T illamook Bayocean Brevities. High School Flashes headlight , march 23, 1911 BRILLAT-SAVARIN, The fierfect weather of Sunday Tribulation« of th« Famou« French The Emersonian program was last caused several “picknicks’' from Epicuro and Juri«t. various parts of the buy to hie them­ certainly a howling success in every Brlllat-Savnrin, the author of “The selves Hayocean-wsrds. The Hen­ sense of the word. Tlieir society Physiology of Taste.'" was the a bso- rietta carried good crowds during amused the school to the fullest ex­ lute realization of the typical good the day and divers smaller lai n tent Friday afternoon by comi • per­ liver. The French revolution confis­ chea and other non leacript craft formance», such i.» rounds, recita­ cated Ills property and removed him were busily plying back and forth tions, ami a dialogue of rare quality. from bls office as civil Judge. He tied to Switzerland and then to the United till nightfall. The manager of tlie ball team has States, where be played a fiddle lu u Mr. Russell spent the day enter­ at last heard from the different teams New York theater to gain a living. « taining several Tillamook friends, which he wrote to some time ago in His property was afterward returned acting the part of host at a very regard to forming a league. The to him, and he was made a counselor appropriate little dinner. Among pro(>osition has been acted upon of the supreme court, an office he those who partook ol his hospitali­ favorably by all that have been clung to successfully through change* ty were: Mr. and Mrs. Web Hol­ heard from so far. However, there of empire nud kingdom. His "Physi­ mes, Mr. and Mrs. James Walton, has been some desire on the part of ology of Taste” shared the fate of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Clough, Mr. other teams to have Bayocean enter mauy celebrated books. It was re­ and Mrs. Gus Case, Mr. and Mrs. the league in the place of Hemlock, fused by several publishers and even­ tually was published at the author's Fred C. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter and we hope they will decide to en­ expense, but without his name at­ Baker anil Capt and Mrs. Groat. tached to It, as he considered the na­ ter. Mr. Rutter, an expert from the One of our athletical and intellec­ ture of the work Incompatible with his yards of Joseph Supple inPortland, tual stars, Ralph Himes, left school Judicial functions. It was Brillat Savarln who declared is at work remodelling the Bayocean last week to try his hand with the No. 1. A new cabin is to lie bull world. We are very sorry indeed to that “the discovery of a new food does more for the happiness of the human and more deck room acquired. lose Ralph as lie was one of the The dredge is again under way, most amiable fellows in school. We race than the discovery of a star.” “Monsieur the counselor." a hostess enlarging the harbor and filling in fear that something serious will usked him one da.v. "which do you pre­ the dock and incidentally.banking happen to the Senior class without fer, burgundy or Bordeaux?" up »ami around the gridiron upon bis strong mind to guide it. Seven "Mailame." replied the Judicial au­ which it is to be drydocked and girls ami no boy is cei tainly a buneli thority. "that is n lawsuit in which I have so luucli pleasure In taking the overhanld. worth watching. evidence that I always pastinine Judg- Ed. Schelling moved his family Prof. Scofield has been sick the meut.” to Buy City on Monday. past week and unable to attend I1ÌH Mr, C. Fleming and wife arrived classes. A LIBERTY WITH TIME. ou the last Elmore and Charlie is The Ciceronian Dramatic Club arc again absorbed in color schemes, wood tints and mural decorations. busy preparing for tlie plays they Ca«t«lar’a Interrupted Lecture In the University of Madrid. The work on the Annex is pro­ intend to give this Friday. Every In “Home l.lfe In Spain" Is u thio thing is moving smoothly and from gressing a* rapidly as possible story of the University of Madrid, under the capable guidance of Mr. all appearances the people of the which on Bondman." and ever sure. Like Columbus and the could spell down the oilier one. In It lie Ilins adverts to the ladies: For their pomp and care being borne *'HKi ah becomes ns clear us crystal, Now the two rooms are preparing In triumph on men's shoulders. wliyn someone is kind enough to for a debate which will come off in The reference I m doubt less to Buck­ the near future. lend a hand and show us the way. ing linin' h sedan, which wi a txirne like Aud to realize that we're finally The High Sclnail tsiys played a u pulauqulu. "Bygoue Englund.'* started on tlie right track, with the game of baseball with the "Rougll- well wishes and the backing of tin iieck” Town Team, although the The Magnotic Poles. The magnetic poles are not station­ entire county liehitid us, ** is a game cannot be called n High great sid to indigestion ami sweet S< (tool game, as the Boatd of ary. The northern one Is slowly mov­ sleep o* nights." Directors have forbid the High ing westward along the seventieth parallel and In tlie course of three or school Team playing ball on Sun four hundred years will probably liavo Notice day. The results of the game will enelisled the geographic north polo We the barliera of Tillamook linvr therefore be given in another place. and returned to about Its present loca­ agreed on the following prices to K' Last Friday night the Class of 'll tion. Of course the southern magnetic into effect May 1.-st, lull and the Debating Team were enter­ pole follows a corresponding course Hair cut...................... ... Me tained at the home of Prof. L. L. about the geographic south pole. lu such cities In the United States ss Shave ... IV Baker. The evening was spent iu Omaha, Sioux City, To|ieka. Galveston, Ma ««age.................... ... Me friendly chatting until all had etc., the compass needle would point Plain alismpoo....... ... Me Filcli sbsmpoo....... ... 5f\* assembled, when Mrs. Baker intro­ ■bout lu the direction of the north lieunl turn ......... ... 2V duced some novel St. Patrick etar and the north pole that Com- Fitch tonic ....... ... IV guessing games. Prizes were given mender Peary reached. This geo- All other tonics .. 10c to the least and most proficient graphic pole Is about 1,500 miles north Neck shave . .. ... ... V Razor hone ......... ... ."U gueaaers. Six prizes in all wen- of the magnetic pole, toward which (Signed). given, Elliert Ginn receiving the the needles of all compasses point.— BL Nicholas. O tis F misiuk , greatest number and F. A. Scofield l.ATIMKM A MOWKttV the one for the greatest amount of Earlisst Uss of Mineral Ink. C. R. J ohnson work in n contest on writing slang In ancient times India Ink. made W. M. II kaston , phrases, of which lie wrote nearly from lampblack and glue, was used one hundred and fifty. Those pre­ for writing on papyri, but Inspection Church of Christ. sent were Prof. L. I. Baker und of the earliest vellum or imrctuucnt wife ; Prof, Ralph Moore und wife; MSS shows that Iron gall Inks were The addtv»* last laird'« day rvett­ Prof. F. A. Scofielrl and Eva Introduced not later than the ninth ing on, “The Ideal Young Woman \\ heeler, Jennie Blunchani. Helena century. The reason for the change from Young Men'* St»nd|siint," was Schlappi, Violet Noyes, Ruby Mc­ was that, although a carbon Ink Is Bion- permanent. It has no penetrating well received by the young ladies Ghee, Gladys Beals, Ruth Holmes power and can be *i«>nin*d from the and enjoyed by the young men. und Elsie laimb, of the daaa and vellum, whereas the Iron Ink bite* In­ Next Lon)'* day evening the mm the Debating Team, Benly Stain, to the tllier* and resists the destruc­ inter will give tlie second addre»» of Elliert Ginn uud Myron Hlauchurd. tive action of t«>th air and light. the eerie*. The subject will lw, After a limi li <>t ice cream and “Th* Ideal Young men (rum the Ag* and Youth. I cuke all i de| nitidi for their homes, View Point of Young Women ’ tv 1» Howell* said of old age at .each feeling 1 well lepuid (or their •fie of hl* Sunday afternoon*: Corns, yuung mm, und lie sued short stay i with Prof. Baker in his up by ths young ladle«. Ag»- I* tnodmter than youth. Pva home. often imtk-ed that when I tell ■ moth­ Say! du you Is-long to our loyal! er that her daughter I* the linage of Men'* Class ’ what «he we* herself at nineteen the If noj, why don't you join us? A Fierce Night Alarm ■Hither I* delighted, but the daughter You'rvgreeted each time sitli » sei -iicwiu* hand. is the hoarse, startling cough of II took* startled” YdBjfeel yarn la-long to a happx ! ( lllltl ’ suddenly attacked l>v cioiqi. J band ; Often it t aroused Lew* hn Turn ta th* Light. And inalt iH'tions galore come fiom •it Manchester ur bori­ •very nook. their four children l we wen- greatly to» a spot of light, fix vour eye» U|MS| By those ol us wlm know th I’tsik j •ubject to croup “Sometime* Sometime, in wo te “ we wen- It ani turi mur rtHnights away from l*e wp'tr Vail on us at ten o'clin k ne*t ■exerv attacks," be afraid they woulddie, but airier we tlw rlond« wh|< h may ewer the rv*t Lord's day mormng moved wind a certain remedy Dr. | of the »Hy ‘"Foley's Honey amt Tsr I* the King’« New IHwovety is, w, have (rar. We rely r on it lot cnnipj Jorl Like Shoep-nq lieat cough rvuiedv I ever uaed_ as „ It u<> anti for cougtis, c< oliU or any throat First Suffragette If . you - - nere ----- raw- quickly *lop|>en«l ffiiffnurv-t'e Not unies, ita-y W. K.ihn. Prim al n. Nebr. Ju»t *o M WhiMiping quickly and aurely it a< t* in all Hay Freer. la Grippe...................... Cough. Heniurrhsge* fly lieforv it could l>e changed or credited, l.lfe «•ava of cough*, rublo, lagriptw •nd lung trouble Rcluae «ubati - ■k- and II '»V Ti lai bottle free. , M!«f»rtnne* hsve their d'anltr sad by I has. I. Ulviigli. lute*.—<.. t. Clough rsdeeiUvg pawsr.-UUUrd. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes -< I Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County ì ! Manufacturers of FIR, SPRUCE and H 1C nt lock LU MB ER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS. We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. -5 The lBest Hquipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Kirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL ’OLEYSOMNOIWllVE i ! 4 for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad i breath.sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and liftbilual constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALiüEH, Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. i < < «■ you M ay otherwise have, besides it will cost you nothing to find out the truth about them. Measles very often leave your eyes in a very bad con­ dition, half of the trouble with our eyes, or the eyes of the people is caused by Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. M RASLKS. Don’t risk your eyes when they can be saved as well as not. General Machinists & Blacksmiths 4 4 írw Boiler Work. I.ogger’s Work and Heavy Forging Pine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK, Dr. H. E. Morris, OREGON. EYE SPECIALIST. WWW we wv VWV V» W » A Cold. LaGrippr. then Pneumonia. Kills n Murderer. I* too often the fatal sequence. \ merciless murderer is Ap| -en- Foley"« Honey anti Tar ex|«els the I j’bcitis with many victims but Dr. cold. «Iie.k« the la grippe, and pre­ vent* | t euinonia. It is a prompt , King's New Life Pills kill it be They gently stimulate ami reliable cough medicine lhai i prevention. liver mid t«>w« I*, p-event contains no narcotic*. It is as sa'e 1 I stomach, "nit that c’ogging that invites fc»r vonr children us yourself.—C, I a-qs-mli itis" curing Co i-tipation, Clough I Headache. Biliousness, Chill. 25e. at John W. Sickelsniith, Greene Chas. I. Ctoiigh. I mho . I* h ., ba* three children, r nd iikr moet children they frequenth li voti hnvc tronfile in getti ng rido! take cold "We have tried several I your cold you may know th.it yèn tin t* of cough medicine." he any*, lare not trenting it ptupariv. Tlicre "but have never found any vet that >• no rcason whv a colti shonlil , ^tore. MEASLES ■ After having the M easles have your eyes looked after, w examined, before yoii try to I do any close work with them. ■ It will save you the trouble Tillamook Iron Works 4 4 « TILLAMOOK OREGON. « * •• * h A Morning Reminder. Yeo awake w-ih a mean, n.-jty taatoin the mouth, which reminds you that your stcinacb u in a Pad condition. It should also remHd you that there is nothiiig so good for a disordered stonweh as Chamberlain’s Stomach and IJ rer Tablets.