Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 16, 1911, Image 1

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Vol. XXIII. No. 42
An Opportune
This is a good time to start yiur busi­
ness on a systematic basis.
We would suggest that you deposit
your money with this bank subject to
By paying all your hills and
aud obligations by check you will be
enabled to keep an absolute record of
all such transactions.
Bills paid by check stay paid.
i* (
Dr. Morria, eye specialist.
Pennies Wanted at the Tillamook
County Bank.
I have one ton of oat hay for sale.
—Virgil Donaldson.
Good work horse for sale cheap.
Apply to W'ebb Maddux.
I pay 8c. pound for Calf Hides at
my shop.—N. E. Melchoir.
Dement’s Beat Flour is second to
none.—Tillamook Feed Co.
H. C. Hanson has rented County
Judge Mason's place north of town.
Write or phone to E. G. Ander­
son, Hemlock, for Cedar Fence
A small farm to sell or trade for
town property on easy terms—J. R
A. B. Saling vs. Chas. Chaffee is
a suit filed in the circuit court to
recover $350.
It will pay you to sec the Tilla­
mook Feed Co. before you buy
your Alfalfa hay.
H. Sours, cheapest and best paper
hanger in town.
Leave orders at
King A Smith Co.
Setting of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50
and $2.00 for 15 eggs.—C A. Corn-
forth, Tillamook, Ore.
The Tillamook Feed Co. will guar­
antee the weight of every bale of
their hay to be correct.
A telephone line is to l>e construct­
ed between this city and Bayocean
by the Potter Reality Co.
For sale, one team and wagon, 3Vi
inch. Will sellcheap. C.W. Thom­
as, on the Vaughn place.
Monk Woods, R. O. Richards and
John Creecy .were in town Monday
from the Upper Nestucca.
LoiaA. MacMahon vs. Agnes Reed
is a suit filed in the circuit court to
obtain title to certain lands.
Mrs. Hill will have fresh fruit and
candies in on every boat. Try her
delicious cakes and sallads.
Rev. S. G. Finney will preach both
morning and eveningat the Presby­
terian Church next Sunday.
Studebaker Wagonsand Buggies,
plows, harrows and machinery of
all kinds at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
Celebrate St. Patrick’s day by at­
tending the K. of P. Ball at the
Commercial Clubrooms Friday eve.
The Epworth League of the Metho­
dist Church held its regular month­
ly business meeting Tuesday even­
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kinnaman, of
Beaver, were in town Saturday visit­
ing with Mr Kinnamon’s son, Al­
The highest Cash Price |>aid for
all kinds of Furs, Hides and Sheep
Pelts. N. E. Melchior, Tillamook,
In buying Furniture, rememlter
tAat Jones Knudson Furniture Com­
pany will give 10 per cent discount
for cash.
Subscribe for the Tillamook Head­
light «nd the Weekly Oregonian.
Both newspaper» for one year for
only $3.25.
It is expected that the ease against
John Chang, the Chinese doctor,
will come up before Justice Stanley
on Saturday.
Ask your neighbor about De­
ment Best Flour, they all say that it
can’t be beat for good bread.—Till­
amook Feed Co.
The Tillamook Lumber Mfg, Co.
saw mill, having resumed operations
is now prepared to fill all orders at
last year’s prices.
Prizes will be offered at our
County Fair this] fall for garden
truck. Buy your garden tools from
—K ing & S mith C o .
The Eastern Star has jxistponed
its play, which was to take place on
Saturday, on account of the death
of Mrs. Mary E. Phelps.
Don’t miss the social event of the
seasen,—attend the K. of P. Ball
given at the Commercial Club Friday
evening]by Marathon Lodge.
Just received a quantity of stumping
Secure what you need at
The following passengers left on
the Golden Gate: E. Randall, A. E.
Emerson, E. N. Morgan, three from
Bay City and two from Garibaldi.
Phone your orders to the Tilla­
mook Feed Co. for Dement’s Best
Flour, it can’t be beat for good
bread, and they deliver it in the
Those coming in on the Golden
Gate this week were : A. F. Gard­
ner, Tom Johnson, M. V. Stillwell,
and two other passengers for Bay
Annual Ball by Marathon Lodge.
K. of P. ? at.Comtnercial Clnb, Fri­
day evening March 17th. Don,t forget
the date.
Come and have a good
Re-cleaned Seed Oats, a cream
separator, flour and feed of all
kinds, and a fresh lot of all kinds
of grass seeds at the Tillamook
Feed Co.
The ball game between the Emer­
sonian and Ciceronian Literary So­
cieties which was played last Tues
day resulted in the latter winning
by a score of 13-4.
We are taking orders for hay at
the following prices : Alfalfa, $19
ton ; oat. $21 ton ; No. 1 Timothy,
$27 ton. —H. C. K unze or W m . C ur
Tis. the Grain Man.
W. H. Johnson and H.B. Johnson
vs. L. E. Sanders and wife is a suit
filed in the circuit court for a judge­
ment and decree against the defend­
ants for certain lands.
We understand that the first is­
sue of the new pa, _T which is to lie
published at Bay City will make
its debut on Friday. We also un­
derstand that arrangement have
l>een made to take over the News
plant after the first of next month.
Nancy E. Olson vs. Norman Olson
is a divorce suit filed in the circuit
court. These parties were married
in Portland on the 19th of July.lWK.
and two children were born to the
plaintiff. The grounds for divorce
set out in the complaint is for de­
---------- --------- ----- .............. ...............
Will open in its new quarters Saturday, March i8th,
Rest Room for Ladies.
FREE”Saturday. a Stove Mat to
every Lady that visit the Store.
Clay Daniel and Dora Daniel vs.
I- H. Kenney, Gust Nelson, Hallie
Kopieske, Win. Kopieske and Peter
Nelson is a suit filed in the circuit
court to recover $30.I on a note.
The steamer Anvil brought in a
cargo of coal and if you want a good
fuel coal at reasonable prices see
This coal is washed anil
hand picked and is guaranteed
C. J. Chaffee has made some
needed improvements in this land?
he has been buying in Sunnymeade
of late. The more investors of his
type that we get the better for the
The SueH.Elmore left to-day with
the following passengers: D. Web­
ster, N. Fledract. A. Seraay, L.
Fitzpatrick, H. A. Philps, I.. Ouvs,
Mrs. A. B. Allison, A. J. W. Wrahu,
D. J. Curlson.
Any intelligent person may earn
a good income correapondir.g for
newspapers ; experience unneces­
Send stamp for full particu­
Empire Press Syndicate,
Middleport, N. Y.
Rev. C. D. Mayfield, of the Penta-
costal Church of the Nazarene, will
begin revival services in the Advent­
ist Church on Thursday, March 16tli,
at 7:30 p.m., providing the boat ar­
rives in time. Everybody is invited.
Base Ball: Players who are in­
rested in base ball should take a
look at our window. Only Spauld­
ing High Grade goods are shown
and the largest assortmant ever
in the city—K ing A S mith C o .
Two young men were arrested for
drunkenness last week and were
each fined $10 and five days in the
county jail. On promising to leave
the city right away the sentences
and fines were suspended.
In buying out grass seeds we
bought the best that money can buy
so if you want good seeds, come
and see us, but if you want a second
grade seed go somewhere else, as
wecarry only the best.—TILLAMOOK
F eed Co.
House cleaning time is drawing
near. Do not forget to use Alabas-
tine. Put in right over the old wall
paper. In all colors and anyone
can do the work.
Any ordinary
room can be made new for $1.1)0.—
K ing A S mith C o .
Wallace Edson, of Blaine, pleaded
guilty in Justice Stanley’s Court on
Wednesday to killing a buck deer
out of season and he was fined $50
and costs.
Another charge, of the
same kind, against him and V. F.
Leonard was suspended during
good behavior.
The Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co.
has a large amount of Kiln dried
lumber on hand, and the plainers
were set to work this week turning
out an order for Bay Ocean. There
is not much demand for lumber at
present, but it is expected that build­
ing operations will start up soon.
A certain party bought seed oats
in this city and finding them not
clean, spent one-half day in trying
to clean them up, and when he was
done he had taken ten pounds of
foreign matter from each sack, for
which he had paid seed oat price. —
The T illamook F eed Co. sell clean
A large member of friends and
relatives assembled at the Adven­
tist church last Saturday shortly be­
fore noon to pay their last respects
to Mrs. S. W. Conover. A very im­
pressive service Lwas held, after
which the body was taken to its last
resting place. Interement was made
in the I, O. O. F. cemetery.
The popular lodge play entitled
“Hilario Jocundi,” a Mother Gooae
Fallal, as being rehearsed and will
tie put on by some of the lady mem­
bers of Silver Wave Chapter Order
of Eastern Star on Saturday Even­
ing, March 18tli, in the Opera House.
The ladies are sparing no pains to
ma ke it a success.
„ Frank Rowe,of llieNelialem Valley
Bank,anil wife, were down from Ne­
halem the first of the week. Mr.
Rowe is interested in the new town
of Wheeler, anil an effort is being
made to secure a pay roll for that
place. Already arrangements have
been made to install a shingle mill
and another saw mill.
Some interest is being taken in the
nominations for officers fortlie Tilla­
mook Commercial Club, as the
election comes off at the monthly
j meeting next month.
| Webster Holmes has been nom
linated forthat [»oeition again and
I James Walter. Jr., to succeed him­
self as treasurer. Both of these gen-
| tiemen have devoted considerable
, time to the club the past year and
’ a great deal of the succeaa of the
club is largely due to tin ir active
work and interest they have taken
in it A effort is being made to
place Attorney George Willett in
nomination for Secretary. // r
, Last Saturday at three o’clock the
wedding of Geo. I_ Hunterand Mrs.
Francis G. Bailey was solemnized
by Reverend Emerick at the home
of the bride.
Mr. anil Mrs. Hunter
expect to reside in town. Mr. Hunter
having a fine carpenter trade here.
Their many friends wish them a
long and happy married life.
I “Dement's Best" flour. $1.35 per
sack. “Marvel" Brand flour $1.25
l»er Suck.
These prices will be in
effect from Mar. 13 to Mar. 18, inclu­
sive, for the purpose of introducing
our Hour, and proving to you that
Dement’s Best is the highest grade
Hard Wheat flour on the market.—
T illamook F eed C o .
Process Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack;
$30 ton. Shorts, 80 lbs., $1.15 sack;
$27 ton. Wheat, 100 lbs., $1.75 sack.
Oats, white, 100 lbs., $1.70 sack; $33
ton. Oats, gray seed, 1(M) lbs., $1.75
■ sack; $34 ton. Salt, Empire, 50 lbs.,
55c. Salt, half ground, 100 lbs., 55c.
Bran, 00 lbs., 80c.—W m . CURTIS, the
Grain Man.
P. S. Brumby, representing the
Blodgett Co., was in this week to
pay the taxes for that company, and
did so under protest.
He is inter­
ested in having the Governor ap­
point some fire wardens for Tilla­
mook as the last session of the State
Legislature iniide an appropriation
of $00,000 for the protection of the
timber of this state.
Life is too short to worry about
chickens scratching upyour gartlen
or your neighbor’s garden. The
largest shipment of Poultry Fence
that ever came into the county to
one firm has just landed. 45 rolls
in all and if stretched in one line
would measure 0750 ft.
Have it in
2 ft., 3 ft., 4 ft., 5 ft. and 6 ft. high.—
K ing a S mith C o .
While playing with a fire Tuesday
at their home wist of town, the five
year old child of Robert Portman
caught her dress afire and before the
blaze could be extinguished it had
burned a severe place on the child’ h
side. However the child lived until
noon Wednesday before succumbing
to pie injury.. Mr. Portman lives on
the L. L. Stillwell place.
We understand that work on the
United Railways, over the Wilson
River route, will start up in a few
weeks, and an effort will be made
to get it through this year. Work
will not only be commenced at both
ends, but railroad camps will be
started at ’different parts of the
route, and to overcome some of the
difficulties of obtaining stringers
and ties for the road, small saw
mills will Ire started at different
places, which will cutup the timber
obtained in the right of way.
The Executive Board of the Tilla­
mook Commercial Club had an in­
teresting meeting on Tuesday night
and took up a number of things
of interest to the club and city.
The Board adjourned until Monday
evening to meet with Mayor Tal­
mage to discuss city affairs and
city drainage.
The Port of Tilla­
mook will also be given an oppor-
tunity to meet with the Board to see
what can be done to expedite the
improvement of the harbor front and
channel to the bay, as the people
of this city are getting restive on
account of the delay in these im­
County Judge Homer Mason, who
was at Nelalen last week looking
over the Necarney mountain road
with the Clatsop County Court, is
not in favor of expending much
money on that road at present, as
there are no many other roads which
need fixing in the county, and which
will be of more lienefit to the citi­
zens. He will, however) consent to
sending the County Surveyor and a
board of viewers over the road this
year so as to ascertain what it is
Hable to cost to put it in shape.
The Judge, however, thinks that it
is away ahead of the times to im­
prove tlie I road, and ex|>end a
large amount of tax money u|s>i> it
when there are other roads needing
improving which are of far more
importance to the county.
Go to F. S. Whkeh< use 8c Son.
the leading agent*, for Bond, Acci­
dent and Fire Inautance. as they
write more than three-quarter* of
the insurance written In Tillamook
County, because they are better
equipped than any one else in the
At Last.
The famous (Grandronde Indian
School Farm has l>een sold to pri­
vate imrties who will di»|s>«e of it
at reasonable price, easy terms.
Why pay $3)M) to
per acre for
land when thia famous 140 acre
tract can tie bought 4« less.
For further particulars address
J. A. Bahr, Grandronde. who is
sole agent for same.
|i 5o per year.
will speak on, “A New Patch on
an Old Garment." You are cord­
Sheriff Crenshaw Rake* in About ially invited to all of these service*.
Sheriff Crenshaw will have take »
in about $225.<<M) of tax money when
he gets through with his corres­
pondence anil caught lip with a
number of local statements he has
not been able to get to yet on
account of rush of business in that
office. The rebate on taxes closed
on Wednesday night, and it will
take tlie tax collector several days to
get caught up. Below will be found
some of the amounts paid by the
large taxpayers :
BloilgetCo., Limited........ $10,356.43
Duncan A Brewer Lumber
Co............................. ............
Wilson River Lumber Co. 12,701.54
Lumberman's Timber Co.
J. W. A J. Henry Cochran.
Portland Timber Co.........
DuBois Lumber Co............
M. W. Harrison
Tillamook Yellow Fir ....
Oregon Logging and Tim-
be r Co ............................... 19,095.42
The Whitney Co., Limited 17,435.00
Hammond Lumber Co. .. . 25,700.00
Claude Thayer .....................
Wright-Blodget Co............
Pacific Railway A Nav. Co
9,749. ,53
N P. A W. E. Wheeler
Wheeler Lumber Co........
1,022. ft)
H. F. Goodspeed...............
Western Oregon Timber..
Field Eldred A BI ooiiih -
Potter-Chapen Realty Co.
Those who have not paid half their
taxes by the 3rd of April will go de­
linquent and 11 percent will be add­
Death of Mrs. Mary E. Phelps.
Heart failure claimed another of
cur citizens on Monday, when Mrs.
Mary E. Phelps passsd suddenly
but peacefully away at the home of
her brother, Mr. J. R. Eldredge, in
this city. Mr. Eldredge had left his
home in the morning, and on his
return thought his sister was resting
and would not disturb her. Finding
that she still remained on the couch
he eventually went to her and to his
great surprise found she had pass­
ed away. The deceased was an in­
teresting anil refined woman, anil
had many friends, who were also
greatly surprised to hear of her
The funeral will take place on Fri­
day, the religious services being in
the Christian Church, of which she
was a member, and the interment
in the 1.0.0. F. cemetery.
The de­
ceased was a memberof the Eastern
Star and that order will take part ii.
the funeral services Friday mim­
Mary Elizabeth Phelps, daughter
of Jas. If. and Sarah Eldredge, was
born in Madison County, N. Y., Aug.
7, 1839, departed this life Mar. 13.
1911, at the age of 72 years, ’’month*
ami 9 days. She came to this coun­
ty about 22 years ago, lived at Woods
for one year, then on her farm at
Sandlake, and the last five years of
her lif? she lived in this city.
Besides her brother, J. R. El-
dredge, she leaves two sons, George
R. of Seattle, Wash., anil Willard
L., of Boise. Ida., her husband anil
daughter Alida having preceeded
her in death.
Call For Warrant*.
All general fund warrants endor
sed prior to Feb. 1, 1910, will be paid
upon presentation.
Interest ceases this 10th day of
March, 1911.
B. L. B eals , C o . Treasurer.
Call For Warrant*.
All County road fund warrants
endorsed prior to Nov. 1st, 1910, will
be pail upon presentation.
Interest ceases thia 10th day of
March, 1911.
B. L. B eals , C o . Treasurer.
Farmer* Attention.
I will shoe your horses for $1.SO a
piece, four new shoes.
Other job
work in same proportion.
At the
Larson Blacksmitlg Shop.—Grant
Thayer. _________
Baby Chicks.
If you want some bnbv chick*,
thoroughbreds to raise as fall layers
see Dr. Morris. He can furnish the
chicks and tell you how to raise
them without the hen. Order them
For Rent.
My farm in Pleasant Valiev, Till­
amook Co., 10 miles south of Tilla­
mook city, 1 half mile from church,
school and cheese factory.
terms apply to Ed. I.vster, Hemlock.
E. w. M ills .
Cow* for sale,
I have 10 good Holstein cows for
sale, fresh and coming fresh, one
Holstein bull calf registereil and
one work horse. Apply to Schild
Bros., Tilllamook, Ore.
For Sale.
Registered Holstein Bull Calf, an
extra fine animal, darn giving over
74 ll>s. of milk per day now, sire qt
calf his four newest dams giving
over 21 lbs. of butter per week each
his two nearest testing, 4.6 feet,
price $75.00 if taken soon.—B. B.
Goff, Forest Grove, Ore. R.F. D.
Wood For Sale.
Wood for sale, Spruce and Hem
ock body, dry at $1.25 a coni rx. ‘he
place. 7 miles southof Tillamook.—
T. D aei ’AZ.
For Sale.
1 Light Year Old Mare, 1400 lb*.
5 Year Old Mare, 1250 lbs.
5 Year Old Mare, 1050 lbs.
2 Year Old (kilt, make about 1400
Tide Land liny, $18 or $20 de­
livered; tame Hay, $20 or $22 de­
Also Machinery and n good Gaso­
line Launch.
Address -F rank H annenkratt .
For Sale.
Six 2-year old heifers, one fresh
now and others coming fresh.—
Frank Tone, Tillamook, Ore.
For Sale.
River bottom acreage in small
tracts, near town. Terms easy.
______ M. W. H a R RI SON.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tills j
Clay Daniel anil Dorn ,
L. H. Kenney, Hallie }
Kopieske, Win. Kop- |
lease, Gust Nelson
and Peter Nelson.
To Win. Kopieske, one of the above
Card Cf Thank*.
mimed defendants :
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
We wish to thank the friends and
You are hereby required to ap­
neighbors who so kindly sympa­ pear and answer the complaint filed
thized with us in the death of our against you in the above entitled
suit on or before tlie expiration of
beloved son.
six weeks from the date of the first
M r . and M rs . W. J. H ughey . publication of this summons, and
if you fnil to so appear and iiimwfr,
for want thereof the plaintiff will
Presbyterian Church.
apply to said Court for Hie relief
demanded in the complaint herein.
Bible School 10 a. in.
The relief demanded is that a cer
Morning worship 11a.m. Subject tain mortgage executed by yourself
of sermon “The Relation of the and I- H. Kenney anil Hallie
Kopieske to the plaintiffs on July
Sabbath School to the Church.
Young |>eople’s meeting t): 45 p.m. 1st, HMM), and which is recorded at
page 403 of Book " S” of the Mort­
Evening worship, 7:
Subject gage Records of Tillamook County,
of sermon
Oregon, lie reformed and corrected
therein shall
is extended to so that the
A special invitation
the Sou
x>t 3, and the
stra ligers aud persons without tie,
South half of the North East quar
church homes to attend these aer- ter of the South West quarter of
Section 7, in Township 2 North of
Range 9 West W.M., excepting a
•trip HD) feet wide across said land
heretofore deed'd and conveyed to
Church of Christ
the Pacific Railway and Naviga­
tion Company ; that plaintiffs have
You will I,e sure to get royal i judgment against you and the other
defendants executing said mort­
welcome in the Bible school next gage for $?MM>.(M), with interest there­
Lord'* <lay. Two classe» the loyal on from July 1st, IWMt, at the rate
Daughters and the Ixiyal Men- have of eight per rent iwr annum; for
been organized lor special work ' tlie further sum of $75,69 as attor­
ney's fees and for the < o*tsand dis
and will lake up the text book biirsemcntH of the
suit, and for a
’* Training for Service" for file next forecliHOirc of th<- mortgag above
This is sometlmg good. mentioned a* reformed and cor-
Come. You will like it. The mini­ reded, and for general relief.
This Hiimmons is publisheil by
ster will begin a serie* of Ixrrd’a I order of the Honoiable Homer
day evening sermons for young Mason. County Judge of Tillamook
people on the subject, "Ideals For County, tinted March 16th, 1911. the
Young People.” The first one, time prescribed in said order for
publication is once a week for six
“The Ideal Young Woman from ] successive week, aud the date of the
Young Men'* Standpoint," will lie
mblicatmn hereof is Thurs.
11 loth, 1911..
presented next Lord's day evening
II. T. B otts ,
Special music. In the morning he
Attorney for ItaavUffa,