TILLAMO u K The llioidont That Opened John Dal- ton’a Eyes to His Affliction. John Dalton, the famous English chemist and natural philosopher, with­ out whose discovery of the laws of chemical combination chemistry as an exact science could hardly exist, was wholly color blind. His knowledge of the fuvt came about by u bappeuiug of the sort which we call chance. On his mother's birthday, when he was a man of twenty-six. he took her a pair of stis-klugs which be bad seen In a shop window, labeled “Bilk, the newest fashion.” "Thee has bought me a pair of grand hose. John." said the mother, “but what ms de thee fancy such a bright color? Why. 1 can never show myself at meeting In them." John was much disconcerted, but he told her that he considered tlie stock­ ings to be of a very proper go to meeting <<1 witty sayings He surpassed every enough for her and would disgrace one by bls prodigious activity tn sport the family." "Young man. that was sentiment; as well as in literature." thia la buainesa." Affliction a. Before an affliction tn directed con notation comes too aoon. and after it I« digested It comes too late, fait there Is n mark between these two as line almost as a hair for a coaiforter to take aim at—Sterne. “Talk guy “Not Osar Talk. la cheap.“ quoted the wise reputation"-Philadelphia R*-»nl Tillamook. Ore. O. HAWK, W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. BAY CITY, OREGON. PO*TIAM>, OH >01 REAL ESTATE, Treat and Wind. The effect cf wind ujton trees is powerful. Even the presence or ab- seuce of forests may be determined by the character of the prevailing wind or the conditions that modify it The wind acts as a drying agent, giv­ ing a special aspect to mauy plants. When it Is almost always from the same quarter the plants show greater development u|>on one side. Trees are smaller on the windward edges of for­ ests, and trunks and branches are bent to leeward, The deformations are most marked near the sea or in fiat regions. The cherry, plum, wal- nut, black poplar, ash and certain pines are very sensitive to the wind, but mountain pines and certain firs offer great powers of resistance, and these are recommended for reforesting wind swept lands. Oregon. J JR. I. M. SMITH, 22kBndf.Twtk4.00 rutin. lulMlnz. Third «nd WiihlnttM ome, • a a i- • r It O regon . • H. GOY NE, A p CLOUGH, 6«ld Fill«,. Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook I The valued family re- cipes lor cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec- live than ever. Right prices are also assured. rjEORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . I FAMILY RECIPES. aw . t F inancial , A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. EXPORT BEER, For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish Liver and Habitual Constipation. It cures by aiding all of the digestive organs—gently stimu­ lates the liver and regulates the bowels—the only way that chronic constipation can be cured. Especiallyrecommended for women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant ta take. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Chas. I. Clough John B. Langley ! TEAMING AND HAULING FOR J JR. Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street from the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. MALT TEA. BREWERY Special Brew. p- p BOTTLED BY SA R(’ll ET, * . The I’asbioiiable Tailor. THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Noda Water*, Slpthomt, Bartlett .Mineral GRA EL SCREENED OR UNSCREENED. WOOD KAISER BLUME. Water. C.ea'-iing, Pressing and Repair­ ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Phone A. loOV SALE. /LOWING & COWING LAWYERS. Hell Telephone, 1267 The Reliable Route Steamer S. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, OrrOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. t fc Cornet Stillwell Ave. and Fire St. West, and ijoth Phones. R oom 33 1 Wok< rbykn Bill. ding , T hird and O ak strnkta Room Next to the tJ K Land OHir*. PORTLAND. OREGON. Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) PECIALTf IN ALL KINO OF CAKES kS. ALICIA PHELPS GRADUATE NURSE, MRS. ALL KINO OF BREAD PAGE’S HOUSE, Tillamook & Portland. Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays SUCKERS wear well and they keep you dry while you are weannq them ♦322 Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Ftiday according to Tides. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. EVE0VWNUC H. C. I.AMH, Agent. JL ELMORE A CO, I.Hinb'a I K m k, Tillamook. Ore. Gener.il Aient«, A «loria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Porfían«!, Oregon. oMrnn vumtMoor UMxnu I ORE. KILL thc couch wo CURE VHC LUNGS w,rH Or. King s New Discovery ä B s , |rGôC9lüÇ«3 I »MO AIL pifiCLI *KC tum TÜOUBLtt. IO U AU A N I i.k DBA 1I ilACTOMl g OH HOMEY REFUNDED. 1