■1 1. AUGES OF ASIA. * C- ie Untamed Chites of Tibet Are Idolaters and Cannibals. URDER IN THEIR RELIGION. i Their Wild C«r«moni*s th« Priests Thsss Barbarians Offer Up Hu- ¿•t Sacrificee to Their Grot«squ« and Rppuleive Stone Gode. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 16, 1911. c EXPERT PITCHERS. Th* Curious Way They Serve Bread at Meals In Yucatsn. At school, if we remember aright, says the author of "The American Egypt." the bread throwing was an offeuae punishable with the sixth book of the Aenld to write out uml the loss of a half holiday as the minimum penalty. In Yucatan It Is all the fashion In the highest circles. No sooner bad we taken our pluies ut the table tbau an Indian maid brought tn. bolding them In her brown bands, a towering pile of soft white doughy tortillas, each about us big as a large biscuit. These she placed at the side of our hostess, who at once began to throw them to us all. It win ho adroitly done that before you bud recovered from the amaze­ ment with which the mere ai t Oiled you. you found yourself admiring the exquisite dexterity of the gentle thrower. A tortilla whizzed circling ivross the table under your very nose anil laud cd with delicate softness like n tired dove ut the side of your host's plate! Whiz. whir, here comes another! Why, ft’» like IsHniicrnng throwing, for this Inrt. you'll declare, circled round yon liefore It sank nestling under the wittih the movements of those muy tune been the boundaries of this other companies ....... 418.87 Cash in bunks and on PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, lands hereinafter described, giving, | I • the walls. We had Just time to forest in amlent times, for that ex­ band and in hands of however, to the owner or owners of Total liabilities. . . . $3,581,453.12 i our place of concealment when cellent custom of the court of the re trustees.......................... 34,925.06 adera of the pris-esalou entered gurders bus goue out of use. whl-li Total premiums in force BAY CITY, OREGON. any lands abutting or fronting on such Premiums in course of Dec. 31, 1911) ............. $4,146,468.02 wus wont to Impress the bounds su •tee narrow orifice mid halted While collection und in trans­ tide and overflow lands, the preference ,j torch»« were being lit to guide their (Irmly on the memories of those whu mission ............................ 201,483.92 right to purchase said tide and overflow B usiness in O regon for the dwelt In the neighborhood. h prssnges through the gathering gloom Interest and rente due Y ear . R. BEALS, lands at the highest price offered, "The regurders used to tuke u survey und accrued................ 13,827.03 , Following them pressed the unkempt provided such offer is made in good ' V*utt- until the Interior of tlie dome of the forest every third year, aud lu Groan premiums re­ ceived during the year 33,809.54 Total assets faith, and also providing that the land Ted cave was tilled to the point of their train went u number of boys col­ REAL ESTATE, Premiums returned dur­ lected willy nllly from the Immediate will not be sold nor any offer therefor i pcntlon. ing the year................. 34.73 Total assets ad­ A* half an hour the ear torturing vicinity. The boys were chosen be Losses paid during the F inancial A gent , mitted in Oregon $1,473,042.21 accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, «Strife of dlar-ord waxed louder at every cause It was held that the memories year................................ the Board reserving the right to reject 5,309.83 of the young ure good. Yet It was L iabilities . Louses incurred during moment until a hundred devils In tiu any and all bids. Said lands are situated Tillamook, Oregon. the year........................ 4,529.15 1 man form flitted lienemh the flare of found to be desirable to Impress them in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­ Gross claims for losses flickering torches. A frenzied ent bust I llriuly with the actual limits lest uuy M aryland C asualty C ompany . unpaid............................ 527,361.05 cribed as follows: n»t would leap Into the air. lacerating wandering fiiucy should distract their By J. A. F. M itchell . Secretary. Amount of unearned Beginning at a point at the Govern­ QR- P. J. SHARP, attention at the lm|s>rtant moment, ! hl-naelf with a knife, grasping the gory Statutory resident general agetit premiums on all out­ ment Meander corner between sections ami so the boys were bumped heavily and attorney for service— G eorge S. standing risks............. atrip of flesh and grinding It under tils 409,479.80 2 and 3, T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South upou the ground whenever the bound­ R odgers . Due for commission and heel, or taunting n nelglitsir Into the side of Nehalem Bay, and running RESIDENT DENTIST, ary was reached, or If the limit were brokerage .................... 52.004.96 thence: rptrlt of emulation t»y tlnunttn-y liefore a stream that was much better, for All other liabilities .. .. 13,300.00 Ids eve« the Kbnatly piece of flesh Sud N. 49 29' E. 151.0 feet along high Office across the street froir the the urchins were thrown In and 'pad Synopsis of the annual statement denly from out tin* iviupuet mass rose died alsiut' until their attention was water line. of the Total liabilities .... $1,092,745.80 Court House. N. 42 48- E. 7.75 feet along high ' a howl of mingled anguish nnd fury. awake. Total insurance in water line. 7 and a aolltsrv Individual mounted a force Dec. 31, 1910 $807,475.50 'Is that streniu the boundary?’ one Dr. Wise’s office. N. 40 01- E. 595.0 feet along high ’ ro.-t of platform nnd atretched forth of these witnesses was asked In hts B uuinebh in O regon for the water line. , fitr'hnnd. Evidently he was a high riper ago. Of Boston in the State of Mass­ ________ Y ear . N. 32 51' E. : 266.5 feet along high priest Instantly there was silence < “ 'E m ? he answered hastily, ’M*, achusetts, water line. S ARCHET, Total risks written dur ­ The light of the torches enabled ua to that 'fl*, I’m sure o’t by the snme on the 31st day of December, 1910, N. 21 - 31' E. 255.0 feet along high ing the year .. ......... $2,296,849.99 ■ee the man who had mounted the plat . The Fashionable Tailor, water line. token that 1 were tossed luto't and inaile to the Insurance Commission­ Groee premiums re­ 4 form. He was a tall, gaunt Individ­ paddled atiout there like n water rat er of the Stute of Oregon, pursuant N. 7° 0T E. 402.0 feet along high ceived during the to law : ual. All Ills right aide was naked, and till I were hunfo deead.* ” year ............................ 44 580.57 , water line. ( .eauing, Pressing and Repair­ West, 12.0 feet to low water line, hla face waa covered with gaping route Premiums returned C apital S. 9- 44- W. 400.0 feet (luring the year......... of knife wounds, from which blood along low ing a Specialty. 4,270.08 Amount of capital paid water line. When Not to 8moke. Losses paid during the • trickled. up........... ................... $5tK),Ot)O.(IO S. 24 53' W. By exhausting the salivary accretion year ... . ............. 248.0 feet along low 24,451.98 “A mirment of coarse cloth covered water line. Store in Heins Photographic Losses incurred during I ncome . ' lit«’Isxly tielow the waist. Roon we smoking liefore meals prevents the year............................... 24,451.98 ' S. 32 51' W. 266. 0 feet along low physlulogleal action of the saliva on - saw five others follow him upon the Premiums received dur ­ water line. Gallery. Total amount of pre­ starchy foods. Smoking Just liefore platform, which was of raised earth. ing the year in cash S. 40 18'W. 584.0 feet along $ 015,81X40 miums outstanding in going to lied la often followed by In- , hi a receaa In the wall nt the rear of Interest, dividends.and water line. (Jregon Dec. 31, 1910 L and O ffice B usiness $6.096.40 nouuila. tieeause the stomach contains Phone A. lijOS rents received during the pintform one could see the dis­ S-21 W. 80.0 feet along low wat­ a S pecialty . a quantity of unneutrallxed Juice, T he F rankhirt M arine , A ccident the year .................... er line. 33,222.83 torted form of a gigantic Image a which Irritates the mucosa and gives I ncome from other sour­ A P late G lass I nsurance C o . S. 49 29 W. 72.0 feet along low OWING & cowinc atony. tui|>aa»tve figure of such gro rime to n sensetIon of hunger. This By C. H. F ranklin , ces received during water line. trxRpie ugltiiena that one could not help V.S. Manager and Attorney. the year........... .............. distressing consequence may Im avert »82.37 South, 60.0 feet to place of begin- LAWYERS. i wondering how a race of |ieople. how- Statutory resident general agent , ning, containing 1.55 acres of tide land el by Inking either some light food or •rer unerlightened, could bring them and attorney for service : K o °T h ?.3Î W o ‘, c «8T«» Bi n ms«., Total income $ 639,918.06 a little bicarbonate of mnln liefore re­ 1HIRD AND O ak S trkktk selves tn worship an object of such re J as . 1). H art , Attorney for service, N ’ r "10 vJ’°n IX>U 4 * 6' SeC‘ 2’ T' 2 Room tiring to rest In order to neutralise the Ne it to the (J s l.and o«<*. DISBURSEMENTS. Rodgers llart-Gibson Co., pi.lalvenexa aocretlou. Ixtudon luiniet. Applications and bids should be ad­ 910 912 Chamtier of Commerce, “At last a fearful moment was at PORTLAND, OREGON. Losses paid during the Phone Marshall 1585. Portland. Or. dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State hand An old man was seised and year................................... $508111 31 Justification. Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and mark ­ stretched upon a sort of «tone altar, "You admit, then, do you, O'Shaugh­ Dividend* paid daring RS. ALICIA PHELPS rais'd above the platform lie realised Synopsis of the annual statement ed "Application and bid to purchase the year on capital t ide lands. ’ ’ Ills Inat hour had (Time, and he at rug- nessy, that you assaulted your friend?" of the stock ...... 30,0X1.60 asked ths Judge. G. G. Brown, fried in fear 9. nd fury to eacnpe from Commissions unit salar "Sure an' “««t ready to leap upon Its prey, he \ allie of tsmds owned MnäSjÄä TOE MOOT — — _■ $5t»MUKB 948,232.1)0 _“V Duty. Loans on mortgages nrd the penetrate form. A 5.011.60 I ncome . iHEUQfTBT COHFORTABLE Duty la a piwer which risen with ua Culli in hunks anil on ers on *• at nicht It Is coextensive with the Premiums in course of collection ...................... 117,671161 Interest, dividend« nnxl tW *>r rise aud alia«« th«oi«elvr». aetlou of our Intelligence It is the Interest accrued ...... . rent« received during 10.167.37 k 3* *m quickly the minor jirieats shadow whh h cleaves to ua. go where the year ....................... 148,868.35 L Itfeleaa body and held It In we wilt, and which only leaven un Total asset« ......... $1.3». Mi 25 Inoiitir from other aour- when w* lewva the light of Ilf* -Glail ■Wbtk For a moment It «ilhouetted Lena «pacta! *le|vo*itn ce« received during in Georgia in excene the fltful glare of th* fire: then «tone the year ......................... 5.RK42 leaped in the oí liabilities therein dr Bune* leaped forward I* eager lXOTUt* «ro because it Total income «■(By to rwolvv their prey. •*w4««t 'nation. .. $2,77Ut«M72 *W5 longest Tod Too know money L your beat Total asset« admitted Diane MB M ENTW in Oregon ............... $1.254.71X17 friend Ned-Yes, and the trouble la fitidneaa In m la the lAtene« (mid during I I IHII ITIKS T the that the beet of frteuda must i»rt.— Mint« th* «ting of year, including adji Ijuat- Judge. Groas claims tor loases .”*■"'• ,*’**"*•’,*'* $1.10*. 744.® I TMtJH1.3U Dividenti« imid during Frankfort Marine & Plate Glass Insurance w Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company. ; M Standard Accident Insur­ ance Company, Painless Dentistry POMMEL (SLICKER ♦