TULA MOU K HEADLloaT APRIL 6, 1911 Otath. Synopsis of the annual áteteme» of the Port Decides to Bond city to the bay is not a difficult The mother of Ivan Turgenev, the CARBOLIC ACID. *■ HTB1CTLY IN ADVANCE.) Prudential Casualty Con. problem, and the improvement Russian novelist, was a trying person At a meeting of the Port of Till­ »Ine year......... -<............................... 1.50 can be soon brought about, and Peculiar Effect Pure Aloohel Ha« an to live with, irritable, capricious aud pany. 75 Six months....................................... amook on Thursday evening, it was unreasonable. On Ivan's birthday in Of lndianapcois. in theSaterf Thie Irritant Poieon. 50 economically, if the right meth­ Three months................................... Indiana, ods are adopted. We want to decided to bond the district for One of tbe most frequent Irritant 1845, we are told In "Two Rus­ the 31st day of December 191« Plans are $130,000, $236,(00 of which is to be poisons used for suicidal purpose« 1« sian Reformers,” after a day of festiv­ On Entered as second class mail mat­ offer a suggestion. ter July, 1888, at the poet office at necessary in the first place, but appropriated towards bar improve­ carbolic acid, and a more agonizing ities, Mme. Turgenev pretended to be made, to the Insurance ComgS Tillamook, Ore., under the act of it is not necessary to have a ments and the remainder for water death could not be selected. Why dying. “She sent for her confessor sioner of the State of Oregon, |)ut suant to law ; March 3, 1879. any one should select this poison it la ■nd, placing before her the portrait of high priced engineer to boss front and slough improvements. C apital . hard to understand unless on account her son Ivan, exclaimed 'Adieu. Ivan! I the work, for it is only a case of of the fact that it Is cheap and easily Adieu, Nicolas! Adieu, my children!’ Amount of capital paid $bt ^illamaok Æjtaùliglit, digging, therefore, we believe, BAYOCEAN BREVITIES obtainable. Thia form of poisoning Then she ordered her forty servants up.................. ••••■• • ■ ■ $499,218.3 that the Port of Tillamook could can usually be easily recognized by ■nd all tbe men employed about tbe make arrangements with Capt. Work on the Telephone Line the odor, which 1« well known, «nd house to say good by to her. When I ncome . Groat to superintend the work, -•Boosting for the Sturgeon by tbe white burn« or marks on tbe they had filed out of the room Mme. Editorial Snap Shots Premiums received dur­ lips and mouth, which are typical of Turgenev declared that she felt better for the information he has ob­ ing the year......... ... $ 27,372» Channel. carbolic acid poisoning. asked for tea. The next day the and tained after »0 many years in Interest, dividends and We hope that President E. E. Send for the nearest physician, and following ‘order appeared: charge of harbor improvements rents received during Lytle’» last prophesy will come It will not be many moon« now In tbe meantime, as carbolic acid kills “ 'I give orders that tomorrow morn­ the year ............... . makes him a valuable man to 31.OW.31 quickly, tbe first aid treatment must true that the P. K. & N. Co.’s ere the eternal—“Number, Please” ing the disobedient servants, Nicolas Income from other sour­ superintend the improvement be prompt in order to get results. If railroad will be running trains Jacovlef, Ivan Petrof and Egor Kon- will be Bounding in impatient ears. ces received during of the channel from this city the year ........................ by July. Every’ Tillarnooker is _ o,2»ai The contract has been closed and possible cause the patient to vomit by dratatlef, shall sweep the court in just aching for that tx'casioti to to the bay, and it stand to rea­ the supplies bought for the installa­ giving nn emetic, such as ipecac or front of my windows.' salt and water, a tablespoonful to a Total income son that he would do the work $65.3*13 "Those names were those of serv­ arrive and let out a long bottled tion of a complete telephone system piut of warm water. This, however, more economically than a total ants who had not appeared at her bed ­ D isbursements up yell. ___ ___ ___ between Tillamook and Bayocean. frequently falls to work on account stranger who knew nothing side. possibly because they were a lit­ The exchange will be located in the of the irritated condition of tbe mu­ tle drunk that evening. 'Good for Losses paid during the whatever about local conditions. Bro. Taylor has invited the year, including ad Annex, and will give telephone cous membrane of tbe stomach. One nothings! Drunkards! exclaimed Mme. Editor-Booster-’ Association to That is the reason why we be­ service to all parts of the peninsula. of the best chemical antidotes Is ep- justment expenses, Turgenev. 'They rejoice at tbe death etc..................................... $ visit Cloverdale and that end of, lieve that local talent is prefer­ By connection with the Pacific som salt In solution. Another good of their mistress!”’ Dividends paid during the county, and he assures lis able, and for tbe further reason State» line in Tillamook, long dis­ chemical antidote is alcohol, tbe only the year on capital that he will give the boys u that Captain Groat is moving j tance conversations between Pori- trouble with this remedy being that stock.................................. The Bank Beat the Prints. it cannot lie given in a pure form. It dirt from the slough at a rapid , . t royal reception and entertain­ The Gentlewoman of London recalls Commissions and sal­ rate and at a nominal cost to the I •«““> an^ B-yoc«.n can be hddI by bus to tie diluted with water and for aries paid during the ment. That tickles the soft spot the following story of the prince re year .............................. With the anyone desiring to communicate in that reason loses Its efficacy. 31,075.9 in the snap shot man’s make up, Port of Tillamook. gent and Coutts' bank: "When George Taxes, licenses and fees ■ this manner. C. W. Oderrnatt, of Just exactly why alcohol counter ­ and when arrangements can be proper appliance at bund, and | San Francisco, who installed the acts the effect of carbolic acid is not IV. was a regent he had a grudge paid during the year. made so that all tbe editors can with two shifts, it would not, now in use, known, but If. for Instance, carbolic against Coutts and determined to play Amount of all other ex­ take Capt. Groat many months, ele ‘ ; t, i ic 8 Y i 3,e " 1 a trick on the authorities. Iu those penditures ................... participate in Cloverdale’s hos­ 36 s. 26052 1 will have full charge of the con- acid Is splashed on the bands and they pitality,Bro. Taylor’s invitation and a great deal les» expense I struction work, which will begin are al Once Immersed In absolute alco­ days even the great banks kept very Total expenditures. $402,858,® than most people imagine, to hol there will tie no resulting burn.— small reserves of cash, and tbe playful will be accepted. widen the water front to 300 ft. immediately. Dr. H. H. Hartung I d National Mag­ prince thought out a plan to close __ __________A ssets . The grading of the main hotel azine. Coutts’. So he sent his equerry round Value of real estate | aud improve the channel to the We quite agree with the Hose bay. from Carlton House with a check for site having been completed, Fred owned......... ......... __________ £100,000, fondly hoping that tbe bank Values of stocks and Company that the tire equip- Blazer and his crew have moved to ROUTED THE SINGER. would not be able to pay over the bonds owned ............. 309,291.« tnent should have a better hook There are a few strong advo­ the north side of the Annex, where and ladder truck, The snap cates of hard surface pavement they will level off the hill between Tosti’» Encounter With a Persistent counter. The prince's trick, however, Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. ... 279.661.00 failed of success, as the wary old part­ shot man was the captain of for the business streets. This the latter building and the ocean. and Peppery Stranger. ner of the Strand bank proved equal Cash in bank and on that 'in in killer ' io' several matter came up at the Com­ "Tosti used to tell an amusing little hand ............................ 46.40627 D. M. Shaw is Bort of under the to the occasion. He said at once to ye irs, and we want to say from mercial Club the other evening I weather, as a result of the combined story of feminine persistence,” says the equerry, ’How will his royal high­ Premiums in course of collection and in Harold Simpson In his book, “ A Cen- experience that the tire fighters when a few persons were talk­ ; attacks of grippe and cold, and was ness take the amount. In gold or notes? transmission ............. 12,271.97 are entitled to a better hook ing about its advantages, when obliged to call upon medical assis­ tury of English Ballads." It was dur­ The equerry hesitated and then said Interest and rents due ing one of bl« busiest mornings, with and ladder truck. We are go­ lit was pointed out by Mr. Ban- tance Wednesday. he bad better go back to Carlton House und accrued................. 5,2*3 a long list of singing lessons to be got to inquire. So he departed, and Coutts’ ing to "b iost” for the boys, for I field that with only a few blocks through, tbat a knock came at tbe The dredge should be in drydock bad time to send to tbe Bank of Eng­ Total assets....-......... $652,867.9 if lire is tube effectively fought , of hard surface pavement the door of Tosti’s flat. His valet was Ill, the boys must have proper ap­ dirt from the side streets would by the end of the week, as the grid­ and so Tosti went to the door himself. land and get tbe cash required, but it Less special deposits in any State (if any pliances to work with, Isn’t soon create a nuisance and re­ iron is jusj about ready to re­ A lady, a stranger to him, stood on was not needed, as the prince regent, there be)........................ ’ — seeing that Coutts’ had got the best ceive it. that good horse »ense ? the threshold. Total assets ad­ quire to be cleaned off quite of him, did not return the check in Captain Groat, Editor Baker and “ ’Signor Tosti? she Inquired. mitted in Oregon $652,867.03 often. And his suggestion that question. ” “Tosti bowed. Mr. Clough, of Tillamook; M. C. To demonstrate what we have crushed rock roads, the same as L iabilities . " 'Ob.' said tbe lady. T am singing Banfield, of Portland; and \V. C. Eggs That Can’t Ba Found. repeatedly said about the Stur­ the county is constructing with your soug. “ My Memories. ” at Man ­ Francis, ot San Francisco, were The eggs of some common birds of Gross claims for losses geon channel, let the Port of their rock crushing and roller unpaid......... ................. 8 3,6759 guests of Mr. Russell on Tuesday chester tonight, and I want you to the present day have never been Tillamook cut a channel two ¡plants, would cost considerable kindly ruu through it with me.’ found. There is the robin snipe; its Amount of unearned last. They spent the day in looking “ ‘ Madame, ’ answered Tosti politely, less money. A large amount of hundred feet square and ten prems. on all out­ eggs have never been seen. An Eng­ standing risks .......... feet dee • at the opening of the money have been thrown away over the construction work that is but firmly, 'I fear It Is Impossible. 1 lish zoologist kept a man going up and iu progress, taking a great deal of have two pupils with me now. and a for commission jetty at Dick's point, and the dumping “dirt gravel” onto the down the coast of Labrador for weeks Due and brokerage .......... 3,495.« channel would immediately streets and then scraping the interest in the general advance­ third Is waiting in the anteroom, while purposely to get a robin snipe’s egg, All other liabilities.. .. 585" others will shortly be arriving.' begin to cut out, for that is the mud up and carting it off. That ment that is being made. They but It was In vain. The bird Is known 'But you must!’ the lady persisted. by thousands of people, but it breeds natural way for the water to has been Tillamook City’s prim­ were impressed with the grading Total liabilities.... $22,361.« ‘I am sorry'— began Tosti again How. This would soon convince itive »ystem of street improve­ particularly and commended very when he suddenly received a violent so far north and so remote from any Total premiums in force highly the methods in vogue. For December 31st, 1910 those who are opposed to the ment since it became a munici­ push backwnrd aud tbe lady walked civilization that no scientific observer 22,473.28 (Oregon) ......................... can ever get to Its nest ere the young Sturge < n channel that it is the pal corporation, and notwith­ Bleed and efficiency, Mr. O’Don­ into the studio. are hatched and have taken to wing. nell ’ s scheme for moving dirt from "Tosti followed, protesting. After a B usiness in O regon for thi logical route to the bnr from standing the agitation for good The frigate bird that Is so commonly Y ear . Tillamook City and by far the I roads and civic improvements 12th Ave. to the dock cannot be long argument which threatened to seen at sea on the Pacific and off the become heated, the lady snapped out: Total risks written most desirable side of the bay the dumping of “dirt gravel” beat. West Indies Is such a solitary bird “’Very well; I shan't slug your song, We fully realize the priceless value during the year .... $337.S for industries, landlocked and continues aud the property and is so seldom seen in Its nest dur­ Gross then! ’ premiums re­ protected from the storms which owners aud taxpayers have to of perseverance. Stick-to-it-iveness “ 'Madame,' said Tosti, taking her by ing the hours of daylight that Its egg ceived during the sweep over the bay in the win­ pay for the wasteful system that and persistence have always been tbe baud. *1 am infinitely obliged to is rare. It seems strange, but the year .................... ........... — eggs of so well known a bird as the Premiums returned dur­ ter. is pursued. Let the city con­ our favorite watch words. But you.’ ing the year................... — tract for crushed rock or own a deeply us these virtues are imbedded “Tbe lady gave one look at him and sandpiper have never been found and Losses paid during the are almost priceless.—London Globe. Some of the school marina up- road e»0iipment plant the same in our natuies, we have never fled." year.................................... — pear to be n little indignant be­ i us one of those owned by the stuck to the roundabout way when Losses incurred during Reversed the Proposition When Lawyers Are Quiet. cause the suup shot man hap­ county, and improve the streets the short cut was open. We have year.......................... . — Robert Wickliffe Woolley, the writer, Total amount of pre­ pened to atute his reasons why of the city along sensible and never persisted in combating Na­ One George Wilson, a lawyer, who bad much litigation. In some of which found it necessary not long ago to miums outstanding lie objected to holding a teach­ scientific road building plans. ture, when she herself took the in Oregon, Dec. 31,1910 — ers’ institute. We hope we It is absolutely impossible to pains to point out to us the fruitless­ be was itersonally interested as a par­ take a trip west. On the dining car ty or as a trustee, finally passed away, of the train be saw that he had in his P rudential C asualty C ompart , haven’t seriously offended any have street improvements ns ness of our efforts. We have never and a short funeral sermon was de­ pocket 10 cents in change, bls small­ By C has . J. J acoby , of them by saying tluy were long ns the dirt dumping pro­ persevered in anything, unless ob­ livered by a member of the bar In the est bank note being one for $50. He President engaged in pleasantarien, but cess continues. So we would servation and concentration, reason presence of a few old personal friends. handed this to the porter, who went Statutory resident general agent they have the same right to suggest that several entire and judgment, first showed it to The lawyer told how the old man had to tbe end of the car for a conference and attorney for service: J ames L. C onlet . eriticise the 1’resa as the snap streets, with the side streets, be I be the trtie course. And why others lieen abused and maligned, but that. In with tbe conductor. «hot mun has a touchera' insti- improved with crushed rock. ulio should and do know better, fact, he bad helped the poor and un­ “I'm very «orry about this,” said tute. They cannot deny this, still continue to steadfastly adhere fortunate often and was not a bad the conductor, standing in front of Constipation brings many ail’ -7------- rw---------- Woolley and toying with the big bill, inents in its train and ia the prim­ that while about 50 teachers to that nioth enteei, time-worn the­ man. On returning from the service« an “but we haven’t tbe change for $50. ary cause of much Sickness. Keep The Illinois bill for taxing bache­ ory concerning the feasibility of the were for three days talking old lawyer was asked another law- We’ll just take your address and send your bowels regular madam, and '»hop,” with all the schools in lors is auawered by a Wisconsin bill North jetty aiukthe north channel, yer alxjut the services by and will escape many of the ailments to what was you the change.” for taxing «piuster«. The presump ­ the county closed, somewhere is more than we can savvy. The said The old lawyer replied, "For which women are subject. Con­ Woolley calmly reached over and stipation tion weiui to be general that mar ­ is a very simple thing, hot about 1000 pupils lost three day»' smallest bit of a mixture of brain once old George could not file a de­ took possession of the banknote. schooling, unit indat of them ried people are already overtaxed. •tuff and cottimon sense, coupled murrer or motion to any of the pro­ “You've got nothing on me." be said. like many simple things, it may lead to serious > onsequences. Na­ Thut China would be obstinate with a few observing traits, will re­ ceedings which bad taken place." s|*ending their time in idle­ “I'll take the address of tbe railroad ture often needs a little assistance The law.ver who made the Inquiry and »end tbe price of the meal.”— and when Chamberlain’s Table» ness, and, no doubt, some in with Russia waa probable’ but how I sult in but one conclusion, i. e., devilment, for boys will be boys about the preparedness of the moat that Nature put but one channel in replied. "Well, thia must be the first Chicago Record-Herald. are given at the first indication, much distress and suffering may when they have nothing else to populous of nations to meet the the taiv snd thufchannel {«Sturgeon. time George did not move for arrest be avoided. Sold by Lamar's Druf occupy their minds und allowed , h“ff of the bear that walk« like a It i« rite only one that will remain of Judgment.”—Green Bag. Th« Bath« of Caracalla. Store. Tbe Romans appear to bave been to roam about iu idleness vx hile man? J clean utid open of its own accord, Wagner as an Acrobat. well off in the matter of bathing In case of rheumatism relief fro« the pedagogues were having u without the necessary expense of ! The Black Haud Society followed Ferdinand Praegvr related an i tnci- places in the first and second centu­ ¥ain makes sleep and rest pos-*ibit- good time together at the tax uu Italian grape-groacr froui Ar- cotitiuunl dredging, and i« the 11a- dent of a visit to Wagner at bls Swiss I his may be obtained by apply* ries. In the baths of Caracalla 1,600 payers’ expense. j kauana to Chicago and attacked him . fund struight-away outlet from Till- home The two men sat one morning Chamberlain’s Liniment For aale RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Ask anyone of The Black Hand ia being ) jiiignk to the sea. Don’t dvpentl on (..’tide Sant, ' pl»y«’«l iu this 1 country, nnartment says that thia i« revenue could be derived from I j tor of measures for which he had a good allowing, and the public will it lensing it to tbe go vent inent I three times «offered defeat as a be inclined to agree with hi in. or private partie«, whereas, _____ , if i presidential candidate, only to see the work was let by contract, them takeu up and adopted in large M hen a medicine must t>e given to tbe contra« tor would figure on j part by leader«ot all parties. Clark young children it should be plena- the coat of building a dredge alao ridiculed the ide« President uni tu take. Chamberlain'a Cough j Taft Would adjourn Congress to I Ke merle is made from loaf sugar, here and irire the roots used _•_ in •■ ita toT.EX _r prepara- pravent a. rev..iag the tariff He tutti mm gi v'e •« .t’rtiii'oVr.m'ii;; We Iwlieve in uaittg hmoe |«.ul the president would tart dare *.v’^’l*» making il pl«««.int to taW talent, lu the mutier oí mt- ■ do «uch ____ w su, h a tn. ng for fear and whooping cough. For «.1« by “---------------- ------------- let tor al College |Laniap« Drug $tor« there. i A ; « bathers could be accommodated at one on an ottomau lu tbe drawing room time. The Inclosed area was 360 talking over the events of the years. square yards, but It Included a course Suddenly Wagner, who was sixty for foot racing. The bathing estab­ years old, ruse and stood on bls bead lishment was 240 yards in length by upon tbe ottoman. At that moment 124 wide. The remains of the walls Wagner’s wife eotered. Iler surprise are eight and ten feet thick and tn and alarm caused her to run to her some places as much as fifty feet high. husband, exclaiming. “Ah. Richard. Rk-bardT* Quickly recovering himself, A Cumulative Test. be assured her tbat be was sane and As the thin man and tbe stout one wished to show tbat he could stand were talking of diet and food In gen­ on his heed at sixty, which was more eral the thin man said; "You can get than Ferdinand could do. ■ n excellent dinner at Clapbam's, tbe restaurant near my office, for 25 cents. A Hiccough Cura. Ever try one of his dinners?" A correspondent writes to os to the “One of ’em! Yes. I should say I effect that be baa found banging by had," said the stout mau. “Why. I the hands with the leg» clear of the •te four of ’em one day last week!” ground, the hands well apart aud the Sera th held for say flfteeu seconds. an Th« Best Thing. infallible cure for bk-cougbs. With "What do you menu by kissing me. “hlldren. hold them up off the ground Herr Frisch’" by both bands Our correspondent "My aunt told me to. She told me to «tries that be has never ft>uud this come «nd help myself to the boat thing net bod to fail. —Loudoo Globe T could find in the kitchen "-Fliegrnde Blatter. by Lamar’s Drug Store. Saved His Mother’s Life. ( “ Four doctors had given me up,’ writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, I.a., " and my children and all off friends were looking for me to die. when my son insisted that I u* Electric Bitters. I did so, and the’ have done me a world of good. I will always praise them.” Electrit Bitters is a priceless blessing *> women troubled with fainting a*1 dizzy spells, backache, headadja weakness, debility, constipation ff kidnev disorders. Use them gain new health, strength al» vigor. They’re guaranteed • satisfy or money refunded <*•*? 50. at Chas. I. Clough’s drug »tot* Midnight in The Osarks and yet sleepless Hiram Scrantoa of Clay City, Ill., coughed a*1 coughed. He was in the mounts)»* on the advice of five doctor“ »’*• said lie hail consumption, but tot»»» no help in the climate, and rt.irtff home. Hearing of Dr. (ting ’» Nr* Praeaic. Discovery, he began to use it- They began their honeymoon trip tn believe it saved n»v life,” he »riff* the d«y conch. “for it made a new man of me, • “Dariiag.“ be murmured. “1 ran see tbat 1 can now do good work •<“*% the coals of love In your eye«." For all lung disease«, cough. coM» lagrippe, asthma, croup. Whoopi* "Them ain’t coals, Jonathan." she congh. hay fever. hemorrlia$* said -then.*» cinders "-St Paul l’k> hoarsens« or quinsy, its tbe 1« ® Stax. ’Hu oe tbe »aber aide of tbe I-eat cough remedy on the n *1® aurkfi aow,"- 1T«*Uajtoo Star for coughs, colds and croup “ b •al« by Lamar'« Drug Store-