TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 23, 1911. Farmer« Attention. Editorial Snap Shots 1 Ina vai «el rie th< ch we til 1 tai ac ap th ty in M HI Fi H y» is N a e: tl h M o t- < u You don’thave to go to Wash ington to find “Standpatters.” It is «aid that the saloon keep­ ers have three standpat council­ men in thi« city under their control. _ _____________ whenever the saloons should tie closed. No doubt but what the ordinance will pass, for the saloon men can rely on the ‘‘Standpat” councilmen to help them out as usual. Now, who’s “the people” in the administra­ tion of city affairs ? Just think for one moment if Tillamook City’s water front was 300 feet wide what a great advantage it would tie to the city, with thousands of visitors coining to the city this year. The Bay Citvites appear to lie worked up some on account of the proposal to create a Port at Bayoceau, the opening up of the Sturgeon channel anti the building of a railroad on that side of the bay. There is no Captain Anderson must have occasion for the city on the bay been looking for the highest to become alarmed, Tillamook, place on the mud flats in the Bay is a big place and no one bay when be allowed tliu Anvil has a monoply on town site pro­ to drift and run aground. It is perty or desirable locations for certainly time that owners of factories. More there are of vessels employed captains with these the better, and if Bay (. ity a little horse sense, for any kid is to have a real live competitor would have used lietter judg­ it should make it hustle that ment. much more. We have always had the impression that there it seems to us that many of will be several live towns on the the delays caused by vessels bay some day, but the hull of grounding in the bay is on ac commerce and industrial activi- count of captains undertaking I ty will continue to be centered to navigate in channels which I in Tillamook City. So it is just they are not familiar with. The its well for Bay City to look for captains need a little element­ competition on the opposite | ary education about Tillamook side of the bay, and look upon I water wavs before they imagine it as one of the many things they know it all in making a which will help to develop the j few trips here. county as a whole. Absolutely Pure Makes Home Baking Easy SAVES FLOUR unER And makes the cake lighter, finer flavored, more sightly, and insures its freedom from alum. Tillamook City is liable to get a lot of Sunday blind pigs if the city council repudiates its Home Rule ordinance. But, then, it is, probably, Home Rule to do so. Wonder whether it was all fixed with the “Standpat” city dads to vote for the ordinance which was introduced on Mon­ day. The citizens will be jus­ tified in invoking the recall if this smooth piece of legislation 1« passed. ___ NOTICt- OF SALE OF TIDE LANDS I will shoe your horses for $1.50 a piece, four new shoes. Other job Notice is hereby given that the work in name same proportion. At the Grant State Land Board of the State of Ore­ I-arson Blacksmith Shop.— —Grant Thayer. _ gon will sell to the highest bidder at its office in the Capitol building at Sa­ Baby Chick«. lem, Oregon, on April 11, 1911, at 10- If you want some baby chicks, thoroughbreds to raise as fall layers 00 o’clock a m., of said day, all the see Dr. Morris. He can furnish the State's interest in the tide and over flow chicks and tell you how to raise lands hereinafter described, giving them without the hen. Order them however, to the owner or- owneri of now. ________________ any lands abutting or fronting on such For Rent. tide and overflow lands, the preference My farm in Pleasant Valiev, Till­ right to purchase said tide and overflow amook Co., 10 miles south of Tilla­ lands at the highest price offered, mook city, 1-half mile from church, provided such offer is made in good schofl and cheese factory. For faith, and also providing that the land terms apply to Ed. Lyster, Hemlock. will not be sold nor any offer therefor E. W. M ills . accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, the Board reserving the right to reject Cow« for sale. I have 10 good Holsiein cows for any and all bids. Said lands are situated sale, fresh and coming fresh, one in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­ Holstein bull calf registered and cribed as follows: Beginning at a point at the Govern­ one work horse.—Apply to Schild ment Meander corner between section! Bros., Tilllamook, Ore. 2 and 3, T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South side of Nehalem Bay, and runniiy For Sale. thence: Registered Holstein Bull Calf, an N. 49” 29' E. 151.0 feet along high extra fine animal, dam giving over water line. 74 lbs. of milk per day now, sire of N. 42« 48- E. 7.75 feet along high calf his four newest dams giving water line. over 21 lbs. of butter per week each N. 40 01- E. 595.0 feet along high hie two nearest testing, 4.6 feet, watur linp price $75.00 if taken soon.—B. B. N. 32 .51'E. 266.5 feet along high Goff, Forest Grove, Ore. R. F. D. water line. N. 21- 31' E. 255.0 feet along high water line. Wood For Sale. N. 7° 07' E. 402.0 feet along high Wood for sale, Spruce and Hem water line. ock body, dry at $1.25 a cord on the West, 12.0 feet to low water line. ?lace, 7 miles south of Tillamook.— S. 9« 44- W. 400.0 ----- feet ‘ along ‘ low . D aei -AZ. water line. S. 24- 53' W. 248.0 feet along low For Sale. water line. S. 32- 51' W. 266. 0 feet along low 1 Light Year Old Mare, 1400 lbs. water line. 5 Year Old Mare, 1250 lbs. S. 40“ 18' W. 584.0 feet along low 5 Year Old Mare, 1050 lbs. 2 Year Old Colt, make about 1400 water line. S. 43' 21' W. 80.0 feet along low wat­ lbs. Tide Land Hay, $18 or $20 de­ er line. S. 49 29' W. 72.0 feet along low livered; tame Hay, $20 or $22 de­ water line. livered. Also Machinery and a good Gaso­ South, 60.0 feet to place of begin­ ning, containing 1.55 acres of tideland line Launch. Address—F rank H annenkratt . fronting upon Lots 4 & 5, Sec. 2, T. 2 N. R. 10 W. Applications ar.d bids should be ad­ For Sale. dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State Six 2-year old heifer«, one fresh Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and markf now and others coming fresh.— ed "Application and bid to purchaae Frank Tone, Tillamook, Ore. tide lands.” G. G. Brown, For Sale. Clerk State Land Board. River bottom acreage in «inali Dated tnis January 27, 1911. tracts, near town. Terms easy. M. W. H arrison . Give Tillamook City a water Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts—Free. Send Name and Addrett. front 300 feet wide and a chan­ ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NCVY YORK. nel 10 feet at low water and there will lie a line of steamers plying between this city and We know of San Francisco. Notice. Call For Warrants. several instances where San Francisco parties have desired All general fund warrants endor­ Notice, in hereby given that the to start a fine of steamers, but sed prior to Aug. 1, 1910, will be paid County Court of Tillamook County, upon presentation. the trouble is we have such a Interest ceases this 25th day of Oregon, will receive sealed bids for dinkey little harbor front that March, 1911. the clearing and grading of the the vessels they wanted to put B. L. B eals , C o . Treasurer. right of way of what ia known aa on could not get up the slough as the Wheeler Road, commencing Call For Warrant«. The question of sewerage.for nor turn round after they reach­ at the Zaddach bridge and follow- That alone ought to All outstanding County road fund iug said survey to first mile poet, Tillamook City will have to be ed here. met at some future date. All' make this city get a hustle on warrants will be paid upon presen­ according to plans and specifics, will admit that it is necessary, and get the work started. Anoth­ tation. Interest ceases this 25th day of tions on file at the office of the for public health is one of the ' er thing, these vessels would March, 1911. County Clerk, take lumber and other material B. L. B eals , C o . Treasurer. things which should be zealous A certified check equal to 5 per ly guarded. The question of cost which were manufactured here, cent of the amount of the bid, or a is probably the most difficult | and in that way would also Notice of Creditor«. bond satisfactory to the Court, Notice of Sale of Tide Land». one to contend with, for it is go­ bring many visitors and others must accompany each bid as a The undersigned has been duly Ship By the Anvil. California to see Tilla­ appointed Administrator of the ________ ___ __________ _______ ing to take money to make this ¡from i guareutee that the bidder will exe- N otice is H ereby G iven , That This city has estate of MARTIN PE 1.ERSEN, Icute a Bond for the completion of improvement, but under the mook county. The Twin Screw ship Anvil is now the State Land Board of the State of x , .. Bancroft plan this can cover! been too negligent of its own deceased ,by the County Court, of , making regular runs to thiB port Oregon will sell to the higheat State of Oregon, for Tillamook 1c,o«.t;ac.t a*“r^ed needs and it is time to wake up the at its office in the Capitol several years. County, and lias qualified aa such l -^11 l’K'® ln °®^°f ,he from Portland, with passengers bidder Building, at Salem, Oregon, on and help make business, which administrator. All persons having County Clerk of ‘ Tillamook County, and freight. “ April 11, 1911, at 10 o’clock a.in., a There is general complaint will put new life into the city. claims against said estate are re­ Oregon, on or before 10 o'clock A.M. She is under good clean manage­ said day, all the State’s interest ii quired to preBent the same, duly that business has been dull and Wednesday the 5th day of April, ment, and the patronage of the pub­ the tide and overflow lands herein verified as by law required,to the’un- described, giving, however t slow in getting started this year. The matter of bay and bar dersigned lic is ^solicited, and courteous treat­ after administrator for allow­ 1911, the owner or owners of any land A large amount of money whi a improvements will always be a ance, at the office of H. T. Botts, The County Court reserve« the ment will be shown to one and all. abutting or fronting on such tid found its way in other bi v:. •>s burning question in Tillamook Attorney-at-Lavr, in Tillamook City, right to reject any and all bids, Have your shipments consigned and overflow lands, the preferenc channel« it diverted t< the sa­ County until these improve­ Oregon, within six months from By order of the County Court, care Str. Anvil, Albers Dock No. 3, right to purchase said tide an< loon«, and with the largo ments are taken itt hand. The the date hereof. lands at the highest pric J. C. H olden , Porrland, Ore. For information in­ overflow Dated March 23rd, 1911. offered, provided such offer is mad amount of money expended tor enthusiasm amongst the lead­ E. B. B arthrop , County Clerk. quire of D. L. Shrode, Tillamook, Or. in good faith, and providing also ln»> the | , ... I ■ hi ■ ing citizens was seen again last Administrator of the estate of March 17th, 1911. that the land will not be sold nor Martin Petersen, deceased. of the causes which have made Monday at the meeting at the Summo a«. any offer therefor accepted for les« money scarce and business dull Tillamook Commercial Club. than $7.50 per acre, the Board re­ In the Circuit Court of the State of The most common cause of insom ­ When you have rheumatism in serving the right to reject any and this spring. But everything 1’he matter now resolves itself Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ foot or ineteq apply Cham­ nia ia disorders of the stomach. all bids. Said lands are situated i( will lie on the buzz in a few down to this, ns soon as the Port your mook. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver berlain’s Liniment and you will get Tillamook County, Oregon, and weeks, for it is impossible to of Bayocean is organized it will quick relief. It costs but a quarter. Tablets correct these disorders and Clay Daniel and Dora ) described as follows: Daniel, enable you to sleep. For sale by Why suffer? For sale by Lamar's keep Tillamook City from im­ he up to the three Ports to get Beginning at a point, the south­ Plaintiffs, Lamar’s Drugstore. proving. east corner of D.L.C. No. 39, T. 1 together and decide upon some Drug store. vs. S., R. 10 W. of W. M. and rimninf L. H. Kenney, Hallie }■ course of action in regard to the thence: Kopieske, Wm. Kop- | Keep your eye on the South improvement of the bar. If the S. 61 degs., 00- W., 854.0 feet along ieske, Gust Nelson | aide of Tillamook Bay. There Ports think it is the wisest and Report of the condition of the high water line. and Peter Nelson. S. 77 degs., 30* W., 182.0 feet along are plenty of other places on the liest thing to tackle that job, Defendants. J high water line. buy which will make splendid well and good, but it seetus to To Wm. Kopieske, one of the above South, 76.0 feet along low water line. named defendants : manufacturing locations us that some assurance of gov­ In the Name of the State of Oregon: N. 82 degs., 20- E., 382.0 feet along when it comes to the sui ernment aid should tie in sight At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of low water line. You are hereby required to ap­ of the fittest, he south *i Indore work is çonttnenced. pear and answer the complaint filed S. 79 degs., 45' E., 554.0 feet along business March 7th, 1911. water line. i the bay won t i'-«i against J you in the above CIIUllUu entitled wv low »“ vrv* Ail «riv C1UVYC <• t 1 the same way with bonding „ low »aht suit on or before the expiration of *eet ______ along; ing, for it is be the three Ports to the full line to point of • beginning. six weeks from the date of the first - RESOURCES for miw mills nulls and tact. amount. If no liar improve- publication of thia summons, and 1 Containing 5.67 acres of tide landt •way from tin- ton do no I 1 meats are undertaken, only if you fail to so appear and answer, fronting and abutting that part of wiud». With the Star $240,216.69 for want thereof the plaintiff will D.L.C. No. 39, situated East of» enough tnotiev should be raised Loans and discounts apply to said Court for the relief North and South line through the channel dug out mid a mi. for harlxir improvements. We Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 193.36 demanded in the complaint herein, j center of Sec. 11, T. IS.. R. 10 W. on that side of the buy, I are f itliy alive to the fact, that Bonds, securities, etc. . 51,996.69 The relief demanded is that a cer- ! of W. M.; also | with $500,000 expended on a who know« anything a'>-u mortgage executed by yourself | Beginning at a |>oint 2371.0 feet Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4.817.28 tain country must admit that ’ south jetty tor the bar, and the and L. H. Kenney and Hallie I ' South and 3640.1) West of Sectio« Other real estate owned 8,811.03 Kopieske to the plaintiffs on July ! corner common to Sections 14, Hi going to become one of 1 work let out by contract, I 1st, 1909, and which is recorded at , ! 22 and 23, T. 1 N., R, 10 W. of W.M., Due from banks (not reserve banks) most important, if not the 1,273.43 page mean quick action, for 403 of Book " S” of the Mort on high waterline, running thence» import mt, part of the bay. Due from approved reserve banks government takes hold 110.5 feet to low water line. 16,483.12 gage Records of Tillamook County, [North, 1 degs., 40" W., 270.0 feet along work it will lie several Checks and other cash items 153.95 Oregon, be reformed and corrected ■ S. 42 low » water line. so that the descriptton therein shall There is a decided opinion la-fore it is started and Cash on hand . 5. 41 degs. 06 W., 155.0 feet alonf 32,642.46 be, the South halt of Lot 3, and the ! that tuxes are too high. Those low water line. South half of the North East quar­ who have just paid ‘heir taxes la-foi e any thing is accomplish 'S. 6!) degs., 00- W., 175.0 feet aloni ter of the South West quarter of Total low water line. $356,588.01 Section 7, in Township 2 North of I I know this But the best solu­ ed. ________ Range 9 West W.M., excepting a East, 135.0 feet along high water tion tn high taxation is econo line. LIABILITIES. strip 10t) feet wide across said land ' my. Ixd even- public I mm B he Another Deal Closed by a Tilla heretofore deeded and conveyed to N. 43 deg«., 3tr E., '270.0 feet along mook Woman more economical during the high water line. Capital Htock paid in . $30,000.00 the Pacific Railway and Naviga­ N. 60 present year and then taxes deg«.. 15' E., 145.0 feet alo« Eighteen month «go Mr*. Sretha Surplus fund tion Company ; that plaintiffs have . high water line to place oí !*• 2,500.00 judgment against you and the other won t come so high. But w hat S. Phelps, formerly of Tillamook, ginning. defendant« executing said mort­ i« to be d >ne when there is such Ixmglit the Hotel Columbia at Van I ritlivided profits, less expenses and taxes Containing 0487 acres of gage for $300.00, with interest there­ paid a demand for improvements t cover, Wasli,, the consideration be 2,783.18 on from July 1st, 1909, at the rate lands fronting and abutting on 14*- The city wants cement pave­ in $75,U and on March IMh slie Due to banks aud bankers Section 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. <4 1,778.24 of eight per cent per annum; for 6, J ment and paved streets and a •old tlie piner, tin consideration Dividends unpaid the further sum of $75.00 as attor- W. M.; also 660.00 I neyA a , 9 leva ror me fees anu and for the coatsand cost«and dis ! i Beginning at a point on hjj* sewerage system, the school now being $125.(*I>.t»X making a ®‘L° feet South and J»«' district wants more school profit of $69,01X111. Mr*. Phelps ia Imlividual deposits subject toeheck 191,254.52 bursements of the suit, and for a ■ wa,er foreclosure of the mortgage above feet West of Section corner commo» building-, the Port wants bar- thinking of going to California Demand certificates of deposit 3,789.82 mentioned as reformed and cor­ to sections 14, 15, 22 and 23 »»“ Isir improvements and the for a few month«, but will look Time certificates of depoait running thence. rected, and for general relief. 50,432.201 t mints Court Ims numerouadr- after her interest inj Tillamook before Certified cheeks Thia summons ia published by North 1IU5 feet to low water lint. N. 42 degs., 4 TILLAMOOK COUNTY The "|»enp|c” nt the election in November ndopted whnt is known n* tile Home Rule low, aud the city council imiuu-d what is known as the Home Rule ordinance to regulate saloon*. Now the saloon keeper* want to rvpmliate the ordinance, for they have luul introduced mt or- dinauce to knock out the screen feature« of it, or iu other words they will tie able to keep |>eople from rubbering into their place of tni«iue*«. Anyon« can ace I1 J* tnruu Blind > ige on Sunday « and F llow would you like to number )< ur friend* by million* a* Buck fen’s Arnica Salve does • Its a*, founding cure* in the past forty years< made them. It* the I h - m Salve in the world for sores, ulceta ecaema. bursa, boil*, scald*, cut*, corn*, sore eye*, sprains, swellings' bruise*, cold «ores Has no equal lor pile* „V at i ha*. | Clough- Go to F. 8. Whi.eh, use A Son. the leading ngenta. for Bond. Acci­ dent and Fire Inauiance. a« they write more than three quarters of the insurance written in Tillamook .. because _____ __ _ are wirr County, they better than auy buslu««e tUe ia th< BANK, time prescribed in said order for'. S. . 70 deg*., 15' E., 343.0 feet jlong low water line. S. , 50 degs., 30' W., 196.0 feet *10«f high water line? S. . 5 dega., 35' E., 70.0 feet high water line. Total & 88 deg».. 30- W., 183.0 feet al high water line. “Failure to fortify the canal State of < »regoa, Cotutty of Tillamook, SS. s. 66 degs., (»> W ., 625.0 9 feet »K would be an act of criminal folly,’* high water line t to [--¡nt h»nk ,;ru,n1 Cashier of the above-named «aid Col. R< oaevelt at Dallas, and liegiuning. Containing 4.850 acres of tide r ; K C,"V’-V swtar ”’ut ,he above statement is he pointed out that the only coun­ fronting and abutting Lot N ’•*’ tries in the world with which we true to the best of my knowledge and belief. tion 22. T. 1 N.. R. 10 W. of W * have treaties touching the canal are Application* and bids •houl“’’ England and the Republic. No other - addressed to G. G. Brown, t*" a rw k arriso Cashier. . u. i < nbed and sworn to before me this 22nd dav country ia under the slightest obliga­ State tand Board. S.dem. Dreg** of - larch, 1911 -Myrtle O. Mills, Notary Public 7 tion to respect the neutrality of the »nd marked " Application and • i to purchase Tide Lands.” M H T Uo«s. Cirl Haberlach canal in time of war. And one of G. G. B rown . *M W Hamaon, Director* orriavn, these countries chances to be our Clerk State Land Bo«* Dated thi« January 27th, 1911. I own ward at the isthmus. Notes and bills rediscounted K’vservetl for taxes Liabilities other than those above stated. E , » 2,500.001 publication ia once a week for six succeaaive week, and the date of the 675.20 ! first publication hereof is Thurs­ 10 .00 Í day, March 16th, 1911. H. T. B otts , ———— I Attorney for Plaintiffs. 356,588.01 ». 1