TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 2, 1011 HEADQUARTERS FOR «irtYMEN'S SUPPLIES AND TEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, New Brunsivick Fire In­ surance Company. Tinware and China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. I lillamook .r Manufacturers of IR, ÍEMI .OCK LUMBER HL DRY FLOORING*, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. KINDS OF MOULDINGS, lake the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. lie Best Kquipped Saw Mill In the County. v Machinery, Experleneetl Workmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. KIDNEY PILLS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley a Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. « • • a « « The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, I H. • « ■ S ■» * * MEASLES. l£ ■ •- « Sr * II « After having the M easles ! J have your eyes looked after, • J. P. AbLiE|M. Proprietor V examined, before you try tot ! • do any close work with them. • Headquarters for Travelling Men. ■ It will save you the trouble 1 Special Attention paid to Tourists. <■ you M ay otherwise have, f g. besides it will cost you f A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation, nothing to find out the truth * about . .......... them. . • Measles very often leave youi eyes in a very had con- * Hit Lu« __ -Vi- - dition, half «»r of tile trouble with our eyes, or the eyes of Steamer the people is caused by M EA.SI.KS. Don’t risk your eyes when they can be saved as well * as not. I ■ Sue H. Elmore (•••• r (CAPT P. SCHRADER) i I Dr. H, E. Morris, J EYE SPECIALIST. TH.I .ANOOK OREGON Tillamook & Portland A Morning Reminder. Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday jCouch St. Wharf, That’s Portland All 'be done at once. A protest was Oregon. With a first claws wagon I therefore sent to Manager Ruther- road from Seaside to Nehalem, every ford of this district, »herein the year thousands, aside from those I points on which we considered that who visit tlie locality by rail, will we had received foul play were clear­ I To the E ditor : | There have been several stirring | prefer to make the trip up and down ly stated. We have not heard ¡editorials in “The Nehalem Enter-* this road by stage or other vehicles, from the protest as yet and know prise” of latr, uiging the appropri- ! in automobiles, on foot, and on not what decision will be reached, ation of funds by the County Court | horseback, in order to prolong their but we hope that some rule will be 1 for the early completion of the Sea enjoyment of its scenic beauty. Its made fol the selection of judges so ; wiile-Nehalern road. Several resi fame will soon spread, and tourists that fair decisions may be secured. dents of Tillamook County object to from all over the United States will having tbe last two or three miles ’ travel it in as great numbers as Nothing hinders debate work more of this road built to the Clatsop ' now visit the big trees of California, than unfair decisions. County line on the grounds that, the Yosemite, and various other Synopsis of the annual statement now as the Pacific Railway and famous resorts. It is obvious that of the Navigation Railroad will soon be such an influx of travel will result ready for passenger travel, there in a great increase of business will not be much need of this wagon throughout the two counties. road. Such logic is akin to that of H elen S. G ray . Of Nerv Brunswick, in the State of Jersey, the farmer about sliinglinghis barn: The Nortonia Hotel, Portland,Or., On the 31st New day of December, 1910, in wet weather he could not attend Feb. 26, 1911. made to the Insurance Commis­ to it, and in dry weather it did not [We must differ with our fair cor­ sioner of the State of Oregon, pur- need shingles. respondent. The people who pay sua nt to law :__________ ■ Construction of the P. R. A N. the taxes and reside in the county CAPITAL. Railroad began three years ago in are the best judges whether the whole of the road tax for one year the winter of 1907-08, and the men should be expended upon one piece AS,pOUn.,O.fC.8Pi‘aI.P"id$ 2G0,000.00 that were hired to work on it, even of road, and incidentally to benefit on that part of it between Tillamook those who have platted off beach I ncome . and Garibaldi, were sent ill by way property in that vicinity. This county will eventually build it, but Premiums received dur­ of Seaside and Nehalem. For two the commercial road, which is year - in - cash. ing the ye„. — - $ 456,921.17 and one-half years there was a already built to Clatsop county must Interest, dividends and steady stream of railroad men going be the first road to be opened up to rents received during 30.1)0125 over the trail south of Arch Cape, connect the two counties with a the year ........................ wagon road. — EDITOR.] Income from other sour­ as there was then no road beyond ces received during that point. For a number of years the year................. • • HIGH SCHOOL FLASHES. the mail haB been carried over this $ 487.015.42 trail daily to and from Nehalem. Total income For years the “back trail,” as it is A Protest F.lled by Tillamook D isbursements . Against the Seaside Decision. called, had the reputation of being Losses paid during the the worst in Oregon. Those who $225,513.68 year.................................. Moving Day! Moving Day!! walked it in the rainy season reach- Dividends paid during e 1 their destination with much of That’s the most important thing the year on capital 10.985.00 their clothing irreparably ruined by that has happened this week. Al­ stock.................................. wallowing through the mud. Doubt­ though it was one week late because Commissions and sal­ aries paid during the less the amount of money it cost of the debaters being in Seaside, 165,1'20.37 year . ......................... those who have traveled this trail in still it was relished as well or better Taxes, licenses and fees 24,426 48 the last five vears to replace gar­ than ever before. paid during the year. ments ruined by the trip amounts Because of the lack of respect Amount of all other ex­ 27,428.56 penditures ................... to more than what it would cost to paid to the rule concerning deport­ build the road. ment, Prof. Baker announced Mon­ Total expenditures. $ 462.474.09 Notwithstanding that this route day morning that all who received A ssets . is the only way of getting into Tilla­ less than eighty per cent in deport­ mook, unless one goes by boat or ment for any one month’ would for­ Value of real estate by stage over the mountains, and feit their right to participate in any $132,362.00 owned ............................ is a very important thoroughfare, athletic sports. We hope that this, Value of stocks and bonds owned ............. 319,804.00 and notwithstanding hundreds of together with the fact that upon two Loans on mortgages railroad men and others every month offences, the offender will be inter­ and collateral, etc.... 136.889.00 traveled to and fro over it, condi­ viewed by the Principle, will have Cash in bank and on band ........... . ..... 20,682.62 tions continued as they were until the desired effect upon the boys. in course of the winter of 1909-10, when the Coun­ We cant afford to loose any of our Premiums collection and in ty Court ordered puncheons put on athletes, especially on account of transmission ............. 71.440.60 part of it. our baseball team. We understand Interest and rents due and accrued................. 3,471.83 With the exception of grading for that Bay City is going toteara hole a distance of about a quarter of a in the ground this summer by put­ Total assets mile, a road has already cut and ting out a baseball team that can graded from Nehalem as faras Neah- defeat the T. H. S. second team, but Less special deposits in any state (if any kah-nie creek at the Short Sand “believe me, they’ll be going some” there be) .................... $ 20,000.00 Beach, anil a bridge has been built when they do it. We always try to Total assets ad­ across a canyon on the sideof Neah- keep something in store for the mitted in Oregon $ 664/740.05 kak-nie Mountain. So what was re­ Clam Diggers and when that whirl­ L iabilities . garded as the most difficult part of wind of a pitcher, Frances Provoost, the road—the part around the rocky who it is said has been practising Gross claims for losses unpaid........................ sides of the mountain—has already all winter on those graceful curves, $ 27.185.76 been constructed. tries to show Tillamook any stunts, Amount of unearned prems. on all out­ Clatsop County has had a patty we'll show him what it takes to standing risks ......... 359,62106 of men working since last October I make a baseball fan in the true Due for commission and brokerage ...... clearing and gradinga road through sense of the word. All other liabilities ... 3,337.33 the woods south of Arch Cape and Last Thursday evening the Presi­ expects to put crushed rock on it by dent of the Student Body called a Total liabilities $390,151.15 next summer. meeting for the purpose of hearing Total insurance in force December 31, 1910... $53,404,375.00 There remains to be built by Till- the re|»ort of the coinmirtee which amook County only about two and was appointed some time ago to see B usiness in O regon for the one-half miles of road from its pre­ about securing fence for the Gilford Y ear . sent terminus at the Short Sand Stillwell Park. Upon the report be­ Total risks written Beach to the county line to connect ing accepted, Mr. Aschiin appoint­ during the year .... $ 375.318.00 with the road Clatsop County is at ed the old committee, composed of Gross premiums re­ present constructing from Arch Myron Blanchard and Elbert Ginn, ceived during the year............. '................. Cape. If Tillamook County would to look after having the park survey­ 8.851.11 appropriate sufficient money at its ed and fenced. They will also tend Premiums returned dur­ ing the year................... 1.721.81 session March 1st and let the con­ to having the grounds plowed and Losses paid during the tracts for the work immediately, this levelled in preparation for the base­ year.............. •!..... .......... »52.88 road would be ready for use by mid­ ball season. If we have favorable Losses incurred during year ................................. summer, and it would then be possi­ weather the grounds will be in first ree. 88 ble to drive all the way from Seaside class condition by the first of April. Total amount of risks outstanding in Ore­ to Nehalem and Tillamook. Bleachers will be built to accomo­ gon. December 31. wire.............................. An eastern publication in which date the crowds this summer and 375.318,00 was described recently the Oregon by next season a fine grand stand N ew B runswick F ire I nsurance coast between Astoria and Nehalem will be erected. Beside the baseball C ompany . and a ride along the Wilson River diamond there will be a foot ball G eo . A. V iuhma .NN, President. road across the Coast Range through gridiron, two tennis courts and an “ tatutory resident generai aurnt woods where for a distance of 20 eight lap to the mile race track. and attorney for service, F rep T ebben , miles or more the trees are two to Failing Building. Portland, Or. Last week the girls had a “Ping- six feet in diameter and one hun­ Pong” party for the purpose of or­ dred to one hundred and eighty feet ganising the tennis club and arrang­ Warning to Railroad Men. tall says of the coast: “The beauty ing the year’s work. George Dick Look out for severe and even of this region, especially from Arch dangerous kidney and bladder was secured to plow up the court Cape to Nehalem, is as yet little and place it in condition. trouble resulting from years of railroading Geo. E. Bell, 638 Third known, for lack of railroads and Thursday evening the Athletic vLr. °rt V'a,yt’e' lnd ' wn» many wagon roads has made it somewhat Association reorganized and made Plate “ns0"' ’UCtiT.r°n °,e NickeI inaccessible. A wagon road between * ««e saJs : Twenty years of Seaside and Nehalem is in course of plans for the spring work. The railroading left my kidneys in ter- officers are: Benlv Stain, Pres.; construction, and much of it is al­ nb e condition. There was a coo- ready completed. From Elk Creek Floyd Kberninn, Vice Pres. ; Clent tmiial pain across tny back ami dist ’res"« "InV m0’ “«‘•"•^h it goes down a beach that is always King.Sec.; Myron Blanchard, Treas. / ’ H,,d ,he “ ‘ »»on of mv The baseball players met Monday fascinating to the beholder for eight painfui T“ ,,re’«uen‘ and "'Ost evening to organize but on account or nine miles to Arch Cape, then painful. I got a supply of Folev through spruce and hemlock woods. of lack of attendance, no election hidnev Pills and the firwf hottie made a wonderful improvement and At the Short Sand Beach it begins was held. Since“?“ curwl me complete^ Well, there’ll be something doin’ Since being cured I have recom the ascent of Neah-hah-nie Moun­ tain and for half a mile is bordered in the old town right smart soon. mended Foley Kidney Pill, to many on both aides with clumps of gor­ Just wad until the Ciceronian* come of my railroad friends.“-™ ? *. lough. " »• geous red alders. From there the out with their play which is to be road extends around the mountain given for the benefit of the Gilford i. P,erC* Night Alarm for three miles. All the way around Park, in about three weeks. Every t’.. hnaatartling cough of it commands s superb view of forty one knows that when the High ¡ h 2.' ' .’"'Wen,V »«tucked bi croup Mtrn it aroused Lews Chamblin or fifty miles of coast and in places School start to do things that some of Manchester O. [R \„ ■> < la cut like a shelf in the rock six thing moves. You also remember •heir four children' were ¿¿X “J hundred and seventy feet above the the extreme high grade of the Enter ocean. After leaving the mountain, sonian play which was given a short the road winds through a tieaiitiful time ago. Hut the Ciceronian play grove ol alders for two miles, then will be good. there will be good h“ve through a picturesque bit of woods music, anil you may laugh harder no fear. We relv oo \' r just Is-fore reaching Nehalem. Prof. Scofield will lime charge ot and for coughs, colds or an^LT”^ or lung trouble.'' So ,1O When completed the entire distance the work and when Seo starts any­ of others So mav ,h?n’‘»nd« of twenty seven miles, this road thing lie always makes a success of Hay Fever. uTrin.L u u"01"”- wdi be unsur|>aaaetl for scenic love­ it. liness and no longer will be cherish­ At a meeting of the faculty and ed in memory and loved only by membeis of tbe debating club last the few but will attract throngs of week it wM8 decided that because of visitors. ” the unfair treatment received at the Where Tillamook County lias built hands of the judges for the Seaside roads, the) are second tu none in Tillamook debate, something should Boosting the for Necarney Mountain Road. You awake with a mean, nasty taste in the mouth, which reminds you that your stomach is in a bad condition, it should also i emind you that there is nothing so good for a duordered stomach a* Chamberlain'» Stomach and Liver Tablets. TWy build up th. »yatem, Mull nalars rwtor« natural e osd tti u ns. m <4 ar* so ■ti. in tkeir action that one hardly real- ‘was taken. Cbambrrlaia'» rjbi U «Torywhwo. Prw. rtriig store. * by «-mar’s ■V chick •ity lim mt all i keep tl i ng to 'larghili ■ chid ill lati nish I 1 an th»