Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 06, 1911, Image 2

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Depositor is
elcome at This Bank
indredjsinall accounts make a bank stronger
a dozen large ones. That is one of our
ins fur urging the man of limited means to
act his business with us.
irge accounts are w.lcome too, fur it is
purpose to serve all the people whether
’ business be small or large.
at the Tillamook
of oat hay for sale.
Be for sale cheap,
Hour is second to
Feed Co.
S L.C. Wilks. In-
'a Store.
Mrs. Rowe were
thia week.
norning, to the
tan, a daughter,
‘ft on the Elmore
intends to work,
f Nehalem, was
aeeday on busi-
icket knife and
ire at Headlight
to E. G. Ander-
r Cedar Fence
■ sell or trade for
easy terms—J. R
ton oat hay and 5
Apply to H. E.
inted at the Tilla-
iny'e Market, 13c.
to see the Tilla-
before you buy
stand best paper
Leave orders at
icken to the Tilla-
any’s Market. We
lias gone to Port-
a position with the
1 Co.
Orpingtons, $1.50
eggs.—C A. Corn-
Feed Co. will guar-
| of every bale of
■ve fresh fruit and
•vy boat. Try her
ad sallads.
gons and Buggies,
and machinery of
lamook Feed Co. •
:k arrived on the
week from Port-
a been doing busi-
Ask your neighbor about De­
ment Best Flour, they all say that it
can’t be beat for good bread.— Til 1-
amook Feed Co.
| A dairj- ranch, with 30 cows, to
rent, close to cheese factory and
school, Address X. Y.Z., Headlight
office, Tillamook, Oregon
Lost—a liame and tug, on Wed­
nesday, March 22.
Finder please
leave at the Headlight office. C. R
Funk, Tillamook, Oregon.
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf
hides at my shop. Try me out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
The Golden Gate left for Portland
with a part load ot freight and F. A.
Ford, V. H. Smith, Mary E. Pence
and John Larsen as passengers.
Phone your orders to the Tilla­
mook Feed Co. for Dement's Best
Flour, it can’t be beat for good
bread, and they deliver it in the
The Board of County Commission­
ers, including County Judge Mason
and Commissioners H. V. Alley
and H. Farmer, is .in session this
Re-cleaned Seed Oats, a cream
separator, flour and feed of all
kinds, and a fresh lot of all kinds
of grass seeds at the Tillamook
Feed Co.
H. Tohl was'in the city'. this week
and was greatly concerned when
informed about the fire at Nehalem,
and it is fortunate that his store was
not destroyed.
Bids wanted on from 100 to 1000
cords body spruce wood. Quantity
taken will depend on the price.—
Tillamook Electric Light A Fuel
We are taking orderB for haj- at
the following prices : Alfalfa, $19
ton ; oat, $21 ton ; No. 1 Timothy,
$27 ton. - H. C. K lnze or W m . C ur ­
tis , the Grain Man..
For sale, 2 horses,’double harness,
2 horse wagon with wood rack and
gravel bed. Callon C. W. Thomae,
Vt mile east of P. O. on Fairview
road, a"hd he will make price right*
The Commercial team" of this city
met and defeated the Nehalem team
in a game of baseball at Nehalem
Sunday, the score being 8—7.
game was a hard fought one
The steamer Anvil brought in a
cargo of coal and if you want a good
fuel coal at reasonable prices see
Shrode. This coal is washed and
hand picked and ia guaranteed
The Bay City Land Co. has
the Klinore for
will spend about brought suit against W. S. Cone in
■sta of hia father’ ■ the curcuit court in the which the
plaintiffs sues for judgment and
of certain land in Bay
»Tillamook Head-
eekly Oregonian, City and for $250 damages.
for one year foi
wife and two eons,
>nd two daughters.
, Illinois, came t<
their I ome. >'rs.
Wilson are niejen
leaston of TUIe-
Process Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack ;
*30 ton. Shorts. 80 lbs., $1.15 sa<k;
$27 ton. Wheat, 14» lbs.. $1.75 sack.
Oats, white, 100 lbs., $1.70 sack; $33
ton. Oats, gray seed, 100 Ils., $1.75
sack; $34 ton. Salt. Empire, 50 lb«.,
55c. Salt, half ground, M10 ll>».. &V.
Bran, 60 11», 80r. WM. CURTIS, the
Grain Man.
o Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store.
Rest Room for Ladies.
, 1911
The Golden Gate arrived in port
Friday with a full cargo of freight
and Earl Taylor, Adolph Nyblach,
F. Fitzpatrick, E. Spans, C. Ruth,
Dan O’Mara, Mr. Gerald, Alice
Keene, Austa Keene and four labor-
lead cable arrived on the laat trip
of the Golden Gate.
The work is
under the direction of W. S. Snyder,
an expert construction man.
Editor Taylor, of Cloverdale, was
in the city the first of the week and
invited the Editor-Boosters Associ­
passengers who leff on the ation to visit that part of the county.
Sue H. Elmore were D. Robinson,
The Elmore arrived in the bay
Mr. and Mrs. Hagney, Art Case, Wednesday with Wm. Beckrigli,
G. M. Nolan, J. M. Dunn, W. Noble, Mr. Smith,Fred Hoag, Mr. McDonna,
Win, Squires, M. D. Gerard, R. F. Mr. Hollister, F. 11.Scott, J.H. Coop­
Black, Arthur Eberman and Otto er, Mr. Welsch, A. M. Myers, W. H.
Johnston, W111.
Johnston, Fred
In buying out grass seeds xwe I Cade, Geo. W. Re
Reynolds. Clias. ().
bought the best that money can buy Neal, W. S. Brj.ni, , B. D. Sox, Mrs.
so if you want good seeds, come McCormick. Mrs. J. D. Conway
and see us, but if you want a second i .1. L..Conway, She also had a full
grade seed go somewhere else, as cargo of fright for our merchants.
we carry only the best. - T illamook
I wish to thank the ladies of Till-
F eed C o .
• . amook for their generous patronage
Percy Sheldon and family arrived and to announce my return Sept. 1,
in town the past week from Wiscon­ 1911, at Patzlal’s Store, with a full
sin, where they have been visiting line of city made fall hats. Mj- well
Mr. Sheldon returned to known guaranteed ostrich feathets
Oregon by way of the Sante Fe, can he hail on approbation at any
Southern Pacific
lines, coming time from tny Portland store. Any
through the south to miss the snow. special order carefully filled,, and
County Judge Homer Mason re | sent on approval, the most fashion
ceived a telegram yesterday from able materials on hand always. Ad­
Redlands, Cal., stating that Ahnn, dress Florence Evens Garrett. 4th
the 15 year old daughter of Albert Floor Washington Building, Port­
and Mabie Mason, formerly of thia land, tire.
county, died that morning from the
M. C. Banfield, of Portland, and I
effects of an operation for appendi­ [ W.C.Francis.of San Francisco, came
| in on Sunday and visited at the
The Elmore arrived in port Friday j editor’s home.. Mr. Francis is a
with Mies Lee Crofett, Harry Zuman, well known lumberman, having
George Phelps, F. C. Ford, Mrs. been in that business in Portland
Grey, Mrs. Allison, John Wilkins, for a number of years previous to
John Snyder, C. W. 'Alliman, Mr. going to California, and he came
Coght, Mr. and Mrs. Loman and in to look over the saw^mill situ­
Mr. Curtis.
She also carried a full ation in this county. They leave on
cargo of freight for our merchants. Friday to visit Mr. Reed at Nehalem
The Golden Gate came in this and will hit the trail across Necar-
week with the following passengers: ney mountain on their way out. On
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wilson and fam­ Tuesday they were taken to Bay­
ily, Jacob Breeden and family, W. A. ocean bj’ several of our leading citi­
Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. zens, and Mr. Russell royally en­
Crusen, J. W. Hatfield, J. J. McCor­ tertained them at that popular bay
mick, J. H. Smith, J, A. Martin, and seaside resort.
A good joke was played on County
Mrs. Yale, H.P. Sheldon and familj-.
“Dement’s Best” flour. $1.35 per Treasurer Beals on Wednesday by
sack. “Marvel” Brand flour $1.25 some of the county officials.
per sack. These prices will be in had left his office for a few minutes
effect from Mar. 13 to Mar. 18, inclu­ and during his absence someone
sive, for the purpose of introducing swiped two bundles of cancelled
He immediately called
our flour, and proving to you that warrants.
Dement’sdlest is the highest grade on the Sheriff demanding that he
hard Wheat flour on the market.— search the court house, for he had
a vague impression that someone
T illamook F eed C o .
in the clerk's office was the guilty
The Potter Realty Co. took 1200 parties. lie happened to return to
copies of last week’s Headlight for his office, when the warrants, to
publicity work.
The company has his great surprise, were where he
advertising, had left them.
The other officials
bringing Tillamook into prominence have succeeded in making the
and thereby'helping to establish the treasurer believe that his eyesight
fact that this county has a bright is bad.
future before it as a great summer
and seaside resort, especially Baj- P.R. & N. CO.’S RAILROAD
ocean Park.
D. Robinson, who has been doing
the jeweler work for Eugene Jenkins Large Amount of Material
during the past eight months, re­
Shipped from Portland.
signed his position the first of the
Delivery of 45 miles of track and
month and left on the steamer El­ other equipment for the Pacific
more for Portland,
lie intends to Railway A Navigation Company’s
»¡tend some time visiting the places line from Hillsboro to Tillamook
of importance on the coast and may Bay points has been completed by
return to this city in June.
i the tug George R. Vosburg in tow­
A meeting of the city council was ing the barge Nehalem and the
held onMonday evening, when all the stock awaiting shipment here has
members of the council were present been practically cleared. President
with the exception of Mr. Hathaway, E. E. Lytle yesterday said that he
and on that account the ordinances was positive the rail line would tie
were lgidover. There was very little operating August 1 and that every
business before the council with the effort was being made to open the
exception of the hose company want­ line July 1.
ing a new hook and ladder truck.
Weather conditions that held back
The Cheese Makers played the the delivery of equipment by water
Bay City Clam Diggers a game of during the winter also worked a
base ball Sunday, which was won hardship on the construction force
by the former team, 12—5.
Good and snow is yet so abundant on the
team work was a feature of the Till­ summit that during the past week
amook boys throughout the entire the grading crew was forced to
game, although the success was shovel the right of way clear for a
mainly due to the pitcher, Clent distance of one mile. The fact that
King, and the catcher F. A. Scofield. the gasoline yacht Hayocean is to
Clent >howed fine form and excep­ be operate«! between Portland nnd
Tillamook after June 1 is not feared
tional good speed.
as a competitor for passenger busi­
Captain Groat, ¡with the govern­
ness, os the train service will be so
ment dredge, is doing some good
much more rapid and affords daily
worlrin the slough, removing consid­
schedule against two or three sail­
erable dirt ami improving thechan-
ings a week of the Bayocean.—Ore­
nel. The Port of Tillamook is keep­
ing the dredge fully employed and : gonian.
An ordinary safe is ‘‘dead easy” for yeggmen and
safe crackers.
And as further precaution, WE CARRY BURGLAR
Don’t worry and loose your sleep when you can
put your money and valuables where they are out of
the reach of robbers.
We invite the opportunity to explain more fully
the facilities we have to safe guard the money and
valuable deposited with us.
Only U.S. Government Examined Batik in the
Con nt v.
Fire Started in Tohl Hotel
Wipes out Half the Busi­
ness Houses.
L mmercial Club Meeting.
The monthly meeting of the Tilla­
mook Commercial Club was held
.111 Monday evening, nnd there was
.1 large attendance, it being thought
One of the worst accidents by fire by some of the members that it was
that has happened in this county the annual election of officers, which
for a number of years occurred does not take place until the fourth
Wednesday afternoon when about Monday in April. Treasurer Walton
one half of - the main business sec­ stated that all.bills due had been
tion of Nehalem, the most progres­ paid and there was a balance on
sive little city in the north end of hand. Thequestion of bay and har­
the county, wasdestroyed by flames. bor improvements came up for dis­
The fire started at about 1:45 p.m. cussion and two letters were read
in the roof of the Tohl Hotel and from Russell Hawkins, of the Whit­
was first seen by Mrs. W. J. Steph­ ney Co., and discussed as were some
ens, who with her husband, had Statements made by Captain Schrad­
just had dinner in the building. er. The club passed a resolution
There being a strong northwest expressing its confidence in the
wind blowing and the tide being out, Port
which made it impossible to secure Holmes called upon M. C. Banfield,
water, the flames held full sway of Portland, who was a visitorto the
and were Boon sweeping away the club that evening, fora few remarks.
entire Post Office Block.
Mr. Banfield created some enthusi­
The total loss amounted to some- asm by stating that bethought they
thing like $20,000 with but $7000 in- should not depend upon the govern­
The main losses were: ment for assistance but do the har­
The Tohl Hotel, loss $7000, insur­ bor improvements themselves. It
ance $4,500; the Nehalem DrugCo.’s was his experience when he was u
store, belonging to I). Morrison, to­ member of the Port of Portland,
gether with the Telephone exchange, that the government was too slow
which was located within the build­ in accomplishing anything.
ing, loss $2,500, no insurance ; the believed that with a proper dredge
U. S. Post office from which nothing it would cost a comparatively small
was saved ; the building of I- P. amount of money to dredge a chan­
York, general merchandise, whose nel from this city to the bay, and
loss was$4,DIM)with $3,000 insurance; that they should go right ahead and
and three residences which were improve it. As to which, jetty should
caught in the path of the flames. be built, and which channel was
The flames also swept across the most suitable, he thought Hint the
street and consumed the butcher judgment of men like Captain
shop, the saloon of S. V. I.eabo, I Schrader war, more valuable than
which was insured for $500, the loss the opinion of those who did not
being $150.*, and a houseboat belong­ reside here.
ing to Mr. Linkhart.
The streets, which were made
mostly of planking, were consumed
We the barbers of Tillamook have
by the flames.
agreed on the following prices to go
Had it been a few weeks later the
into effect May 1st, 11*11 :
flames might havebeen stayed, ns n
Hair cul................. . .... .'<5c.
water system is being built to that
Shave ......................... .... 15c.
___________ _
. 35c.
Massage ...................
Plain shampoo ........... 25c.
For Sale.
Fitch shampoo .... .
Beard trim ............. .... 25c.
1 Light Year Old Mare, 1400 lbs.
Fitch tonic .........
5 Year Old Mare, 1250 lbs.
All other tonics
5 Year Old Mare, 1050 lbs.
Neck shave........... .. .
2 Year Old Colt, make about 1400
Razor hone ............. .
Tide Land Hay, $1« or $20 de­
O tis F uisuik .
livered; tame Hay, $20 or $22 de­
L atimer a M owbwy ,
Also Machinery and a good Gaso­
C. R. J ohnson
line Launch.
W. M. H easton .
Address— F rank H annenkratt .
The Best
To be SOLD CHEAP so as to introduce this splendid machine
paying for the improvements which j
are being carried out.
When the
government funds are available the j Win. Hoskins Found th« Lifeecs
dredge will be •verhauled, which
Body in Barn.
will take several thousand dollars.
News reached this citj on Sunday
Tlie Golden Gate left i>ort on the that John Hickey, who lives on the
laat half of her seventh voyage this Foley, was found dead by William
month tietween thia city and Port­ Hoskins tin t morning in the birn
land, each time having a full cargo The lout seen of him alive was the
into Ibis |x»rt, which shows the evening before, about seven o’clock,
commercial activities of title county. and it in thought that heart failure
1 The passenger» out were John Coop w.i« the cause of his death, in.
1 er, Erick I s I m -1, Albert Alsine. How- brother, I>an Hickey, brought the
[ ard label. V. Sk Scott, John Sargent.
remains to the city the same even­
1 Dave O’Mara. George Chauiliers,
ing Ilf w «• 67 years of age ami
Q. L. Harvey and B. Simoodaon.
was liorn in Canada, and went with
The Pacific State» Telephone A hiabrother to Green Bay, Win., and
Telegraph Co. are naking prepar­ from there they-Aune to Tillatuiaik
ations to rebuild tlieir telephone County 27 years ago. He ba« tXen
• j »ten* throoghotrt the city and cer­ engaged a good deal 00 county
tain parte of tlte count}.
A large road work, and was for several
number of poles have been deliver­ I vara nal supervisor, as nail «•
ed ia town and a large amount of 1 rosd master for one term.
Two pan. n ;«r torp.-Ju bed/ ao'.gxvc power, tran * ni*sion,
PRICE, $925.00.
A. K. CASE, Agent.