y. ' » TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 2, 1911 gon have raised saloon licenses, ranging from $1,000 to $1,500, 1.50 rear............................ -............. but that must tie in towns where 75 tonili»...........-......................... 50 the saloon keepers are not dic­ r month»...... —........................ tators and political laisses and cannot run the city’s adminis­ ie i^illsinooli IjtabligbL tration for their own benefit. ATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. .STK1CTL.V IN AUVANCB.) ditorial Snap Shots irectly a city marshal under- ?s to do his duty, there are se who want to depose him. flie persons who should have in tapped on the head by the kshal’s “billy” were those b sold Johnson the drink Jch made him crazy. 1 has been suggested that the bamook Commercial Club lertake a “Tag Day” for the tfit of Stillwell Park. This jild cause some little excite- ht in the city, as well as help bod cause. Governor West vetoed the bill appropriating $1500 for the pro posed Tillamook county fair. We expected that he would do so. He used the veto power to spank his political enemies and to assist his friends. All that this county as-ed was $1,500 to­ wards boosting the county, for that was what the fair was in­ tended. That which ma es us feel righteously indignant is the fact that GovernorWest allowed a bill appropriating $150,000 for additional capitol grounds, and the enormous appropriations for state institutions to become law. Poor Tillamoo* County gets it where the chicken got the ax when asking for a mite to help a good cause along. And Governor West was the man who used the ax. was molested and he used the "billy” to good advantaget not that he thought he would take the man’s life when tie struck the fatal blow, although the real cause of the man’s death was the fracture he re­ ceived when his head hit the hard pavement. The testimony showed that the marshal did not swing the “billy,” but sim­ ply tapped the man on the side of the head, and his skull being utisually thin, the fall was the thing which caused the unfor­ tunate fatal death. It is those City Marshal Reading who should be blamed. It is those who sold the unfortunate man the drink which made liim crazy. These are the men who are morally guilty of the tragedy which disgraced this city last Monday. supplies to the state, on very flimsy grounds ; and lie vetoed another bill that gave to the chief clerk of the Secretary of State, in the absence —probably permanent—of Secretary of State Henson, the authority to sit with the Governor and State Treasurer Kay as a third member of state boards. Mr. Kay, through his Salem Woolen Mills, has a large customer for his goods in the state. Just how closely aie these vetoes related to the obvious political part­ nership between West and Kay ? Governor West vetoed, with a great flourish, the state-aid road bill, making a conditional appropriation of $340,000, on the ground of “econo- ffiy,” after the veto had been re­ quested by the State Good Roads Association. He vetoed the innum­ erable petty appropriations to coun­ ty fairs and other little salary grabs. Yet he raised no question over the great appropriations forthe Oregon Agricultural College or the State University, though to one certain $175,000 appropriation to the latter, and another $30,000 appropriation for a new medical school (located at Portland), there was a wide spread protest and no satisfactory showing that they were imperatively, or ac­ tually needed at this time. What part did backstairs intrigue—the old familiar logroll play in these vetoes ? The Governor freely vetoed meas­ ures that came front hie political enemies. Bills from hie avowed friends, allies and partisans, gener­ ally escaped, though there were some notable exceptions. He per­ mitted himself to be drawn into un­ seemly conflicts and wrangles with vaiious legislators, and he took rather more than a due measure of interest in the promotion, or the de­ feat, as the case might be, of cer- pieces of legislation. The highway from the Governor’s office to the legislative chambers was kept warm by the flying feet of hie emissaries; the route through the back door was reserved for his familiar and chosen advisers. When the full history of those fa­ mous vetoes shall be written, and the antecedent stories and collateral incidents shall be told, they will make interesting reading. There is opportunity now for the informed and impartial legislative historian, familiar with the sinuous ways and angular methods of latter day poli­ ticians, to acquire a great circle of surprised and amazed Oregon read­ ers. —Oregonian. White slaves in Tillamook City? Yes, lots of them. The drawing of the curtain showed what was going on in the white slave business in this city last week when too girls weretakeu Jiree disgraceful, low down to a room over the Gem theatre fakey lights iti this city last and kept there all night. It is [k, anti another whiskey One bad feature about Tilla­ safe to say they were induced ret was started on Monday, mook City is that taxation is to go there for immoral pur­ [the marshal's “billy” iuter- too high, which is not a good poses, ami it may be that other kl and sent one man heatl- inducement to industries to lo­ young men have taken these or k in co eternity. So much cate here when taxation is other girls to the same place for n “wet,” Home Rule town. almost prohibitive, The tax in the same purpose. It is evi­ this city amounts to 35 mills, dent, there is considerable white is reported that the saloon which is altogether too exces­ slave traffic in this city. If there »ers are wanting to keep sive from a business point of is one thing that is distressing Some plan should be to many fathers and mothers is 1 all night. Why not? They view. »ar to be getting everything devised, or more economy exer­ to see their daughters become • demand from those whom cised, to keep the city tax with­ white slaves. Far better had ’ control. So why not turn in reasonable business bounds, they not been born or died in affairs over to them so that for if they keep piling up it will their infancy, tor in bringing ■ can run the city in the in- be a detriment to the city and disgrace upon themselves they drive industries away. We all also cause their parents sorrow st of their own business ? see the need of pay rolls, and they will take with them to the they are badly needed. It seems, knockers” are not so plen- no matter how much power grave. We know this is a deli­ I as they used to be, now there is placed in the hands of cate subject to discuss in a I the boosting spirit is so officials, they go to the limit in newspaper, but someone has to feral. Whenever you hear a some instances when it comes have the moral courage to raise Lon “knocking,” whisper taxes. To commence with, the a voice against the white slave traffic in this city, but whether Ito them : annual tax forthe water system it will do any good we do not kmook is a land of milk and should be cut off, for that under­ know. We do know this that a honey, taking has been sucking at the vigilance committee would be Iperity, wealth and plenty taxpayer's teat, lo, these many a good thing, or allow the arm bf money ! years. The prophesy of those of the law to deal with other who predicted that the profits young men who have induced p sooner was a dead man from the system would run the these or other girls to Income pved from the cot in the city city government and reduce tire white slaves. That will go a long [when another man, almost insurance have proved to lie way to protect the purity of the We know I to the world, was picked false, for added to the city tax homes in this city. ti the street, with a bottle which is being paid now is 2 it is a bad thing to recommend, that of taking the law into ones lire alcohol in his pocket, mill for the water system. A ttacks School Principal. own hands, but we think it is [placed in the cooler, And A severe attack on school prin­ [morning, when the mar- Very' few persons ever con- justified when a white slave cipal, Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvania, [went to the jail, the man sider the difficulties which at­ trader will induce a young, in­ Ga., is thus told by him. “For p bottle of whiskey. How tend packing mail into Tilla­ experience girl to leave a good more than three years,” he writes, |e get it and who gave it to mook across the mountains via home and loving parents and “I suffered indescribable torture from rheumatism, liver and stom­ I? the Wilson river route, for we fond brothers and sisters to be­ ach trouble and diseased kidneys. have become so much accus­ comes white slave to satisfy the All remedies failed till I used Elec­ >e late state legislature was tomed to receiving mail with passions of the human race. tric Bitters, but four bottles of this e up of a goodly number of so much regularity' that people wonderful remedy cured me com­ pletely.” Such results are com­ |ut politicians, who fussed complain when it fails to get mon. Thousands bless them for The Governor’s Vetoes. ftuarreled for political ad­ through. Had they to contend curing atomach trouble, female ages, and fought one ano- with the difficulties which Geo. sev- complaints, kidney disorders, bil­ Governor West vetoed about ko the bitter end. Economy W. Grayson and his mailcar­ iousness. and for new health and cast to the four winds and riers had to battle with a few­ enty of the meaures passed by the vigor. Try them. Only 50c. at legislature goes on record weeks ago they would not be so recent Legislature—a record that Chas. I. Clough. ie most extravagant in the impatient and uncharitable in ' surpasses the achievements of any A Special Medicine for Kidney rv of Oregon. Itwasanti- their remarks. At some sea­ of his predecessors, and probably Ailments. pbly howlers who made sons of the winter it is cruelty has not been equaled by tlie Gover­ Many elderly people have found nor in any Btate at anytime in Ameri ­ in Foley’s Kidney Remedy a quick rs tropical for the poor tax­ to man and beast to pack a can history. His wholesale vetoes relief and permanent benefit from is. heavy mail across the moun­ were attended by such circum­ kidney and bladder ailments and from annoying urinary irregulari­ tains, as well as endangering ivernor West don’t propose li*e. It was a wonder that one stances of flippancy and prejudice ties due to advancing years. Isaac Regan, Farmer, Mo.. Bays: tlie people should have the of the mail carriers got through on the one hand, and of partiality N. “Foley's Kidney Remedy effected a I to vote for a second choice a few weeks ago, for he had to and favor on the other, as to cause complete cure in my case and 1 idate in the primary elec­ find his way over six to eleven the people of Oregon to stand amaz­ want others to know of it.”—C. 1. tor he vetoed a bill to give feet of snow in a snow storm, ed at his ruthless abuse of so sol­ Clough. ieople that rights. If it is which drifted and made pro­ emn a duty and function as the Has Millions Of Friends. pvereign will of the people gress difficult and in keeping execut ive veto power. How would you like to number There should be no veto except pte for candidates at the on the trail. your friends by millions as Buck- That was the hrv elections, surelj’ they dangerous and strenuous life for sound, urgent, weighty and len’a Arnica Salve does ? Its as­ obvious reasons. There should be tounding cures in the past forty Id be given the right to Mr. Grayson and his men were , for second choice candi up against for two weeks, and not veto inspired by partisanship y>-.e a apparently to make a jest and by­ cold, vents pneumonia. It is a prompt be lias it figured out that thing of the past, the iron horse word of the Legislature. But some and reliable cough medicine thal [11 take about $100,000 to taking the place of the pack of West's acta raise natural inquiry contains no narcotics. It is as safe bat work he would like to horse and stage coach. [ as to why he negatived some bills for your children as yourself.—C. I. Clough. ___ _____ bne, but this district has j and approved others. For exam- Foley Kidney Pills. ■ bout $35,OKI to go on, so The killing of Tom Johnson I pie: Neutralize and remove the poisons ) will be a considerable in this city by Marshal Reading Governor West vetoed the bill ap­ that cause backache, rheumatism, knt of needed road work left on Monday was one of those propriating $ 50,000 for a state fair nervousness and all kidney and but much improvement, things which frequently takes building, and did not veto the mea­ bladder irregularities. They build hi me is probably true of the place where persons get crazy sure appropriating $150,000 for up and ’restore the natural action of J two districts. When it is or quarrelsome through drink, I I additional Capitol grounds. Here these vital organs. —C. I. Clough I into consideration that and although some persons may would have been a great opport unity tiUnty has three Irmdred question the right of a peace for the Governor to »how by an im­ [of roads to keep up, it is officer to use his “billy” on a perative negative that any possible less to. say that it takes a drunken person, we believe | or suspected motiveof self-interest, t lot of money to keep them that an officer, when attacked, through the fact that he owns prop­ Considering the long wet should look to his own protec­ erty in the radius of probable Cap­ bra. tion first, for it is generally a itol grounds extension, had no drunken jieraon who takes the weight with him. ere is a big howl almut the lives of sheriffs, deputy sheriffs Governor Weal vetoed the Rusk tivecity tax. Well, we’ve and city police. Therefore, we second-choice primary bill and the For Stomach Trouble, Sluggiah lome Rule, nud the aover- have no word of criticism for R okuc River fish bill.on the ground Liver and Habitual Constipation. * ’ll of the people, haven’t tlie city marshal. He acted in that they were an interference with It cures by aiding aZZ of the I So don’t complain. The self defence, and if drunken, “people’s laws,” passed under the digestive organs—gently stimu> inuld just as Well have had crazy men undertake to mop the initiative; but he permitted to be­ kr $2,000 for saloon licen- floor with peace officer«, they come a law the Senate bill amend­ lates the liver end regulates the pr it appears to us that the get all that is coming to them if ing the primary law (a («»ple’a law; bowels—the only wsy thst i interest was sadly ne- they get knocked over the head soas to provide for rotation of names chronic constipation can bs 4 bd and the saloon keepers’ with a “billy." The city bou­ on the ballot. If the two first were fe’ and wishes were xea- ght and turned the “billy” over change* in the people's laws, so cured. Especiallyrecomnaended Ì for women and children. r looked after when five to the marshal with the under­ was third. Clears blotched complexions. n keepers were given a standing that be was to use it Governor West vetoed the bill pto- poly of the business at whenever he was molested in hibiting any public officer from bid­ Flaunt Is taka. Refusa substitutes. bach. Other cities in Ore- the discharge of his duty. He ding on contract» for furnishing Sold by Chas. I, ClougbJ^ Foley’s Orino Laxative T,r __________________________________ -fe II ’ The Fast St£ W? ■ GAÌ •GOLDEN ■ I - Leaves TillamookJr flstonia and Portia » THURSDAY of Eaeh m )** I . Si” ■ j .■s.’ MW „•P * JU... FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. ? ........ i . Ii r ■ > *i.- fr. il X- F :1 -1. f ■■ ft U. OREGG TILLAMOOK, X J r 1 A 1 P. ' » * Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up according I Room. ‘l Large Office, Dining Room and Ladies’ Parlor. Best Bote) in Tillamook County. P. W. Todd, Prop .. " " R. H. Todd, Mgr - - — ' • — 11 ■■"ii .... ■ I I * ’ 1 1 // Child Portrait / V Us are Ch ila ► • Jusi as our portraita^^Rta possess strength and charac We are experts in l!u> and posing, and our e'ltf* is complete. Come in our line. J,; Tiff » ' >• 1.’ Monk 9s St\ ’• i ^4 ■ Next to the Post Offi< HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We £ i / H î ¿1 F/j .a w with hi,,,. ■ W. A. WILLIAMS f C h ., Next Door to Tiliumook i'ouiity Bank. • * , ¿XPORT BEER, Jk,1 KAISER BLUME. y Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating. MALT TEA. 1 Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Noda Water«. Miptliona, llarllett K. A. Mineral Water. a , y 7 CASE, C i Tillamook Ii ’on Works J y JM r» 'WJ New Furnishings—Modern Fix fei'-- Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each J F 4 I - Freight and Passeng —11 ■ '■'■ W k -CW ... ?. .sfX-- General Machinists & BiacksnruUyk • * .. . .... • - ' * ■ « K WM - ------------------------- --------------------- Boiler Work. Logger’s Work and ;i*ai f“' Fin« la