Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 23, 1911, Image 1

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It ntay be that some time you will need
some assistance that this bank can render.
If you are depositing your money here and SS
transacting your business with us you may [=5=
be assured of our friendly consideration
at all times.
We are at your service.
Keep your chickens up and be on
friendly terms with your neigh­
bors. Poultry fence, all heights.—
e specialist,
—K ing & S mith Co.
ed at the Tillamook
If there in any one in the
country wanting wood sawed, L. C.
1 of oat hay for sale, Wilks is willing to do so. Call him
up on the Pell phene.
eday, to the wife of
The Annual County Teacher»’
. a girl.
Institute will be held in this city o '
horse for sale cheap. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
| Maddux.
April 3rd, 4th and 5tli.
nd for Calf Hides at
Two marriage license» were issued
L Melchoir.
Thursday to Ora C. Deeter and
t Flour is second to Josie A. Davidson and Claude
k Feed Co.
Husay and Mabie Hansen.
by LC. Wilks. In­
Bob Wahlen returned from a
visit to his old home in Montana,
erg’s Store.
I pocket knife and last week. He walked in over the
■quire at Headlight P. R. 4N Co,’s right of way.
Do not be taken in with a low
Compare them
ne to E. G. Ander- price Milk Can.
for Cedar Fence with u good one and see uie differ-
ance.—K ing & S mi TH. Co.
The K. of P. dance at the Tilla­
to sell or trade for
n easy terms—J. R mook Commercial Club rooms on
I Friday evening was a success,
wanted at the Tilla- these being a good attendance.
A large amount ofclearning is be­
‘pany’s Market, 13c.
ing done in the Wilson river conutry
u to see the Tilla- north of town, which all addB to
the improvement of the county.
> before you buy
W. E. Southers and E. Everest,
ipeatand best paper linemen for the Pacific States Tele­
Leave orders at phone & Telegraph Co., left Wed­
nesday for Portland, on business.
A. Tanneler, who has been mak­
iry Milk Pails and
hat, at a saving.— ing cheese in this county for several
yearr, will leave for Buhl, Idaho,
where he expects to make his home.
licken to the Tille-
Phone your orders to the Tilla­
iany’s Market. We
* • mook Feed Co. for Dement’s Best
Flour, it can’t be beat for good
Orpingtons, $1.50
bread, and they deliver it in the
egge.—C A. Ccrn-
; Ore.
Hydegrade Galeta at Patzlafa,
: Feed Co. will guar-
per yard 18c. This brand of Galeta
t of every bale of
will not fade, We have tried the
other brands, but this is the best
¡Kings at Patzlaf’s, one.
ist colors. Just the
Marriage licenses were ¡»sued this
er wear.
week to S. E. Bodie and Ina Mc-
bave fresh fruit and Millan, of Bay City, and to Carl
rery boat. Try her Holenbeck and Atossa Bailey, cf
and Ballads.
this city.
ong, who pteviou.-»-
Re-cleaned Seetj Oats, a cream
s city, was in from separator, flour and feed of all
t of this week.
kinds, and a fr»*sh lot of all kinds
gons and Buggies, of grass seeds at the Tillamook
and machinery of Feed Co.
illatuook Feed Co. *
Continental Percales at Patzlaf’s,
sit on the Golden ! full yard wide, the yard 12 cents.
r Portland to have , Dundee percales 31 inches, not as
r a specialist there, ■ g«x»d quality as the Continental, the
»h Price paid for I yard 10 cents.
Hides and Sheep j We are taking orders for hay at
chior, Tillamook, ■ the following prices : Alfalfa, $19
ton : oat, $21 ton; No. 1 Timothy,
niture, remember $27 ton. —H. C. K unze or W m . C ur ­
ton Furniture Com­ I tis . the Grain Man.
per cent discount
Barbers prices bave raised, but
that does not prevent you from
her and fair prices giving your lawn a free shave with
(pie to purchase one of our Ball Bearing Lawn
11» from K ing A Mowers.—K ing A S mith C o .
The Sue H. Elmore reached this
x Tillamook Head- city Thursday morning. Her pass­
Weekly Oregonian, engers were : Mr. Goldstrom, G. H.
for one year for Norbladt, M. J. Heck, J. M. Dunn,
J. D. Alden, A. J. Mapes. S. E. Rid­
ghbor about De- er, J. J. McCormick, Frank Hobson,
they all say that it Father LeMiller, Win. Chanlee. Wm.
good bread. — Till- Phillipig F. E. Jones. Eva I>»man,
Mis Miller, Mrs-Krager. *
Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store.
Re t RiO.n for Ladies.
>x 5o per year.
The steamer Anvil brought in a be half a mile away and hear the
cargo of coal and if you want a good fighting. Morris says, “1 had a
fuel coal at reasonable prices see fine time, but I’m mighty glad to
Shrode. This coal is washed and i get back to Tillamook.'*
hand picked and is guaranteed
The following passengers came in
I on the last trip of the Anvil : W.H.
The Golden Gate came in on Tues­ Omaly and wife, C. W. Nelson and
day with the following passengers : wife, M.|R. Hannenkratt, wife and
L. F. Brode, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. daughter, H. A. Nelson and wife,
Bogart, J. A. Young, M. Jacoby’, Mrs. Garrett, M. A. Machen, W. H.
Horace Bibby. Mrs. A. Christensen, Wood, £.C. Howell and wife, R. M.
H. R. Knoblock and six others.
I Joy anfl,wife, M. A. Darling, L. H.
The fine new piano which the Brown, J. Armstrong. Margery Wil­
Methodist people ordered from the I son, Ruby Wilson, George Wilson,
Williams Co. some time ago has Edith Veters, C. W. Fletcher and
arrived. It is a beautiful instrument wife, GtWce Pewel, Mary Pence. V.
and has an exceptionally sweet A. Gentley. Frank Chilcote, C. D.
Mayfield, and Bruce Chilcote.
The passenger that came in on
the Golden Gate were: Dr. Satoin, Allowed the Anvil to Drift on
E. W. Dixon, A. A. Ros‘brough,
the Mud Flats.
O. Hange, B. S. Soule and H. S.
Tile Anvil arrived in port Friday
Soule. She also carriad a full cargo
on her way to Bandon front Port-
of frieght.
and. She carried a full cargo of
Geo. W. Grayson has been meet­ freight, besides a passenger list
ing with trouble getting the mail of over fifty persons. While com­
through on account of slides and ing up the slough she became stuck
the snow in the mountains. Sev­ in the mud and bad to lay there un­
eral days last week he had to leave til the tide could help her off. It is
some of the paper mail.
reported that there was a great
Charles Martin has moved liis deal of discontent among the crew
Chop House into the Mason Build­ because the old master had been
ing on Second Avenue East. He has discharged and a master who i s n ot
fitted up gentlemen's and ladies’ liked generally by the crew placed
tables, and has a very neat looking in charge It is feared that the
er-w will strike upon reaching port I
The new light system which the again. When leaving on Saturday,
city decided to have put in, has been Captain Anderson decided that lie
finished the past week by the Elec­ could no* cross out when near the
tric Light & Fuel Co. The system Sound Pigs, and he allowed the
lights'the city a great deal more veseel to drift back into the bay, and
people thought that she was dis­
evenly than it was lighted before»
In buying out grass seeds we abled, as she was out of the chan­
bought the best that money can buy nel and a long way over on the mud
eo if you want good seeds, come flats where she stuck fast and re­
and see us, but if you want a second mained until Monday afternoon.
grade seed go somewhere else, as
we carry only the best.—T illamook
Bayocean’s Hospitality.
F eed C o .
. *
Mr. A. A. Russell, superintendent
The passengers that went out on of works at Bayocean, invited a
C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Gro. Dept.
the Goleden Gate were F. L. Knalle party from this city to spend the
andwife.and F. Knalle,J. P. Samon- day with him at Bayocean Park on
»on, M. A. Kohen, J. W. Eldridge, Sunday, and the day being delight­
J. W. Peterson, D. Martiny, L C. fully fine it proved a most enjoyable
Hockett, C. H. Fromm, and O. Hag­ occasion at the seaside for those committee, the latter appointed land. The famiiy have the deep
from this city The invited guests Fred C. Baker, from the executive sympathy of this whole community.
Those who left on the Golden were Mr. Webster Holmes, repre­ board, to serve on the committee.
Gate Wednesday were: Mr. and Mr*’. senting the Tillamook Commercial
Second Divorce Suit.
W. H. O’Malley,D Dei Vellir.J. Arm Club, and Mrs. Holmes, Captain Death of Sydney A. Christen­
strong, G. R. Phelps, S. Fitcher, and Mrs. John Groat, Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Bowles v». Mary J. Bowles
sen in Portland.
J. Rath, Mary E. Pence, \V. K. C. I. Clough, Mr. and Mis. W. F.
is a divorce suit bled in the Circuit
Souther, E. Everest. E. Jackson Baker, Mr. and Mrs. James Walton,
Died, Sydney A. Christensen, at Court. These parties were married
and J. Saling.
the 5th September, 1877, at Lamars,
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Case and Mr.
1204 East 27th Street,Portland, Ore.,
Rev. Mayfield arrived on board and Mrs. F. C. Baker. Besides point­ at 2:30 a.m., March 17th, 1911. The Iowa, and a divorce ¡was granted in
the Anvil Friday, to hold a serie» cf ing out the improvements which deceased, who was the oldest son of this county, but the defendant
meetings for the Nazarene Church. are going on and in contemplation Mr. und Mrs. Andrew Christensen promising to be a true and faithful
Mr. Mayfield is a fine talker, a at that place, Mr. Russell proved a of this place, was born at Tillamook, wife, they were married for the
man who never stops shqrtof tell­ most hospitable host, for he invited Oregon, April 23, 1893, and ever second time at Portland, Ore., on
ing the whole truth and who will do the party to a dinner that was since has resided with hi» parents the 23rd November, 11)10. The ground
any one good that will hear him served up to the yueen’a taste. here, until recently, when he went fur the present suit is that the
speak. He is just the old fashonied Mr. Russell informs us that the to Portland to engage in his chosen defendant is guilty of such inhuman
annex to the hotel will he finished work ¡is machinist, but almost im­ treatment and rendered such per­
Engineer Geo. L. Davis, with for this year’s visitors and that mediately iipi.n arrival there wus sonal indignities to plaintiff uh to
Russell Chace, assistant engineer about forty cottages will probably stricken with acute pneumonia, and render life burdensome to plaintiff
of the O. W. R. N. Co., and El’s- be built this summer, besides a in spite oi tile best medical skill, it Plaintiff consents that defendant
have control and custody of minor
worth Benham,
engineer, were large amount of street work.
proved fatal. Ilis mother left for
in the city on Sunday. They can e
Portland as soon us the news of his
in over the P. R. A N. Co.’s roi:d
Port for Ba/ocean.
sickness was received, and was with
Council Meeting
on a visit of inspection and found
him until the end.
A petition was filed in the County
the work progressing as well i s
The news of this sudden death is
Council convened in tegular se»-
Clerk’s office on Saturday calling a gre.it shuck to tlriaentire commun­ I »ion Monday night und did the fol.
could be expected.
“Demeni » Best’’ flour. $1.35 p«r( for especial election to incorporate ity, where his sweet disposition, lowing business :
The resignation of Win. Bogart aa
sack. “Marvel” Brand flour $1.25 the Port of Bayocean. The new exemplary character and fascinating
per sack. These prices will be in | boundary is taken from the territory personality li.ul won for him u wide night police was accepted and W.T.
Besides, Kimball waa appointed to fill the
effect from Mar. 13 to Mar. 18, inclu­ south of Tillamook bay, with an cirdeof devotc.1 friends.
sive, for the purpose of introducing assessed valuation J of $1,000,000, Ills devout,consccratedChristinn life vacancy. An amendment to the aa-
our flour, and proving to you that j but does not take in any timber he was a aourcc of constant inspir­ loon ordinance pas»ed tworeadinga
Dement's Best is the highest grade tributary to Netarts. Should fliis ation to all with whom he came in and a rebete of $3X1 waa allowed K»l
He was a member of the Hadley on bin license. A bill of
Hard Wheat flour on the market.— i port be established it will take care contact.
of the channel in the bay, which U. B. Church and Sunday School of $3») wan presented by the Tillamook
T illamook F eed C o .
would be wliat is known as the
Process Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack; Sturgeon channel, and thia would this place, secretary of the same, Electric Light A Fuel Co. for work
also an officer of the Young People's done in constructing the new light
$30 ton. Shorts, 80 lbs., $1.15 sack;
relieve the Port of Tillamook of the Society. He was ever at his ¡»oat of system, but as the council wished
$27 ton. Wheat, 100 lbs., $1.75 sack.
expense and trouble of maintaining duty, not only in hi» home and the to inspect the work liefore paying
Oats, white, 100 lbs., $L70 sack; $33
a channel in the bay. It seems to church, but in every walk of life anything out for it, they referred
ton. Oats, gray seed, 100 lbs., $1.75
lx mutually decided that the Port where called logo, ready at all times the matter to the street committee.
»ack; $34 ton. Salt, Empire, 53 lbs.,
of Bayocean aud the Port of Tilla­ to do whatever he could.for the help­
55c. Salt, half ground, 100 lbs., 55c.
mook work together to obtain a fulness of others, and with uniform
Card of Thanks.
Bran, 00 lbs., 80c.—W m . Ct'KTIs, the
suitable channel that would be of courtesy towards all.
He had a
Grain Man.
advantage to both places.
I wish to express my sincere
host of friend», not only in this place
The “Roughnecks" and “Cheese­
but elsewhere, who mourn the un­ thank» to the many kind friends,
makers" played a game of base-ball
timely death of this young man, and especially the ladies belonging
at the race track Sunday afternoon, To Revise the City Charter whose life held so much promise, to the Eastern Star, who sympa­
with the result that the latter team
Mayor C. W. Talmage met with not only for success in his chosen thized with me on account of the
waa defeated 15— 2. Rotten playing the Executive Hoard of the Com­ work, but for his splendid example death of my sister, Mrs. Mary E.
was the main feature of both teams, mercial Club on Monday evening of ideal young manhood, which Phelps.
but the players found their weak to talk over city affaire, especially early Chri«tian training in the home
places and will now tx able to prac­ as to making preparations for a had developed in him to a degree
Presbyterian Church.
tise more systematically.
sewerage system, Rollie W. Wat- seldom found in the young man of
Ilitile Hour, 10 a.m.
H. H. Rosenborg and sister, Mrs. son submitted a pro|K>»al from the present day.
Although he had
Young People’s meeting fl: 45 p m.
Chas. Bogart, arrive«! on the Golden Warren Bros. Co.
for bitnlithic iieen in Portland such a short time,
Evening worship, 7:30 p. nt.
Gate Tuesday from Clackamas, pavement, with a (»etition from he had many warm friend» there,
where they have Iieen on account of the pr»»|xrtv owners on the busi­ who »bowed much kind attention
Subject of Sermon — “The Ruck,
sliiler Restored.’’
the death of their brother. A few ness streets t»» have their street» and cmutesy during hi» ¡line»»
The prayer meeting evening has
hour» after tliey left on tlie Golden paved. Mayor Talmage pointed out
There were several former Tilla­
Gate a week ago a dispatch waa re­ the needs of a sewerage systvm and mook fri'-nd» with tlx mother and been changed from Tliiir»<lay to
ceived by H. R. Rom-ntxrg concern­ was la favor of the Mayor, who was son, doing all tlxy could to cheer WedncNiluy evening und the choir
ing the death of his brother. Mr. held responsible for the peace of ; and help »hiring bi» si knees and practise from Friday to Tliui »day
Rosenberg had only been sick a the city, that he should lx given , sul»seqiient death. Mrs.t hrfstenseii, evening.
The annual church meeting next
abort while.
¡tower to appoint th..- mar«lial end < accompanie»l I>y th ' lifelong friend
Morri« Hannenkratt and wife re­ police judge. It was ultimately m » m J companion of the ilrir.iml, Wednesilay evening.
S. G. F isnfv , I’.iuti’ r.
turned Friday, <»n L< aid lhe Anvil, decided by a vote lliat the city Horace Bil»l»j,
id Grants Paes,
from a visit to his «»Id igrtne. He charter l.e amended an I a com­ ¡arrive«! with
remains on the
11 id a Wanted.
has been traveling all through mittee ap^iointed to prepare and I Golden Gate.
Texas, Oklahoma an«i once ven­ present such amendments to pro­ 1 The services we held at the t'.B.
Hide wanted for making excava­
tured as tar south »st*d Mexico. vide lor the Banciolt sjatem
p»iy- Church on Wednesday and the in- tion for newCbilnlian Chinch, ».»me
However, lx look il»e trip to the ing io» street improvements und to term, nt was made in the !.<>.< J*. Io l>c presente«! I») Silurdii,, March
15th. lor further pat ta'iilnr» see
lust named place merely to see if amend tlx charter in oilier respects. cemetery.
Ersin lluriiea.il, at
I i l.uuook
he could ru»t get a glntaps of a iMailie, Hsntdra, tite Mayor aud tlx Picsi-
Many IxatUiful Coral iitil.l* ma < oiinty Rai 4, to » la hi pieueut
LC»L, *••** v v... IX • * **-
but decided that it was enough lo dent
the club to serve un tb..t were given, both here und in 1 otl- t-iaoH.
Big Bargains !
Bank Your
if Deposit...
Best Fruit Sugar, per sk
Dry Granulated Sugar, per sack 5.00
Extra C. Sugar, per sack
Leach’s I'est Lard, 10 lb.
Leach's Best Lard. 5 lb.
Diamond “C” Lard, 10 lb.
Diamond “C” Lard, 5 lb.
Rex Lard, 10 lb. pail
Rex Lard, .5 lb. pail
White River Compound, 51b pl.
Cottolene, 4 lb. pail ....
Cottoleae, 10 lb. pail
Brea’, ¡'.st F:eo:i, Rex per lb.
• UH
Breakfast L..cj,n,C.B. per lb.
Heavy Bacon » i) *■ r ib.
Snow Drif. Flour, per bbl .
Light I louse Flour, , per bl>l.
5.00 3
Elaine Coal Oil, pt ar case
The Ray Feed Co.