TILLA.MOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 9, 1911. POLICE OF PARIS. SHAVING IN ITALY. Th« Barber Mutt Hava U»«d a Crai cut 8aw on This Victim. ! Amount of unearned Synopaia of the annual atateinent preme» on all out­ of the MAIMED CERVANTES. standing riakB Due for conuniaaion Bravery In Battle of the Famewe and brokerage ......... Author of “Don Quijote.” All other liabilities Of Hartlord, in the State of Con». An iiK'Ident nt iht* I m MCI«* of !«e|mn Total liabilities to. wbi<*b broke tlie power of the Oil the 31et day of December, 1919, made to the Insurance Commission­ Total premiums in force Turk* hi Kuro|»e. baa mu intereHt for er of the State of Oreifou, pursuunt December 31, 1910.• atudeutM of literature “lu file Mur to law : _________ _ _______________ que*M galley”—we quote fnuu Coin Orient Insurance Com­ pany, D isbursements . 400,264.17 40,129.88 7,953.75 $468. 854.52 Ituly laay tie the laud of tlie Ilea. but It la not the liome of tlie shave $800,528.34 The burlier» there me generally rr erulted from the ranks of Hie bu<« B usiness in O regon for the C apital . or the medical »ludeius They u iL'iuder Currey’a “Neu Wolvew In the Y ear .___ be able to stand the sight ut liloisl Mediterranean”—“waa lying In bia Amount of capital paid Total risks written $.710,000.00 TESTING A MAN OF COURAGE. In the early dHya of uiedictue pliy l>rd. akk of a fever, a young man *P.......................... during the year .... $ 74,101.00 slclaiia called In burlier» to do their twenty-four years of age. a Spaniard I ncome . __ Gross premiums re­ bleeding for them. of Alcala de iieiiarra. the aon of hou ceived during tile In Italy a physician now does bls ora Me pareuta. we are told, although Premiums reieived oor. When till» Interest, dividends,and Premiums returned dur­ 60.20 young tn an heard that a battle waa self and Prov«d It In a Movt Startling shop first ing the year ••• • rents received during Everything Is done in mi orderly Imminent he roae from Ida lied ami 121,250.51 Losses paid during the «nd Conclusiva Manner. the year ....................... 142.62 mautier In lhe Latin kingdom The demanded of Illa captain. Fmixdiao Income from other sour­ year....... ........................... • Losses incurred during Tur police of Paris have always uimi who yearn» to O|»»n ii Unisonal Hao Pedro. that be should be placed ces received during 142.62 year .................. ••• The the year .......................... muUe it a rule to keep closely Ui toui'li parlor up|»*iira before lhe municipality In the float of greates I danger Total amount of pre­ to request bls license. No liitliieiiee Is captain and others, bis friends. «■Olin with ilie crliuinal eletneut. the spies $1,504,817.24 miums outstanding Total income required He does not have to have a aeied him to remain in bls bed inti «••vcel officials of the d«»partuienl pull. No, he cultivates I bn I Inter in Oregon, Decem­ man. 210.30 •Heuorea.’ replied the youug DISBURSEMENTS. ber 31, 1910............... as cruiilniils sirioiiK the real “Are you quulltted?" demand the city •what would be an Id of Miguel de < "otiinala wtieli uecessary to learn Ibelr fathers T he M etropolitan C asualty Cervaotva abould he tuke thia advice? Losses paid during the secrets The following Incident, lu I nsurance C ompany , of N.Y. ■'Signori." resiamds the applli niil re­ Ou every occaaion up to thia day on year............. ............ P. W m . S imon , Secretary. wuleb the national Impulse for dramat­ proachfully. "does nut my father own whl< h Ida enemlea have offered battle Dividends paid during Statutory resident general agent the year on capital ic eflect crops out. will serve to llhis- u horse, mid have I not curried it to hia majeaty I have nerved like a stock ... .................... .. 200,000.00 and attorney for service irnie liow well at times they do tbelr every Hundny? Besides. I have worked good aoldler. and today I Intend tn do Commissions and salar­ E. K. THOMPSON, Portland, Or. lu the stockyards." work: ao lu aplte of thia airknesa Mild fever ies paid during the I ■'Bene." reply the license givers. At the liegluning of the French rev­ He was given command of twelve nol- 301,333.51 year................... U.S. Branch olution tlie chief of the police of Paris "You nre Indeed suited In every wav. dlera In a ahallop and all day was to Taxes, licenses, and fees Here are your shaving |ai|iera Go 48,865.07 Synopsis of the annual statement mill iqsin Ills register the mimes of no be aeen where the <*<»mbat raged moat paid during the year.. of the forth mid scrape aequalntanre with I fienely. He rei-eived two wound» In Amount of all other ex­ fewer thnn 2.meiro|Mills a geu One Italian traveler was heard to hia life with honorable memory of Loans on mortgages C apital . teel looking mini opened the d«s>r of remark: "I now l»»lleve that the mur thia wonderful occurrence, and. al­ and collateral, etc... ■ tie carriage mid addressed him lo this tyr St. Luke was skinned alive. Amount deposit in U.S. $200,000.00 I though lie lost tlie u.ae of hia left Cash in banks and on effect: 252,306.59 Ile band. It added to the glory of hia know the iuiid who skinned hlm hand............................. I ncome . "Sir. I bine been wall lug for you shaved me this morning'* Twelve right.’ flow glorious waa that right Premiums in course of collection and trans­ some time According to m.v notes, you good men mid true looked nt his face hand la known to all readera of ’El Premiums received dur­ 242,185.95 mission ........................ ing the year in cash $2,476,584.81 were lo arrive al this hour, mul. your ami then gave their verdict. He was Ingenloao flidaigo Don Quljote de lu Interest and rents due Interest, dividends, and person, your carriage and vour port I a iriitliful mini Mam*ba.' ” 30,712.49 and accrued ................. rents received during mnutemi exactly answering the de­ When a customer enters ng llallnn 5,059.46 (»Hier assets.................... 147,175.26 the year scription I hold in my timid, you will burlier shop he is escorted politely io from other Income RELIC OF ANTIQUITY. period me lo nave lhe Honor of coll an iqieratlng chnlr. The back of the Total assets............. $3.004,693.37 sources received dur- chair 1» ntntlomiry. but the tu-adrest ducting von to M de Barline“ Less special deposits 300,233.27 ing the year................... on Th« Seal That Is So Often Used 17,377.36 in other States........... The gentleman. aaloulslieit nnd lets down Io a remarkable degree. Legal Documents. Total assets admitted $2,932,993.34 alarmed al tin» interruption mid still The result 1» that while the nppllemit's Total income A most nbsir il thing connected with in Oregon ................. $3,077,316.01 more nt hearing lhe mime of the chief hips mid knees are hem lo Illi angle D isbursements . luspei tor of lhe police nienllolled, de of ninety degrees his neck stretches so legnl business Is the little piece of red. L iabilities . 1 green or blue paper or diiuli of sesllng Ills bend makes nn acute angle that Losses paid during- the lUMIIiled to know wlinl M de Sirtlne the year............................ $1,069,428.89 wnntial with him. nildhig thm lie ti.ul with his back. Ids chin pointing direct- wax which we ofteu place at the end Gross claims for losses 98,091.16 Dividends paid during of a signature to ii deed, will or other unpaid ............... never cormnltied nuv offense against ly nt the celling It requires long prac- Amount of unearned the year on capital tlie law« amt Ihal lhe |silli’e could lice for stout gentlemen to Itecome Important dis-utnenf. premiums on all out­ stock ......... It Is ii very small thing In size, but comfortable In this position have no right to detain him 1,304,628.15 standing risks............. Commissions and sal­ Then the operator dip» III» brush In one to which n great deal of Impor Due The messenger ilei lared himself lg for commission aries paid during tile It Is a relic norniit of the cmise of the detention Ice water and brushes It lightly across tsnee Is frequently given and brokerage........... 655,582.43 year I 50,997.56 Taxes, mid siild thill when he hud <-oinlm-ted the soap. He then, with a playful mr. of antiquity, and no plausible excuse All other liabilities .... licenses, and can lie Invented for continuing its use dampens his customer'» l»»nrd as If him lo M de Karli lie lie should have fees paid during the Some of tlie more pro'gresslve states Total liabilities............. $1,454,317.67 to say, "This Is really imm»*»»»nrv. exectlleil his orders After »-une fur 78,198.93 year Total insurance in force use by but I yield to the prejudices of a »trail have practically abolished Its Amount of all other ex­ tiler explanations the gentleman per I December 31, 1910.. $235.731,430.(0 ger" No, lie never rubs the soap lu ­ legislation, which deprives It of it ny penditures ..................... miffed the officer to conduct him to be might produce n lather Then technical legal significance. In ot hers, B usiness in O regon forthe Y ear . the police official Total expenditures . $2,666,922.79 collies the ma Jor seated to brush full of cold water, and then Die i most mnglcal value Is given to It by Gross premiums received Value of real estate powder Is applied: no. not talcum pow dignified Judges that Is little less than 29.819,50 during the year............. 1)1» nslenlshnienl described tils |sirt owned ............................. $ 350,000.00 ridiculous Premiums returned dur­ mantenn and tohl him the exact der—powdered alum. When the diimnges have Hilts lieen ing the year.................... 6,778.03 Value of stocks and A man died yenrs bro I en vine’ purl amount In hills mi<1 cash which he bonds owned ............... 2,518,695.00 bail bronchi with him to I’nrl» where tetii|Hirurlly tvpulred the victim raises of his estnte to another to enjoy while Losses paid during the year.................... ............... 10,244.06 Loans on mortgages and he was to lodge. Ills liana I time of Ills bend—If lie In still able -mid him a be lived, with the privilege of devising collateral, etc............... None. Losses incurred during going to Iasi and n nmulier of other coat of hrl I Ila n tl lie nppllisl to Ills linlr It at his denth to others whom he Cash in banks and on the year............................ He then totters home and. lifter tils might select tiy a writing under his hand ........................... ., 685,439.91 elrentnataneea which tie lied conceived wife Inin fainted at night of bint, re­ “hand and seal ” A writing was exe­ Total amount of risks Premiums in course of were known only lo himself outstanding in Oregon solves to raise a muntin lie. sideburns, cuted so devising the property, but It collection and in trans ­ Having Huis excited Ills attention. December 31, 1910 .... $1,158,965.00 galways and a full beard The barber, was contested by others claiming the mission .......................... 464.334.14 M. de Kiirftne aslo-d him: O rient I nsurance C o . i meanwhile having washed up Hie property upon the technical ground Interest and rents due "Sir. an» vou a man of courage?” Ily J as . W yper , Manager. I gore, seats himself In front of Ills shop that the pa|>er contained no seal after and accrued ................. 39,348.42 The gentleman still more astonish Statutory resident general agent Other assets ..................... 14,219.10 nnd smiles benignly on tlie passerby. tlie signature and the devise was «»1 at the sfncnhirlty of his Interrogn and attorney for service: No. Italy Is uot the laud of the »have, therefore void. tory demnndixi the reason why such S am B. S toy , Portland, Oregon. Total assets $4,102,036.57 although It may be the home of the A wise Philadelphia Judge closely Carl Haberlach. agent, Tillamook, a question was put to him. adding flea.—New York Sun Oregon. scrutinized the signature and after that no mau had hitherto doubted hia Less special deposits carefully listening to the arguments <»ou rage in other states............. $ 20,498.02 Hie Advic« Not Wanted. i f lawyers decided that at the end of Synopsis of the annual statement Total assets admitted in “Sir you are to lie robbed and mur "My ilenr," says the ductor to his Oregon ............................. $4,081,538.55 the signature there was an extra derail tills night." repllett M de Snr of the tine "If you nre n man of courage wife, who 1« cmldllng their u«»w Isiy, scroll or flourish made with the pen L iabilities . yon must go to your hotel mid retire I “you slinulil not feed the Isiby ofteuer with which the signature was made tlinit every three hours, you should not and that this was sufficient In law to Gross claims for losses to rest at the usual hour I’ut he take It up every time It cries. It should unpaid ............................ $ 198,882.51 careful not to fall asleep Neither will constitute a Real.—Case and Comment Of New York, in the State of New sleep practically nil lhe time. It should Amount of unearned It In» priqier for you lo look under vour York, premiums on all out­ uot lie shown to every one who culls, On the 31st day of December, 1910, bed nr Imo the closet which Is In your Ba Yourself. standing risks ............. 2,365,206.47 your mother mid father sliould not 1st made to the Insurance Commis ­ uld have Y ear . Premiums received dur­ /I de Siirfiiie’s liiformatloii was necii fia.v you $5 a visit. I don't want miy taught Shakespeare? Where Is the mas ing the year ................ $ 794,560.42 Total risks written dur­ 'ff-'ic Hl «»Very psrll« alar, refused to be of your ol4r*>iiateit and resolved l.i rntiow lit lin or Washington or Bacon or New rents received during Life. Gross premiums re­ •-rally flu- dlristlon« lie hail ns-elvist the year ........................ ton? Every grant man Is unique Do 24,783.75 ceived during the year. 60.732.02 Income from other sour ­ tie aiis.rdingly drove tn the lintel that which Is assigned to you and you The Big Wind In Iraland. Premiums returned dur­ ces received during and went to last at his usual txiur.YII The night of thè big wlud In Irelnnd cannot ho|s» too much or dare too ing the year ................... 9,654.64 the year ................... ... . 8.79 o'clen, amt three men entered with a The gale was by u i mea as < »»«t amt nettled foni Ione more tliau 2UO buuses «ere blown Insert the ends of the wire Into the By J as . W yper , Manager. stink.................................. the |»l«n of piutliur mm te ilemti 20,000.00 Statutory resident general agent down sud as many more werr boriosi fresh Imdy About the positive wire s Commissions and sal­ He irlna an this and Uot kiioivlug by and attorney for service: aries paid during the In 189.M Dulilln was swept by s gale green stitln will at once apfiear. due to what mentis he w»» io Is» rescued, the S am B. S toy , Portland. Ore. year .............................. quii»» a» great and lialf thè trees in dissolved copper If the current Is al- 443,687.04 mereham was under great pertnrtis R S. Whitehouae A Son, Agents, thè l’hovulx |>ark aere put duali — lemming the ends of both wire« will Taxes, licenses and fees Tillamook, Ore. dun of mind dnrtng such an interval New paid during the year. 16161.14 York Nun. Iw «iirroundeil by dark colored stain» Amount of all other ex­ >t Suspense Chicago Tribune. penditures ................... Just at the u»»nient the villain» were 1 25,806.40 Synopsis of the annual statement ( Sh« Loved Him. prefiarliig to take (he men-hmit'a life I of the This was after the qua reel I ran Total expenditures $ 776711.74 Whittier’» Safeguard. four potIi-e officer» wiki Mere t-oueeal- »•ver forgive you." he cried last When an overtlnikl visitor from the ed uniter the best and In the closet, A ssets . night you said I waa a lobster city once commented to the port Wbtt mailed out mid selzeil lhe offemtera tn "But you know." she refilled, and her Value of real estate the very art of attempting miinler ami tom» waa couvlllatury— “you know how tier upon the Insecurity that seemed owned . ........................... inwpamhlr from so many doors open with Hie afuleu property in Ibelr |»m dearly I lore lobsters " Ing out from all sides of the large old Value of etockn and Of Salt Lake JCity, Utah, in seaslun. lhe law made short work of With s glad cry he folded her to bls Imnda owned .............. the 631.817.50 country home the master of the house tlie crtalta»ln and the |Mill«*e cungratu- breast -Philadelphia lleeurd. State of Utah. I man a on mortgagee strove gently to restore ciMifldence by islist the tuervttsul ou bls courage and and collateral, etc.... on the 31st day of December, 1910 h* Insurance I...... . ......... Commisi pleading that moat of them were lock- Cash in bank and on iiMilueaa. matte Ä to -k t the Abu«« ••d at eight hand . ............................... aioner of the State of Oregon, pur- 74.646.38 A buse Is not so rnls and accrued .... 4,834.14 "P ................. » ax.'-TMk) “Walking the floor because you can't lai It oiled shoes that won't come uofss rd by a club and wounded liy a I«» pny »mf Total aaaets t«s,,d luslrail of I brae cuufuiindrd scurii arrow -Johnson •U1.2B7.84 I nconk . “No. bemuse I cant make cm any things I ha I are untied half the llmeY" larger Ex change. Premiums re'eived latea apocini depoaft» "Re» amie 1«!«.*' said Iliad)« sweet Dosin') r«d Th«m during the year......... $ 247.816 90 in any state (it any IJ. "I'd rather have a buw than get KltminOur laudlmtv «ay« «h« like» Interent, dividends and there be) ..................... $ _ Whs» Did Sh« Meant the bowk.”—Harpers Week!/. to are hw laiardm her» m»«l appo- rent» received during Total aeeets ad- Shop A «slats nt «ta purchaser of wtd- titea Smart- WHI. «orne wnuieu era the year ....................... 42.519.36 ! •w's bon iteti-Would you Ilka ta try It _____ milted in Oregon $ 831.267.84 Income from naturally i rwol - Huaton Trams rip«. other on Iwfnre the glass, luadamt Cao U amuti •ounce» received dur­ »■imer-No, thank you. miss. It ain't ing the year............... Max 44 for aw I s tab It was-Stray Ntorfaa Their Methods Effective Even if Sometimes Dramatic. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, Metropolitan Casualty In­ surance Comttany, Continental Life Insur­ ance & Investment Company, I I i Total in4,096.59 Total liabilities .............. $ 2,017.3765» total insurance in force December :