Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 06, 1911, Image 7

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Presbyterian Church.
High School Jottings
School was dismissed Friday
afternoon at three o’clock to give
place for the school meeting which
was held for the purpose of voting
upon the proiiosition of buying
A very interesting meeting of the ’ has been in session the past week
property and building a new school
voters of this school district was | at the High School build ng, ad-
house, was manifest in the matter
held in the assembly Hall of the j.turned Wednesday evening after
and a great deal of debate was in
High School building Friday after­ <> leof the most interesting sessions
dulged in a full account of the
noon. there being many lively die- ezer held in this county.
meeting is given in another place.
The home instructor», Prof. R. U.
The Einersonians will give their
After G. B Lamb, chairman of , M >ore, Mrs. H. Hansen, of Tills-
monthly program next Friday. A
the board of directors, called the 1 niook; Prof. Stroud, of flay City,
very interesting program is
body of about seventy voters to j and Prof. Goldsworthy, assisted I.
order, lie had the call read and the J J. Gary, Supt. of Schools in Clack-
Church of ChriBt.
Friday afternoon a spelling
needs of the school explained by H. ! amaa County ; C. H. Jones, editor
nf the "Oregon Teacher’s Monthly,”
T. Botts and W. C. King,
held between the pupils of
Much interest has been manifest­ seventh and eighth grades. Much
and Miss Flora E. Baldwin, of
ject of purchasing u new
Eugene, in the work of instructing. ed in the address on Ideals for interest was shown in the match,
land for school purpose
< if the fifty-one teachers who Young People. The last of the ser­ which caused much studying <_f the
open for discussion.
W. C. King stated that the dis­ I were registered, there is not one ies will be given next Lord’s day speller. The eighth grade spellers
trict had an option on some land I but what will say that Prof. Gary is evening, the subject to be: “The won out in the end, they having
belonging to W. H
Eberman, one of the most agreeable and most Ideal Church.” The morning ser­ eight standing, while only one of
lying next to the play grounds, at i istructive personages that they vices are planned to be of special the others were left.
the rate of $1000 per acre, : Iso one ever met. He does not, like some, help to Christians. The minister
Prof. Baker left hurridly for the
block, north of Stillwell Park and try to use many large words, and has just started a series of sermons valley, Thursday
belonging to Gilford Stilwell for
visited among other leading cities,
put into practice, but talks in a
Lord's day we hope to have the Corvallis, where he had business in
According to a report of the plain way that every one can under­
church curtained off for the different connection with school work, re.
school clerk, Alva Finley, it wan
i classes, thus enabling us to do bet­ turning Wednesday morning.
found that there were $6,229 back which have been tried and found
ter work, This is a personal invita-
A letter was received by one of
on the old school bonds, which successful.
to you to attend all the eer- the leading Ciceronians, some time
Either of the talks. "The Teacher,
were being paid off as fast as they
ago, from Prof. Rutherford stating
came due, that there were warrants Whois She?’ or “Opportunity,”
he had a very handsome paint­
amounting to $2,825.70, and that the
Farmers Attention.
ing, the “Angelus,” which he had
school received $3,000 per year a half-dollar any time to hear.
secured to give the Ciceronian
from the state school fund, beside These two together with the talk on
I will I shoe your horses for $1.50 a Literary Society as a reward for the
Other job
the other funds.
The coet of "The Country Life Movement,” are piece, four new shoe«,
'—. At the manner in which they carried their
running the school the past year, full of such instruction as not only work in name proportion.
i" . —Grant society work on to victory. The
it was found, was $8,155, leaving the teachers should have, but also all Liiraon Blacksmith Shop.
| picture will be sent in from Mc­
district in good financial standing classes of people
Minnville as soon as proper means
st the close of the year.
can be found for sending it without
W. Holmes wishing to bring coming generation and feels that
If you want some baby chicks, breakage.
matters to some definite standing, many changes will come about
made a motion that the Board be during their time. He stated during thoroughbreds to raise as fall layers I Because of the Teachers’ Institute
see Dr. Morris. He can furnish the
given the authority to purchase the his talk on " Opportunity” that chicks and tell you how to raise no school was held during the first
Stilwell block, 210 feet square for
them without the hen. Order them three days of the week, Some af
the students have been deriving
$1,200; it being seconded by W. C. living to-day will see the time when now.
good from the work by attending the
the whole world will be ruled by
Go to F. S. Whitehouse & Son
John Harter, thinking it more one great court, the head of which the leading agents, for Bond, Acci­ institute. However, the majority
advisable made an amendment to undoubtedly will be an American dent and Fire Insurance, as they of students have been enjoying
themselves the best they could.
the motion to the effect that the born citizen.”
write more than three-quarters of
Last week the pupils of the
Miss F. E. Baldwin showed to a the insurance written in Tillamook
Hoard be allowed to use their dis-
cretion in buying the property, remarkale extent her ability to County, because they are better eighth grade room indulged in a
whi h amendment was accepted by handle children. She ¡swell versed equipped than any one else in the general debate on the subject.
on elocution and physical exercises. business.
Resolved: “ That the U.S. should
Mr. Holmes.
C. H. Jones, who conducted the
interfere with the war in Mexico.”
The question was then put before
Thos. Coates, Jr., led the affirma­
the house and voted on by accla­ question box, explained the new
tive, and Helen Stam the negative.
mation, every vote being an aye. school laws and gave a talk on the
After the motion was declared cur­ usee of Indian legends is always
The affirmative side winning by
ried, some of those who came to the welcomed us promoter of better
meeting meerly to knock, and who educational facilities.
The class debate that have been
Many of the High School Students
I held in the different rooms are
were afraid t j make known their
I showing up fine material and we
desires before the public, demanded took advantage of this opportunity
that the right to vote by ballot be and attended as many of the ses­
do not think that there is any need
granted them. This was done, in sions iih possible.
We have a 4 year lease: worrying about the future of our
Tuesday evening the Tillamook
team when such people as
order to make no fuss, and when
on a 212 acre Columbia1 debating
the votes were counted by the County teachers enjoyed several
Capt. Handley, of the seventh
tellers, Ralph Moore, C. M. Vidito readings given by Miss F. E. Baldwin River bottom dairy ranch,! grade,
-> and Thos. Coates, Jr., and
i implements, i Helen Stain, of the eighth|grade,
anil A. M. Austin, there were found and also a musical program at the all
Christian church.
The buildiug crops, in fact everything are ready to take the places of those
41 ayes and 23 noes.
The question was then discussed was packed anil from the applause, but the bare place included J
According to present . prepara­
concerning the purchasing of land we judge that everything was en­
in the ea»t part of the city, joyed to the fullest extent.
, tions the T.H.S. Dramatic Club will
Prof. F. E. Gary's talk on "Boys” cash.
1 give their heart splitting,
when John Harter then made a
Only 9 miles from Port- stirring entertainment at the
iiioin-n which was seconded l>\ won a place in every one’s heart,
Chaa. Reynolds to build one build­ while the talk of Chas. Jones and land, 2 miles from Vi 311- I.O.O.F. Hall, in Bay City, next
ing on one of the sites, however, an the readings ot Miss Baldwin were couver, where a
y night.
troupe No.
will 2, go
milk route
-------- to Sa,urda
H.iy jjjjy
tJle The
amendment was made by Thos. were enjoyed by all.
— at
... that place
at about
Of the music, the Mundolin and is operated in connection arriving
Goyne to the effect that the school
bouse he built on the tract in tin- Guitar duets by Dr. and Mrs. Monk with this dairy, or boat 7:09 p.m.
landing on the place from} There
___ seems to be" a lack of in-
west part of town, which was were enjoyed the moat.
seconded by M. F. Leach and ac­
which milk may be shipped terest
shown ___
i in — school affairs by
___ _______
cepted by Mr. Harter.
Upon being Ex - Commissioner “Comes daily to Portland.
1 some of the town people tins year.
put before the house it whs passed
40 Cows, 16 Heifers, this The school has received no visits
Baek” at Bro. Eflenberger.
by «even majority.
a fine selected herd of by any of the Board of Directors,
Those who took most interest in
Dear Sir,—In t e lust Enterprise
we believe, and no fire drills have
affairs were Webster Holmes. John we are told that the liamlet by the cows and 8 heifers coming been held yet.
Harter, C. N. Drew, the teachers, Hoqiuirton Slough ia not the whole fresh,
22 pigs, 4 horses, ■
mid Hoard of Directors.
of Tillamook County,
Alright, 70 chickens, 4 sets of har­
It ia expected that some iletiniti neither is the Enterprise the whole
ness, milk wagon, 2 farm
plans will l>e reached soon by the of the Nehalem country,
It is not
Cheese maker wanted at Netarts
Board as a new st
the sentiment ot this community to wagons, 2 light wagons, 2 Creamey. For particulars see on
I e required tor next
call the people of Tillamook hoge, plows, harrow, cultivators, write 4 arl Haberlacii, Secretary of
Mr. King stated
t Netarts,
V - Creamery, on Charles Lee
etc. lie says the Tillamook hogs mower, 2 hay rakes, disc, of
one block, of txvei
got our road money in IW-5.
Now cider press, separator, milk
)2,5U>, or one cornu
bloch t ie tuct ia, that money »as all spent
Ship By the Anvil.
liottles and cans, milk route
for^'LTHi v. -I, ■ . ,-ou!
in tins district, anil I think almiit
I. J. < toy tit made u
Daily delivery! The Twin Screw ship Anvil is now I
i i«» pur- $209 more than was raised in the in the city.
Cbaseil riot less tliuii >tll »c re o iliatrict.
During the time 1 was to Portland. All farm tools. making regular runs to this |>ort
lurid in li.e Hast pmtuttl « I, WhiCl: CO.iiuiiaaiuiier, this district
from Portland, with passengers
got prac Milk tank and cooler and and
W h - sc ■ uli I l-x l arl ' tltl<*EOn. tic illy all the road money
Unit was numerous other dairy ap­
She is under good clean manage­
The question was voted on with the I raised in the district anil 1
think we pliances.
ment, and the patronage of the pnb-
result in 12 lives hiu I 2a ' I CH.
lic is’solicited, and courteous treat­
have fared as well since,
1 don't
The next question ot oii'ioi lance
There are 50 acres in* ment will be shown to one and all.
think the people ot Tillamook want
Have your shipments consigrnd
was Hint of building . il v i
crop of which 27 acres is' care
uny of our money.
Str. Anvil, Albers Dock No. 3.
Iroiisr To this Mr. IR
H< n o>* di-
\ouia ns, ei ttully,
‘ Ore For information in-
well set to alfalfa which ”
a motion that the Boiril t ui'J cue
G eorge L okrpahei . cuts
or two buddings on villa i i ne or i Nehalem, Mai. 27.
year, 5 acres vetch, balance
both ul the tracts according to the
Saved Hia Mother’« Life.
uesds o the,dirtrut. Tin motion
in si ring oats, clover and •’ Four doctor* had given me up,”
A Tribute to John Hickey.
Ijiura Gaines, of Avoca, i
was seconded by A M Austin ami
2 acres bearing write»
I ■ a ■* .. , " Mrs.
. and
....... my
u all mj
my '
when put be o-e the house it was Editor
Tillamook Headlight
defeated by one majorly, be sure
Deal Sir, At this timi 1
when my son insisted that I use 1
Electric Bitter«
a large member of the "pii«hers'* reirain
Hitter« I did so, and they
from «dfering a ti
had lelt and many of those present
3 .have done me a world of good. I
the memory of ]olin Hickey, by
did uot uiiderstanil the question.
will always praise them.” Electric
v Bitters ia a priceless blessing to
whose dentil Tillamook County has good barns, all necessary
Tillamook Mcrcantil? Co.'s lost otic of ita In-st citizens, ui...
.... , outbuildings, abundance of women troubled with fainting and
writer mid his family one of tne " liter, only 2 miles from dizzy tqiella. backache, headache,
weakness, debility, constipation or
most faithful friends it could be ■ the city, enough wood cut kidnev disorders. Uae them and
O. A. KnNt'Nt», Pre«.
IHMisible for any one to have.
gain new health, strength and
I for 2 years.
liuhel or Jersey Milk mil 23
guaranteed to
John II ickey was bom in Canada
lb«, weight
A sudden dissolution of a sstisfy or money refunded Only
on June 24, 1M4. and came to Tilla-
Haxelwood or Tillamook Crt am-
erv butter, square
partnership throws this un­ 30r. at Cha«. I. Clough’« drug «tore.
.65 ■nook County in July. 18tt|.
25 ll«e. Fancy S. W. beans
!.<*> Since that time lie has been my usual proposition on
Midnight in The Oiarka
25 Ilia. Fancy Japan Rice
Itti nigglilsir »ml friend in the finest
Fancy Eastrrn llama, iK
and vet steeples« lliram Scranton,
. Iti
Of rough and
Corn Beel B>eakia»t Bacon, lb . .19 sense of the wont.
.have it for sale until April of Ciav City, Ill., coughed and
5 lb. Pull« Pine Eastern I a rd
.Ott ruggitl exterior, he wna a man of
He was in the mountains
Next six months' rent coughed.
10 lb. Pail« Pure Eastern I .ard 1.21 ubaolute integrity, one of natuee'sl 115.
on the advice of five doctors, who
Fruit Granulated Sugar, cwt.
Aon noblemen, outspoken in hia opin-1 $90 a month ;
$125 per said he hail consumption, but found
25 Iba. Fancy Dried Peache«
no help in the climate, and started
Short«, ton .........................
month thereafter.
25.1» iona anil without ileceit or guile.
home. Hearing of Dr. King's New
Hran. toil
Handicapped aa he was by the|
he began to uae it "I
24. tri
If you are interested,
Proves« Barley, Ion
Mil» lack of « c I hmi I education, lie was a
believe it saved my life,” he write«
1 lb. Cove Oys ter«, dos
.79 natural engineer anil built some of I phone Main 7141. Portland, “for it made a new man of me, so
Buttercup milk, doa
that lean now do good work again.”
Grsy and Whits toed oats. ton XtlV the licet roads in Tillamook County, I at once.
For all lung disease , cough. Cvida,
•etttatf a mark in road
ruad building
buikhng '
lagrip|>e, asthma, cruup. whooping
For Salt
which nearly every road aii|>erviaor
cougn. hay fever, hemorrhage«,
hoarsen«« or quinay, ita th« best
Rivwr bottom acreage
•mall has tried to follow.
known remedy. Price 30c. and $I.UU
tract«, near town. Term«
W II H umins and F amily .
Trial t»ottle free.
Guaranteed bv |
\\ III
Tillaiiit i k. Oregon. April 4, 1911.
Chaa I. Clough.
Interesting and Profitable
Meeting of Pedagogies.
Large Attendance of Those
Interested In New Bnil lings. The Teachers' Institute, which
Bible School 10 a. ni.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m.
Evening worship 7:30.
The sacrament of the I-ord’s
Supper will be observed in the
morning and all the members and
friends of the church are earnestly
requested to be present, Subject of
sermon for the morning will tie
“ The Lamb of God” and for the
evening “ Christ is King.”
S. G F inney , Pastor.
To Rent, Dairy Ranch.
212 Acres, 40 Cows,
16 Heifers.
60S Corbett Building,
Portland, Ore.
Absolutely Pure
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainiy Passes
and the food is iliier
more ias?y,- cleanly
nd wholesome than the ready-
made lotmd at the ¿k Jp or grocery
Royal Osai! Pnatt—CQC
€acd fí.üio nid AdJircm,
Card of Thanks.
Weed Fcr Sale.
Weed for sale, Spruce and Hedi
I desire to thank our many friends ock body, dry at $1.15 a cord on the
and neighbors through the columns iilace, 7 miles soutliof Tillamook.—
of your paper for the kind assistance [*. D aepaz .
and sympathy which was shown
myself and family in the late illness
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
and death of our little daughter.
M artin L arsen , Tillamook, Ore. the County Court of Tillamook
County, Oregon, will receive sealed
Bids for one hundred cords of Hem­
Farm For Sale.
lock wood, cut 46 inches in length,
For Bale, one of the best 80 acres delivered and corded in the base­
ment of the Court House, of Tilla­
on Salmon River, all nice land, on mook County, not later -than Octo­
the main road and % mile to cheese ber 1st, i911.
All bids to be tiled with the County
factory. About 25 acres of beautiful
bottom clearing easy and a lot of Clerk of said County on or before
April 15th, 1911.
open land on place.
Price $2800.
The County Court reserves the
Enquire of E. F. Hardin, Otis, Ore. right to reject any and all bids. By
order of the County Court.
J. C. H olden , County Clerk.
Wood Wanted.
April 5tb, 1911.
Clover Leaf Cry. Co. wants bids
Kicked By a Mad Horse.
on Hemlock wood, cut in 4 foot
Samuel Birch, of Beetown, Wis.,
lengths, delivered at its factory, 25 had a most narrow escape from
cords by July 15, 1911, and 25 cords his leg, as no doctor coHld heal the
by Sept. 15, 1911.
Leave bids at frightful sore that developed, but at
last Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
office of Carl Haberlach, Secretary, it completely.
Its the greatest
on or before April 15, 1911.
Com­ healer of
ulcers, burns, boils,
corns, cold­
pany reserves right to reject any or
sores, biuises and piles on earth.
•11 bids.
C lover L eaf C reamery C o . Try it. 25c. at Chas I. Clough’s
drug store.
Never Out of Work.
The busiest little things ever made
are Dr. King’s New Life Pills.
Every pill is a sugar-coated globule
of health, that changes weakness
into strength, languor into energy,
brain-fag into mental power; curing
Dyspepsia, Malaria.
Only 25c. at
Chas. I. Clough's drug store.
When a medicine must be given to
young children it should be pleas­
ant to take. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is made from loaf sugar,
anil the rdots used in its prepara­
tion give it a flavor similar to maple
syrup, making il pleasant to take.
It has no superior fur colds, croup
and whooping cough. For sale by
Lamar’s Drug Store.