TILLAMOOK £•- Thgir I The 1 lucnaili of Mui * the pin ( era Ed •ter wi power flned t lights i laers b time. < » new U| ;■ struck. \ to tusk part» ii lights. I were p second i The I lighted the old ion Moi Ocean 1 plant c< m capacl ■ lug utg 'started ■seat th« rose ev< 1ng a tn 'audienci i-ontlnm 'novaUor Wicker's House 1 {¡plants — ,Mngazlu Th. S.t K It tuny the Fath the Ural Isstb. I . -ftevolutli -onipsny Mature h ' iliyalclnn indeitool siiilpiuei gull set < ,low. of i Iffer mi ii rf our tin . if fact tl hose teel is we kui , The tei •sod rivet '.omewhHl ■ rgp clai Mllcuousl’ find must ugulsh .-.illder »et. - Ulf held i»llg spin • larper's • ; Never! h >ug and I Ä t>y the • otli teeth ? At the I. hs prn|>ei jahlniorc. A wrltei ,lus ouoe .1 Htaffor resi! «nd tsndlag I ' >ld tlie st Eighteen .'tiin. m good u ;*M. TH fees In tlij . f that'll Ams.' •’Next d» , »* thing mie homi »to ft am StatMit T ,,l tho 'bar tal I won »t •ceuatl anteit to \»«ue »holy /5 nhu 1 and • ivsr quar klauig lief * Jhnter In ,ken off I -sit to »It Mtuaies bj ä»n» by he Utt books *>)» moue 'untes, yol MH» eager *■ t»K>k» • MMda to em niigtn >1 Ben F euuütri little I don't th Ai>4 why right m owi that w. < hk t me Ida; U hl—I YKGGMEN AT BAY CITY. him up in the cage, where he will The sheritf remain until his trial, found that Smith had made two saws out of the knives 1 he used for his meals and had cut out part of one of the bars in the wi ■indow with It seems that one of the saws. Smith had also filled most of the locks in the jail with glass and other material he had scraped olf the walls PORT HBJADLIQHT MARCH 30, 1011 GETS BUSY Bayocean Brevities. Rev. Father Chabot and Rev. Father LeMiller, formerly pastor of Informally Agrees To Raise Safe Blown Open and Con­ Tillamook, were visitors on Tues- the Money for Improve­ tents Stoltn. I day last. ments. A petition has been filed with the The store of Nelson A Co., at There was an informal meeting of [Kist office authorities, that if an­ Bay Citv. was entered early Wed­ the Fort of Tillamook on Tuesday, swered will give Baym-ean a daily nesday morning and the safe blown when it was decided to laind the mail service. The route proposed open by two yeggmen. The watch district for the purpose of carrying is an overland one, via Netarts, ■nun ut the saw mill heard two shot» out bar and bay improvements. The and will require two carriers, fired about half past one. and soiiu amount to which the district is to be one leaving Tillamook every morn­ men whispering, anil in about hall Teachers’ Annual Institute. bonded will be $456,000, and we are ing at 16 o’clock and anothersetting an hour heard a bomb explode. Sev eral others iieard the explosion and The Annual Teachers’ Institute informed that some parties in Chi­ out from here at the same time. thought the bank was being robbed. for Tillamook County has been ar­ cago have wired from there that they Such a method of transferring the ¡mails will prove a very welcome It seems that the men attempted to ranged by Superintendent W. S. can be floated in that city. The Port took up a letter written boom to every one here and will enter the -»tore in the rear, and fail Buelfor Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ ing to gam admittance that way, nesday of next week at Hie High by Russell Hawkins, of the Whitney greatly facilitate matters this sum- pried open the front door. To dead -cliool in this city. The Inststruc- Co., Ltd., to President H. T. Botts, I mer. en tlie sound of the explosion, the tors are Superintendent T. J. Gary, in which he made several sugges­ Dr. and Mrs. Hawk, and Editor He is opposed to the Stur­ cracksmen piled bags of potatoes of Clackamas County ; Miss F. E. tions. Miller and family spent last Sunday geon channel proposition and wants and clothing over the charge before Baldwin. University of Oregon ; in our midst. they set fire to the fuse. The charge assisted by teachers of Tillamook the North instead of the South jetty The new school teacher arrived Among other things wrenched open the door of the safe -utility, inchuling Prof L. L. Baker, constructed. Monday and commenced hostilities and file burglars gathered up what J is. Goldsworthy, F. Hillebrant, he says: “Your letter, however suggests to at once. valuables they could get their hands R U. Moore. P. M. Strand, Mrs. H. me a plan of operation that will ac­ John Plasker came over Tuesday on, which included a gold watch, Hansen and Supt. W. S. Boel. one new $10 gold piece, $86 worth o' There will be an evening session at complish perhaps more than one at Mr. Russell’s request, to look 10 cent stamps, ¿.>0 worth of 5-cent t le Christian Church on Tuesday- would suppose, and perhaps, as over plans and specifications for stamps, $5 worth of 2-cent stamp», evening, when the program will be: much as an entire Project as out­ the completion of the plumbing Chemists* tests have shown that a part of the alum fro biscuit made with an alum baking powder passes into lined by the Government will pro­ work in the annex. ilio in cash, $30 of which was in sil­ Music, —selected. the stomach, and that digestion is retarded thereby. duce in the way of harbor benefits. ver, and $50 in gold. The Bayocean No. 2 is fast be­ Reading, a, "Sisterly Scheme,” “My plan is this, and while I have ginning to look like a boat again It is thought that two men were (H. C. Bunner), b, "Village Watch- Road the label and make auro that your baking inipl c t -d in the robbery, as two Tower,” (Kate Douglas Wiggin), c, not discussed it with our people, I and when finished will be as powder la not made from alum. believe I will be able to have them men were known to be loitering “Seein’ Things at Night,” (Eugene staunch a craft as there is on the concur in it, build a North Jetty as bay. about the place the previous day. Field),—Miss Baldwin. contemplated by the Engineers un­ Sheriff Crenshaw took two suspects John W’. Bolin called W’ednesday M usic, —selected. into custody on Wednesday, but as der their plan of improvmeniuent in the capacity of a strictiy up to Reading, a, "Tom Comes H ouk ,” anil to build a channel to Bay City he could find no trace of the stolen the minute, scientific clothing sales­ “Mill on the Floss,” (George Elliot1, Synopsis of the annual statement High School Flashes. as proposed. If my recollection property upon them, and having of the man anil copped off quite a few­ b, "Behind a Curtain,” (Mrs. Burton serves me right, the North Jetty no|inoney, he told them to leave the orders from our smart set. Harrison), c, "Second Trial,” (Kel- Friday afternoon three of the High StUyveSOUt Insurance Co will cost somewhere in the neigh­ county. _______ log), —Miss Baldwin. borhood of Five Hundred and Sixty A W’ ord in R efutation to C er ­ School students were called down Of New York, in the State of Ni M usic, — selected. York, stairs to judge a debate of the 7tli j tain V oiced O pinion ». Jail Break Prevented. Thousand Dollars. There will be Reading, "HerFirst Appearance” Unless dame rumor has played grade which was held in Miss See-, On the 31et day of December, 1910, for contingencies, says, $110,000.00, Late Inst Saturday night Fred Min- from Van Bibber’s Stories, (Richard made to the Insurance Coinmif- for channel work up to Bay City, us entirely false, P ere are certain ton’s room. The question was "Re­ sioner of the State of Oregon, p ick was in the vicinity of the court­ Harding Davis),—Miss Baldwin. says, $150,000.00,or total approximat­ people hereabouts and elsewhere, solved that the United States has a suant to law : house, when he heard some one Fancy Indian Club Swinging — ing $820,000.00. One-half of the pro­ who long ago became narrowly right to interfere in the * ar in Mex­ sawing a hard substance in that Miss Baldwin. C apital . The debate was very close, ject recommended by the Special imbued with various erroneous ico.” building. He readily surmised that Supt. Buel received work from Board of Engineers would mean ideas regarding Bay-ocean and its but was at last decided in tavor of Amount of capital paid some one was either attempting to $I m UKÄ»S Charles H. Jones, Editor of the Ore­ $872,000,00. Therefore, to be safe, mission. They argued everything the aftitmafive, 2—1. However, the UP breuk into that building or break - 1 gon Teachers’ Monthly, that he I would suggest and recommend out to their own selfish satisfaction negative had more good arguments I ncome . out, so he immediately went to Sher­ would be here during instiute anil that the Port of Tillamook and the I and looked with a quizzical and a than their opponents, and had all Premiums received dur- itf Crenshaw’s residence and inform assist with the work, He will have Port of Bay City offer respectively to doubtful eye, upon the work of the negative been like Cap Handley ing the year in cash. ed him of his suspicions. The only charge of the singing and will give the Government $200,006.00 and $236,- development that was being done there is no doubt but what they Interest, dividends and prisoner in the county jail was lamia rents received during addresses on the following sub. 600.00, or a sun equal to $436,000.60, here. They opined as follows : would have won. 4_',7(Ä$i| the year............................. Smith, a young man about 19 years jects: "New school laws,” “Cur- which shall be 50 percent of the Given a real estate firm, eager for from other The Ciceronians gave their pro- Income of age, bound over to the grand jury rent FC vents,” and "Oregon Indian sum required to build the North its share of the filthy lucre ; a sources received dur- gramFriday afternoon,and although for breaking into the Miami Co.’s 4I.U38,»| ing the year.................. legends.” Jetty and a channel up to Bay City. resort property rich in advertising they had only a week in which to store nt Hobsonville. The sheriff The public are particulary in­ "If the PortB of Tillamook and lore and teeming with the siren prepare, besides the preparations did not imagine for one moment Total income.............. $998.870) J vited to attend the evening session, Bay City believe I am in the right superlatives of any accomplished that Smith would uttempt a jail which they were making for their D isbursements . since it will be principally of an en­ with the proposition I have outlined salesman ; result, a hurried trans­ break, tor he had been given n good play, it was one of the best pro- tertaining nature. • in this letter, I will at once take fer of a hitherto worthless tract Losses paid during the many priveleges since he was placed grams yet this year. Supt. Gary anil Mr. Jones will year ................................. 5483, «7.1 steps to secure the sanction of the and a record breaking sale. Cash in the Sheriff’« charge. When the A number of boys have started Dividends paid during probably deliver short addresses on Board of Review to the new propos­ being out of the question, the invari- sheriff arrived on the scene with the year on capital cross-country running. As there is some interesting subject. ed project, and will go East in May ble. bromidiomatic rule was fol­ Minick, they patiently waited for stock........................... ... .. w. ooaa no danger of the road becoming The musical numbers will tie fur­ to arrange for an underwriting of Commissions and sal­ lowed and the ancient installment some time, when the sawing com­ crowded, a large numberofboys are nished by home talent. aries paid during the $256,000.00 worth of the Port of Till­ contract resorted to. Then, as long menced iigain and the sheriff was desired to take part in this exercise year ................................. amook bonds, and $260,000.00 worth as the almighty cartwheel was convinced there was something do­ No*’ce. licenses and No one could ever regret it after Taxes, of the Port of Bay City bonds, Of forthcoming, a supposed stab was they had taken a four mile run each ing. They remained outside for fees paid during the We the barbers of Tillamook have course, providing it will have been made at improvements, lest certain year................................. nearly two hours, the sawing con night after school for a week. Amount of all other ex­ tinned, and in the semi darkness agreed on the following prices to go discovered by competent attorneys fervid imaginations set to work and The C. I.. S. Dramatic Club gave penditures .................. that the two Ports have been orga­ arouse the tantalizing watch dog of they saw a emit thrown out of the into effect May 1st, lull the play at the Gem Theatre which Hair cut . ...................... :«c. nized upon lines that are legal and suspicion. As soon, however, as jail window, and niter u little a the people have been expecting for Total expenditures .... Shave ......................... 15c. free from criticism and attack. bundle came tumbling out. The sufficient payments had been forth­ Massage ..................... A ssets . 35c. so long a time. Because of the sheriff thought it was the prisoner coming to warrant the company’s Plain shampoo........ 25c. stormy weather, there was not as Value of real estate who hud broken out, «nd immediate­ Fitch shampoo........ 56c. I withdrawal, such would become a Circuit Court Jury List owned............................. large an attendance as we some­ Beard trim ............. 25c. ly j ion need on it, and to his surprise fact, thus leaving the proverbial Value of stocks and times have, but instead of the peo ­ Fitch tonic ........ 15c. The April term of the Circuit gold brick on the useless hands of found it was only a roll of blankets. bonds owned.................. All other tonics . 10c. ple feeling as they have after some Loans on mortgages Court will be held in this city on an everduped public. During this time Smith was making Neck shave .. ..... 5c. shows which have been held in this and collateral, etc. .. Monday, April 17th, with Judge his way out of the window, and the Razor hone................. 50i. Nowit is not that reoent develop­ in banks and on William Galloway on the bench. ments have named this the time city, it was the reverse. Those who Cash sheriff instantly pulled his revolver (Signed). hand ..................... . ......... attended say it was the lieet enter ­ The jury list is as follows : mid told him to get bm k or there O tis F rishie , in course of I : for an irrefutable argument against tainment ever given by the High Premiums O. W. Bodyfelt, Helio, farmer. collection and in trans­ would be something doing. He dill . atimer A M owery , such childish wanderings, because mission ............................. C. A. Patzlaf, Hoquarton, in er- time has ever been since operations School, and those who stayed away so without further trouble and the R. J ohnson . are the sorest bunch that were ever Due for reinsurance on chant. sheriff went into the jail and locked 11 EASTON. first began. But a word to doubt­ paid loss ........................ seen because they didn't go. After N. G. Boquist, Tillamook, farmer. Interest and rents due ers, although scarcely worth the the program the C.I..S. people serv­ Win. Maxwell. Tillamook, farmer. and accrued .... ........ ink and pa|ierto transcrible it, was ed lunch to the High School and Cluis. Easom, Nehalem, farmer. thought not amina; hence what fol­ Total assets ............ Gem management. R. C. Magarrell, Beaver, farmer. lows: special deposits in Moving up day was celebrated Less Grant Mills, lioquartun, merchant. any state Bayocean, first, last and all the K. H Ayer, Woods, farmer. again Monday to the surprise ami time was a dream-come-trtie, to Frank Dye, Fairview, farmer. delight of some and the dismay and Total assets one of the shrewdest, brightest, milted in Oregon $1,249, ' sorrow of others Geo. A. Hoover, Fairview, farmer. must farseeing men in the wert. Clarence Tilden, Fhirview, farmer. The good weather has brought the 1.1 ABILITIES. He grasped the situation in its en- J, J. Hudson, Cloverdale, farmee. , desire into some of the students to tirety ut a glance und forthwith Gross claims for los ies Tho-iuis Lyster, Tillamook, farmer. proceeded to carry out certain sug play tennis, ami as they have be­ unpaid .............................. R. O. Richards, Blaiue, farmer. gestiona of hia fertile brain, despite come tired of waiting fortheir court Amount of unearned Frank Fitzpatrick, Tillamook, premiums on all out­ the obstacles that confronted him to be leveled, they took the net out standing risks............ farmer. With an ever walchtul eye upon the last week and had a few lively games Due for commission and Her nan Schollineyer, Nehalem, on the sod. future, lie law through and beyond brokerage .......... ........... f irmer. The C. L. S. and E. L. S. Dramatic All other liabilities these first few years uf seemingly W. H. Kberman, Tillamook, farmer. fruitless effort and beheld In the troupes are contemplating a trip to Total liabilities . ... $607, John M Morgan, Fairview, iaruier. finished resort, the masterpiece of Bay City in the near future to give Total insurance in S. W Elliott, Bay City, farmer. a master artist. He saw the won­ the people there a chance to see and force Dec. 31, 1910 . ... $68,5*1, Frank Severance, Hoquarton, derful field of opportunity opend to hear the entertainments which have B usiness in O regon for farmer. liiui and his, to Tillamook Bay, to met with such popular approval in _____ Y ear . Peter Heisel, Tillamook farmer. this city. Oregon and tu the Pacific Coast Total risks written dur- J S. Dielil, Hoquarton. farmer. -ing the year.............. $1,417, He determined to call quite, only A. O. J ack eon, Beaver, farmer Call For Warrants. Gross premiums re­ when ultimate attainment bid him W. J Giiltert, Beaver, merchant. ceived during the 1*» cease. All general fund warrants endor­ year Alliert Ma roll, Tillamook, farmer. Tu date uver $256;(JUi u) bas Ix-e,, sed prior to Aug. 1. 19)0, will be paid Piemiums returned M I. Chance, Fair«lew, furnier expended here. What it well coat ii|K>n presentation. during the year... Interest ceases this 25th day of IL 3. Davidson, Beaver, farmer. .1. 1911. tilt I J Losses paid during the to complete the outlined plana, only | March, William Curtis. Tillamook, year ............................... n few can say, — - of - - - rest as — - L. B eals , C o . Treasurer. B. But this Losses incurred during chant sureil: Bay-ocean is bigger, stronger, j year W in Purcell. Tillamook, farmer. Call For Warrants. I ota I » mount firmer, sounder, richer, than any of, of pre- 11. 1). Weat, Tillamook, farmer you think. The events of the sum- »numeoutstanding in All outstanding County road fund Andrew Anderson. 4 lb. pail Till imook, Oregon 91« $1.)8I, mer that is not hastening upon u». f warrants will be paid upon presen tanner ' tation. STUVVEI.ANT INSURANCE Ctt will open eyes now closed in Interest ceases tins 25tli day of ByC. A. G artmewaitk . Secrets knowing wink. Regardless of op March, 1911. Finnen Attention Matutory resident general position, pretty ------- contentions, ob B. L B eals , C o . Treasvrer i and attorney for service : stai le«, hindrances. Bayocean will ' W. Davidson. I * ill mb.or jour lioiweM for 91.3D « Wocd For Sale. piece. f«>ur new shoe«. < Jlhcr job continue to move straight to the ful work in H.otie pro|M)ition At the fillment of • cherished ideal. Then J. CLAUSSEN, W ood for sale, Spruce and Hem liLftukamith SJ h »| k -<àrdili we who understood and liehe veil ock Imdy, dry at $1.25 a coni on the 1 hn>er. LAWYER. and trusted in ita goodness, can place, 7 miles south of Tillamook.- Bahv Chick« smile a contented, satiafied. cunfid T. D a KF az üeiitochrc Abvohiii ent smile W hen you have rheumatism in li you wsnt some baby chicks, 3 13 Tillamook Blcck, your foot or insteq apply Cham lltoroughlireilatu imse un fit U In V*rs n’a Liniment and you will get see Dr Morris. He csn furatali thè T1 LLAMOOK Q'tick relief. It coats but a quarter. O rk << o * chicks sud teli you how lo rniae 1 Ught Year Old .Marr. 140) I lx W by suffer ? For sale by­ Lamat’s lliem wlthout the ben. i »oler thrin 5 Year Old Mare. 1256 lbw Drug store. 5 Year ol<| Mane. HJfiO lbs For Sale 2 Year Old Colt, make about 1466 If you have troulde in getting rid of 11 m Registered Holstein Bull <«* your cold you may know that you extra fine animal, dam giving Tide Land Hay. $18 or $2u de- I bave 16 good Hoiatem covra for livered, tame Hay, $20 or $22 de are not treating it properly. There is no reason why a COM should calf Ins fmir newest dniii sale. Iresti and commg freali.___ li» emi hang on for weeks and it will not ,f over 21 lbs. of flutter per week Holatein nuli cali rrgiatered ami F. SHORTHIDGE. Mfr. Gr», llept. Alan Machinery and • good Gaso ­ you take C bamtierlain's Cough his two nearest leafing, 4.0 oue Work horae — Ap|4 y tu Sv l.ild line Launch. Remedy. For sale by Lamar* s — Hi os . Tiliiaiuuok, óre. Drug price $75.66 if take ■ s. on. - Address F rank H annknkratt . Store - Forest Grove. Ore. R F.V Goff. Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Hie Only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar against alum* Big Bargains ! »it I i j .ÍHHÍ UUK di 1 ’ ¡ I lili» Hl 1 1 Pl 1 ‘Íí K íes. Best Fruit Sugar, per sk $5.20 Dry Granulated Sugar, per s ick 5.00 Extra C. Sugar, per sack 5.00 Leach’s I est I Ji rd. pail 1.80 Leach’s Best Lard. pail .90 Dininoiul L:ir