Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 30, 1911, Image 1

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    i l ¡aulitoli
Vol. XXIII. No. 44.
Do you know of a man or woman who
is conducting a successful business without
the assistance of a bank account ?
No matter what line of business you are
engaged in—farming, merchandising, teach­
ing, clerking or one of the professions, yon
should have an account with a hank—
this bank.
We furnish a bank book and checks free.
Studebaker Wagonsand Buggies,
plows, harrows and machinery of
all kinds at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
r. Morris, eye specialist,
In buying Furniture, remember
enniea Wanted at the Tillamook that Jones Knudson Furniture Com­
inty Bank.
pany will give 10 per cent discount
have one ton of oat hay for sale. for cash.
Irgil Donaldson.
Subscribe for the Tillamook Head­
Urn, this
m »rning, to the light and the Weekly Oregonian.
i of John Berns, a son.
Both newspapers for one year for
¡>od work horse for sale cheap, only $2.25.
kly to Webb Maddux.
Ask your neighbor about De­
pnent’s Beet Flour is second to ment Best Flour, they all say that it
can’t be beat for good bread.—Till­
U—Tillamook Feed Co.
x»d for sale by L.C. Wilke, In­ amook Feed Co.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
e at Rosenberg’s Store,
rl Ayer was in from his ranch the Christian Church will give a 31
to 1 Ghost social at Todd’s Hall on
toods the first of the week,
Friday evening.
and, a good pocket
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf
ler tire. Enquire at Headlight
hides at my shop. Try me out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
ite or phone to E. G. Ander- Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir.
Hemlock, for Cedar Fence
John Edwards, of the Whitney Co..
Ltd., came into town Tuesday over
M. Heaston has moved into the North Yamhill road, horseback.
lew residence in Norton’s Ad-
He will be in town about a week.
The Golden Gate left port Monday
tall farm to sell or trade for
morning with K.C. De Kossia, H.R.
iroperty on easy terms—J. R
J. A. Hendrickson, H.
Bibby, C. Kelsey, and Mrs. H. Asp.
tor sale, 1 ton oat hay and 5
Phone your orders to the Tilla­
rasa hay.
Apply to H. E.
mook Feed Co. for Dement’s Beat
Flour, it can’t be teat for good
:hickens wanted at the Tilla- bread, and they deliver it in the
leat Company's Market. 13c. city.
For the first time in about two
ill pay you to sec the Tilla- years the County Clerk’s office is
Feed Co. before you buy caught up with recording, it having
llfalfa hay.
been exceedingly heavy for many
ours, cheapest and best paper years.
r in town.
Leave orders at
There will be a Men's missionary
k Smith Co.
supper at the U: B. Church this
g your chicken to the Tilla- (Thursday) evening, to winch all
MeatCompany’s Market We are invited. The charge for the sii|a
C. per pound.
peris 25c.
ng of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50
Horace Bibby, who came id front
,00 for 15 eggs.—C. A. Corn- Portland with the body of the late
Tillamook, Ore.
Sydney Christensen a week ago. re
Tillamook Feed Co. will guar- turned to hie home in Grants Pass
;he weight of every bale of this week.
isy to be correct.
* i Re-cleaned Seed Oats, a cream
Hill will have fresh fruit and separator, flour and feed of all
B in on every boat. Try her kinds, and a fresh lot of all kinds
of grass seeds at the Tillamook
us cakes and sallada.
i Davidson and son Arthur Feed Co.
■ from Beaver Monday doings, The county added another road
machine to its plant last week, the
■s with our merchants.
I, on Sunday, to the wife of Golden Gate bringing in a heavy
tons to scratch up
Rogers, a son ; and to the plow weighing
heavy roads before laying gravel.
I Tom Davis, a daughter,
steamer Anvil brought in if
f coal and if you want a good
il at reasonable prices see
This coal is washed and
kicked and is guaranteed
“ •''r JOB- Norton is making prep-
arations to build a large house on
his property in Norton’s Addition.
When completed it well be one of
the nicest house in the south part of
n ordinary safe is "dead easy” for yeggmen and
safe crackers.
n! as further precaution, WE CARRY’ BURGLAR
Don’t worry and loose your sleep when yon can
nt your money and valuibles where they are oat of
le reach of rubbers
We invite the opportunity to explain more fully
le facilities we have to safe guard the money and
tillable deposited with ti<.
Only U.S. Govtrnmnt Examine I Bank in the
We are taking orders for hay at Hard Wheat flour on the market.—
the following prices : Alfalfa, $19 T illamook F eed Co.
ton ; oat, $21 ton ; No. 1 Timothy,
The Swastika Club met last Friday
$27 ton.—H. C. K unze or W m . C ur ­ 1 at tlie home of Mrs. D. L. Shrode.
tis . the Grain Man.
• I There were about thirty members
The Tillamook Commercial Club and guests present, all fifteen of the
has made arrangements with the members being present
Telephone company to obtain the were indulged in, after which all
scores of the Coast Baseball League partook of a very dainty lunch. The
which will be jiosted daily in the club isgainingin popularity among
club rooms.
the refined ladies of the town. The
l9 Ora C. Deeter and Josie A. David­ ladies who entertained were Mrs.
son were united in marriage March Shrode. and Mrs. Ira Smith.
23rd at the Christian parsonage, V.
Two of three gasoline engines or-
E. Hoven officiating. They left out lered for the passenger yacht Bay-
on the boat for their home in South­ o -ean were last week ship|»ed from
ern Oregon.
t le East after having been fully
. Saturday night there will be high tested, and, as the third engine is
jinks at the Tillamook Couimei- lere aud found to lx- in proper con-
cialClub, which will include box­ lition. there will be no delay equipp-
ng the mechanical department of
ing, wrestling, stunts and all man
ner of April fool fun. All the mem­ he vessel. Joseph Supple
nost of the frames in place of the
bers are requested to be present.
The Golden Gate arrived on het hull, and he says there will be no
sixth voyage for this month, Sunda; cessation of operations until the
morning with a full load of freight layocean is in the water. —Oregon-
and Mrs. II. J. Barnes,Carl Garrison, i.in.
Monday evening the Tillamook
Mrs. William Snyder, E<l Swift and
Commercial Club will hohl its
Mrs. Vim De Wiele as passengers.
nonthly meeting, and a large utten-
Dr. J. E. Reedy, the Veterinarj
lance is expected, as the matter of
Surgeon, who is in San Francisco,
•vater front, bay and bar improve­
writes that he will return to Tilla­
ment« will come up again and the
mook next week and will do busi­
liscussion is likely to be animated
ness at the same old |>'a -e. He says
as there is a tendency in some quar­
“But Tillamook, sure, looks good to
ters to thwart the purposes for
■vhich the Port of Tillamook was
Lydia S. Morgan sued Eva N. Mc­ trganized
Ghee for possession of the Watch money is raised for improvements
Tower building in the justice court. on the bay and bar, leaving this
Mrs. McGhee set upclaims, but the city out of the project.
Justice gave the plaintiff possession
The "Spanish Kitchen” is the
of the bnilding and a judgment for
name of a new and up-to-date lunch
rent. "
counter, which has been started next
In buying out grass seeds we door to Latimer & Mowry’s barber
bought the beet that money can buy shop, by Cornforth A King.
so if you want good seeds, come Cornforth has been the head chef at
and see us, but if you want a second tlie Hotel Todd this Spring and
grade seed go somewhere else, as many [»eople who know of his merits
we carry only the beet.— T illamook as a cook will be glad to hear of his
F eei > C o .
new place of business
Mr. Corn-
Juetice Stanley dismissed the case forth states that as soon as he gets
against J. F. Fuller, bartender for things arranged, they will have
W. J. Stephens, who struck H. Ten- Spanish dinner every day. Mr. Hide
nett over the head with a billiard is cooking in place of Mr. Cornforth
cue in Stephen’s saloon. When the at the Hotel Todd at present.
case was called the prosecuting
( Rev. S. G. Finney closed the pas­
witness failed to appear.
a >
torate of the Presbyterian Church
The gasoline
Frolic in Bav City on Snnday morning,
was brought up from its moorings anil will become the permanent
in the Tillamook River last week. [tastor of the Presbyterian Church
She wilt lie thoroughly overhauled, in thia city, which has become self
have a new 441-horse power engine supporting and will, in future, have
put in her and put in condition to regular services every Sunday. Mr.
run on the bay in the future.
Finney will continue to conduct the
Z Mayor C. W. Talmage, Attorney class of young people at Bay City
Webster Holmes, City Attorney Geo. on Tuesday afternoons.
A new
Willett and Fred C. Bakermetat the man will be placed in charge of the
Commercial Club rooms on Tues­ Bay City field.
Mr. Finney made
day evening for the purpose of re­ himself quite agreeable with the
vising the city charter and agreed people in Bay City and in Tillamook
upon certain amendments.
and being an energetic worker for
The Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. the cause of Christianity, has the
has læeri sucçèssful in procuring confidence and respect of church
the services of XJ. Cameron, one of people, as well as those who do not
the beat planernien on the 'Pacific attend places of worship, on account
Coast, who is now turning tout some of his genial disposition and broad
of the best finished' timlicr ever mindedness. He was selected as
manufactured in Tillamook County. leader of the union liible clans,
The annual meeting of the mem­ which meets in the M. E. Church eti
Mr. Finney wi I
bers of the Presbyterian Chinch was Monday evening.
held on Wednesday evening aud the enter on his new duties as the per
pastor’s report showed that the manent pastor of the Presbyterian
membership had doubled the past Church in this city on Sunday next
Dr. J. L. Bohannon, the world's
year. The Indies’ Guild has order­
ed à new otgan ' for the church, greatest cancer specialist, will ar­
which is valued at $500.
rive in Portland, Oregon on this
Process Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack; March 23, forthe purpose of treating
$30 ton. Shorts, O lbs., $1.15 sack; cancers and tumors. Will have two
$27 ton. Wheat, 1(0 lbs., $1.75 sack. of Oregon’s regular licensed physi­
Oats, white, 100 lbs., $1.70 sack; $33 cians to assist in treating and giv­
ton. Oats, gray seed, 100 lbs., $1.75 ing attention to any [»erson with
sack; $34 ton. Salt, Empire, 50 lbs., cancer or tumor that would like
We treat any cancer or
55c. Salt, half ground, 100 lbs., 53c. treatment.
Bran, 00 lbs., 80c.- W m . C urtis , the tumor in from one to four minutes
with a hypodermic needle, injecting
Grain Man.
the anti-cancer toxine iininediatel)’
A. Root and wife arrived on tlie
into the cancer or tumor, killing
Golden Gate Sunday, from Stough­
every fiber of the malignant growth
ton. Wisconsin, and are visiting at
or malignant tissue in less than four
the home of Geo. Willettin this city.
One treatment makes n
Mr. Root came West with the inten­
cure of an ordinary cancer or tumor.
tion of locating, and has decided to
Will remain in Portland only one
investigate the possibilities and ad­
week from our arrival.
t ome at
vantage» of Tillamook investments
once if you would like treatment.
before going elsewhere.
For information address or wire Dr
A. K Case received a fine passen­ J. 1- Hocliannon, 401» S. Grand Ave.
ger "Overland" Caron the last trip E., Portland.
Our large cancer
of the Elmore. Mr. Cane in agent and tumor institute |>eriiiaiiently Io
for the"Overiand”and “Kiasel” cars rated at IRI Claremont Ave., Oak
and will handle them in conn ection land, California.
with hi« garage. which is at pres­
ent rapidly getting under head way.
Presbyterian Church.
Frank De Vine ami Art. Cane will
have charge of the garage.
Bible School III a. m.
» We undeistind that a remons­
Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject
trance w is circulated tn the |s titi<>n "Jesus and Society."
for a sal <011 at Garibaldi, and out of
Young People’a meeting 6:45 p.m.
a total [»«»pulation of 17 living on the
Evening worship 7.4>.
Miami river 14 signed the ninon-
"And Peter.’’
trance, but wixtaer thin will le
Beginning next laird s day there
sufficient to uulnumbrr thnse wh<»|
will Ije regular service« in the church
voted for a saloon at Gatilialdi, we Isgli morning and evening. I lei etc
do not know.
fore the church has been cripple«!
"I'ement'a B-st” flour. $I.X»|nr by being without worship every
•ack. “Marvel" Brand Ilnur $1.25 oilier Sabbath morning.
Now th«
per sack.
These prices will lie in minister devote« his full time to II e
effect from Mar. 13 to Mar. Is. indu one
_ _
and _______________
the church is
sire, for the purpoae of introducing looking forward to greater things
our flour, and proving to jron that 1
Dement ■ Be«t is toe highest grade
|i-5o per year
Fashionable Garments
Man-Tailored to Your Measure
at Very Reasonable Prices
No. 1002—This handsome
Antenil Model is cut to
reveal the profile of the
figure with cut being made
close fitting. If is strictly
a tailored suit which is in
high favor this season and
one that has ii distinctive
style. The smart well cut
jacket is 26 inches long
with one piece semi-iitted
back. The skirt has seven
gores with front and back
panel which has side plaits.
The plait in the back is
inverted which
is very
1210 This
Selkirk Coat. The lines in
it are straight and severe
and particular)’ suitable for
stout figures. It is 55 inches
long. The popular length
and has 11 panel back. The
coat collar is notched and
the patch pockets and cuffs
are piped with black satin.
It is a very desirable model.
We particularly call your
attention to the fact that
" Ideal Clotkes” are cut on
the correct \.nes of the pre­
vailing fashions.
We cordially solicit an inspection of over two
hundred materials—foreign and domestic—
sixty different exclusive modern garments
man-tailored to individual measure.
Good Clothes Should
Be Made to
The complete satisfaction and the marked
money-saving opportunities should suggest
seeing our line before buying
Call at 5 our earliest convenience
to secure the choicest salectious.
Wood Wanted.
Church of Christ.
Clover I<eaf Cry. Co. wants bids
on Hemlock wood, cut in 4 foot
lengths, delivered at its factory, 25
cords by July 15. 1911, ami 25 cords
by Sept. 15, 1911.
Leave bids at
office of Carl Haberlach, Secretary,
on or before April 15, 1911.
pany reserves right to reject any or
all bids.
A large audience wan present
laird's clay evening and listened at­
tentively to the address on “The
Young Man.” Tlie High
School Vuartet favored us with 11
selection which was well received.
The minister will continue his ser­
mons on Ideas for the Young People
next Lord’s day evening, the sub-
ject will be, "The Ideal Home."
Songs bearing 11 [»on the subject
will be sung, and a helpful time in
guaranteed to all who attend.
The books for a special course in
Bible study have come and a new
clans in "Training For Service"
will l»e organised next Lord's day
morn mg at 10 am. Thia comae
is open for everylmdy. Conie and
full in line Tlie Bible is the great,
c-ct book in the world.
C lover L eaf C reamery C o .
Baptist Church Services.
Next Sunday, 2:30 p.m.,at the Ad­
ventist bouse. Elder Blalock will
give seven Bible reasons why the
church that insists on being called
the “Church of Christ,’’ blit known
as the "CaniplsdliteCliliri h," is not
a Churi h of < hrist.
All < ome and
bring your Bibles and pencils and
see whether what is said is true or
Go to F. 8- Whitehouse fle Son
the lending ogents, for Bond, Acci­
dent and Fire Insuiance. an ihey
write more than three-quarters of
the insurance written in Tillamook
County, because they are better
equipped than any one else in th«
For Sale.
Located two Doors wrst of Lamar’s Drug Store.
Rekt R< otn for Ladies.