headlight , march T illamook SMBopsi# of the annual statement ■f-- of the | Equitable'Life A ssurance F Society of the U.S., L iabilities . Gross claims for losses un jiaid........................... Amount of unearned premiums on all out­ standing risks.............. Due for commission and brokerage............ All other liabilities.... Surplus as regards pol­ icy-holders............... .. .. I ncome . Gross premiums re­ ceived during the year................................. Premiums returned dur­ ing the year................. Losses paid during the year ............................... 1-oeses incurred during the year ......................... Total amount of risks outstanding in Ore­ $3,968,758.34 gon December31. 1910. Premiums received dur­ 47.96». 16 ing the year in cash $3,608,526.22 Interest, d dividends and rents received during 335,279.20 the year ........................ Income from other sour­ 6,108.97 ces received during 3,148.35 151.43 the year ....................... .. le, ion TILLAMOOK RIVERS. 1.861.31 B y A rthur W allace . MODERN METHODS OF BUY ING ON THE FARM. (In connection with Physical Geo­ Average Farmer Prefers to Buy graphy Class). His Goods Direct and Have Of New York, in the State of New Tillamook County, one of the Them Delivered at His Door. York, richest in the state, is situated£in On the 31st day of December. 1910, The average farmer of today feels I the northwestern part ot Oregon that he has as much right to have made to the Insurance Commis­ sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ withan area of about 700 «/) acres. Ins goods delivered at his door as suant to law : 482,740. »9 Total income . ... 102,600.00 It lias a mild climate with a heavy | the party who lives in town, and l rainfall, the average temperature as time goes on the tendency in the C apital . Total liabilities ............ $ 875,265.57 D isbursements . R ochester G erman I nsurance Co. being iilMiut 50.5 degree*? The farming communities is more and Total insurance in force I ,By A.T. O gby , {President more towards buying their supplies Amount of capital paid Losses paid during the daily winds generally blow from December 31. 1910.. $76,117,619.00 ¿up $ I«).«».«) ¡direct and having them delivered “year and adjustments.$1,719,810.35 1 Statutory resident general | agent the west or northwest or from the i right at their door. As a result of Ì and^attorney for service : B usin ess in O regon for the Y ear . Dividends paid during I ncome . G eo . S. R odgers . sea The reason for this is because these conditions in all the enter­ the year on capital Total risks written dur ­ Premiums received 201,049.79 stock-.................................. the air over the land becomes much prising farming communities you ing the year ............... $ will find the grocer's wagon, tea 15,649.00 during the year .......... $53,160,164.02 Commissions and sal­ Synopsis of the annual statement warmer on a warm day than the air and Gross premiums received coffee wagons, ineat wagons, Interest, dividends and aries paid during the of the during the year.............. over tlie sea. This heavy or cool . modern medicine wagons, etc. 647.22 rents received during year 1,055,867.68 air’rises and flows in over the land j There is no getting around the '«•be year....................... 21,839,301.3U Premiums returned dur­ Taxes, licensee and fees ing the year..................... fact that these institutions for the 231.81 127,683,4: Income from other paid during the year. as a cool refreshing sea breeze, I convenience ot the farmers are Losses paid during the ■ources received dur- Amount of all other ex ­ pushing upward the warm light air year.......... ....................... here to stay. 33.31 270,474.76 Of Boston in the State of Mass­ .. ing the year............. 1,290,027.81 penditures ................... that rests on the land. ‘ " achusetts, One thing that is particularly not- — Losses incurred during the year ........................... 46.06 | Total income......... $76.289,493.13 Total expenditures. $3,374,886.01 on the 31st day of December, 1910, (At night tlie^land breeze blows out iceble is. that the sale of domestic Total amount of risks made to the Insurance Commis­ over the water because the la ml cools medicines, stock remedies, flavor­ outstanding in Oregon ing extracts, spices, toilet articles, sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ D isbursements . A ssets . by radiation faster than the water, etc., thought the medium of the December 31, 1910 .... $ 20,385.00 suant to law: ________ Value of real estate Paid for losses, endow thus sliding out over the water and modern medicine wagons driven by C apital . owned............................. * 468,00000 I ments, annuties and O ld C olony I nsurance C ompany . pushing tip the warm air that rests up to-date salesmen of today has Value of stocks and fejpurrender values. .. $42,544,513.04 By C harles D. H odgis , Secretary. grown to an enormous proportion Amount of capital paid there. bonds owned ............. 5,892,935.00 Dividends paid to Statutory resident general agent in the 10 to 15 years. Of course, all up ................. $1,000, «»).«! Loans on mortgages I. policy holders during and attorney for service : Tlie winds that blow from the manufacturers are right after the INCOM E. and collateral, etc.... 1,615,205.25 Bfbe year......................... 10,575,156.92 W illiam J. C lemens . south and southwest as a general farmer's trade and as a result of Cash in bank and on Dividends paid on rule are a sign of storms fot two this competition there lias been n hand ........... ........ 226,150.85 Premiums received dur­ capital stock during ing the year................. $3,077,065.63 reasons : (1) Those winds which are great improvement in tin- quality of 7,000.00 Synopsis of the annual statement Premiums in course of '. the year......................... the goods handled by these wagons, Interest, dividends and of the collection and in blowing from tlie south are steadily and our farmer friends tell us that it Commissions and sala­ rents received during transmission ......... 764,562.48 ry ties paid during the 245,794.52 advancing toward a cooler region, is a recognized fact in tlie farming the year......................... Interest and rents due 6,212,690 18 and (2) in some places tlie air is for­ communities that a superior line of Income from other sour ­ and accrued............ .. 76,228.86 s, licenses and goods is handled by wag _ these ‘ jona, ces received during ced to rise over highlands, like the compared ..................... __ a paid during the ilar lines of gi goods with similar 5,006.15 the year ......................... Of Philadelphia, in the State of Total assets ............... $9,043,082.44 1,100,021.14 Appalachians and New England. ¿the year............... usually sold over the county iu Pennsylvania. ’’Amount of all other ex- The rainfall of New England aver­ town. Total income .................. $3,328,556.30 On the 31st day of December, 1910, Less special deposits 5,067,547.19 penditure ................... The idea is right here, that these ages about 114 inches per yi-rr. The made to the Insurance Commis­ in any state (if any D isbursements . medicine companies do not go t>* heaviest rains occur from November the expense of much newspnpe.I there be) ....... ........... $ 61,800.00 Total expenditures $65,506,928.47 sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ suant to law : Losses paid during Total assets ad­ to the first of January. There are advertising and as a result they 1,629,110.05 the year .............. A ssets . mitted in Oregon $8,981,282.44 four seasons of Tillamook County, are enabled to give n large pack­ C apital . Dividends paid during as follows: Summer from June to age of surperior goods at a less Market value of real the year on capital L iabilities . Amount of capital paid price then the manufacturer who «State owned ............ $ 28,979,200 66 300,000.00 stock ........ ............... September, Fall from September to marked their goods through other HP..................................... Nil. Gross claims for losses Mafket value of stocks Commissions and salar­ December, Winter from December channels. To illustrate the Idgli unpaid ......................... $ 309,579.27 and bonds owned . 271,445,876.47 ies paid during the I ncome . Amount of unearned I Loans on mortgages 904,791.76 to March, and Spring' from March quality of these preparations it is year................................. only necessary t<> mention iiir fact preme. on all out­ to June. and collateral, etc.... 99,474,873.36 Premiums received dur­ Taxes, licenses anil fees that the most of these medicine ing the year .............. $18,529,895.90 standing risks ......... 4,553,041.75 I Premium notes and paid during the year. Tillamook County lias eight im­ salesmen practically leave their Interest, dividends and Due tor commission % policy loans ............. Amount of all other ex­ portant rivers and numerous other goods on trial with their customer« rents received during and brokerage .......... 151,393.89 Cash in banka and on penditures ................... and ask no money unless the goods small streams. The eight and a bio­ the year......................... 5,469,805 56 All other liabilities ... hand ............................. 9,903,523.09 are satisfactory. This plan of sell­ Income from other Special reserve fund . graphic note of each are as follows: Net uncollected and Total expenditures 3,058,873.08 ing naturally appeals to the farmer sources received dur­ Capital and surplus... deferred premiums .. 5,014,105.57 The Nehalem, the largest anil long­ and as a result moat every farmer ing the year.................. 431,556.04 A ssets . Other assets (net)........... 5,124,823.56 est, is in the northern part of the buys at least a part of his supplies Total liabilities ... $8,981,282.44 " Market value of real es- countv about twenty seven miles from the medicine wagons. Total income.......... $24,431,"257.50 Total insurance in force Total assets ad­ There was a time before the enact­ 34,000.00 from Tillamook City. ......... December 31, 1910 $848,578 241.00 Ttate owned It has two mitted in Oregon $485,192,957.33 D isbursements . ment of the pure food laws over the Market value of stocks B usiness in O regon for the L iabilities . 4.709,345.00 branches, the South-fork and the country that there were a lot of old and bonds owned Paid for losses, endow­ Y ear . North fork. Gasoline boats can tra­ peddlers of fake nostrums travel­ Loans on mortgages ments, annuities and Net reserve _______ .................... $■ 670,400.00 vel several miles on each one, the ing about the country marketing and collateral, etc. .. written 1 surrender values .... $ 9,872,178,10 Tqtal risks Total policy r claims entirely different line of stuff, during the year .... $1,419,145.00 Cash in banks and on •Dividends paid*« ho average depth about twelve miles .an paid*«l>to ____ .labilities ... ▲11 other lia but the enactment of the pure food 414,254.93 hand .......... .................... Gross premiums re­ polle cy holders dur- from mouth being ten feet. It is Annual dividend poli­ laws seems to have driven this un­ Premiums in course of ceived during the year .................. 'ng the t , ............ » 2,079,984.55 cies payable to policy important for transportation to mid desirable class of venders out of collection and in trans­ yedr ................................. Dividends paid on capi ­ holders ...... .............. 2,450,000.«) 497,665.98 from Nehalem and other places on the held nnd it is very doubtful if mission ........................... Premiums returned dur­ Deferred di vidends.... 67,044,306.00' tal stock during- the one of these old time fakirs could go 3,287.80 Interests andTrents due ing the year .............. year ............................... the river, also for fish. Nil. into the average farming com­ 84,617.34 and accrued ................. Losses paid during' the Commissions and sal ­ The Big Nestuccn, the second in munity and do enough business to Total liabilities... .$478,932.905.66 8,755.65 year..................................... aries 'paid during the tai insurance in force . $6,470,283.25 size and length, is in the south­ keep a going. The farmer of today Total assets year ............................... 2,552,009.10 Losses incurred during tec. 31, 1910 .......... $1,347,158,692,00 8,683.91 ern part of the county, about demands the best goods because he year ............................. Taxes, licenses and ban the money to pay for them. Less special deposits in Total amount of risks lusiNEsa in O regon for the fees paid during the sixteen miles south of Tillamook Tinies are not whut they were 25 any State (if any outstanding in Ore­ > Y ear . year ............................... 568,069.41 City. It is over 50 miles long anil years ago when grain and stock 7,797.28 there be) ....................... gon, December 31, Amount of all other ex­ Total risks written dur flows into the Pacific Ocean. It has were selling at a low price and Total assets admitted 1910 ................................. penditures .................. every farm had a mortgage upon ing year ......................... 9 306,500.00 •In addition to the 1,106,410.73 in Oregon..................... 6,462,485.97 an average depth of eight feet, it. Gross premiums re- T he A merican I nsurance Co. f eight miles from mouth. It is im ­ above abatements the ,- ioeived during the year L iabilities . The farmer of today is the moat By P hilemon I.. H oadley , Pres. Company allotted to portant for transportation in and independent person on earth. They collected in state Statutory resident general agent Amount of unearned deferred distribution A $158,464.39. out of Cloverdule mid for fish pro­ are independent and they know it, and attorney for service: premiums on all out policies the sum of and woe to the person who tries to Ditto outside state $41,- A lexander h . B irrelt . duct. standing risks ............ 1,945,097.71 $1,126,076.94 (which is dictate as to how nnd were they £•17.00............................... 200,381.39 Gross claims for losses carried in liabilities), The Tillamook river, the third in shall spend their money. —Duluth HB$ases paid during the Synopsis of the annual statement 403,408.39 making the total ap­ unpaid ............................ 59,319.45 size and sixth in length, is about Telegraph-Herald, Muy 28, 1900. of the Due for commission portionment of sur ­ . itosses incurred during four miles south of Tillamook City, plus during 1910, Amount of unearned R. R. Roberts, representing J. R. the year......................... 59,319.45 $3,206,061.49. premiums on all out­ It is about 30 miles long mid flows Watkins Medical Co., who has the Total amount of risks 1,945,097.71 standing risks .......... ... Tillamook _ ______ county, ... .. fo ______ for into the Tillamook Bay. The grrat- agency outstanding in Ore- ’and brokerage.............. 61,509.01 Total expenditures $10,178,651.89 Of Rochester in the State of N.Y. ^fcpnPec 31, 1910 . .. $ 4,903.258.00 est importance of this river is the now located in Tillamook City, and 79,248.23 All other liabilities ... will call on you soon. He carries On (In- 31st dai of 1 )<■<-i-inbi-r, 1910, A ssets . trout and salmon caught in it. II spices and extracts, toilet articles, Otax E quitable L ife A ssurance made to the Insurance Commis­ $2,489,263.34 Total liabilities .............. •* S ocitby of the U.S. is also important for rafting logs. stock and poultry, tonic and med­ sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ Market value of real Total insurance in force W. A. D ay , Vice-President, estate owned.............. $1,929,455.32 suant to law : The Wilson river being fourth in icine. Residence one block west of December 31, 1910.... 302,114,678.00 latutory resident general agent Market value of stocks new blacksmith shop iu tin*. size and fifth in length, is about the C apital . Fattorney for service—Jesse G. Aiderman property. Both phone«. and bonds owned.... 41,390,148.33 B usinbss in O regon for T he one mile north of Tillamook City. inett, Portland, Or. David C. Loans on mortgages Y ear . rrin, agency manager, 306-7-8 It is about forty miles long and and collateral, etc. . . 49.075,500.33 Warning to Railroad Men. ^^jgonian building, Portland, Or. Premium notes and Total risks written dur­ flows into the Tillamook Bay. This Look out for severe and even - Jessep. Bennett, Agency cashier. policy loans ................. 353,451.00 ing the year .................... 18,455,877.34 river is very important to Tilla dangerous kidney and Idaddftr E — Premiums received dltr- Gross premiums receiv­ Cash in banks and on trouble resulting from years of hand ............................... 2,607,394.81 ingthe year.................. $ 1,584,886.35 13,709.77 mook City ami county for the saw railroading. Geo. E. Bell, tK19 Third ed during the year ... Synopsis of the annual statement logs that is brought down it year Interest, dividends and Preminina returnedilur- Net uncollected and de ­ St., Fort Wayne, Ind., wns many of the rents received during 3,815.82 after year, for its fish and rich sed- years a conductor on the Nickel ing the year .................. ferred premiums .... 1.905,264.40 150,208.96 laisses paid during the the year ......................... Interest and rents due ment left on the lands after over­ Plate. He any says : “Twenty ' years of Income from othersour- and accrued.................. year.................................... 1,561.21 railroading left It my kidneya in ter- Of Boston in the State of Mass­ Other assets (net).......... 1,397,233.53 flowing. ces received during Losses incurred during 11,147.43 There was s con- achusetts, The Trask river being fifth in size rible condition, 12,7:19.62 the year.................. ... 1,696.20 the year ................ acriisa my back and tinui on the Slat daj of December, 1910, Total amount of risks Total assets.......... $116 803,021.49 and third in length, empties into hips kidneya gave mt-much made to the Insurance Commission­ Total income.............. $ 1,747,843.93 outstanding in Oregon special deposits the Tillamook river. It is about distress, and the action of my er of the State of Oregon, pursuant l.ess 365,301.00 in any State December 31, 1910 .... 8,700.00 to law : fifty miles long, is just south of bladder was frequent anil moat D isbursements . B oston I nsurance C ompany , Tillamook City. Trask river i« an­ painful. I got a supply ot Foley Total assets ad­ C apital . Misses paid during the ___ Pills lind tile first bottle Kidney By W ill RCKDG e , Vice-President. other river of very much importance marie a wonderful improvement and mitted in Oregon $116,794,321.49 809,305.48 year .............................. $ Amount of capital paid Statutory resident general ¡igent Dividends paid on capi­ to Tillamook City mil county on four bottles cured me completely. up.................... $400,000.00 and attorney for service: L iabilities . tal stock during the account of its fish and hatchery, Since lieing cured I have recom­ G eo . S. R odgers , I ncome . 70,000.«) year ................................... mended Foley Kidney Pills to maoy Net reserve................ $99,146,904.00 Commissions and sala­ 146 Second St., Portland, Oregon. timber and rich land alioilt it. Premiums received dur­ of my railroad friends.”—C'. I. Total |>olicy claims 416,870.81 The Little Nestuccn river, the ries paid during the ing the year in cash. $ 513,835.X3 Allother liabilities, in- ("lough. Tar is the “Foley’s Honey and a year ........................... 534,091.19 Interest, dividenda.and eluding dividend ■c- liest cough remedy I 1 ever used ns it sixth in size and fourth in length, A Special Medicine lot Kidney Taxes, licenses and fees rents received during cumulation........... ... 12,027, Hflñ. 55 ____ _____ rl___ j a severe cough is about forty-five miles long mid stopped Ailments. paid during the year. 71,575.24 quickly 32,737.43 Surplus ..................... ... the year ......................... 4,002,001.13 Amount tnat had long troubled me," sayji flows into the Big Nestuccn river. Many elderly people have found of all other ■bcome from other sour- W. Kuhn, Princeton, Nebr. Just so This river is important for trims- in Foley’s Kidney R< medy a quick expenditures . ............ 145,64«. (« jrT ces received during Total liabilities... $116,794,321.49 quickly and surely it acts in all portation in small I hhi I h and for relief and permanent benefit from 7.65 Total K the year ........................... insurance in cases of coughs, colds, lagrippe kidney and bladder ailments and Total expenditures. $1,631,217.91) force Dec. 31, 1910., 499,563.062,00 and lung trouble. Refuse substi­ freshwater on tiilelmids. from annoying urinary irregulari­ Total income ............. $ 546,581141 B usiness tutes. — C. I. Clough. The Kelcliis river being seventh __ _______ A ssets . ties due to advancing years. Isaac in O regon for the in size and length, is about three N. Regan, Farmer, Mo., say«: Y ear . D isbursements . Book value of real The mostcoinmon cause of insoi n It in “Foley’s Kidney Remedy effected a Total risks written dur­ estate owned.................. $ 793.135.67 nia is disorders of the stomac h. miles north of Tillamook. complete cure in my cnae and I JLosses paid during the ing the year.................. $349,740.00" Market value of stocks Chamlierlain’a Stomach and Livir about twenty-five miles long and year •................................... Gross premiums re­ and bonds owned .... 1,053,297.50 Tablets correct these disorders arad Hows intoTillarnook Bay. It is im- want other« to know of it.”—('. 1. Dividends paid during Clough. ____ ____ ceived during the Ixians on mortgages enable you to sleep. For aale b”y jiortiirtt for its fish mid timber. fthe year on capital year . .............. .......... 191 007.12 and collateral, etc... 2X1,065.00 Lamar’s Drugstore. / Hacks School Principal 8,000.00 Premiums stock ............................... Tlie Miami river, the lightli in returned Cash in banks and on Sommissions and salar- A severe attack on school prin­ 10,785.35 during the year____ _ 300,646.43 hand ............................... aize anil length, is about eleven F ic“ paid during the Ixisses paid during the Premiums in course of indies north of Tillamook City. It cipal, Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvanja, 'year ................................... 158,218.62 Ga., is tliii« told by him. “For year................................. 68,227.00 collection and is very important for its timber and more than three years,” he writes, Taxes, licenses, and fees transmission ... Ixissea incurred during 240,686.15 ps*d during the year 24,702.80 good trout fishing. It is about "I suffered indescribable torture year................................. 65,227.00 Interest and rents due Amoui.t of ail other ex- Total amount of risks and accrued .... 21,067 85 TEAMING AND HAULING twe nty miles long and has more i from rheumatism, liver and stom­ 9Expenditures................ ... 5,966.70 trouble and diseased kidneys. outstanding in Ore­ tintl»er than any other river in the ach Mmenta" balances cbgd off 201.84 All remedies failed till 1 used Elec­ ,...$ 2,643,098.00 gon Dec. 31, 1910.... 4.888,384. fX) Total assets GRAVEE SCREENED OR comity. tric Hitters, but four bottles of thia I zhh special deposits Total expenditures . $535,929 45 T he P enn . M utual U fe I nsur . wonderful remedy cured me com­ in any State (if any ance C ompany . pletely.” Such reaults are com­ 134,975.«) there tie) ................... UNSCREENED. A ssets . Haa MiUiona Of Prienda By J ohn H umphreys , Sec, mon. Thousands tile«« them for Total assets admitted How would you like lo niiiiiler ' curing stomach trouble, female ralue of real estate in Oregon .................. $2,508,123.60 Statutory resident general agent your friends by millioria aa Buck- 900 00 and attorney for service ; WOOD FOR SflbE. owned......................... .. $ complaint«, kidney disorder«, bil­ Irn'« Arnica Salve doea ? Ita as- ’slue of stocks and and for new health snd K. I. H armon , tounding cures in the paat forty iousness. 71fl.7M.OO Bkonda owned .............. vigor. Try them. Only 5flc. at 7:«> Marquant Bldg., Portland. yearn | imi«lc them. lis the liest Grom claims for losses Bell Telephone, 1387. MUis on mortgages ("has. I. ('lough. Salve i n the world íor sores, lili ers r.iipaul................. ........ 1«),613.35 53. «XI00 M h $ collateral, etc... eczem ». Imrns, I mh I s , scalrls, cuta, (ah in banka and on Synopsis of the annual statement Amount of unearned Foley Kidney Pills. coran, «ore eyes, nprains, «wellings, premiums on all out­ XI, 948.28 of the Neutralize and remove the |>oisons liriiineH. coid «oren. Has no equal standing risks ............... 1,3KI,«71.38 ■Hniums in course of that cause backache, rheumatism, Due for commission for pil rw- 2ftc at. Cha». L < longli. nervousness and all kidney ami CwUection and trans- and brokerage ..... — 07.488.29 bladder irregularities. They build All other liabilities,.... («»4,438.87 at and renta due A Coil, LaGrippe, then Pneumonia. up and restore the natural action of OPPOSI ft THE ALLEN HOUSE 3.1 XL«) ; Of Newark in the state of New Jersey. accrued ................ Is too often the fatal sequence. them- vital organs. C. I. Clough "On the 31st day of December, 1910, Total líala lilies _______ $2,SM,IZ«.6O Corner Stillwell Ave. and Fira Foley's Honey and Tar expels the Total ta .. $875.265.57 ¡inaile to the Insurance Conimis- Total insurance in force A Mother’s Safeguard cold, ctiecks the Ingrippe, and pre I sioner of the State of Oregon, pnr- Decern I >er 31. 1910. F228.*«.92I142 St. West, and both Phones. Foley’s Honey and Tar for the Vents pneumonia. It is a prompt j suant to law : fean special deposit« land reliable cougli im-lui.ie that children. 1« lient and »ate«t for *11 in «her States I if any C apital . PiOIALTY IM ALL KIMO OF CAK £• I contain» ho narcotic«. It is as safe coughs, colds, croup, wtoooi lug­ there be>..................... . 1 for your children as yourself.—t . I. cough and bronchils. No oPUM? x Amount of capital paid Total risks written dur­ Mal assel« admitted ALL KINO OF BREAD C I. ClouglL Clough. up........................................$1,«XL<00.00 ing the year------- ... W4,W9.UI $ 875,265.57 in'Oregua ................... 46t). 15 Boston Insurance Com­ pany, Penn. Mutual Life In­ surance Company, Rochester German surance Co., In­ Old Colony Insurance Co. John B. Langley The American Insurance Company, s. VIERECK. Tillamook Bakery. I j If