illanmk 4 À A F >i.5o per vcRr. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, APRIL I3, 1911 Sj®®» ® .a® ® Table tumblers 3c. each at Lamar's Variety Store next Saturday. 1 he government census gives the three incorporated towns in Tilla­ mook County a population as fol­ lows : Tillamook............................. 1152 Bay City..................... ........ . 281 Neh ale 1*11............................... . 119 Wilson River Lumber Co., a cor­ poration, vs. John Newberg, Ma­ thias Newberg, and Anna New­ berg, and Erwin Harrison, guardian to John Newberg, which is a suit filed in the circuit court to quit title. well known in this city, having l«een book keeper for the firm of A. Mc­ Nair & Co. upto the time when they closed out their stock of groceries, after which he was in the employ of the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. as Au ordinary safe is “dead easy” for yeggmen and bookkeeper. At present Mr. Bryan is safe crackers. visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rose Williams. OURS IS BURGLAR PROOF, There is a reason. The check you Mrs. Frank Hannenkratt, who issue in payment, the stub to corres­ And as further precaution, WE CARRY BURGLAR was taken suddenly sick with peri­ pond, and the books of the bank, to­ tonitis and was not expected to live AND HOLD UP INSURANCE. for several days, is reported to be gether with the payee’s endorsement Don’t worry and loose your sleep when you can somewhat better. is a strong chain of evidence to contra­ put your money and valuables where they are out of Rev. H. C. Shaffer, of Portland, dict. The check itself is a receipt aud presiding elder of the Oregon Con­ the reach of robbers. E. E. Finley, of Newberg, has ference. United Brethren in Christ, is returned to you by the bank. We invite the opportunity to explain more fully bought H. A. Kinnaman's interest will preach 10 a.m. and 8 p. m. next Better have a checking account and in the grocery store of A. Finley A Sunday at the U.B. church. The the facilities we have to safe guard the money and pay bills but once. Co. He is a brother of A. Finley, -theme in the morning will be “The valuable deposited with us. and will move to this city in a few Great Salvation’’ and in the evening weeks and will take an active partin “The Horhe.” The latter service is the business. an unusual one. We wish those not The Yamhill County Summer accustomed to church attendance Normal School will open for a six might hear it. There will be com­ weeks’ term at McMinnville College munion in the morning. Only U.S. Government Examined Bank in the June 20, under the management of M. C. Banfield and W. C. Francis County. Curtis B. Poe. Credit will be given left on Friday, going to Nelialem, on the college records for all work where they paid S. G. Reed a visit done. • for several days. The editor and LAMOOK JOTTINGS For sale, one pure bred Berkshire The Golden Gate left port Sunday wife accompanied them in the auto, >450,000.00 Nearly a Bad Accident sow, due to farrow in a few days. morning with J. II. Hollister, C. M. and returned home the same even­ John Neglie, on the H. C. Kunze Menifee, B. D. Sox, Sam Smith, Mr. ing. The roads in the north part of Chas. Reynolds met with what I Port of Tillamook, Oregon (orris, eye specialist. ranch. and Mrs. Hunt, Cora Smith, W. the county are in fairly good shape might have been a very t-erious Cold snap was hard on er.rlv 6 per cent Harbor Improve­ Subscribe for the Tillamook Head- Hunt, Hazel Hunt, J. A. Willis, for automobiles, but the ruts in the accident last Thursday. While k. ment Bonds. i light and the Weekly Oregonian. Isabel Logan, and Ida Logan, also roads need leveling down and quite coming from Bester's Ford, outlie lies Wanted at the Tillamook , Both newspapers for one year for i a good load of freight. a few chuck holes need filling up, Wilson River, he found it difficult Notice is hereby given that scaled f Bank. j only $2.25. I In buying out grass seeds we especially those near Road Super­ to climb the short hills on the road, bids will be- received by the Trea­ I buggy and harness for sale, Ask your neighbor about De- bought the best that money can buy visor Zaddach’s place at Nelialem. the passengers having to help push surer of the Port of Tillumook, in y to Webb Maddux. 1 ment Best Flour, they all say that it so if you want good seeds, come An effort is een re­ gravel bed. Call on C. W. Thomas, wife, II.G. Iiansey. A.C. Nierwand- siding, was committed to the state cakes and Ballads. today. Theofficials had con­ aker Wagonsand Buggies, i-a mile east of P. O. on Fairview er and wife, C. R. Sutton, A. Lakan. asylum siderable trouble in removing her harrows and machinery of road, and he will make price right.* Oak Nolan, E. C. Coon and wife, from Dr. Boats’ office on Wednes- t M. Murphy, Mr. day after the doctor had examined at the Tillamook Feed Co. • Fred Hoag, who haa been spend­ C. J. Steinnon, Colander, Mr. Rooney, J. Lincham, her as to her mental condition. The ing the winter in Ohio, visiting hie unch Henrietta No. 2, Capt. poor woman visited thia office on R. W. Watson, J. A. Keller. It Jenkins, master, is under- home and relatives, returned to thia Tuesday, and from her conversation citv the past week and will remain "Dement ’ s Best ” flour. $1.35 per one could readily see that she was tepaira in Astoria at presents, crazy on religious matters. One of ‘ key George Willett, who was here during the summer months. sack. “Marvel” Brand flour $1.25 the remarks that she made was that ! These prices will be in I lick in the post offices last p The steamer Anvil brought in a per sack. she had seen the picture of the edi- 1 effect from Mar. 13 to Mar. 18, inclu­ tor as a Tillamook booster, and then cargo of coal and if you want a good is able to be at bis office fuel coal at reasonable prices see sive, for the purpose of introducing impressed upon the editor that he , should be a liooster for the laird, Shrode. This coal is washed and our flour, and proving to you that for that was the only way to boost ■rd Reed, who formerly re­ Dement's Best is the highest grade hand picked and is guaranteed up the price of land. fer this county, died at Lafay- hard Wheat flour on the market.— good. The following passengers that kegon, on March 23, aged 52 T illamook F eed C o . • went out on the Golden Gate were: i The meetings which have been L. Ackely, Nellie Ackelv, 3. A. Mur- I held at the Adventist Church for ■ Rollie W. Watson left on Friday r» Shoe Repairing Shop ia the past two weeks were closed last on a business trip toPortland,going ry, M. Sidwell, C. M. Sidwell, Mrs. F. Labonwill, Mrs. A. M. Rice, F 1 at the back of Beals’ offices, Sunday night. Rev. Mayfield, the out by way of the Necaruey moun J. Burt, Mrs J. M. Murry. John I Irge Ross, where first class Evangelist, left on the stage Thurs­ tain, an he missed the Elmore that Oskes, L Oakes. G. 8, Wistadt, ' I guaranteed. Give him a day morning. morning, and returned yesterday. Mrs Wistadt, A. M. Myws, J. A Reller, Mra Keller, L. C. Cruatty, Dr. J. E. Reedy, V.S., who has He sold four automobiles last week, W. S. Staalton. and those who will operate at the I waa received in thia city thia been spending the winter in Cal­ Ig that Mrs. Cohn, mother of ifornia, returned to this city Mon­ steering gear of these horseless car­ Go to F. 3. Whi.ehouae & Son and Abe Cohn, had died in day morning ove." the North Yam­ riages are County Judge II. Mason, the leading agent«, for Bond, Acci­ knciaco. She was 81 years of hill road. He will resume his Webb Maddux, A. E. Worthington dent and Fire Inaniance. as they and F. J. Ayer. write more than three-quarters of work in this county at once. The young men of the Methodist the insurance written in Tillamook Church gave a delightful enter- County, because they are better taniment at the Gem Theatre Friday equipped than any one tlae in th« night. It was one of the funnist busine«« and moat laughable entertainments Notice to Commercial Club Mem given this winter and from rrmarhs bers of those present we should judge The regular annual meeting of ¡located two Door« west of Lamar's Drug Store. that it was enjoyed by all. The net proceeds went toward paying the Commerrial Club will beheld Monday evening. April 24th. at the “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND." the new piano at the Methodist clul> rooms tortile ele< tion of ofli- c for Church. cere and the transaction of other Rest R>«:n for Ladies. W. S. Bryan retnrned to thia city business that may come Iwfore the SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Gro. Dept. meeting. Every member in good on the Elmore, after an abnence of standing reqre.ted to tie present. •bout si* luouths. Mr. Bryan is Eawix H amuux , Sec y. I À Bills Paid By Check Are Seldom Disputed a DEAD EASY FIRST TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK. OREGON NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK OF Big Bargains I Look at Our Prices. 1 Best Fruit Sugar, per sk . $5.20 Dry Granulated Sugar, per sack 5.00 Extra C. Sugar, per sack . . 5.00 Leach’s Best Lard, 10 lb. pail . 1.80 Leach’s Best Lard, 5 lb. pail . .90 Diamond“C” Lard, 10 lb. pail . 1.50 Diamond “C” Lard, 5 1b. pail . .80 Rex Lard, 10 lb. pail . . . 1.35 Rex Lard, 5 lb. pail . . . .70 White River Compound, 5 lb. pl. .65 Cottolene, 4 lb. pail .... .60 Cottolene, 10 lb. pail . . . 1.50 Breakfast Bacon, Rex per lb. . .22 Breakfast Bacon, C.B. per lb. . .20 Heavy Bacon, per lb. . . . .171 Snow Drift Flour, per bbl . . 5.40 Light House Flour, per bbl. . 5.00 Elaine Coal Oil. per case . . 2.90 IlflMAR’S VARIETY STORE The Ray Feed Co. C. F. 4 Í V *