T illamook RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION .STRICTLY IN ADVANCK.) vine year............................................ Si« months.......................................... Three months..................................... ^illumook £t:ibligbt, Editorial Snap Shots Persons who own high priced land might not to object to pay­ ing high priced taxes. Chicken are to be kept up. If some ui the youngsters could i>e ke t up also after eight or nine o’clock it would t>e far bet­ ter than bothering about the chicken. up higher every year. We are wondering what side issue the politicians will use in the next state election to make Republi­ cans fly the track and desert the G.O.P. A great many persons w under why taxes are so high. There are a great many demands on the county trensury. For in­ stance. Tom Johnson, who met a fatal deatti in this city, had plenty of money in his poclet when lie came here for booze, but the taxpayers had to pay for the coffin, etc., he was buried in. The city appropriates the saloon license mid the county had to pay, not only the burial expense of its victim, but also the expense of holding an in­ quest on the body. In other words, the city is receiving the revenue and the county is made to pay for the crime which ori­ ginate in the city. It was the sovereign will of the people that the county have saloons, so the taxpayers must not complain ii their taxes come high. headlight , march q > Bro. Trombley is wanting to be more loyal to the democratic governor of this state than he is to Tillamook county, that is his privilege. The Headlight is alive to the needs of Tillamook ¡county, and we hope to zeal­ ously guard them in the future as in the past. Marion, Benton and Lane counties have had millions of dollars out of the state treasury, ami although the state legislature was magnan­ imous enough to allow 1 ¡11«»- mook county a small appropria­ tion, the governor butted in with his veto and denied this county of that small amount. For years Tillamook has been cut off, as it were, from the rest of Oregon, struggling with the lack of railroad transportation, the difficulties of pioneer days and the laborious work of turn­ ing this w ilderness into the banner dairying county of Ore­ gon, vet when the opportunity arrives to exploit ami Ixxmi this long benighted country, mid the emancipation which railroad connections will bring about, the governor is so narrow and short sighted that he is not w il­ ling to allow Tillamook county, and one of file most industrious class of citizens in Oregon, a trivial sum to help boost at a time when there will be gene­ ral rejoicing all over the county at Tillamook arriving at a time in her history when she will I k * able to grow and develop. Gov­ ernor West for Oregon Humane Society. the city along. Let the booster My, how people are complain­ mediate territory very greatly, but vs. the winner of the Thursday mook city, 1-half mile from churchy $60,(MX) for forest protection. editors know nlxiut these im­ scho'l anil cheese factory. Fof ing alxiut the extravagant anti- The Ciceronian program $20,(XM> for salmon hatcheries south it is in the rough grades of lumber game. provements, and they, too, will terms apply to Ed. Lyster, Hemlock. ussembly state legislature. It which was rendered Friday was one which intuit be shipped out by E. W. M ills . help ixxist. So get busy right I I of the Columbia River. was the sovereign will of the $To,ooo for Astoria centennial cele­ water that the profits in the busi­ of the best ones yet this year. Things invuy, no matter however small people that elected them mid it ness are found. Until it is possible have started off very smoothly tinder Cheese Maker Wanted. the job imiy lx*, get busy mill j bration. I was the sovereign will of the for this class of lumber to find a the management of the new cabinet. $15,(110 for eradicating fruit (tests. show your confidence .in Tilln pei pie which established uno Cheese maker wanted at Miami $15,(100 for State Board of Health. market by water there will be but If no one gets to feeling too impor­ illook City becoming a real live tiler insane asylum in Eastern $1250 for preservation of McLaugh­ little of this traffic for the railroads. tant there is no reason why tlie fol­ Valley Creamery Co. Commence business town this summer. Leave appli­ Oregon, when everylxxly knows The Tillamook project is in large lowers of Cicero should not have about April 1st, 1911. lin Home. cations with Carl Haberlach, Secre­ 11 mt with two sets of officers mid the best programs in school. But degree a Portland project. ThiB $15,000 for maintenance of Union tary. Company reserves right te two institutions they will chew city ia certain to share in all of the whenever one society does extra reject any or all applications. Tht* high price of land is the County experiment station. up considerably mon* tux money cause of high assessments and $1N,HX) for maintenance and exten­ advantages that will follow the giMxl the other one tries to out-do thmi if the insane were nil kept high taxation on the same, as sion of library Commission. At Last. opening of the port. For that rea­ it So we suppose that the coming in one institution. So blame those who have paid their taxes $10,000 for sup|torl of indigent or­ son Portland should join with Tilla­ Emersonian program will out-class The famous Grandronde Indian the sovereign will of the |x*ople fully realize, consequently there phans. mook and present her case at all previous performances. School Farm has been sold to pri­ mid the little peanut politicians is some ground for complaint, And barber prices are going to vate parties who will dispose of it $i5,0tM) for extending powers of Washington in the best possible who have gotten into power by fhere is iio doubt whatever but Railroad Commission to public Util­ light in order that some help may raise. Well, all we have to say that at «reasonable price, easy terms. \\ by pay $21») to $411) per acre for working the Wil! of the people what land values have lieen ities. be given by th« next Congreas. ia that a few of the Freshman have land when this famous HO acre racket. $25<») for carrying out provisions When two small communities like the clippers applied to their heads tract can be Ixmght % Jess. IxMisted awuv up with a large I amount of ficticious and specu­ of act providing for testing of rail­ Tillamook and Bay City pledge and the razor to their faces at once For further particulars address lative values *M*limd it, ami the road scales. more than $600, (XX) for an improve­ so as to save money. The Soph's J. A. Bahr, Grandronde, who iS sole agent for same. $140,000 ailiiitional maintenance I ment of this nature, their enterprise had to use violence on'one Freshie land selling at high prices, the should be rewarded by the moat to rid him of his “fuzz,” but they assessor would have failed to do for Oregon Agricultural College. C:ws for sale. $270,(MX) for new buildings at liberal ixtasible support.-Oregonian. don’t want to use any such means his duty had be failed to make I I have 10 good Holstein cows the assessment high. The fault, Oregon Agricultural College. thia year. sale, fresh and coming fresh, one $150,(11) for annex to State Capitol. Engineers to Make Proposal. if any, lies with people placing Monday morning the Junior Holstein bull calf registered anil i $54»») for fighting bubonic plague. their property on the market nt one work horse.—Apply to Schild Through Major J. Morrow, Corps Geometry Class filed into Prof. Bros., Tilllamook, Ore. $K),OUO for statute of George H. high prices mid the reni Moore’s room as Jong faced as a of Engineers, U. S. A,, the citizens estate agents selling it, often Williams in Statuary Hull, Wash of Tillamook and Bay City will re­ murderer ready to be executed and For Sale. with very little money paid ington, It. C. ceive another proposition from the took thier final test on Plane Geom­ $20.1»») for surveys for to|>ograph- down and n big mortgage pins Registered Holstein Bull Calf, alt (kxvernment in the matter of making etry. We have not heard what their ter, these "high financed" laud ic maps. an * ma l> dam giving dome is but ho(»e they all |,u- 7| | “ t( “ „ ll( „1|lk " oveg i .... pcr .j - ” “ow r * . »¡re $4,(»»> for soldiers* burying plot those (>orts accessible to deep water denis are ctinsiimated. This Fiery one has thought that Prof, calf his four newest dams givinL shipping at every season of the >4 cannot goon indefinitely, for in udjoining Riverview cemetery. for . the I $1714.15 to reimburse George Nega­ year. In detail Major Morrow will Scofield --------- wus sick — ..... past three uutr : °y , cr 21 lbs. of — butter |>erweek - — ——— eacl! -1« the near future there must lx* weeks but he came around to his ! J*«» mi accounting. And vvhentliere ting of Dallas for injuries received explain the plan for carrying out I price $75.60 if taken . soimi .—B. B. is. mid not before, will land wliile in actual service for the Oregon the project as decided by the Board usual life and form Monday morn­ , Goff, Forest Grove, Ore. R.F. D. It seemed like the sun had ■ of Engineer of Rivers and Harbors ing. values liecome normal mid the National Guard. Wood For Sale. laud will I m * assessed according tltkOOU to reimburse National in n letter which he »rill send to just came from behind a black cloud when he smiled, the first i Tillamook. ly. A large number of farms Guardsmen for fighting fires. Wood for sale, Spruce and Hem have lievu liought on the sup- $1»i.ui) for mnintaining state mi- ' "if the citizens of that section will time for over a month. ock liody, dry at $1.3 a cord on the i agree Io pay the full amount that |s>sitioii that the cheese market , litia. place. 7 miles south of Tillamook.-* A lot of Republican» went would remain at top prices, but John W. Sickelsmith, Greens­ T. D aepaz . By committee on ways anil means i Cl,n ** c°llected from assessments over to laipulism when they let the market drop and keep $42.5H)for Hupiairt of eleemosynary <>n Pr,,l*rty valuations under the boro, Pa., has three children, i nd For Sale. opposed that |nuty holding n there for nny length of time and institutions. > state law creating Port Commie like moat children they frequently take cold. "We have tried several 1 Light Year Old Mare, 1400 lbs. convention mid to nominate u some of the "high financed" By committee on ways and means "aid the major this morning. kinds ot cough medicine." he says, 5 Year Old Mare, 130 lbs. ticket, w bi< li all other orgmii- dairy farm tlenla will prove fail $55.iqi.tu to defray claim for which ! ,he Hoard of Engineers will look "but have never found any yet that 5 Year Old Mare, ltfio lbs. Rations iMirticipate in. Having ujrvs. no provision had previously been with favor u|x>n the project of deep­ did fb'iM • • niiK-hjfood aa Cham- 2 Year Old Colt, make about 1WR berlain ’ s Cough Remedy." denied the right to the Repub­ For lbs» IMUlk*. ening the channel and improving •ale by Iamar'a Drug Store. lican party to representative The Henlid appears to sym­ Tide I.and Hay, $18 or $») de­ It is es­ By committee on ways and means the harbors as requested. livered; tame Hay, $30 or $22 de­ government, and looking at pathies with Governor West lx*- $l.27t\97V for maintenance of in­ timated thia will amount to $7U0,(W livered. the extravagant appropriatiou» esuse he vetoed the sinnll ap­ Kina A Murderer The total stitutions at Salem and soldiers* as their contribution. Also Machinery and a good Gaso­ A merciless murderer ie Appen- line made by the recent state legis propriation of $l,5(l> the state home. launch. cost of the project will be $1,848.000 dicitie with mar.y victims, but Dr. ’ lature. the average taxpayer legislature sanctioned towards Hv committee on ways and means and the members of the Board of King» New Life Pill» kill it by! Address F rank H anxbnkratt . n county fair. The first duty of will come to the conclusion that KKU.XXH oi salarieaof state officers. Engineers are willing to contribute prevention. They gently stimulate they have lieen bilker! ugain, n newspaper is loyalty and de­ Wagon for Sale. By committee on ways and means the difference between that amount stomach, liver and towels, prevent­ and iustead of taxation being on votion to the county or section ing that clogging that invites A Studebaker Wagon, 2% inch M52JM5 4l>. providing for paying or »1,148,000. I the down grade it is mounting in which it is published, but if •ball advise t tie tn of the decision I aptiendiciti»' curing Consti patios». high, wheel narrow tire. for eale. - ' deficiencies. Headache. Biliousness. Chill. 3c. at Í Apply to Henry Schild, PleasaM reached at once." Chas. I. Clough. \ alley. i