TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 9. 1911 Synopsis of the annual statement standing risks ......... of the Due lor commission brokerage ....... Commercial Union Fire All and other liabilities NPECKED CLUB of a Queer Society In shies, England, queer clubs that exist In you will and some of the incashlre, England. One lied the Henpecked club, idlcatea. Its members are and you can come across a t every Lancashire town are held, as a rule. In lor, and tbe discussions mbers and often non- have the reputation ol id. When evidence has to show that a particular ed himself to come un­ thumb they tax him with e of meeting. The presl- a leeture on the danger permitting his wife to tlon as master, and when ve indorsed his remarks whom tbe speeches are warned that if be con J the henpecking he will subject of a demonstra- ement that a “henpeck- nstratlon is to take place In tbe district with mixed e men applaud it, and the recalling similar displays trouble, become a little n the evening appointed of tbe club meet at a , where they arm tbem- all kinds of household n, led by concertina play­ whistle band, they start arch along tbe crowded a district. carries a broom, another a ird a shovel or a coal fender or a poker. Fire klead brushes, wvashtubs, rythlng used in the home, arried shoulder high. As along to fbe music In front ordaut clanging of their y sing snatches of son;» e name of the victim oc- on of the verses, which specially composed for the a local poet, Is to bold up ed one to ridicule, the rea- _________ demonstrators bearing the WMMMB goods being, of course, to that, having fallen under ^government, he will quickly I the slavey. they reach tbe cottage where resides they form a circle f the door and sing and fenders and coal scuttles than ever. inside Is Invoked by the ' during a halt in the pro- “be a man’’ and join bis Sometime If he looks upon f as more of a joke than any- he does their bidding, and and march to headquar- hlm at their head. Usually, his wife appears Instead ket of soapy water, which tly throws over the demon- r she quickly causes a clear- a hose pipe. onlooker It Is Just un exlilbi- laughter and nothing more, the scenes there Is general- of trouble and heartaching, umber of these "henpecked” tlons have sequels in police Sometimes it Is an enraged ing charged with assaulting trator, but more often than uel shows a wife appealing gtstrate for a senaratlon or- don Tit-Bits. ullet Stopped the Gam*, de Mus«et, the poet and , was almost as fond of of poetry. He played nearly ht at the Cafe de la Regeuce, the revolution of February, not divert him from his e turned up as usual and. one there to play with, ln- t tbe waiter should make a r him. The waiter did so, fusillade was raging In the tslde, and all went well until t bullet smashed a mirror in te proximity to the board, was anxious to continue in tbe Interruption, but his op- ould not. “With monsieur’s he said, “we will adjourn until after the republic has lalmed.”—Paris Gaulola. Sentimental Juris*. Henri Robert, the most fa- ocate in criminal cases at tb< r, told an audience almost composed of ladles that before a woman with some youth and a pretty voice has flftj out of a hundred of betn? , whereas a man would hav< If she knows bow to abed the right moment she need —a verdict of not guilty fa nty. -Parts Letter. 1,533,047.93 Insurance Co. of N.Y. 41,946.15 60,889.79 Total liabilities $1,783,377.21 Total insurance in force December 31, 1910 .. $2,537,309.18 B usiness in N O regon _____________ Y ear . _ Total risks written during the year ... $2,319,222.00 Gross premiums re­ ceived during- the year............................... 33,907.93 Premiums returned dur- iug the year ............. 6,966.34 Losses paid during the year............. ......... 2,238.58 Losses incurred during year................................. 4,501.64 « 1 Total amount of risks outstanding* in Ore­ gon, December 31, 1910......................... 2.054,068.00 ' Total income P alatine I nsurance C ompany , L td . D isbursements . By E. T. N ibbling , Manager. Losses paid during the Pacific Coast Branch. year...................... $160,885.70 Statutory resident general agent Dividends paid during and attorney lor service the year on capital H. E. P arkhurst . stock .......................... 20,000.00 Commissions and salar­ Synopsis of the annual statement ies paid during the of the 91,673.37 yepr................................... Commercial Union ?b- Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year 13,935.89 surance Co., Ltd. Amount of all other ex­ Of London, in England, penditures ...................... 10,986.65 On the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commie Total expenditures . $297,481.61 Bioner of the State of Oregon, suant to law : A ssets . Value of real estate C apital . owned............................ Amount of capital paid Value of stocks and up................................... $ 1,475,000.00 bonds owned ............. Loans on mortgages I ncome . and collateral, etc... Premiums received dur- Cash in banks and on ingthe year................. $ 4,824,258.47 hand............................. 54,200.25 Interest, dividends and Premiums in course of rents received during collection and trans­ the year ...................... mission ........................ 102,223.00 Income from othersour- Interest and rents due ces received during and accrued................. 5,662.00 the year ........................ 571,487.43 Total assets Total income............. $ 5,685,160.00 Of New York, in the State of N.Y., on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commission­ er of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: C apital . Amount ol capital paid up........... $200,060.00 I ncome . Premiums received dur- ingthe year in cash $ 351.200.19 Interest, dividende.and rents received during the year ...................... 27,797.63 Income from other sour­ ces received during the year.......................... Less special deposits D isbursements . in other States (if any Losses paid during the there be)........................ year........... $ 2,729,873.24 Total assets admitted $ 800,006.25 Dividends paid on capi­ in Oregon ................ tal stock during the L iabilities . year................................. Commissions and sala­ Gross claims for losses ries paid during the 37,970.09 unpaid.......................... year............................... 1.176,356.23 Amount of unearned Taxes, licenses and fees premiums on all out­ paid during the year. 316,875.56 standing risks............. Amount of all other Due for commission expenditures................. 1,356,684.36 and brokerage . ........ 9 318.00 43,098.00 All other liabilities .... Total expenditures. .$5,413,280.00 Total liabilities............. $ 407,251.65 A ssets . Total insurance in force December 31. 1910... $53,452,387.00 Book value of real estate owned................. $ 888,000.00 B usiness in O regon forthe Y ear . Market value of stocks Total risks written dur­ and bonds owned .... 4,955,260.00 ing the year....... ... $ 279,526.00 Bills Recurable............... 93.60 Gross premiums received Loans on mortgages 23,000.00 during the year ........... 3,770.91 Cash in banks and on Premiums returned dur­ hand ............................. 396,537.92 ing the year................... ? 1,305.71 Premiums in course of Ixrsses paid during the collection and in year................................... 10.57 transmission ............. 1,150,327.74 Losses incurred during Interest and rents due the year .......................... 20.57 and accrued :............. 77,589.06 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon Total assets $ 7,490,808.32 December 31, 1910 .... $ 202,263.00 Less special deposits C ommercial U nion F ire IN- in any State (if any surance C o . of N.Y. there be........................ 68,900.00 By A. H. WRAY, President. I Total assets admitted Statutory resident general agent in Oregon ................. $7.421,908.32 and attorney for service : H.E. P arkhurst . L iabilities . Gross claims for losses Synopsis of the annual statement unpaid............................. 582,344.30 of the ■ Amount of unearned premiums on all out ­ Palatine Insurant Com­ standing risks ............. 3,902,099.40 pany, Ltd., Due for commission and brokerage ......... 133,850.00 Of London, in England, 243,674,00 On the 31st day of December, 1910, All other liabilities, .... made to the Insurance Commis­ sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ Total liabilities ............... $4,861,967.71 Total insurance in force suant to law:_____________ 1 tecember 31. 1910. $ 6,932,331.49 C apital . B usiness in O regon for the Y ear . Amount of capital paid up.................. $ 500,000.00 Total risks written dur­ ing the year .... 5,884,147.00 I ncome . Gross premiums re- ceived during the Premiums received dur­ year ... 78,154.'J0 ing the year ............. $1,702,901.31 Premiums returned dur­ Interest, dividends and ing the year ................. 11,474.28 rents received during the year ...................... 120,904.94 Losses paid during the year .., .......................... 3,009.06 Income from other sour­ Losses incurred during ces received during the year ........................ 8,578.42 the year ........................ 196,622.23 Total amount of risks outstanding in Ore­ Total income $2,020.428.48 gon December 31, 1910. 4.803,666.00 D isbursements . C ommercial U nion A ssurance Co., L td ., Losses paid during tbe By A. H. WRAY, Manager United year ................................ $1,033,457.05 States Branch. Dividends paid during Statutory resident genera) agent the year on capital and attorney for service: stock............................... H. E. PARKHURST. Commissions and sal­ aries paid during the year ....... ...................... 488,186.27 Taxes, licensesand fees paid during the year. 62,581.50 Amount of all other ex­ penditures .................. 292,535.09 Total expenditures. $1,876,759.91 A Ref usa’ Gallery. « Pills A ssets . w Mrs Van Gilder's lim­ it gallery that she started Value of real estate owned.......... ............... Value of stocks and What They Will Do for You bonds owned ............. 2,820,420.00 that great criminal detective They will cure your backache, guarded tbe wedding pres Ixians on mortgages and collateral, etc. .. 402.67 Froatie Van Gilder married Cash in bank and on atrengthen your kidney«, cor. De Graft boy told me that hand.............................. 127.1m is rect urinary irregularities, build seven of the portraits Premiums in course of Dp the worn out tissues, and bad all done time, whatever collection anil in transmission ... -Cleveland Plain Dealer 302,209.30 eliminate the excess uric acid Interest and rents due and accrued....... 32, «moo that causes rheumatism. Pre* •4 W.»HK w< went Bright's Disease and Dis. wealth doesn't brins happt- Total assets .... $3.342,758.13 batea, and restore health and Strength. Refuse substitutes. Less special deposits in any state (if any there be) ..................... « M, 400.001 Sold by Chas. I, Clough Total assets ad­ mitted in Oregon $3.278,358.13 Foley Kidney Pills Neutralize and remove the poison« L iabilities . that cause Intckache. rheumatism, industry always tra Tele nervoueneoa and all kidney and road with enjoyment and Gross claims for losses unpaid ........................ « 132.493.38 bladder irregularities. They build procréés is altogether ta»- up and ’restore the natural action of Amount of unear ned wttboot It.— 8a these vital organa. C. I. Clough prema, on all out HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Ha rei war a , Tinware and China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook -County (fl ‘•«r r Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy I I em LocK LU N1 BER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. KINDS OF MOULDINGS ALI We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Kquipped Snw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Hirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. FIGURE ON VOLIK LUMBER BILL. leti M for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad K breath,sick lieaduche,torpid liver, biliousneus and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough The Best Hotel MEASLES. THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. AbliEN, Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. 1 r A. K. CASE, 4 i Tillamook Iron Works < 4 General Machinists A Blacksmiths. J -A I'VOPMIHTOIt Boiler Work. Loifger'x s Work 8 h 4 Heavy Forging. Fine Machine Work a Specialty. HLLAMOOK OREGON. W 8>’ IT W J. CLAUSSEN LAWYER, Dctitechcr Ab voltiti. ; After having the M hasi . es have your eyes looked after, examined, before yon try to do any close work with them. It will save you the trouble you M ax otherwise have, jiesides it will cost you nothing to find out the truth about them. Measles very often leave your eyes in a very bad con* dition, half of the trouble with our eyes, or the eyes of the people is caused by M kaslks . Don’t risk your eyes when they can be saved as well as not. i Í Dr. H. E. Morris EYE SPEC!Al.1ST. OREGOX. A Morning Reminder You awake with a mean, nastp taste in the mouth, which reminds 213 Tillamook Block, you that your stomach it in a bad condition. It should alao remind O regon . T illamook you that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach as Il you bave troulile in grtlmg rid <>f C hamberlain ’ s Stomac h and 1J ver your < old you may know that you are not trratiog it properly. Tlierr Tablets. They build up the ey in no reanon why a cobi «hould bang on for week« and it wlll not if you talli- Chain berla in’a < Oligli Kemedy. For sale by Donar’s Drug 'ture.