T illamook headlight , a P hîl 6, 1011 MAN OF MYSTERY. ar Life of Metastasis, the Cali­ brated Italian Poet. istaalo (1698-1782). tbe celebrated tic and operatic poet, spent tifty- xrs lu Vienna with tbe Martines without ever learning German dug to learn IL ee his utter indifference to all but Italian. Metastaslo possess- ny peculiarities of character, light mention death tn bls pres- Those who alluded to smallpox him he made It a point not to iln. In all bis fifty-five years ma he never gave away more be equivalent of $25 to the He always occupied tbe same church, but never paid for It t all bia meals In tbe most mys- prlvacy. His greatest friends rer seen him eat anything but a with some lemonade. Nothing Induce him to dine away from He never changed bls wig or or color of his coat. jtaslo was to have been present- the pope the day be died and ibout tbe intended interview in ilium of bls last moments. Mrs. ¡familiar to readers of Boswell's f Dr. Jobusou’’ as Mrs. Tbrale) d these particulars from tbe la- f tbe Martines family, with Metastaslo was so long domestl- rlthout speaking or understand- ■ord of their language from first IQUETTE IN SIAM SURGEONS’ FEES. Pretty Big Sometimes, but Then Thar* le Anether Point of View. One of the greatest cinquecento jew­ els In tbe world Is the Clnnrlcarde plaque. owned by Lord Clanrictirde. who Is known as the "hermit peer" and who cliilrus direct desceut from the kings of Connaught. He guards with Jealous care this precious example of tbe goldsmith’s art. keeping it safe from |s>ssible thieves and the common gaze In a bank vault, to which be goes occasionally with great secrecy to feast his eyes upon Its magnificence. Some years ago. by royal request, be lent it to an art exhibition in London, where it was admired and coveted by some of tbe greatest connoisseurs of Europe. The huge disk Is as delicately wrought as a spider’s web and repre­ sents the figure of Hercules wielding a diamond sword. Tbe sword blade Is composed of a mass of perfectly matebed steel white stones, and a su­ perb blue diamond scintillates -from the hilt The present owner inherited it from his mother, who was a Miss Canning before her marriage to the Irish lord, and the plaque is practically priceless. Aside from its value to col­ lectors and its worth as a specimen of rare and exquisite art it is incrusted with a fortune in jewels.—New York Press. • Spoiled In the Making. His Blunt Critic. ▼Ing Bacheller was Introduced one by a mutual friend to a western lntalneer. Mr. Bacheller." exclaimed tha md to the mountaineer, "la an ■□- r of repute In tbe easL" Oh, yes," drawled tbe mountaineer, know of him. I was locked up In cabin here by the snow two win- i ago, and I only bad two books to I the whole five months, your book, ' be said, turning to Mr. Bacheller, d the Bible, and I read them ■ugh several times.” udeed!” said tbe author, a smile «tlafactlon wreathing bls face. ea. sir," continued the old moon- eer. "and I never knew before interesting tbe Bible was."—8L I Dispatch. Grenade Was Bought Cheap. e island of Greoada. In tbe Brit- West Indies, was bought by tbe «ch from the Cartbs by a solemn ty in tbe middle of tbe seventeenth ury. and tbe price paid was two ea of rum. Eaau'a mess of |»t- waa a good stroke of bualtH>«a by ^artaon The Carlbs soon regret- bavtng eotd tbelr birthright and ly tried to get tbe Island back by I new one of England's most colonies In tbe West ludies. Se Absurd. rft—Look here: This borse I fçom you runs on to the iwve- t every time be aeeu ■ motorwr we f|ealer-Wril. yon don’t expert ■ae i*mn up • telegraph |»>le or i a t^r. do y oui-New York Jour- t Total income................... ...................................................... “Clipping Sunday.” At Palnswick, In Gloucestershire, the SuDday following Sept. 8 is called by tbe curious name of “Clipping Sun day” and connected with a quaint cus­ tom In tbe churchyard are ninety- nine yew trees, and tradition says that all attempts to complete the hundred by planting another yew have fulleil becomes tbe newcomer Invariably dies Every year before the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady—Sept, 8— these mystic yews are clipped, and tbe Sun day "In tbe octave" thus becomes “Clipping Sunday.” After service there is a procession of parishioners around the churchyard, and then all Join hands and form a ring round the church Finally tbey gather at tbe foot of a flight of steps leading to the chancel door, from which a sermon Is preached.—London Chronicle. 1*M««.M : i i ■ » **.*««, «5i.fl DXSBUBfl BMBXTS. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surren­ der value« .................................................................................... Dividends paid to policy holders during the year. Dividends and interest paid on capital stock during the year ......................................................................................... Commissions, agency supervision, branch office ex- Denies medical fees and salaries paid during year Advertising, printing, stationery, etc........................ Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year and repairs and expenses on real estate............................. Rent .......................................................................................................... Amount of all ether expenditures............ .... .... 1.. 1.... 12.O71.JS4«? 334,088.00 10.000.00 C 189,447.11 21.997.77 101.404.00 ««.961.06 40,761.75 Total expenditures ...................... ............................ .. t*.04«.901.4« ASS ET3. Market value of real estate owned................. .............. 36,117. »5*0« Ma.kai value of stocks and amortised value of bonds owned................................................................................................ 3. «32.133.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc............................ 8.030.133 «0 Premium notes and policy loans......................................... .. 3.410.007.04 C,,li In banks and on hand........................................................ 225.670 91 Not uncollected and deferred premiums ........................ 181.547.1* Other assets (net) ......................................................................... 283.839.5* Total assets admitted In Orca.n....................................... „ . UAB3XITTXS. Net reserve .................................. .. ..................... .................... Total policy claims .................................... L I Amount to provide for any possible dep »elation or other liability ................................................ All other liabilities ........................................... An-.ount held subject to contingencies, for survivorship dividend policies... 31.847.6S1 Cl Contingent reserve fund .. ............................... . 618.422.31 Citation to Heirs. A ttorney - at -L aw . In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon Next to Tillamook County In tbe matter of thecstate of I.ouis Blattlar, Deceased. Bank, To Mrs. Matthes mother of the above named deceased, Josepliina T ii . i . amook - O regon , Gaell and Joseph Blattlar: In the name of the State of Ore­ gon : H. GOY KE, You are hereby cited amt required io appear in the County Court of the State i f Oregon, for the County A ttornky - at L aw . of Tillamook, at the Court room thereof at the Court House in Tilla­ Office : Opposite Cottrl House, mook City, Tillamook County. Ore­ gon, on Monday the 5th day of June, T illamook , O regon 1911, at the hour of lho'cliick in the forenoon of said day. then and there to show cause, >f any there be, why said Court should not make an or­ B<'ALS, MJ)., der authorizing licensing anddirect- ing the administrator of the sail', Louis Blattlar, deceased, to sell at private sde for eash, nil of the fol­ SIGI AN & SURGEON, lowing described real property, situated in Tillamook County, State TILLAMOOK. of Oregon, to-wit : An undivided one-half interest in Tillamook Block. au. 1911. Tillamook, Ore. Attest: J. C. H oi . den , Clerk of the County Court, 121.651,SIT 31 r. 42 Total liabilities ............................................ 121.663 587 II Total Insurance In forre December 31, 1910 .................................. BU3IJTBSS IX OREG3X TOI TUB TZAR. Total risks written 'during’tiie’^ear"’1' ~ ~~ Gross premiums received during the year Losses paid during the year............................................................ l osses incurred during the veer............................................. ' Total rlske utstandlng In Oregon, 81. 1916 - - Deaember ------ ------- 168.433 976 00 117.6'8 00 46.530 56 >3 «¡14 75 13 «»4 75 51.4*7.786.0* I THE r 'ANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ...... By M DK MOFK. Secretary. Statutory raaldent renoral Rg«'nt er.4 attorney ror ^erv're WM. GOLDMAN, iiOJ Oregonian Building. Portland. Or. STWOP3IS OT THT ATT FOlt YrNT OF , THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA OF NEWARK. IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. on the list day of December, 1910, mail to the Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITA I*. Amount of capital p^ld up.................. XNC 3ME . ............. v’ "" ’ Premiums received during the year.. . 3 Interest. the prostrate multitude. ' They and then rose and stood like i tbe presence of their sovereign ie first time on record. Since here has been no prostration at yal audiences. Bnt if a supe- ■tops to speak to an Inferior in treet the latter will still bend or ■ his head in some way as a of respect. — London Saturday I 11,117.111.43 46,471 «« T. BCHT«, A ttorney - at - I iw . N otice is Ili.k-Ein G iven , T o all whom it may concern, that the .ouiplete set of Abstract Books anderaigiied was l>y an oilier title County Court of Tillamook County; n office. Taxes paid for non­ Oregon, duly made and entered Ol record therein on the 17th day of Residents. March, 1911, appointed the Ad­ ministrator of the estate of MARY Tillamook Block. o. i llEUI’S, dece. sed, and that on Both phone«. said date, the said undersigned, duly qualified as such, anil all per­ sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, as arl haberlach said Administrator, at the office of iv ebster Holmes, in the Tillamook Block. Tillamook City, Oregon, ATTORN e y - at - la w, with the proper vouchers therewith, and duly verified as requited by law, Çeutecftrr JLbuokiit, within six months from the elute of this notice. Tillamook Block. Dated thia 30th day of March, 1911. \V. C. K ino , Administrator of said Estate. CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid u».............................. __ . nr comb . Premiums received during tbe year........................... ......... Interest, dividends and rents received during yi •ar. Income from other sources received during the year THE CLANRICARDE PLAQUE. A Famous Specimen of the Sixteenth Century Goldsmith’s Art. Administrator’s Notice of Appoint­ ment. THE MAN h S t ^AI^FE^’SL’RA n S' c OMPANY OF NEW YORK. IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 5he oi December, 1810. made to the Insurance Commlsaloner of tbe •tats of Oregon, pursuant t« law I have a warm spot in my heart tor tbe big American surgeons, says a I writer ki tbe New York Telegraph, and because of regular attendance for years at some of tbe moat famous clin­ ics In this and other cities 1 have been a witness of tbelr unadvertised chari­ ties—acts of mercy and kindness which were never beard of outside the walls of tbe hospitals they honor by tbelr services. 1 knew a wealthy man whose daugh­ ter was suddenly stricken and whose life was saved by the attending sur­ geon. His fee was $25.000. Straight­ way the father emitted a wall. “It’s robbery,” he said, Tbe sur- geon stood firm. "Your daughter’s life is worth $25.- 000 to you.” be countered, Tbere was no denial. “Well, this fee means that I can op­ erate on fifty persons without any charge, and If you don't like It you can force me to sue. but I will get It without a suit or you will stand a lot of publicity.” And he got the money without re­ course to a court of law. It Is safe to mark It down when I you see a story of some great surgeon who has charged a high fee that there are many of his patients eujo.ving good health aud relief from pain be­ cause be charged them nothing at all. nd* and Knees Before the King is Long the Custom Thsre. hold, when a man on a trolley «moved his hat tbe other day little le observed that be was bald—yea. > bald, for not a alngle hirsute b^er trailed over his shining pate, when it came to whiskers the 1 party was right there with tbe a He bad whiskers in buudles. ikera In stacks. In fact, be bad itfb whiskers to start a rat factory tfiake a fortune. ay, mamma,” finally remarked let turning to bls mother, “Just ; at that man there.” Hush, dear!" returned mamma. “He 1 hear you. What's the matter with •r Everything is tbe matter with him.” lied the youngster. “When tbe au- I made him they put his head on ide down.” — Philadelphia Tele- i ~ I | MEASLES. NOTICE OH SALE OF TIDE LANDS | Notice is hereby given that the * »»»a*«« s |IState Land ll-.ni.l <.f the Stale of Ore- j gon will sell to the highest bidder at After having the M kasi . es . i its office in the Capitol building at Sa- have your eyes looked after, I lem, Oregon, un April 11, 1911, at 10; The valued family ie- City of Three Kings. examined, before you try to ’ 00 o'clock a m., of said day, all the cipes for cough and cold Do you know wbat city bas been do any close work with them. I ■ State'» interest in the tide and over flow given the’ name of tbe City of Three cure, liniments, tonic? and Kings? It ia Cologne, in Germany, It will save you the trouble II lands hereinafter described, giving, other remedies have as and tbe reason Is that It Is In Cologne you M ay otherwise have, 11 however, to the owner or owners of careful attention here as that tbe three "kings." or "magi." or besides it will cost you I any lands abutting or fronting on such the most intricate prescrip­ "wine men." who went to Bethlehem | tide and overflow landa, the preference nothing to find out the truth I, right to purchase said tide and overflow to offer gifts to tbe Infant Jesus are tions. supposed to he burled. According to about them. I : lands at the highest price offered, an ancient legend, their bones were Our fresh, high grade Measles very often leave II provided such offer is made in good brought from Milan to Cologne by tbe make drugs will help to your eyes in a very bad con­ i faith, and also providing that the land Emperor Frederick Barbarossa In these remedies more effec- 1162 and presented to the archbishop dition, half of the trouble ; will not be sold nor any offer therefor Live than ever. of Cologne. Visitors to tbe cathedral with our eyes, or the eyes of >'accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, are shown the supposed souls of the the people is caused by I the Board reserving the right to reject Right prices are also magi, studded with diamonds and In­ I any and all bids. Said lands are situated M KASLBS. assured. scribed with tbe wise men’s names in j in Tillamook County Oregon, and des- t rubles.—St. James' Gazette Don’t risk your eyes when . i eribed as follows: they can be saved as well II 3eginning at a point at tbe Govern- Meander corner between sections Her Cerrection. i 2 ment as not. and 3. T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South CLOUGH I Two young women were talking I side of Nehalem Bay, and running over tbelr restaurant luncheon the I i thence : Reliable Druggist. other day about the quality of a cer­ N. 4» 29 E. 151.0 feet ■ long high tain prlma donna’s voice. line. Dr. H. E. Morris, ' I water "Ob. sb? can sing." cried one of N. 42 48- E. 7.75 feet ■long high them enthusiastically. “Sbe certainly I water line. . EYE SPECIALIST, ran sing Music like that would coax 1 N. 40 01- E. W5.o feet along high •MADCLAND TILLA MOOK Apollo from his lyre ” OREGON’. I water line. N. 32 51- E. 266.5 feet along high Tbe other girl flushed and looted water line. troubled After a slight pause alie OATS N. 21 31’ E. 256.0 feet along high spoke in gentle reproof. water line. “1 don’t want to correct yon. dear." N. 7 07’ E. 402.0 feet along high •he said. "But don’t yon think that water line. word Is usually pronounced ’lalrT II West, 12.0 feet to low water line. Is spelled l-a-l-r. you know I’blla S. 9- 44- W. 400.0 ----- * feet •long low delpbia I-edger water line. , S. 24 53' W. 24KO feet • long low water line. Disinterested Affection 8. 32 SI' W. 266. 0 feet along low "I’m afraid, Edward. you’re marry­ water line. ing aie only because I’ve Inherited 8. 40 IH’ W. 5M4.Ü feet ■ long low From my node i<»i.<«»> crown«." water line. ••Why. Blanche, bow can yon rhlok S. 43 21’ W. 80.0 feet along low wat­ that of me? Your uncle la not blag to - er line. 8. 49 29' W. 72.0 feet along low J me 1 would marry you oo matter water line. from whom you Inherited tbn money " South, 60.0 feet to place of bewin- 6»U Ik.,. - Dee Hob ning, containing 1.56 acres of tide find fronting upon fx>ta 4 A 6, See. 2. T. 2 IW f Ar»» U.» saw N. R. 10 W. 5.00 Applications «rd bids shoul-l tie ad­ «•.'•W »«•*.. KtUt ___ dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State trtCKw .6L ■ • » wai » Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and mark - •••» -rr-oti AB wearM fa* Hit**« pasar*. cd “Application and bid to purchase Ijmr Shoulder ia nearly always tidehnds.” due to rlieuffi«ti»m of the miiacler, < G. G. Brown, ! and quickly yields to the free appli- Painless Dentists icatfou of Chmberlain’a Liniment, i « «ase «MBa. ’*< M UNMaaiwi rarrua* sat Clerk State Lami Board. I For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. j e»*~A^r» Il ■ M>•» M tallir» >«• 1 i Dated Uh January 27. 11HL PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. I J ^R. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street froir the Court House. Dr. Wise's office. S ARCHET, L . The Fashiouable Tailor Cieauing, Pressing and Repair ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Laso nasica Rcsiaa»» * BracuLTT. I houc A. luW /"'SOWING & COWINC LAWYERS ■ oom 33« Woscarra« B iuloisv . T his » ash Oaa »rasar» Kuom Neil to lb* U a I.and o*cr. PORTLAND, OREGON S. VIERECK. Tillamook Bakery, OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. CLIMAX Pt 114177 I'» ALL KINO OF CAKI0 ALL KIND OF BREAD za Wise Dental Co.,i»e I