TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 0, 1911- ___________ ________ _ i.- wanting ..$30,000 for maintenance of U. of Bro. Trombley is to be the democratic O. medical départaient at Portland. more loyal to t --- --------------------- >)n» yenr............ $50,000 for dormitory at Monmouth governor of this state than he is Six montlm......... Normal School. to Tillamook county, that is his Three month» . .. By Umatilla delegation—$331,000 privilege. The Headlight is alive to the needs of Tillamook for Eastern Oregon Branch Insane county, ami we hope to zeal­ Asylum. ÔÇillainooh IjcabligM, $000 for sundry expenses at sol­ A great many persons wonder ously guard them in the future why taxes are so high. There an in the past. Marion, Benton diers’ home at Roseburg. By committee on insurance- $10,- are a great many demands on ami Lane counties have had Editorial Snap Shots. the county treasury. For in­ millions of dollars out of the (XM) additional maintenance for in- ■ state treasury, and although the surance department Who is it that is selling drink stance. Tom Johnson,who met Jfl(MX) for creation of Bureau of 1 a fatal death in this city, had state legislature was magnan­ to the habitual drunkards ? plenty of money in his pocket imous enough to allow T illa- mines. when he came here for booze, inook county a small appropria­ And not even a smell for Tilla- , Marion, Lane, but the taxpayers hail to pay tion, the governor butted in mook County ! and .. a ........ few .......... other couu- .................. — Absolutely Pure for the coffin, etc., he was buried with his veto and denied this Benton in. The city appropriates the county of that small amdunt. ties have their snouts poked so saloon license and the county For years Tillamook has t>een deeply into the State treasury Chicken are to be kept up. If hail t>> pay, not only the burial cut off, as it were, from the rest there is no room left for Tilla­ some of the youngsters could expense of its victim, but also of Oregon, struggling with the mook to butt in with so many be ke t up also after eight or the expense of holding an in­ lack of railroad transportation, hogs devouring the State tax. In other the difficulties of pioneer days And above will be seen what the . nine o’clock it would l>e far bet­ quest on the tiody. ter than bothering about the words, the city is receiving the anil the laborious work of turn­ anti-assembly howlers did to revenue and the county is made ing this wilderness into the the dear people to make taxa­ chicken. to pay for the crime which ori banner dairying county of Ore­ tion burdensome and excessive. We still think that the Port ginate in tin- city. It was the gon, yet when the opportunity Bitty the Poor Taxpayer. of Tillamook should get busy. sovereign will of the people that a. rives to exploit and boom this Tillamook Bar Improvement. From all indications the matter the county have saloons, so the 1 -ig benighted country, and the railroad of the improvement of the bar taxpayers must not complain if I municipal ion which Mr. Russell Hawkins of the Whit­ c< iinections w ill bring about, is so far < if that the improve­ their taxes come high. the governor is so narrow ami ney Timber Company, who has ment of the water front and the spent nearly ull of liis time for the channel to the bay should be It will be noticed a company short sighted that he is not wil­ past two years endeavoring to taken in hand right away. has been formed to construct a ling to allow Tillamook county, secure an appropriation for im­ and one of the most industrious Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, railroad from this city to Bay­ class of citizens in Oregon, a proving Tillamook bar, hua return­ and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking ocean and Netarts. We hope It is expected that next month trivial sum to help lioost at a ed from Washington with the dis­ powder in the world. It makes pure, clean, healthful food. sufficient taxes will be collected that in building a railroad to time when there will be gene­ couraging news that no relief can be to pay off the whole outstand­ Bayocean a wagon road will be before next December. ral rejoicing all over the county grunted constructed as well on the south ing indebtedness of the county. The Board of Review in charge of at Tillamook arriving at a time Royal Cook Book—800 Receipt» —Free. Send Name and Addreu. Before, however, another year side of the bay, and if the Port in her history when she will t>e river and barber work has refused rolls around, the indebtedness of Tillamook decides on open­ able to grow and develop. Gov­ to upprove the finding of the ROYAL BAKING ROWOER CO., NEW YORK. will have piled up again, but ing up the Sturgeon channel, ernor West did not propose that special board that recommended an we hope somewhat decreased, as conditions show it should do, this county should dip into the expenditure of approximately $1,- for something should lie done it will give this city road, rail State treasury, but Tillamook 7(<).0tX), provided the people of Tilla­ the next few years to wipe this and water facilities, as well as Call For Warrants. HIGH SCHOOL FLASHES. making mill sites anywhere county could dip into iti >wn mook would raise about $600,000. off and work on a cash basis. All general fund warrants endor. between this city and the sea­ pocket if it wants a fair. That It was necessary for the people of Work is now progressing nicely sed prior to Feb. 1, 1910, will be paid side resort. This city should is the ultimatum of Governor ' Tillamook and Bay City to pledge On uccount of the enormous aid as much as possible the con­ West in denying this county i themselves to the last dollar of on the Gilford Stillwell Park at pre­ upon presentation. Interest ceases this 10th day of expense to the taxpayers in 1 bonded indebtedness that they sent. The posts for the fence are March, 1911. struction of the railroad, and State aid. on the grounds, as is also most of maintaining the State institu­ especially a wagon road, for it could incur in order to raise thia B. J.. B eals , C o . Treasurer. tions of learning, xvith flu- per­ would he of mutual benefit, ami large amount, but they succeeded the lumber. If rain does not pre­ Governor West vetoed a small vent the ground will be plowed and petual "graft" that is worked Call For Warrants. as Bayocean must have a road appropriation of $1,500 for a and had every reason to believe that levelled this week. at every state legislature, it is of some kind before it can hope fair in this county. Now peruse their enterprise and their faith in All County road fund warrant« about time that something was to get people to build there, we According to the schedule which endorsed prior to Nov. 1st, 1910, will some of the big things he ap­ this locality would be recognized done to curb it and centralize hope what we have suggested is posted on the bulletin board in be paid upon presentation. proved to benefit Salem, Cor­ by the necessary appropriation Interest ceases this 10th day of ull under one head and in one will tie undertaken ami com­ the main hallway, there will be four vallis, Eugene and other places. from the Government. March, 1911. locality. The system of Marion, pleted as soon as possible. games of baseball this week. As The loss which Tillamook and There’s nothing small about B. L. B eals , Co. ‘Treasurer, Benton, Lane and other delega­ them, either, for they run up to Bay City will suffer through their they are only practise games they tions in the state legislature to Farmers Attention. The first" inability to secure the ocean trans­ are quite interesting. the millions. Here they are : obtain enormous state appro­ yet portation that is absolutely ne­ game for this year was played be­ $90(M) forstrrt-t pavingat Corvallis. I will shoe your horses for $1.50 a priations in standing together tween the first team and the (Jutlaws piece, four new shoes, Other job $1200 for salary of chaplains at cessary to admit of the economical Friday night after society. is the reason that state appro­ The development of the great timber work in same proportion. At th« penitentiary and reform school. priation and taxation is so high. classy outlaws showed us some 1.arson $15,(Mil for salmon hatcheries on resources will be great, but Port­ good stuff and made many snappy Thayer. Blacksmith Shop.—Grant a new land and all of the intermediate Columbia River and its tributaries. doing plays, but were entirely outclassed What with high priced land, Notice. By Lane County delegation $328,- territory will also suffer in degree. by the first team, the final score be­ These ind high taxes, the barbers of The mills and logging camps of the 252.98 for maintenance of University which As it is unlawful toallowchii kena ■ he city haven't helped matters Whitney company alone would ing 14-2 in favor of the latter team. of Oregon. tor those who have to stand the Tuesday night the Outlaws fought to run at large within thecity limita, give employment to nearly a notice is hereby given that all i>er. By Lane County delegation—$175, - high pressure business in hold­ out a game with the Grammar School sons are requested to keep their 000 for new library building at Uni­ thousand men, if water transporta­ ing them up 35c. for u hair cut. Some of the latter show ex­ chickens shut up, and failing to do tion were available, and these work­ team. versity of Oregon. We have no objection to that, tremely good form for lads their age so, will be prosecuted. $10,000 for bridge across Snake ers would create a demand for M. D. R eading , Marshal, but there isn't any justice in farm, garden and dairy products and will make good stuff for our River at Nyssa. charging a person who bus hair better teams in the future, They which would thus make employ ­ Baby Chicks. $1109.44 to reimburse teachers and like a mop the same price as the finally succumbed to the Outlaw employees of old Drain Normal ment for hundreds of others. Until If you want some baby chicki, person with little or no hair on the Government comes to the rescue bunch with the score of 16-5. School. thoroughbreds to raise as fall layer« the place where the wool used of Tillamook with a chunnel that The schedule was as follows: Fri­ see I)r. Morris. He can furnish (lie $10, (XX) for bridge across Snake to grow. The bald headed have will admit ocean carriers of mod­ day, March 3, Outlaws vs. 1st Team; chicks and tell you how to raite River in Baker County. just grounds for a protest, for them without the hen. Order them $20,000 to create armory fund, erate draft it will be impossible for Tuesday, Marell 7,Outlaws ve.Gram- now. they are not getfing a square This bill came to Governor contain- these great resources to be de­ mar School ; Wednesday, March 8, deal in the sliuvers’ new sched­ For Rent. ing $40,(XX) appropriation, but fie ar­ veloped. The building of the rail­ Outlaws vs. 1st Team ; Thursday, ule. roads to the coast will of course March 9, Ciceronians vs. Einerson- ranged to cut it in half. My farm in Pleasant Valiev, Till­ the inter­ ians ; Friday, March 10, Outlaws amook Co., 19 mile« south of TiIla- I $1500 for Oregon Humane Society. help Tillamook and >Iy, how people are complain­ mook city, 1-half mile from church, 1 mediate territory very greatly, but vs. the winner of the Thursday $60,000 for forest protection. For] ing about the extravagant anti The Ciceronian program scho-1 and cheese factory. $20,000 for salmon hatcheries south it is in the rough grades of lumber game. terms apply to Ed. Lyster,Hemlock. assembly state legislature. It which must be shipped out by which was rendered Friday was one of the Columbia River. E. W. M ills . was the sovereign will of the $50,000 for Astoria centennial cele­ water that the profits in the busi- of the best ones yet this year. Things people that elected them and it ness are found. Until it is possible have started off very smoothly under bration. Cheese Maker Wanted. was the sovereign will of Un­ $15,(XM) for eradicating fruit (lests. for this class of lumber to find a the management of the new cabinet. people which establinbed ano $15,1X0 for State Board of Health. market by water there will be but If no one gets to feeling too impor­ Cheese maker wanted at Miami ther insane asylum in Eastern Comuiencs $1'250 for preservation of McLaugh­ little of this traffic for the railroads. tant there is no reason why the fol­ Valley Creamery Co. Oregon, when everybody knows Leave appli­ The Tillamook project is in large lowers of Cicero should not have about April 1st, ¡911. lin Home. cations with Carl lfaberlach, Secre­ that with two sets of officers mid $15,(Ml) for maintenance of Union degree a Portland project. This the beat programs in school. But tary. Company reserves right to two institutions they will chew I lie high price of hitiil is the County experiment station. city is certain to share in all of the whenever one society does extra reject any or all applications. upconsiderably more tax money cause of high assessment» mid $18,(111 for maintenance and exten­ advantages that will fellow the good the other one tries to out-do than if the insane were nil kept high taxation on the same, as sion of library Coin mission. opening of the port. For that rea­ it. So we suppose that the coming At Last. in one institution. So blame those who have paid their taxes $10,(11) for support of indigent or­ son Portland should join with Tilla­ Emersonian program will out class The famous Grundronde Indian the sovereign will of the people fully realize, coiise<|iientl.v there phans. mook and present her case at all previous performances. School Farm has been sold to pri­ and the little peanut politicians is some ground for complaint. $15.(11) for extending powers of Washington in the best possible And barber prices are going to vate parties who will disfiose of it who have gotten into power bv 1‘here is no doubt whatever but Railroad Commission to public util- light in order that some help may raise. Well, all we have to say that at reasonable price, easy tirink working the will of the people what land values have Iteen itieiA | be given by the next Congress. 1 is that a few of the Freshman have W by pay $200 to $-100 per acre for racket. boosted away up with a large $2500 for carrying out provisions When two small communities like 1 the clippers applied to their heads land when this famous 140 acts tract can be bought % Jess. amount of ficticious and speeu of act providing for testing of rail­ Tillamook and Bay City pledge I and the razor to their faces at once For further particulars addrea* Next month the meintieni of lative values I n -I iiik I it, and the road scales. J. A. Bahr, Grandronde, who iB more than $OX),(XM) for an improve- i so as to eave money. The Soph’s sole agent for same. the TillauiookComnierciid (. luh land selling at high prices, the $1«),000 additional maintenance • ment of this nature, their enterprise I had to use violence on one Freshie will elect its officers for another assessor would have failed to do for Oregon Agricultural College. should be rewarded by the most I to rid him of his “fuzz,” but they Cows for sale. year. The present officer» hnve his duty had he failed to make $27O,(MM) for new buildings at liberal possible support.-Oregonian, i don't want _— t to use any such means I mude maxi. The chib is on u the assessment high. The fault, Oregon Agricultural College. I have 10 good Holstein cows for this year. sale, fresh anil coming fresh, onj business foundation, with tile if any, lies with people placing $150,(MX) for annex to State Capitol. Engineers to Make Proposal. Monday morning the Junior Holstein bull calf registered aud lending business menât the I nick their property on the market at $*XXM) for fighting bubonic plague. work horse. — Apply to Schild Through Major J. Morrow, Corps Geometry Class filed into Prof. one <>f it. It lui* proved il success mid high price» and the real $10,(IX) for statute of George 11. Bros., Tilllatnook, Ore. Tillamook Citv has n club that estate agents selling it, often Williams in Statuary Hall, Wash of Engineers, U. S. A., the citizens Moore’s room as long faced as a of Tillamook ami Bay City will re­ murderer ready to be executed and it cun be proud. It has sur- with very little money paid ■ ngtoii. D. (". For Sale. puss« d the ex|>ectiitioiis of tboae down and a big mortgage plus $20,(Ml) for surveys for topograph- ceive another proposition from the took thier final test on Plane Geom­ Registered Holstein Bull Call, an I Governinunt in the matter of making etry. We have not heard what their extra fine animal, dam giving oved who boosted mid to vet ter, these "high tinmiced" land , ic maps. the club started, This the re deals are eonaiimuted. $4.(IX) for soldiers' burying plot those |M>rts accessible to deep water dome is but hope they all pass. l <4 lbs. of milk per day now, sire ofl Every one has thought that Prof. ; calf his four newest dams givincl tu av have lieett shipping at every season of the small cannot goon indefinitely, for in • adjoin ng Riverview cemetery. error» made in the near future there must l>e $1714.15 to reimburse George Ncsa- j yesr. In detail Major Morrow will Scofield was sick for the past three lover 21 lbs. of butter per week < acre 1 but these » im >n r mi accounting. Ami when then.* . ling of Dallas for injuries received explain the plan for carrying out weeks but he came around to his bis two nearest testing, 4.6 feetj j price $75.(1) if taken soon.—B. B> »elves, ami we u is. and not before, will land wnile in actual service for the Oregon the project aa decided by the Board usual life and form Monday morn­ 'Goff, Forest Grove, Ore. R.F.D. It seemed like the sun had say there is u p values I h ' coiiic normal and the National Guard. ! of Engineer of Rivera and Harbors ing. monious spirit, w land will lie asses»<*d according­ I $I6,(XL‘ to reimburse National m a letter which he will send to just came from behind a black Wood For Sale. WUl COHtllt t cloud when he smiled, the first ly. A large number of farms Guardsmen for fighting fires. Tillantook. Wood for sale, Spruce and lie® future. have lieen tH>ught on the sup­ ’ If the citizens of that section will time for over a month. $50,(10 (or maintaining state mi- ock liody. dry at $1.25 n cord on th* position that the cheese market . litia. I agree to pay the full amount that place. 7 miles south of Tillamook.“ A lot of Republicans would remain ut top prices, but By committee on ways and means l can be collected from assessments John W. Sickelsmith. Greens- T. D aepaz . over to |s iihsiti when let the market drop ami keep $42,5xo for sup|iort of eleemosynary ' on property valuations under the boro, Pa., has three children, r.nd opp<*«l tl there for any length of time and institutional For Sale. , state law creating Port Commie like moat children they frequently take cold. "We have tried several convention mid to nominate a soltie of the "high financed" 1 Light Year Old More, 1400 lbw* By committee on way sand means: ' siona.” said the major this morning. kinds of cough medicine,” he says, ticket, which nil other organi­ dairy farm deals will prove fail 5 Year Old Mare. 1250 lbs. *N5.OH.7V for maintenance of in- 1 tinmted this will amount to $7UUOOl) th« extravagant appropriations cause lie vetoed the small ap­ livered. Kills A Murderer stitutions at Salem and soldiers' as their contribution. The total Also Machinery and a good (i»s«- made by the recent state legis propriation of $1,000 the state A merciless murderer is At Pl*n- ------ home. cost of the project will be $1 848,000 dicitie with many victims, but Istuie, th« average taxpayer legislnture sanctioned towards Dr , I line laiunch. Address—F rank H axkenkraty - By committee on ways and means and the members of the Board of Kinif s New Life Pills kill ft by - 41 come to the conclusion that a county fair. The first duty of $IKU. SA) lot sslsries of state officers Engineers are willing to contribute prevention. They gentlv stimulate they have tieeu bilked again, a newspaper is loyalty and de­ Wagon for Sale. By committee on ways and means . the difference between thut amount stomach, liver aud bowels, prevent­ mid instead of taxation being on votion to the county or section ing that clogging that invites *152,045.40, providing for paving I "u ’ 1 .. ,he . or $1.146.0». 1 A Studebaker Wagon. 2% the down grade it is mounting in which it is published, but if I ~ t “.dv?*r ,hem 01 «* decision I aopendicitis' curing Constipation high, wheel narrow tire, for «alA* deficiencies. Headache. Biliousness. Chill, 25c. at reached atoace.** Apply to Henry Schild, pleuMM Chas. I. Clough. Valley. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STBICTLV IN ADVANCE.) up higher every year. We are wondering what side issue the 1.50 75 politicians will use in the next 50 state election to make Republi­ cans fly the track and desert the G.O.P. ROYAL BAKIHG POWDER The official Government tests show Royal Baking Powder to be an absolutely pure and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder, and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. With no other agent can bis­ cuit, cake and hot-breads be made so pure, healthfid and delicious.