. Vosburg, To build good roads it tukes Tuesday. That’s Home Rule, Milking Cows Not Woman’s Work. 'that season of greatest danger when : demnution. modern equipment to con- pure and simple. We commend fire spreads so easily and rapidly. I J^R. I. M. SMITH, Women need not milk the cows, va. Frank Ida May Simeral struct them. The same thing the pluck of any woman who ■ The State Forrester desires the ; applies to fighting fire, the fire would administer a dose of though she may gather the eggs Simeral. Divorce. : assistance and co operation of every , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, lighters must have the appara­ home rule chastisement upon and care for the chickens, is the de­ C. L. Dye vs. L. E. Sanders, Con­ one in the protection of property i tus. This city, for many years, her husband for leaving her out cision handed down by Judge Otto firmation. Office over J. A. Todd & Co., from forest, grass or brush fires, ' has needed a hook und ladder in the cold after bringing her to at Brule, Neb., recently, in settling George W. Phelps vs. Srethna S. and to this end invites suggestions Tillamook, Ore. truck. flic 4d one i-> antiquat­ town while the husband is guz- the difficulties between John A. Phelps and Allen H. Wilson. Fore- , and information calculated to assist ed and «•houl.l be replaced with zleing down intoxicants in the Draper and Mary, his better half, closure. in any manner in the performance one which will do good service. saloons. Men who are guilty who had been milking fourteen cows United Railways Company vs. 'of his most important duties. Cop- C. HAWK, twice daily. of that kind of treatment are William B. Smith. Condemnation. ! ies of the law will be promptly fur­ The high cost of living talk must For the want of a uniform deserving of a good horse whip­ Gus Leon vs. Mabel Leon. nished to all who desire them. Re- have reached Draper, for he recent­ system of road building, mid the ping at the hands of their wives. , quests and communications ad- Divorce. ly suggested to his wife they cut PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, need of a practical engineer to It may look humiliating to any down expenses by discharging the United Railways Company vs. A. ; dressed to F. A. Elliot, State For­ lay out and establish the grades man to be treated that way, but rester, Capitol Building, Salem, in past years, one often sees a it is just as humiliating to any two hired men and the hired girl. J. Provoost and Lilah Provoost, his < will receive prompt and apprecia­ BAY CITY, OREGON. The hired men, with Draper ’ s help wife. Condemnation. piece of graveled road being respectable, cultured woman to tive attention. und stock, had cared for the farm L’nited Railways Company vs. I torn up which cost considera­ have to remain out in the cold ble money to build. And we for several hours while her hus­ and Mrs. Draper, with her house­ Sarah McMilian and N. McMillan. Bryan Assails Venal Press. are wondering how long this band boozes up in the saloon maid, had done the housework, Condemnation. "The k greatest menace iu in this expensive und unsatisfactory with a number of booze lighters. milked fourteen cows, made the A. Bush and A. N. Bush, part- - c - hvoi uicuauc iu«*> butter, gathered the eggs, raised system will continue. ners, doing business under the firm country to-day is the polution of ■ REAL ESTATE, chickens and tended the garden. name of Ladd A Bush vs. Francis the editorial page and news columns I The "squatters" on the har­ When it came to a settlement of the interests that are committ­ F inancial A gent , Ten divorce suits at the next bor front will have to vacate. the duties each was to |>erforiii af­ Xuvier Moreau, sometimes known grand larceny. Papers are I term of the circuit court, uud if That is a settled fact, and the ter the working force was cut down al Frank Marey, con compos men-J Tillamook, Oregon. they keep on increasing they sooner they make arrangements the couple could not agree, and tis and N.' McMillan, guardian of owned by men who have their hands i ( will become as numerous as to move off lietter it will t>e for Judge Otto was called in to arbitrate. person and estate. Confirmation. >n the pockets of their own sub­ marriages, Some will any that them, for it will not be many An agreement has now been reach­ Goldie White vs. Leon White 8crib«r8 nnd “re giviug them chloro-1 ~|~^R. P. J. SHARP, [form to make it easier to pick them.” j marriage is n failure. It may weekn now before they will be ed. Divorce. These startling statements were the bi in these ten eases, but is served with the twenty-four It is a man's duty to perform all John B. Clark and Nelly calm climaxes of an address made also proves that the marriage hours' notice to abdicate. It is I outdoor work on the farm ; milking and Anne C. Clark vs. RESIDENT DENTIST, by William J. Bryan before the Con­ contract is entered into too of much more importance to cows is legally no part of a woman’s Latourette. To quiet title. temporary Club of Philadelphia. Office across the street frotr tbe lightly mid the courts an- soon Tillamook City that the water work ; gathering eggs and caring William Barker vs. Roscoe Bar­ He had begun by accusing the resorted to to sever the tie thut trout should be lined with big for the chickens may be done by Court House. newspapers of sensationalism, not­ warehouses, [lermanent docks the wife, were some of the decisions ker and Willie Barker. Partition. binds. Dr. Wise’s office. Pearl Phelps vs. George W. ably of crime and domestic infelicity and industrial plants than a lot handed down bv the judge, which P lelps and George W. Phelps Com­ and then advanced to the propo- I Chuck holes. That is some­ of shacks interfering with the should bring applause from over­ pany. Divorce. sition that invii of the big papers thing we want to cull the road growth and development of the S ARCHET, worked women. On the other aide, supervisors attention to. A few port. The harbor front and the In the matter of citizenship of are controlled by the money inter­ no man should be ex[»ected to build . The Fashionable Tailor. ests. load* of gravel in these chuck channel should be improved the kitchen fires, do family washing, Arthur Newton Erskine. holes would wonderfully im­ so that Sun Francisco and other I On the same occasion Rollo Og- State of Oregon vs. J. H. Beach. sew on button* or mend socks. prove the road*. In fact, some vessels can reach this city, and , den. editor of the New York Even­ C.eauiug, Pressing and Repaid 'U _i Embezzlement. of the good roads in this county when this is done it will sur­ ing Post, admitted that the modern itig a Specialty. Mi** Sylvia Puukhurst of London Samantha Mills and Christopher lire not so good us they might prise a great many [tersotis press was tainted with commercial­ | is u good-k»oker suffragette. Not Mills vs. C. Daniels, H. Crenshaw, I be on account of chuck holes. what a great increase of busi- ism, but wanted to know what other Store in Heins Photographie Sogel busy tor a few days, Mr. i ■■'it will give Tillamook City, nil suffragette* are good looking, as Sheriff of Tillamook County, great institution had not the same though many are. It would Ire un- Oregon, and the Tillamook County Supervisors, and chuck 'em up. and that »the reason the snap | Kullal„ to Gallery. taint, for instance, the theater, the that where its Bank. Suit in equity. 4 > We don't want to suy th it we v.llilf shot lllllll man Ims lui.lll Iweu 11. boosting for 1 , lcU(lel!1 -rc ”, university or the church itself. And the suffragette* ' Frank Hunnenkrutt v*. F. W. have clitic hole" road super- harbor improvements. 1 his is | Wll, Ilor .ueh u Phone A. 1# suggestion war- ¡Stanley, as the Justice of the Peace he caused a laugh by asking Bryan L amd O ffici B vkihsxs \i-< rs in Tillamook c< utitv. an important time in the hia- niniej , —■ if it might not be that politics had à S fbcialtv . In Illinois, lowu and other 1 for the Second Justice District for tory of the city, and if it fails to „1,.,. , i”’ ’—---------- •*--------- ----------- — become a little commercialized. His OWING & COW INC take advantage of it* splendid ' J . * . ,uoven,en‘ba8 | Tillam >ok County, Oregon, and H. conclusion was that the newspaper Tillamook Citv is, pmcticnlly, ceutly had a temporary check a C. Keys. Writ of review, LAWYERS. a cl -< it otherwise would, wh.le other of the fact thut beauty is uot always ' partners doing business as Frank newspaper is the most powerful, This is what is I trouble to get the Ctdiforui i ¡»litcea will. in vincible. Tulking to u re|K>iter I-ong A Son, vs. E. E. Cross and agency in the world, but that it was , vessel* to come to this city us known in shipping circles as a< after her arrival in St. Louis recent i Frank Cross, doing business as E. got upon the basis of the advertiser ‘ i o< n ns the hiutsir improve­ I "closed port" lor San Francisco lv aha suid that she had been ; E. Cross A Son. Action for money. paying $5 toward its making to $1; ments ure completed, but until coasting vessels, mid the time “beaten black uud blue” while lead-1 Tillmnook County Bank vs. Bruce paid by the subscriber. He thought; that time it vv ill lie considered to Ixjoat for u "open [H»rt" for iugu suffragette charge on Parlia­ , W. Rosa. Action for money. | there were fewer absolutely venal . I 1 men in newspaperwork than in any ' OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE- u closed i >ri. It is important tliese vessels is right now, uud, ment House. Could tuau do more? Tillamook County Bank vs. A. that this vity sin ubi ÌI m V c n line a* torn* vve can see, with n Mis* Punkhurat mid her Amazons , Malnney. Action for money. other profession. The remedy was ciste..-, I'l'i’i. t>etw’eeti fiere little tnorv v un und deteruiina- iu the London war gave answer to j to demand men of character who Comer Stillwell Ave. and F’fl Alex Watt vs. Frank Long, Sr. St. West, and both Phone* uud C.dit orni;» port*, uud it is tiou.thi.- improvement should be the charge thut woman is not fitted would not write contrary to their Luol to estimate- what it would curried tucvmpletiou this sum­ to vote because not fitted to fight. • and Catherine Long. For deed. convictions. PECIALTf IN ALL KIND OF CAtf there is some little dif­ Jacob Kamm vs. Marie Kamm. uuiouut to in it commercial win . mer. For deed. ference of opinion ns to the Constipation brings many ail ­ ALL KIND OF BREAD. The revolutionists in Lower Culi- Marie Kamm vs. Jacob Kamm. ments in it* train and is the prim­ A long felt wmit arrived last harbor line. The Thomas do- forma are said to be levying tribute ary cause of much sickness. Keep | nation line is already establish ­ Divorce. week. Finding thut two new* upon the saloon keeper*. Thia i* your bowels regular madam, and J. M. Lüsberg v* Charle* F. will escape many o‘ the ailments to paper* would not par at Bax ed. which is the bank line, but i the first real threat ot an actural th > i to overcome Mime of the difti- which women are subject. Con­ City, the Examiner took over Hobart. Foreclosure. Icultie* of the buuk* caving iu, of warfare down there. stipation is a very simple thing, but th « the New« which make*another W. C. Dwight v*. Led McDonald. like many simple thing*, it may which they w ill surely do, the Critic* who say American mili­ Foreclosure tax title. •"' ' • ■ r in this county to lead to serious <-on*eqiiences. Na­ I solution of ’he difficulty would i tary spirit I* declining will notice ' ■ p the ghost. Bro Miller ture often needs a little assistance WITH j be for the Port also to establish i that the tly ing machtne spirit ha* to W. C. Dwight v* Annie Mc ­ and when Chamberlain's Tablets run u cleuu newspaper, hu -1 we Donald. Forecloaure tax title. u dix k line, auy thirty fret, aud 'l are given at the first indication, I* admonished that It is too ready are terry to *ee hint step out. William 'N. Baya va. Edwin much distress and suffering may He will have our respect and allow the property owner* of'l take deaperate risk*. be avoided. Sold by Iu.uuir’* Drug the abutting property to build) Hooker, trustee, and Robert T. Store. beat wishes in whatever he take* to the dock line. "Ourbaby cria* for Chamberlain * Fowler and Annie Fowler. Fore­ iu hand. We congratulate the Cough Remedy,’’ write* Mr*. T. R closure. Examiner, and b -pc it * ill u In cane of rheumatism relief from | Ki adiick. Rnsaca. Ga. “It la the a real live booster. nut oeilv fori_?î *n,wcr to the Headlight we ALL JWAOAT ANC LUWB TWOU«^ make* sleep and rest possible. | Anna S. Abraham va. J. A. Abra­ pain lw*t cough remedy on the market Tilt* may be obtained by appiving u., ci». M„„„„ ..1224“ OUABAMTKEDSATISFACIO»* lor cough*. coIde and croap For ham. Divorce. Chamberlain'* Liniment. For'sale OJ* MORMT UTCMDKD. J •ale bj Lamar * Drug Store • Jame* Wahou. fr.» traete«. v* by Lamar* • Drug Store. gushed contemporaries in the near a whole, and we extend an in­ future is heartily appreciated. We RATES SUBSCRIPTION .STBICTLV IN ADVAMCB.) vitation and the glad hand to extend a cordial invitation to the <>ne year.......................................... 1.50 the Examiner to affiliate with members of the Tillamook County 75 Six months........................................ Editor’s Booster Association to 50 the Editor-Boosters’ Associa­ come up in a body and ample pro­ Three months.................................... tion. _______________ vision will be made fortheir keep­ ing and enterainment during their Entered a* second class mail mat- It is to be hoped that the ap­ visit. A highly reapectei friend of July, lsv, at the post office at dhiniook, Ore., under the act of propriation made by the State ours has offered the use of his auto­ larch 3, 187». ’ Legislature won’t be used for mobile to bring the "boosters" up from Tillamook and also convey office and political purposes. them back to the city in safety. If forest fires are to be prevented Now we want these gentlemen to see ¡tat Tillamook Ijrabligfet it is important that fire wardens the much discussed Necarney road keep on the track of careless and they will not be permitted to go 1 back until they have seen it. A hunters and campers, who go dainty spread will be served on the Editorial Snap Shots off and leave camp fires, also Reed ranch for their special benefit more care should be taken in and Mr. S. G. Reed willjact as toast­ Is gambling on the tapis in setting out fires in the dry sea­ master. This is done to show that the people of Nehalem are willing to the suloons of this city agaiu ? son. Tillamook County had meet any fair proposition more than a critical time last year, but it half way even though we have not Circuit court convenes next was due to the vigilance of the been accorded this privilege by week, and, as usual, will help fire wardens which prevented others. We have had to fight our own battles, and fought hard too, some parts of the county being to get what we have. It was not a to eat up the taxes. swept with fire. Whether the gift by any means. Now, brothers, think kindly of It is safe to say that the yegg- $60,000 appropriated by the state offer and accept it in the same inen who cracked the safe at will afford that amount of pro­ this spirit as it is given, and the pleas­ tection to the timber remains to the Bay City post office are still ure will be all ours.—Nehalem En­ banging around with the ex­ be seen. _____________ terprise. pectation oi making another In behalf of the Editor-Boost­ We always pity persons who haul. _________ become mentally deranged, and ers' Association, we accept the invitatiou to visit Nehalem as If tiny members of the Port < f more so when religion is the soon as a day can be agreed up­ But with all the Tillamook get to balking in op­ cause of it. on so that all the boosters can position to the popular demand religious excitement that the be present. The snapshot man to have the Sturgeon channel city have experienced it is has several times enjoyed the dug out, the recall can he re­ a wonder to us that more have hospitality of that thriving sec­ not the crazy streak. The snap sorted to. shot man was visited by a wo­ tion of the county, and we can say that the thrifty settlers up It will be noticed that the Port man who was mentally derang­ there are big hearted and whole of Tillamook is advertising for ed on account of religion, and hearted. The aim of the edi­ $150,(JOO worth of bonds for bar we could not help thinking tors will be to boost Nehalem, what an act of charity it would and harbor improvements As as well as to create a boosting, there was some talk of opposing be if the poor woman could be pull together spirit amongst tile the sale of these bonds, it will taken away from her religious citizens, for that [»art of the soon be demonstrated whether associates and religious excite­ ment. But as long as there are county lias a wonderfully bright this is the case or not. preachers who appeal to peo­ future before it. and if the edi­ ples emotions and not to their tors, in boosting for Nehalem, There is some speculation as intelligence, there will be those can in any way help to start the to when the United Railways who will have wrong notions wheels of industry to moving, will build its road over the about Christianity, as well as the population of that most Coast range. There are those show how crazy they are on re­ beautiful part of the county who think it will be rushed to ligious matters. will soon grow to large propor- completion this year, while tions, for nothitig can stop the others express their doubts. It country from becom- Another instance of a woman Nehalem can’t couie any too soon, bow ing a great lumber manufactur­ going into a saloon with a horse ever, to please most of us. whip in seach of her husband ing center. CIRCUIT COURT C , S- VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery. KILL COUCH •» CURE LUNC* King’s New Discovery fob CSüSi"» » ä S l £