Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 09, 1911, Image 9

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II. No. 4I
ire ths Correct Answers to our quotations
in the Literary Contest:
Ready Money in Aladdin's Lamp.”—L ord B yron .
He will always be a slave who does not know how
to live upon a little.”—H orace .
'Put not your trust in money, but put your money in
■Diet.”—O liver W orstell H olmes .
'Do not »«piander time for that is the stuff that life is
made of.”—B enjamin F ranklin .
‘ Do not waste your time figuring why a black hen
lays a white egg.” — B urba .
Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but
$n rising every time we fall.”—O liver G oldsmith .
‘The struggle for to-day. is not altogether for to-day
—it is for a vast future.”—A braham L incoln .
An honest man is the noblest work of God.”—POPE.
‘I have five hundred crowns, the thrifty hire 1
Saved under your father.”—SHAKESPEARE.
’Provide things honest in the sight of all men.”—
A postle P aul , in Romans.
‘tach and every one of them, emphasize the ad-
of having banking connections, or commend those
ch are necessary to a person financially- successful,
, are standard and worth fixing in the mind for
V.S, Government Examined Bank in the County.
eye specialist.
Wanted ut the Tillamook
Studebaker Wagonsand BuggfesT
plows, harrows and machinery of
all kinds at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
We are taking orders for hay- at
the following prices : Alfalfa, $19
ton ; oat, $21 ton ; No. 1 Timothy-,
-horse for sale cheap,
$27 ton.— H. C. K unze or W m . C ur ­
kb Maddux.
tis . the Grain Man.
Sind for Calf Hides at
The Anvil left out Sunday with
K. Melchoir.
cheese and fish as freight, also a few­
lest Flour is second to passengers among whom were W.
took Feed Co.
C. Strowbridge and family, who go
hone to E. d Ander- to Bandon from here.
ck, for Cedar Fence
Nels Hanson and vzife, who have
meeting of the chib next month,
and C. I. Clough, Frank Severance
_and E. C. Trombley were appointed.
A certain party bought seed oats
in this city and finding them not
clean, spent one-half day in trying
to clean them up, and when he was
done he had taken ten pounds of
foreign matter from each sack, for
which he had paid seed oat price.—
The T illamook F eed C o . sell clean
$i-5o per year.
Capital Stock of $100,000 Placed
by New Corporation.
SALEM, Or., March 1.—For the
purpose of constructing a railroad
line with. terminal at Tillamook,
Bayocean and a point on Netarts
Bay and to conduct a steamboat
line from Bayocean and Tillamook
to Portlund and Columbia River
points, articles of incorporation for
the Tillamook Bay Railroad <fc Navi­
gation Company were tiled with the
Secretary- of State today.
T. Irving Potter, John K. Kollock
and M. A. Zollinger are shown as
the incorporators and the capital
stock is placed at $100,000.
principal place of business of the
compgn^' will be in Portland.
Few People Pay Bills
With Cash These Days.
"Dement’s Best” flour. $1.35 per
Our customers kuow this, A check*
sack. “Marvel” Brand flour $1.25
ing account with this bank will elimi­
per sack.
These prices will be in
nate any difficulties of using your funds
effect from Mar. 13 to Mar. 18, inclu­
as you wish.
sive, for the purpose of introducing
our flour, and proving to you that
Your business will be welcomed.
Dement’s Best is the highest grade
Hard Wheat flour on the market.—
T illamook F eed C o .
Process Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack;»
Death of Mrs. Conover.
$30 ton. Shorts, 80 lbs., $1.15 sack;
$27 ton. Wheat, 100 lbs., $1.75 sack. •- / Mrs. Lennia Conover, wife of S.
Oats, white, 100 lbs., $1.70 sack; $33 VV. Conover, passed away at their
ton. Oats, gray seed, 100 lbs., $1.75 home in thia city, Tuesday night,
sack; $34 ton. Salt, Empire, 50 lbs., between eight and nine o'clock. She
~n rrx~n rr -
t V 3
55c. Salt, half ground, 100 lbs., 55c. was just recovering from an attack
J U.
Bran, ft) lbs., 80c. -WM. CURTIS, the of phneutnonia, and seemed to be
Grain Man.
For Sale.
A Mother’» Safeguard.
This week a deal was closed in was thought that she would be able
to do her own work in a short while.
Foley's Honey and Tar for (he
which John Erickson, Gran Nelson
Six 2-year old heifers, one freah children. Is best and safest for all
Her physician, Dr. Smith, had just
and Carl Knudson take five acres of i
now and others coming fresh.— coughs, colds, croup, whooping-
returned from Nehalem at eight Frank Tone, Tillamook. Ore.
cough and broncliits. No opiates.
land from Harley Poland at $650 an
o’clock, when Mr. Conover’s boy
- C I. Clough.
The land lies just north of
was sent over to his house to tell
For Sale.
town and is one of the prettiest
"Foley’s Honey and Tar is the
the doctor that hiB mother had got
pieces of bottom land in the county-.
River bottom acreage in small beet cough remedy I ever used as it
worse again. Dr. Smith hurried to tracts,
quickly stopped a severe cough
near town. Terms easy.
They expect to build three residen­
the home of Mr. Conover and found
t at had long tioubled me,' says J.
M. \\. H arrison .
ces on the land.
\V. Kuhn. Princeton, Nebr. Just so
that Mrs. Conover had been seized
quickly and surely it acta in all
I.ife is too short to worry about with an attack of heart failure and
cases of coughs, colds, lagrippe
chickens scratching up your garden before the doctor could give her
ami lung trouble.
Refuse substi­
or your neighbor’s garden. The anything to make her rally she had
tutes.—C. 1. Clough.
largest shipment of Poultry Fence breathed her last.
Hair cut ....................... . 35c
The most common cause of insom­
that ever came into the county to
Sh » vt*
Mrs. Conover has lived in this
nia is disorders of the stomach.
Massage........................ . 35c
one firm lias just landed,
45 rolls county about ten years. She was a
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Plain shampoo ........ . 25c
Tablets correct these disorders and
in all and if stretched in one line member of the Adventist Church of
Fitch aliampoo.......... . 50c
enable you to sleep. For sale by
would measure 6750 ft.
Have it in this city, and was highly respected
Beard trim ................ . 25c
Lamar’s Drugstore.
2 ft., 3 ft., 4 ft., 5 ft. and 0 ft. high.— by all who knew her, being a
Fitch tonic .... ........ . 15c
All other tonica ........
Kermit Roosevelt made a good
K ino & S mith C o .
woman who was always ready to
Neck shave .................
record in a recent sprinting match
The young people’s class of the assist and do a good turn for
Razor hone ..................
of Harvard. Maybe Theodore is
Methodist Church was entertained those who were sick.
coming back through a descendant.
by Daisie Alletiderand Elsie Lamb,
O tis F rishi e ,
Australia notifies foreign meat
at the home of Mies Lamb, Tues­ Mr. and Mrs. George Bnxtks, of
L atimer & M owery ,
trusts that it will not consent to be
day evening. Games were played Bay City, and a sister of Mrs.
C. R. J ohnson
a field for their exploitation. The
until about ten o’clock, when the Clarence Tilden, ami has another
fact that the meat combines are
boys were given the job of un­ sister in Portland.
A go«>d horse is worth $3(M) and is trying to get a grip on Australia
tangling the cobweb with the con­
Presbyterian Church.
hard to find at that price. The good and Argentina shows what early
ditions that all who broke the web
would have to pay a fine of twenty-
Bible School, 10 a. in. Christian roads movement has helped the birds they are.
five-Leuts. About thirty-liva guests Endeavor, 5:45 p. m. Evening wor­ horse breeder quite as much as
L'ncle Sam assisted the first rail-
were served lunch at ten thirty, ship, 7:30 p. m Subject of service, the automobile maker.
| mads across the continent and got
after which the merry crowd left for “ The Living Waters.” A cordial
Automatic pistols are said to be his money back, with interest,
their homes.
invitation is extended to all, es­ so sure in aim that any tenderfoot Now tlieae roads talk of double
At a meeing of the city council on pecially those who are without can be u dea«l shot. Before this tracks out of their own resource».
Monday evening, apart from allow­ church homes to attend these matter is settled let the innocent There need be no fear that the Pau-
S. G. F inney , Pastor.
i ,>nra Canal will not pay its way.
ing the usual bills, there was not services.
bystanders be heard from.
business. John
submitted a bid for street work
which was referred to committee.
A11 ordinance was passed prohibt- j
ing motor cycles from using the |
side walks and limiting the speed
of autos to eight miles an hours I
and four miles at cross walks; the 1
Mutual Teiphone Co, wanted its
charter revised, which was referred .
to committee; and an ordinace was
passed vacating the alleys in Nor­
ton’s addition.
been East since they left here, have
■ to sell or trade for returned to make their home once
on easy terms—J. R more in this county, and they will
live on their place north of the city.
It of East wind the , a Married, in thia city on Thursday
*ed the first of thé evening, by Rev. I). L. Shrode, Emil
' rain.
P. Larson and Miss Margaret A.
you to see the Tilla- Johnson. Mr. Larson is the Netarts
£0. before you. buy mail carrier, where he will make his
tapestand best paper - *» Died, on Sunday, at Fairview,
Leave orders at ' Walter James, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
• * !W. J. Hughey, aged 6 years, 8
The funeral
, J. J. Hollett and J months and 17 days.
took place on Tuesday in the Odd­
were in town from
fellows’ cemetery
i week.
Any intelligent person may earn
and Cha». Ray
^ income corresponding for
Streets Saturday
[ newspapers ; experience unneces-
. sary.
Send stamp for full particu-
Iklfi Orpingtons, **• , lars.
Empire Press Syndicate,
Hb eggs.—C. A. Corn
Middleport, N. Y.
“t Ore.
The County Court will meet the
k Feed Co. will guar- members of the Clatsop County
txt of every bale of Court at Nehalem to-day (Thurs­
day) for the purpose of coming to
hney will preach at some understanding iu regard to
today morning and the Necarney road.
be evening.
Base Ball: Players who are in-
have fresh fruit and rested in base ball should take a
every boat. Try her look at our window. Only Spauld­
l and sailads.
ing High Grade goods are shown
I. pleaded guilty to and the largest assortmant ever
the dead line, and in the city—K ing 4 S mith C o .
fined him $50.
In buying out grass seeds we
Mother of wayward daughters
xah Price paid for bought the best that money can buy may be interested to know of a home
I, Hides and Sheep so if you want good seeds, come for just such girls that has been
llchior, Tillamook, and see us, but if you want a second opened in a suburb of Portland. '
grade seed go somewhere else, aa The girls have two hours of school
rniture, rememlter we carry only the best.—T illamook work, each day-, in the regular
son Furniture Com- F eed C o .
I English branches. They are also
) per cent discount
House cleaning time is drawing I taught needle-work, weaving, latin-
near, Do not forget to use Alabas- drv work, cooking, and other house­
the Tillamook Head- tine, Put in right over the old wall hold duties. The Home is under
Weekly Oregc.ian. paper, In al) colors and anyone the care of the Sisters of St John
Any ordinary- Baptist (Episcopal Church). For
rs for one year for can do the work,
room can be made new for $1.00.— further information address The
Sister in Charge St. Elisalieth’s
>e gave out on the K ing a S mith C o .
The "Old Maid»’ Party” which House, 201 E. 82 St, North Portland, i
Tuesday and only a
■ 11 arrived on Wed- was given by the young ladies of Oregon.
the Methodist Church at the Gem- w The trustees of the Presbyterian
fighbor about De- Theatre last Friday was a succees church have notified the Presbytery
r, theyall say that it in every way. Both houses were that they desire to have a jterina i
the total
receipt nent pastor for that church in this
r good bread.—Till- packed and
amounted to over fifty dollars.
city an«l not t>e joined with the Bay
The annual Birthday Social for City cliurch, which has been the
be offered at our
Is fall for garden the benefit of the Presbyterian Sun­ custom for so many years. An the |
r garden tools from day school, given by the ladies of memltership of the cliurch is grow­
the Presbyterian Guild, was enjoye«! ing right along and as Bay City ;
was poorly served with only two !
owder 1
Powder' very much by those who attended.
services a month it was thought that
quantity of stumping
it will be better for both churches
ire what you need at the friends who so lilterally respond­
that other arrangements be made.
ed with the gift of $43 25.
B mith C o .
_, Long Pratrie Creamery Co. has The friends of Rev. S. G. Finney will
'orders to the Till:*«« *
purchased the Rogers factory, for lie glad to hear that he has consent-
. for Dement’» Best
$1,25000, and has a lease on the ed to remain Pastor of the church,
| be beat for gtxxl
land for 99 year». The new com­ which will be »elf-sup(«orting.
y deliver it in the
Go to F. 8. Whitehouse & Son
pany started making cheese Tues­
day morning, ha ving 3,000pounds of the leading agents, for Bond, Acci­
d to go on the mud milk. The directors are Jame» Wil­ dent and Fire Inantance. aa they
ber propeller, which liams, J. Murphy, Jos. Von Rotz.
write more than three-quarters of
fng a snag while
The Steamer Golden Gate came in the insurance written in Tillamook
She left on
on Wedne«wlay, her passengers be­ County, because they are better
equipped than any one else in ths
ing A. Cameron, A. Forzley, I- Lar­
rd Oats, a cream son, Wm. McVeigh, Aaron Jernberg business
and feed of all and a tew others.
She leaves out
lit lot of all kinds tomorrow (Friday) morning at »ix
at the Tillamook o'clock, and expects to leave Port­
No. 57, meets on Svtur-
land on Saturday.
iW will close tax
day of each month in
At the monthly meeting at the
the 3 percent rebate Tillamook Commercial Clnb on
1.0.0 F. Hall, at 7:3» p. m
nt Wednesday night, Monday evening it was decided to
d alsiut $75 <Ot up to appoints nominating committee, to F rank S kvxram k , W.M.
H. F. M orris , Sec. |
receive nominations for the annual
Can you beat them any where in Town ?
Come and see us, we can save you money.
We are Retailing our Groceries at Wholesale Prices
Bottles Catsup...................... ’..........
Cans Cove Oysters ..........................
Cans Re«l Seal Lye..........................
Cans Pioneer Milk..........................
Cans Van Camp's Pork <Sc Beans
22 lb. Buhl Milk Can
Elaine Coal Oil
per case 2.90
20 ll>s. Fine Granulated Sugar
Best Fruit Sugar -
per sack
Dry Granulated Sugar per sack
Extra C, 20 llm. for........... ...................
Cut»e Sugar, 15 lb». for ...................
1 Dox. Cans Corn ... .
1 Dox. Cans Tomatoes
Arlmckle Coffee
.... per pkg.
3 Itw. Royal Club Coffee............
1 lb. White Sent C«»ff«-e
1 lb. Mocha an<l Javit Coffee
1 lb. Caracola Coffe«*
Snow Drift Flour ....... per bbl. $5.60
I/ght House Flour ... per bbl. 5.00
per ll>.
Small White Beati» •
Barge White Beati» ... .. per lb.
1 {»1 y< j 1 IpiiliM
per lit.
Pink Beati».........................
per lb.
4 lb. Pale Cottolcne
10 lb. Pale Cottolene
Regular 10c. can Spices..................
2 can» Salmon .....................................
5 can» banline» .....................................
WesttnoreliiiKl Svrup.......... 5 11m
Westinorelami Syrup........... 10 lbs. $1.00
Columbia Oat Flake» .. pkg 30c.
Columbia Wheat Flakes, pkg. 25c
gal. Apricots..................... ..............
gal. Peach«*»
gal. Tomatoes............
gal. Apples....................... ................
per gal
I *ow«ler- • $I.H5
Iter pkg. 10c.
• 5
C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Grocery Dept