T illamook t, of the annual statement Gross premiums re­ of the ceived during the year 41,132.02 Premiums returned dur­ fy ing the year.................. 3,108.35 Losses paid during the year ...................... 23,347.50 idelpltia, in the State of Loeees incurred during Pennsylvania, the year.... .............. 1st day of December, 1910, 21,767.50 the Insurance COBimia- Total amount of risks outstanding ... ........ 448,032.00 ; the State of Oregon, pur­ law: J. F. T ho RELL, President. T. A. K eith , Asst. Sec. C apital . if capital paid ......................... none Synopsis of the annual statement of the INCOME. Mutual Life ln- ’ance Company, headlight , march 23, MODERN METHODS OF ING ON THE FARM. BUY Average Farr-er Prefers to Buy His Goods Direct and Have Them Delivered at His Door. ABOUL THE TIM'D. ion i RIDING THE BUZZARD, Th» Ricebird Usej His Dulky Enemy as an Aeroplane. » Th««» TRAINING SEALS. Dexterous Animals Easily Taught to Perform Tricks. People generally associate' size and "The cnnllnal principle In training The Crafty Turkish Despot Wore brute strength with victory. es|ieeially animals.” says an animal trainer, "la Th«- average farmer of today feels among the lower auituals. Many times, not to attempt to make an aultual do a Crown of Terror. that he has as much right to have however, this is fur from being ths anything contrary to the nature of Its his goods delivered at hie door as case, especially iu tlie bird kingdom. particular aiux-lea. To be auccessful a the party who lives in town, and as time goes on tlie teiidency in tlie HIS PALACE LIKE A PRISON. Among the rice tints of tlie I'arolinus trainer must know enough about the there abound at some si-asons of tlie habits of the animals be has under farming communities is more and year tiny ricebirds. birds so small that training to tit the tricks he would teach more towards buying their supplies direct and having them delivered Yildiz. a Place of Myatary, Waa the It takes two dozen for a good meal, them to their natural bent. right at their door. As a result of though bones and all are eateu. "The seal Is very easily taught. You Production and the Abode of Fear these conditions in all the enter­ The great buzzard Is found circling begin with one seal, some small pieces is received dur- Unutterable — Hie Dread of Aeaaaei- prising farming communities you over the fiats at all seasons. He dreads vf fish and a string. You let the seal lyear.................. $4,702,63225 will find the grocer’s wagon, tea nation and Hie Horror of the Dark. the time for the ricebird to come, for alt on bls pedestal, something be likes [dividends and Of New York, in the State of New and coffee wagons, meat wagons, tceived during- York, For long years Abdul Hamid had be is then nearly pestered to death. It t<> do by nature: then you throw hlui modern medicine wagons, etc. ir............................ 1,029,050.47 On the 31st day of December, 1910, There is no getting around the been haunted and toruieuted by tlie to a common sight to see one of these ow of the pieces of fish, and he natu­ hom other sour- made to the Insurance Commis­ fact that these institutions for the nightmare of death, lu every shadow little birds fly up to a buzzard and. rally and easily catches It. Next you Reived during sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ convenience ot the farmers are he seemed to see an assassin. All liis after dodging this way mid that round tie a piece of fish on the end of your far 95,883.36 suant to law : here to stay. vast power could not bring him one the awkward bulk, finally alight well string and swing It toward the seal. One thing that is particularly not- ' momeut of peace and happiness. Not forward between the buzzard's wings He catches this, too, and you keep C apital . >me . $5,827,616.08 iceble is. that the sale of domestic on the back. Here the tiny passenger Amount of capital paid medicines, stock remedies, flavor­ for oue momeut was Turkey's mou- grabs a few feathers lu his beak and moving away from him nnd swinging D isbursements . the fish to him from an increasing dis arcb at ease. up......................................$ 350,000.00 ing extracts, spices, toilet articles, kisses, endow- Year by year bis fears had been holf all other ex- compared with similar lines of goods who would read to him from one of Now York Tribune. Losses paid during tlie "Balancing the big rubber linll Is res .................... 297,502.57 usually sold over the county in year,including adjust­ his favorite books, those giving de­ based on the same principle. The ball town. ment expenses, etc .. $542,716.16 Is soaked In fishy brine and thrown to expenditures. 3,577,541.36 Dividends paid on capi­ The idea is right here, that these tailed accounts of assassinations, exe­ INDIAN DEATH CUSTOMS, the seal. He gets the odor and tries medicine companies do not go to cut ious nnd other horrors. tal stock during the A ssets . He was always armed. Ills clothes Graves of tho Hopi and the Hogans of Ills best to get Into tho ball and find year................................... 8 4,000. (JO the expense of much nevvspu|>er advertising and as a result they were lined with enormous pockets, Commissions and calo­ I wli.it he I h after. This results lu his the Nava.ios. glue of real es- are enabled to give a large pack­ which served him both as arsenals ries paid during the [tied................. 1,386,200.00 Tlie Hop! Indian believes that the ba lancing the ball on his nose, a feat to year ............................. 597,122.23 age of surperior goods at a less and archives and bulged with pistols souls of all deceased adults go to the which his supple neck and his natural Blue of stocks price then the manufacturer who and rolls of spies' re|x>rts. fids owned 7,017,965.50 Taxes, licenses and fees Grand caiiyou. When a man dies n feeding habits are nil adapted, and marked their goods through other paid during the year. in mortgages Everybody at Yildiz was afraid of grave is dug. The nearest relative of then he gets til:« piece of fish as a Channels. To illust r ate the high llateral, etc. .. 5,964,273.39 Amount of all other being shot by him. He was likely to expenditures.................. 46,243.76 quality of’these preparations it is tire at the slightest action that might the deceased carries the body to the print.”—New York World. 1 notes and onlyjiecessary to mention the fact grave, places It In u sitting posture loans (net) .... 6,350,332.37 Total expenditures. $1,300,072.45 that the most ot these medicine seem to him suspicious. There Is a fkciug the Grand canyon, erects a long banks and on BIBLES IN THE WORLD. salesmen practically leave their story that one day a gardener working pole betwemi the legs, locks tlie dead 273,243.89 _____________ A ssets . goods on trial with their customers iu tlie park of Yildiz. on seeing the man's lingers around it and tills the llected and de- 00 and ask no money unless tlie goods sultun approach, rose quickly from a grave. premiums .... 395,816.95 Value of real estate owned To the top of tlie pole, pro­ Ths Scandinavian Eddas ths Most Ro- are satisfactory. This plan of sell­ stooping posture to assume a respect- truding above the ground, he ties one cant of the Sevan. 285,738.92 Value of stocks and lets (net).......... ing naturally appeals to the farmer ful attitude. Abdul Hamid, atartled The world Ims seven Bible». They bonds owned .............. end of a string and leads the other and as a result most every farmer assets ............ $1,673,571.02 Loans on mortgages by his sudden appearance and suspect and in the direction of the Grand t an- nre t'ie Koran of the Mohammedans, and collateral, etc... .00 buys at least a part of his supplies lug some evil motive, at once tired nt yon. At the end of four days It I h the Ellins of the Rcnndlnnvtnna. the pal deposits in from the medicine wagons.I Cash in banks and oil tate (if any There was a time lietore the enact­ him. The man fell dead. Later, as no believed the soul leaves tlie body, Trlpltnka of the Buddhists, the Five hand ............................... 243,043.48 10,000.00 e) Virginia. .. ment of tlie pure food laws over the weapon was found ou his body. It had climbs tho pole and with the string to Kings of the Chinese, the Three Vedaa Premiums in course of sets admitted country’ that there were a lot of old to be acknowledged that a blunder guide it goes to Its eternal home in the of the Hindus, the Zendavesta and collection and in [on..................... 21,663,571.02 the Scriptures of the Christians. transmission ............ 193,968.43 peddlers of fake nostrums travel­ had lieen committed. Such is the tule canyon. ing about the country marketing told by the son of the late Prince of The Koran Is not older than the sev­ L iabilities . Interest and rents due The Navajos, on tlie contrary, are and accrued ................ 14,857.65 an entirely different line of stuff, Samoa, who was one of the sultan’s very superstitious alsiut handling dead enth century of our era. It Is a com­ $19,460,162.94 ■ve............. but the enactment of the (Hire food ministers. bodies. They believe that the evil pound of quotations from the Old and 172.820.00 icy claims To,al a88.et8. ' > 2,124,158.05 laws seems to have driven this un­ spirit that kills the person hovers New Testaments, the Talmud and the 1,205,349.09 . Yildiz. scene of innumerable horrors, liabilities desirable class of venders out of «Ma où Læsa special deposits lus ............. M6’238" in any State (il any the field and it is very doubtful if had beeu built by Abdul Hamid him­ around the hogan, as they call their gospel of St. Barnabas. The Eddas of there be) ..................... .00 one of these old time fakirs could go self, and he had made It more like a lodge, awaiting other victims, and a the Scandinavians were published la lilitiea paid for$21,663,571.02 Total into the average farming com­ labyrinth than a palace. It was the hogan In which a death occurs Is never the eleventh century and are the most assets admitted urance in force munity and «io enough business to production und the alxsle of fear unut­ accupled again. Navajo hogans are recent of these seven Bibles. The Bud­ in Oregon .................. $2,124,158.05 >er31, 1910.... 126,218,844.00 keep a going. The fanner of today terable. Surely no sane mind plsuned always built with tho entrance facing dhists’ Trlpltaka contain sublimo mor­ demands the best goods because he IL To guard against conspirators get­ tike east. When a death occurs In one ula and pure Insplritlons. Their au­ L iabilities . B in O regon for T he has the money to pay for them. of them an opening is Invariably imide thor lived and died in the seventh cee- Y ear . Gross claims for losses Times are not what they were 25 ting a plan of Ills residence its master la the north side. Therefore when one tury before Christ. unpaid ............................... 73,406.07 years ago when grain and stock was continually changing its Internal ks written dur- The sacred writings of ths Chinese 172,527.00 Amount of unearned i year, 58. ............. were selling at a low price and arrangements, walling up doors, open sees a hogan with the north side premiums on all out­ tomiums receiv­ every farm had a mortgage upon ing new ones, narrowing passages, til knocked out he may be certain some are called the Five Kings, "king” standing risks .............. 741,013.29 it. 29,654.19 ing the year.... viding rooms by partitions, making one has died tn It.—Dillon Wallace In meaning web of cloth or tbs warp that Due for commission is returned dur- The farmer of today . is the 1110*1 , windows nnd closing them again. It Gating. keeps the threads in their places. They and brokerage ............ none I year.................... independent person on earth. They was n constantly changing maze. contain the choicest sayings of the All other liabilities .... are independent anil they know it, aid during the best ages on tlie ethlcopolltlcal duties Antiquity of ths Dog. To spare himself the danger of cross none and woe to tlie person who tries to It Is impossible to say when dogs of life. These sayings cannot be traced Total liabilities .... ... $907,415.48 dictate as to how and were they Ing the graveled path that separated icurred during Total premiums in force none shall spend their money. —Duluth his apartments from his harem he had were first domesticated, but some of to a period higher than the eleventh December 31, 1910, ... $1,251,484.58 Telegraph-Herald. May 28, 1999. linked his residence by flying bridges the earliest traces are found on Egyp­ century B. 0. The Three Vedas are lount of risks ling in Oregon to the harem on the one side nnd to tian monuments, with figures of dogs, the most ancient books of the Hindus, B usiness in O regon for the R. R. Roberta, representing J. R. the imperial theater on the oilier This somewhat of the greyhound type, and It is the opinion of great scholars er 31, 1910 ... 819.'275.00 Y ear . Watkins Medical Co., who lias the theater was a gloomy little place, which date back to at least 8500 B. C. that they are older than the eleventh ItTY M utual I. ife J nsur - Total risks written dur­ agency for Tillamook county, is Even In those remote days the dog century B. C. , ANCE C ompany , 871,600.00 now located in Tillamook City, and where the monarch would sit entirely ing the year.................. was highly esteemed. Coining down The Zendavesta of tho Persians Is H. H. F ouse , Secretary, Gross premiums re­ will call on you scam. He carries bidden from view in his box while ac­ ■ little later, we read that Ulysses the grandest of all the sacred liooka ry resident general agent ceived during the spices and extracts, toilet articles, tresses and singers from Paris and mey for service: year ................................. 5,294.75 stock and poultry, tonic and med­ other European cities entertained him. «.«XI years ago was recognized by his next to the Blblo. Zoroaster, whose hoENHALL, Portland, Ore. Premiums returned dur­ icine. Residence one block west of lie uever catne Into view, never ap­ Bog Argus after his swineherd hnd sayings It contains, was born In the ing the year .................. 793.75 the new blacksmith shop in the plauded. and the visible audience con­ failed to do so. twelfth cen’ury B. C.—New York llor- Losses paid during the Plutarch speaks of Alctbades, who aid. Alderman | roperty. Both phones. sisted of r few uiemliers of Ills family, year ............................... 1,978.48 of the annual statement The building used by Abdul Hamid cut off the tall of Ills dog. and Myron, Losses incurred during of the Hiitsry In Toys. as his private resilience looked more the sculptor. Immortalized the animal Warning to Railroad Men. 1,978.48 the year ......................... Tlie history of tho world la crystal- Ixsik out for severe and even like a prison, for all the lower v.lu by chiseling his Image In marble. ThB Total amount of risks Romans valued their dogs and kept dangerous kidney and bla«l«ler «lows were securely barred and the II zim ! In the children's toys. Each great outstanding in Ore­ gon December 31, 1910. 4,501.00 trouble resulting from years of heavy Iron doors were of greet them fr< mi the chase and a too as peta. war leaves soldiers In the nursery cup­ d, in the State of Oregon, railroading. Geo. E. Bell. 639 Third strength and capable of being firmly Alexander the Great owned a veteran board dressed correctly to n strap and it day of Decern tier, 1910, T he P referred A ccident I ns . St., Fort Wayne, Ind., was many Bt to tackle n lion. the Insurance Commis- button. This has always been so. Ae C ompany , years a conductor on (he Nickel liolted Inside. he State of Oregon, pur- eiieli siicceeslve age In tlie world’s his­ By W ilfrid C. P otter , Sec. Every room in the palace was pro- Plate. He says : ‘Twenty years of A Bibulous Goose. iw : Statutory resident general agent i railroading left my kidneys in ter­ vliled with n couch on which the aul- tory liax gone by the weapons of that Geese will live to u great age, and age have passed to the hand» of the and attorney for service: rible condition. There wan was a con­ tau could sleep if he felt Inclined, No- I ncome . L. W. C ronan . tinual 1 tain across my back anti body ever knew In what room he some few years ago I came across s boys ns toys. There nre In <:nr great N oonan A H umphry , Gen. Agents, hi|»s anil iiij kidneys gave me much would sleep on any given night, Be- i received very venerable goose (male or female museums mlnlntiire ernmdiowa, npenra Yeon Bld., Portland, Or. the year in distress, and the action of my fore retiring to rest he would some­ 1 cannot now say) In Westmoreland tu and shields. Toy armor an finely In­ $53,209.07 1 notes .......... bladder was frequent and most times call Ills attendants nnd say to Unexpe tel < IrciiniMtances. I was walk­ laid mid engraved a» any real arvotl- Ï vide rids and painful. I got a supply of Foley ing from Mllnthorim to Arnaldo ma] at ferments la occasionally to Im neon, leived during Kidney Pilis and the first bottle them: "Keep n good lookout. I sm Qnnnxlile found un acquaintance sit­ ami oln a seaahore lx>n«’b feeding s pet with sin'll figure«. Even (lie children gooso with lilsctiMa steeped In ale. Ho of the Fren< It revolution had their toy $53,75ft 75 come Since being cured I have recom­ where else. told me that thin goose had been In his gu 11 lol I nee.—< ’ol Iler’s. mended Foley Kidney Pills to many TEAMING AND HAULING On the roof of the lui|MTlal apart DISBURSEMENTS. of my railroad friends.”—C. I. meets was an astronomical observa­ family for over forty years nnd was d during the The Dollar. GRA EL SCREENED OR Clough. tory which had been fitted up with an partial to beer, stout nnd eveu gin. 29,127.50 Rev. James Ball. M. A., told of a Thera was e time v.-hcu dollars were exceedingly g<*xl telescope by a Pa ­ A Special Medicine for Kidney in« and sala- rials n firm. This olmervatory wns s goose tn Stirlingshire. Scotland, that minted In EnglanJ. In March, 1797, Ailment«l. UNSCREENED. during the Many elderly people have found favorite place with the sultan, yet he had been killed by accident after Mr- the mint issued stamped Spanish dol­ 15,686.18 in Foley’s Kiiiney Remedy a quick took not the slightest interest In as tog at the same place for "above eighty lars worth 4a. ltd., but they were called censes and WOOD FOR SALE. relief and permanent I'enefit from tronomy. Tbs telescope was there to year».”—lamdou Field. tn eeven months later. It was from 1 during the kidney and bladder ailments and ~erve tils own pur|>oee of espionage, the Spanish coin that America got the 565.01 from annoying urinary irregulari­ for be UM-d It almost exclusively for all other ex- Bkating on a Tennis Court. Idea of her almighty dollar, but the Bell Telephone, 1209. ties due to advancing years. Isaac 6,773.40 When <>n<> la building a tennis court Mine waa made In Germany. At least N. Regan, Farmer, Mo., says: the purpose of watching the residence pmvlslon may easily tie made for a “thaler," of which "dollar" la a corrup­ “Foley’s Kidney Remedy effected a of Prines Yusuf Izsedin, eldest son of $52,15i«» nditures .... complete cure in my case and I Alslul Aziz and heir presumptive to rink by excavating from six Inches tion. waa. The original thaler was the A mete . want «»there to know of it.”— C. 1. the throne. Its alas» was never turn­ to one foot deeper Ilian the surround ’ silver guldengroacben, coined In 1518 hut ground and making this depress by order of Count Schllck from the sti­ Clough. ed u|ion the heavens. stocka and But sometimes from his lonely look­ nd area as much greater than Ills ver of Joachlmsthal, In Bohemia, and ■ned .............. $ 13, (fiO. 00 Attacks Schoo'. Principal out the monarch saw stranger things court as his purse or surroundings will known at first as the "Joacblmethaler " OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. tort gages and A severe attack on school prin ­ than the residence of Prince Yusuf, permit. Twcnty-Bre feet In the clear Tima the name mesas etymologically 4,000.1« Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firs cipal, Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvania, things flint no other human being had outside the lines of the court will giro “of tho valley "- London Chronicle. eceivable. se- Ga., is thus told by him. “For ever dreamid of. There were time» on area of over 11,000 square feet—SB 1,37ft 30 St. West, and both Phones. more than three years.” he writes, when til» luorbhl Imagination played ample space for s number of people to An Obliging Doster. inks and on “I Buffered indescribable torture occupy without crowding. The court "Doctor, I’ve tried everythin* and I 3,309.79 curious pranks with him. from rheumatism, liver and stom ­ PECIALTf IN ALL KIND OF CAKES in course of It was on the day following an at- mar lie flooded by means of a hose at­ can't get to sleep." complained the ach trouble and diseased kidneys. 1 and in trans- ALL KIND OF BREAD. tempt u(»»n bls life by one All Mouavl tached to the house faucet, first sat voice at the other end of the tele­ All remedies failed till 1 used Elec ­ 6.975 83 tric Bitters, but four Isittles of this nud n revolt at Tiheragan. Ixith of orating the ground and then when it phone “Can't you manage to do some­ d rente due wonderful remedy cure«! me com­ which In- Idcnta greatly U|r«et him. has frozen flooding the court. Kubur thing for me?" ted 6X4 38 pletely.” Such results are com­ that Alslul Hnmld hurried down from tea Life. "Yes.” said the doctor kindly. ”Jn»t. mon. Thousands bless them for Ms observatory with a wild look In his h ili! the wire and I'll »Ing yon a lul­ assets ad- _ curing stomach trouble, female ey«-s an«l «-alhsl his first sw-rrtary. who Deafness of Blue Eyed White Cate. laby. Kucera» Magatine d in Oregon $29.40530 complaints, kivfney disorder«, Inl­ All white cats arc not «leaf, but most at that tlm>- was All Fusil Bey. He iouaness. and for new h«-alth and I L iabilities . blue eyed white cats ere It lias never Just Rebuke. vigor. Try them. Only 59c. at led the >ecretary to s window, ■ u red why til" l>lus eyed Billy What would you ita If I Cha». I. Clough. $3, lift 00 tiifh-M sway, he »eld. trembling with cats ilionl.l have the tend.-ir y to deaf should kls* you? Mllly—l‘d »lap yonr M unearned ■e-.ti, but It Is n fact, c hile there has fine Foley Kidney Pills. tear: A*4 give y»e fell vales ie Billy—Then I won't. Mllly— ■a on all out- never been n css - known of n yallow You cowan! Philadelphia Re- ord Neutralize and remove tlie |>oi*on* eoaf art sad leeff veer “ DM y t»s< iirrd. »II. if‘Is. Immsdl- hit friends off her II’t with It.” see t !•«•»» 7" A Mother’s 8»fe»eard Sts If nry tonti II»» the will t«i li«-nr »lev'a Honey an-1 Tar tor the Ttrf» etslement »ra» «jut’e i»!i'<««'e’~! IM ORKXV* FOR THE •-en. I» tw-M and •t (nr all xi»d •• w»« a long t'tre Pe>re t’i- ng- her v< l«e. t>» Lltn I« »it« s illing en­ G isw I i ' cihi decs M ur-rc eerteltolv Y ear . cough», cold», croup, who 1>4np- r • .-» -vr'd - elm h!s fristiHm. I in.» ter es.’ t|« tile fesdy tuest I’r >3Tui mske men be>>«>y th •» tier,(glass cmigh arai l«r«';ichila. No o| writtea dur makes tlivtn gvej.-Laudar. - t'Uladuipb'a ledger. i Veto bud/. —C. L Clough. Preferred Accident Ins. Company, al Live Stock In- nce Association, John B. Langley s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you dry __________