the 23 miles which is completed to Jenkins, Eugene, jeweler. North Plaine, it would leave 77 miles Johnson, S. S., attorney. Jones, J. I.., furniture dealer. * .STSICTLY IM ADVANCE.) to construct and grade. TILLAMOOK. Kerron, S. M., physician. One year.......................................... 1.50 The construction work involves a Kiger, G. W., timber lands. Bro. Effenberger apix*ars to 75 Bii months......... _........................... great deal of heavy work through King, B. E., hardware. 50 Three months.................................. lx* very wrathful with the snap the Coast Range of mountains and King, W. C., capitalist. shot man, for the Nehalem En­ Kintiaman, H. A., groceries. also through the heavy timber in Knudson, C. Entered an second class mail mat. furniture dealer. terprise devoted considerable ter July, Issa, at the post office at approaching the Tillamook county. Kunze, H. C., feed. space last week in denouncing Tillamook, Ore., under the act of Hence it is stated that it will take I.aliowitch, L, dry goods. us because our ideas alxiut the March 3, 1879. almost a year to build it. The right Lamar, J. S., druggist. improvement of the Necarney What was’terined the “christen­ i Lamb, B. C., agent steamer Sue H. Elmore. Mountain road did not quite ing” of the town of North Plains, of way has all been secured and paid for. Men have been employed ^iilnmoob ¿¡raùlitjbt Lamb, G. B., Tillamook I.umber agree with his. By way of a 22 miles from Portland and west of in removing the heavy trees from We tire not going to lx? mock Mfg. Co. passing remark, we must ex ­ the Cornelius ’ tunnel, took place last Latimer, J. E., barber, modest in the least, but we press our thanks to Bro. Effen­ night with lilt) citizens from Portland off the right of way and this has la-a.'h, M- F’., meat market, want to inform tiny of tbe tim ­ we taken a good deal of time and pre. Keep punching it up l.indsey, E. F., engineer. berger for all the flattering re­ assistingjiin‘“the organization of a mean a '«KI ft water front at bermen that they cannot dic­ marks he published about us I Commercial Club. The town'isjjonly liminary work.—Oregonian. Lytle, E. E., President P. R. & tate to the Port of Tillamook N. Co. the head of navigation. where the channel shall be from ami for bringing us so promi­ 60 days old and already hasjover 100 TILLAMOOK BOOSTERS ! Lytle, C. E., Supt. P. R. A N. Co. nently into the discussion. But i population, electric lights, a news- Maddux, J. W., delivery. this < ity to the bay, for the peo­ Mason, If., County Judge. Evidently the county jail is ple of this city and vicinity will nothing can lx* gained by the paper and cement walks. .Many The Commercial Club Has McGhee. C. A., assistant cashier not a very strongly construct« d not stand for it. Tillamixik Enterprise showing its hostility | 1 buildings are being erected. First National Bank. place when it is so easy for a City is demanding that Stur­ to the snap idiot man, ami for The principal speakers last night Had a Good Year. McNair. Alex, hardware. prisoner to cut his way out with geon channel lx* opened up, and that reason ve do not intend to were John F. Stevens, President of Melchoir, N., bides, etc. u table knife. because it does not benefit this "come back’ in the same spirit the Hill lines in Oregon ; Postmast­ The Tillamook Commercial Club, Mendenhall, Boyd, clerk. grix’eries. or that land of some of the tim­ in which our young friend at er Merrick, of Portland ; C.C. Chap­ which was organized about a year Mills, Grant, T. R., photographer. Didn’t that jtir the sheriff ber owners should cut tio figure. Nehalem started to "roast" us, man, manager of the promotion ago, has made rapid progress, and Monk. Morgan, John, farmer. when he thought he wasnounc- Personal anil selfish ends is not for the question of opening up committee of the Commercial Club; become the most prominent factor Morris, H. E., optician. ing onto his prisoner to find it worth}' of any consideration. one or the other of the roads to Dr. J. R. Weatherbee, B. P. Cornel­ in tlie development of the city and O’Brien, J. P., President O. \V. R. N. Co. was a roll of blankets. But he For instance,some of the timber connect Clatsop County was a ius, of Hillsboro, and John Zimmer­ county. It has met with great did not propose to take tiny owners areopposed to spending burning question, and caused a man, of North Plains. success and its club rooms are a Patterson, Kyle, men’s resort. Page, Eugene, furniture dealer. chances in the darkness. money improving the channel great deal of strife, when Bro. The Portland delegation left here credit to the city. It took ijonsider- Patzlaf, Carl, department store. to this city, while others, not so Effenberger was a very small in a special train, arriving at 8 p.m. able money to fix up the room, but Pennington, A. A..department store. A. D. dentist. "Bello, Bayocean, how’s that narrow in their views, are in kid. The snap shot man came in the new town, which for the pre­ apart from the piano player anil Perkins, Plasker, H., plumbing, etc. telephone line coming along ? favor of doing so. We do not to the conclusion some years sent is the terminus for the United pool tables, which were purchased Poorman, F. W., laundry. And how long before work will want to see any antagonism be­ ago, whenever the county be­ Railways on its route to Tillamook. on the installment plan, the club Potter, T. B., Potter R< Realty Co., Bay ocean. commence on the Bayocean tween the people of this county gan to develop, that both roads It was announced the line would has paid for all its furniture, fixtures, etc., and is in good financial shape Potter, T. I., Potter Realty Co., railroad ? And when will the and the timber owners, for it would be opened* up. Things I be completed in 1912. I Bayocean. Sturgeon channel be dug out r" will only delay the improve­ are tending that way, we are At the depot there was a large today. Randall, C., farmer. ment of the bar, while it will glad to say, but it takes time to delegation of farmers from the sur­ Aims and Objects of the C ub. Ray, Chas., fanner and merchant, Cloverdale. The nnti-aasembly howlers, not delay harbor improvements, biing them about. This is the rounding country and citizens from The aims and objects of the plub position that we take in regard Rhodes, F. A., gents.' furnishings. no doubt, thought they made a for the Ports can levy sufficient are best told as adopted by the club the village. A delegation from J. H., groceries. great stroke when they howled taxes the next few years to to the Necarney Mountain road. Hillsboro also came to help celeb­ when it was first organized, which Rosenberg, Rosenberg, H. H. groceries. down representative govern­ complete the work without As there is such a difference of rate the event. On its arrival the are as follows : Rowe, F. A., banker, Nehalem. opinion as to what it will cost ment for a new populistic fad. having to bond. The purpose for which it is form­ Russell, A. A., Supt. Bayocean. Portland delegation was escorted to put the road in good shape But you don't hear the anti­ ed is to fosted, encourage and de Sappington, F. L., real estate. and make it safe for public tra­ by the citizens to a new building velop the mercantile, manufactur­ Schnal, M., gents.’ furnishings. assembly howlers say a word We are opposed to the system vel, we think it is wi“e to go where the “christening” took place. ing, agricultural, dairying, trans­ Schrader, Paul, Captain Sue H. El­ about the most extravagant Dr. D. J. Murphy, of North Plains, portation and home interests and more. of closing up the schools in the slow, especially as no provision state legislature they help to Severance, F., farmer. introduced Mr. Chapman as the resources of the City of Tillamook was made by the court at the elect, which will make the state county for three days so that the and of Tillamook County, Oregon ; Severance, Win., engineer. presiding officer of the evening. to collect and preserve and circulate Sharp, P. J., dentist. tax come much higher another teachers can get together and January term to pay for the Mr. Stevens was then introduced B., musical instruments. another. Even Bro. Trombley talk “'shop." This, like seve­ same, unless road work in other and lie told of his first visit to the useful information concerning said Shipman, city and county ; to encourage wise Slirode, D. I.., ilour and feed. in holding his wist now that the ral other districts in the coun­ parts of the couuty was put off Tualatin Valley and how it impress­ and helpful legislation and to oppose Small, F. D., cold storage and fish. taxpayers are hot in the collar ty, is heavily taxed to maintain or the indebtedness of the coun­ ed him. In th^ course of his re­ the enactment of all laws and tlie Smith, I. M., physician. ty increased. If the county had the high school, and as there on account of the continued in- passage of all ordinances which Smith, IraC., hardware. has been an unusually large a competent engineer and road marks he said: “The first visit might injuriously affect the best Spaulding, Win., Supt. electric crease in taxation. lights. amount of absence from the builder at the head of that de­ which 1 made into new territory, interests of said city and county ; to C. W., attorney-. school on account of sickness, partment, as we have so often . in Oregon after arriving here was forward tlie improvement of streets, Talmage, Say, brother Headlight, our liver to this valley— Tualatin. When I roads, avenues, the Port of Tilla­ Todd, P. '«V., of Todd Hotel. it looks to us that it is not right recommended, it would not take Trombley, C. E., Editor Tillamook is reasonably sound, and yet we full mook and public parks ; to improve Herald. to ace why state money should be to deprive the pupils of three long to ascertain what it would made the visit I became impressed aud extend transportation facilities; donated to help some counties start days education, and it is not the I cost to build and cost of main­ with the Tualatin. I believed it to aid and encourage the erection Vernon, Jas., laundry. a county fair, and not donated to correct thing from a taxpayers' tenance every year, for the En- then to be the richest part of the of needed public buildings ; the es­ Vidito, C. M., proprietor Hotel Ramsey. help all others. If some counties of new manufactories, the prise reported some few months Willamette Valley— for that is what tablishment start and maintain good fairs when point of view to allow and the advancement of local im­ Viereck, Samuel, bakery. it is just a branch of the great their populationanainduairies war­ pupils to indulge in three days ago that the wind moved one of provements; to increase the wealth, Walton, Jas., Jr., cashier First rant it, why cannot nil counties do idleness so that the teachers the bridges from its founda­ valley itself. National Bank. industries, influence, trade and pop the same ? And if population and can get together and indulge in tions. "I then continued to Forest Grove, ulation of said city and county ; to Ward, G. H., real estate. It is "Show me ” the industries will not warrant u fair, is Gate City and Tillaibook. Iliad not promote the general welfare of the Watson, R. W., real estate and in­ uot state aid wasted if given for a few pleasantaries. Tie state cost with the snap shot man, surance. inhabitants of said city and county, mid counties are expending i and if it is reasonable for a good made up my mind to build west to and to draw more closely together Whitehouse, S. B., insurance. one ?—Yamhill Record. Tillamook until I reached the ocean. the citizens of Tillamook and vicin­ Willett, George, attorney. That isn’t the point. State large amounts of money every ' safe road, then we will Ixxist as thereby cementing their busi­ Williams. Preston, farmer. money is appropriated for so year for the University, Avricul-! loud as anybody for it, but we When I observed the timber there ity, Williams, W. A., harness maker. ness and social relations. many different purposes, and tural College, .Normal Schools, I don't want to have to take the and saw the large and undeveloped Woolfe, C. H., horse shoer. Club Makes Good. valleys, I made up my mind to go dormitories and libraries, and i estimates of every Toni, Dick Whitney Co. Ltd.,, timber owners. great big • ums nt that, we can­ ahead. I had come to the conclu ­ The club has been fortunate in 'city and county high schools, Wist, E. G.. clerk. and Harry, who may be "knock­ not see why a county like Tilla­ sion that Portland could become a having most of ’ lie leading citizens Zachmann, R. F., plumbing, etc. and if the teachers are not fitted ing" or "boosting" the road for mook should be deprived oi a t _______ few, dollars out of the state and prepared to teach after the personal reasons. If Bro. Effen- great city, but to do so it must de­ become members, who have put Notice. treasury for the purpose of bold expenditure of so much money tierger will invited the Editor- velop its surrounding territory. I aside all personal and factional feel­ knew that it would be useless for ing, and who are working together without breaking into the stud ­ Boosters ’ Association to Ne ­ ing n fair, in other words ae Notice, is hereby given that tlie wnut a "Square Deal" for Till­ ies of the pupils for three days, halem and get them to go over me to expect returns from any large with the boosting spirit to benefit County Court of Tillamook County, amook, which it is not getting then it is time that the ineffi­ the road, nnd incidentally wine investment in railway properties this city and county. The club Oregon, will receive sealed bids for when it comes to doling out cient teachers were culled out or them and dine them, it would, unless Portland received tbegrowth rooms are for the enjoyment of the the clearing and grading of the make themselves proficient be­ probably, lx* the means of get­ she deserved. For that reason I members, where all can meet on a right of way of what is known as state funds. fore they are allowed to teach. ting the whole of the editors in­ made up my mind toget hold of common footing, without reBpect to as the Wheeler Road, commencing The Bay City Examiner was It is no wonder that there is a to the spirit of txxisting for the the United Railways, run a line to positions, politics or religion, and at the Zaddach bridge and follow- born lust week, and the first is­ growing demand amongst the Necarney Mountain road. None the coasf by the shortest route and where one member has the same iug said survey to first mile post, sue is n newsy sheet with a lot people to submit appropriations of the former editors in this bring this vaBt region within reach privileges and courtesies as others. according to plans and specifics, Some few persona have withdrawn of "big heads." It is hard to for the state educational insti­ county ever gained much con- of the market.” tions on tile at the office of the At the conclusion of the meeting from membership since the club County Clerk, account for its premature birth tutions to a vote of the people. I tinually "roasting" the snap was first organized, but notwith ­ a North Plains Commercial Club man, for he has survived all ur.l< • it is to satisfy the whims A certified check equal to 5 per who undertook that unprofes­ was organized by selecting Dr. standing this, the club has made of .. foolish factional contention With nil title respect to the sional method and is still at the Murphy president, B. W. Bath, steady and rapid gaina right along, cent of the amount of the bid, or a in the city oi. the bay, which city council, we wnut to say Hint bond satisfactory to the Court, should not exist ; or it may be in passing the Model Saloon old stand and n factor in matters ( editor of the North Plains Sentinel, and numbers now about 119, with must accompany each bid as a secretary, and Marion Mays, J. H. the prospects of still another large tlui* -ome business nu n want to I < Irdinniice, which they did some |x*rtaining to the county. guarantee that the bidder will exe­ l.ang, J. R. Wilson and Thomas increase in tlie near future. dabble into jt urnrlisui for the I lew months ago, they should cute a Bond for the completion of Connell as an executive committee. purpose of controlling the pol List of Tillamook lobsters Warning to Railroad Men. the contract if awarded the same. not allow either side of the icy of the Press, which, in vari­ liquor question to defeat its pur Look out for severe and even I Below will tie found a list of the All bids to be filed in office of the ably acts ax a bixuuerang to ’ pose. We believe that if the dangerous kidney and bladder I Giving positive assurance that the members, who will have to be clear County Clerk of Tillamook County, ' trouble resulting from years of iiicin. .Any »<>tx*r minded per­ ordinance is rigidly enforced ■ ¡railroading Geo. E. Bell, 639 Third United Railways would arrive iu on tlie books to participate in the Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A.M. son knows there is not a living I and lived up to by the sahxin St., Fort Wayne, Ind., was many Tillumixik as soon as the rails annual meeting of the club next Wednesday the Sth day of April, for two newspapers at Bay City keepers we would have a much years a conductor on the Nickel could lie laid, and that it was not month : 1911, Plate. He says : “ Twenty years of mid it is useless effort to w.iste more reapectuble town and tbe intention of Vie company to re­ Aiderman, W. B., road supervisor. The County Court reserves the left my kidneys in ter­ time mid money in that direr- much of the opposition to the railroading J. P., hotel proprietor, Allen rible condition. There was a con­ main at North Plains. John F. Allen, right to reject any and all bids, Bouse. 1i m, foreven should Bay City saloons would die out. But. tinual pain across my back and Stevens in liis s|>eech to the mem- By order of the County Court, Fred C., Editor Tillamook ever Ixtcome a city of several iiiifortiinntelv, the »alia n keep­ hipsanu my kidney» gave me much tiers of the new Commercial Club Baker, Headlight. J. C. H olden , thousand inhabitants it w< uld ers w ill not do the thing that is > distress, sml the action of my .it North Plains and the visiting Baker, \V. F., Postmaster. County Clerk be far belter to have one goisl I h - s I for their own business. I bladder was frequent and most ' farmers Thursday night, indicated Bales, K. M., Contractor. March 17th, 1911. j painful. 1 got s supply of Foley Bull, K. A., Horse shoer. newspaper than two weaklings. i that the line would be completed They butt in, attempt to con-' Kidney Pills and tlie first bottle Beals, A. G., Joint Representative. However, we must welcome the trol city officials, so much so made a wonderful improvement and within the time scheduled. A Fierce Night Alarm Beals, Jr., B. L., book keeper. I tour bottles cured me completely. Examiner into new spaperdom "It would not pay ua to stop at Beals, F. R.. real estate and finan­ is the hoarse, startling cough of a that it is u difficult mutter lo| I Since lieiug cured I have recom­ of Tillumi ok county, with the child, suddenly attacked by croup. cial agent. convict it saloon kee|x*r in this mended Foley Kidney Pills to many North Plains," said tlie speaker, Often it aroused Lews Chamblin. hope that it will lx* a factor in Boals, R T., physician. city, no matter how flagrant the of my railroad friends.”—C. I. "and if I told you that the terminus Bodyfelt. Wtu., carpenter. of Manchester, O., (R. No. 2 ] lor ilie up building ol Bay t itv and Clough. would be at this point you would Botts, H. T., attorney. oflcnce or convincing the evi- their four children were greatly a factor ax well in helping to tiniice The general public A Special Medicine for Kidney not believe me for no railroad Branstetter, L. P., steamer Golden subject to croup. “Soinetiines in muke that n model city. Gate. severe attacks,*’ he wrote ‘‘we were could go tn tlie expense that we Ailment». knows this mid the city officials afraid they would die, but since we Many elderly peiqile have found have gone in the conxtnition of the Brodhead. S. A., contractor. ar.-, no doubt, fully aware of it proved what a certain remedy Dr. Buchanan, C. E., painter. in Foley’s Kidney Remedy a quick also. S< me of the saloon keep­ relief and permanent benefit from tunnel and other heavy work and Case, A. K., machinist. King’s New Discovery is, we have er* have not only violated the kidney nnd bladder ailments nnd expect returns for the investment. Christensen, F. W.,cheese inspector. no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat Mixiei Salixin Ordinance in al­ from annoying urinary irregulari­ “I made up my mind that in Clements, C. W., |xxil rooms. or lung trouble." So do thousands due to advancing year«. Isaac building this road to the coast that Clough, C. I., druggist. lowing parts of their salixins to ties of others. So may y ou. Asthma N. Regs Farmer, M« k , nay Coates, Tlios., abstractor. tlie shortest route was the best and Crenshaw, H., sheriff. remain open on Sundays, but •'Fo'ey's Kidney Remedy effei tei Hay Fever, l.a Grippe, Whoo| ing for the reason took over the United Davis, G. L., Chief-Engineer P. R. A Cough, Hemorrhages fly before it- they »till further want to kill Complete cure in my case and N. Co. aOc. andtl.UO. Trial bottle free. Sold Railways property. It was the in­ the ordinimce, for they had mi want others to know of it.”— C. by Chas. I. Clough. tention of our company to go to the Diehl. H., plumber. amendment mtrisluced in the Clough. Dwight, \V. G., merchant and cheese | for in a city council which will knick coast by way of Scappoose, but on “Foley's Honey nnd Tar is the Attacks Schoo' principal broker. I beat cough remedy 1 ever used as d now it out some of the salient features A seven* i attack on t schiavi ____ , prin- ....... . eXi,,n'n had the people, pletely." Such renutts the richest in Oregon and can sup­ Haradon, F. H., Astoria, represen How would you like to number results are com- i , your friends l>y millions as Buck- I . v idvutlx the si ‘ saloon keepers mon. Thousands bless them i for port a large |x>pulation. With mil­ tative KI more Katate. len’a Arnica Salve does ? Its as­ __ ixniy num w licit rtgtit” ol win lira* wanting to shut oft people curing stomach trouble, female lions of feet of timber around Tilla- Harris, Wm., liveryman. umi terminili» itri* wuute.I Tills looking into their saliHins, umi complaint«, kidney disorders, bU- nook to haul there is ample reason Harrison, Erwin, Cashier Tilla tounding cures in the past fort/ years made them. Its the be»* nnd for new health and tnook County Bank city extended its weleovie to it the l ily council coin« ide w ith iousness, Salve in the world for sore», ulcer* vigor. Try them. Only SA*. at lor the construction. ” Harter, J. R., real estate. the I’ R A N. Co. umi w rhetl them it i» -afc to predict that Clms. I. Clough It was learned that the United Hathaway, J. H., farmer. l eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cutw ' corns, sore eyes, sprains, swelling», hi .w* »mil» in procuring right» II blind pi;; business will be Railways Company will be in Tills Hiner, Cliff, machinist. bruises, cold sores. Has no equal Foley Kidney Pills. «.< wuy lor it. umi it iacui ;ml;; cnrricil on every Sunday. Ami mo> k by 1912. Tbe co«ti|Many, Henkle. R N., undertaker. for piles :5c nt. Chas. I. Ciongk- meut Tillamook Ciiv w ill taking nil tln-sc and other ini i ' Neutralize anti remove the |x>iaons Ihniogh its official, has indicated, Hoag. E. D.. wood worker. that cause backeclie. rheumatism, uln«> become tile terminus oi dents into consideration, it it j nervoiianess and nil kidney and that the date of arrival in Tillamook | Holden. J <.., County Clerk. The most common caune of insom­ Webster, attorney. nia in disorders of the stomach. the United Railway sit the |x*o the saiixm keepers w ho ara* do , til.oldet ii irgulaniies They build aluxild lie some time in lanwary. Holmes. Holly, W. H., clerk. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv** 1 le oi Uns city and vicinity will mg moi. than anyone else to i up and restore I He natural action of The distance from Portland to Tilla­ jackson, U. <1, County Surveyor, I Tablets correct these disorders these vital organs.—C. 1. Clough * enkina, Emmett. Captain Henrietta mook is about KA) miles aud with 'enable you to sleep. For sale bf I I Lamar’s Drug Store. I I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION not attempt to hold it up and place obstacles in its way, for if this is done it will compel the United Railways to establish its terminals elsewhere. So let an effort lx* made by the Tilla­ mook Commercial Club to ex­ tend the glad hand to tbe offi­ cials of the United Railways tit the first opportunity. place the county in the column. _____________ “dry" WILL TO rush work United Railways to be Completed by Jan­ uary 1912. 1