T illamook Synopsis of the annual statement standing risks ........... of the Due tor commission and brokerage .......... All other liabilities KEO CLUB. Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co. of N.Y. < a Qunr Society In I ts , England. it clubs that exist In Of New York, in the State of N.Y., rill find some of th« ¡■hire. England. One on the 31st daj of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commission­ I the Henpecked club. er of the State of Oregou, pursuant Stes. Its members ar« to law: Ki can come across a C apital . rsry Lancashire town A moi> .A of capital paid up.......................................... $200,000.00 are held, as a rule, In I ncome . ■ and the discussions liters and often non- Premiums received dur- lave the reputation of ing the year in cash $ 351.200.19 | When evidence baa Interest, dividends.and ■bow that a particular rents received during the year ......................... 27,797.63 ■ himself to come un- ■M d they tax him with Income from other sour­ ces received during Me of meeting. The presl- the year............................. — M 4 lecture on the danger EKpermitting his wife to MM m as master, and when have Indorsed his remarks t« whom the speeches are to Warned that If be con |B«d the henpecking he will bsmbje............... .. $ 64.400«) Total assets ad­ mitted in Oregon $3.278,358.13 vent Bright’s Disease end Dia­ bates, and restore health and Strength. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Ch««. I. Clough Foley Kidney Pill« Neutralise »ndrrmov» the poison« that cause lau kache. rheumatism, nervoaaneaa and all kidney stwl 132. «r.-w bladder irregularides. They taiild up ami ‘restore the natural action of these vital organa. —C. I. Clough A Ob' KINDS MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. Tlie Best Equipped Sajv Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Kirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE <>N YOUR LUMBER BILL. ORINO LAXATIVE Palatine Insurance Com­ pany, Ltd., Gros« claims for losses unpaid .......................... $ Amount of unearned prems. on «11 out Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County C apitai ., $ Less special deposits in other States (if any there be)........................... Total assets admitted 111 Oregon ................... L iabilities . Tinware for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. The Best Hotel MEASLES THE ALLEN HOUSE J. P. AUUEN. Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. * Comfortable Beds and Accommodation 1 CASE, A. K. ! pbopbuton Tillamook Iron Works < General Machinists & Blacksmiths Boiler Work. Logcer’« Work aud Heavy Forging Fit»« Machin* Work a Specially. ir xr After having the MiiA.si.tS « have your eyes looked after, * examined, before you try to do any cluse ’Vutk with them. D v ui save you the trouble you M ay otherwise have, besides it will cost you nothing to find out the tinth about them. Measles very often leave your eyes in a very bad con­ dition, half of the trouble with our eyes, or the eyes of the people is caused by M rasi . ks . Don’t risk your eyes when they can be saved as well as not. Dr. H. E. Morris, OREGON TILLAMOOK, Í a w w ORKGOX. J. I CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, A Morning Reminder. Urittecltcu -Abuohnt Yon awake with • mean, nasty taste in the mouth, which reminds 213 Tillamook Block, you that your stomach m in a bad condition. It should also remind O regon . T illamook you that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach as If you bav«- trouble in getting rid of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver your cold you may know that you »re not treating it projirrly. There Tablets. in no reason why a cold should bang on for week» and it will not if you take Chamlnerlain'» t’ougli Ifemedv. For «ale by latniar » Drug 8tor«. Tb«r huiW ag th« u8