Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 09, 1911, Image 12

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Battle of the Famaue
Author of "Don Quijoto.**
Italy may he the land >>f the fl
Is liol Hie home uf Hie «have
Their Methods Effective Even if It The
lairlM-r* there are geiieri
Sometimes Dramatic.
vruiteij from the rank* of H h * i *
I or the medical stiidenls
lie able lo stand tile sight of
TESTING A MAN OF COURAGE. In the early day* of medicine phv
Nkdaus called iu tairliers iu do ibeir
bleeding for them.
In Italy a physician now does hl*
Ths Secret Service Knew More About
uwn bleeding—if he visits a bariier
His Own Affairs Than Ho Did Him-
shop first
self and Proved It In a Most Startling
Everything Is done In nil orderly
snd Conclusive Manner.
manner In the Latin kingdom
mun who yearns lo open a tousoriHl
Th? police of
parlor apjiears iiefore the miinn ipallty
iimUv Il a rule to keep closely In touch
tu request his Ih euse N'o iiifiuem e |s
wllh I lie criminal element, the spire required
He does not have lo have a
Hud acereI otticiul* of lbe department pull. N’o. be cultivates I hat later
poKtng it» crimina I n among the real
“Are you qualified’/” demand I lie city
criminal« when utMVtuuiry io learn their father*
••Signori." respond* the applicant re­
Th? following Incident. In
whh b the mitlonai Impulee for dramat* proachfully. "does not my fattier own
le ell eel crop« out. will nerve lu illUH- a horse, ami have I not curried it
iraie huW well al timen they du their every Sunday*/ Besltlvs. I have worked
In tiie Mtdckyards.'
“Bene.” reply th? license givers,
Al the beginning of the French rev­
olution the chief of the police of I’arin "You are Indeed Multed in every « II V.
* ««>
had upon id* register I lie mimen of uo Her? ar? your shaving |wt|»ers
forth and s<*rape ai-qiiaiiilance wit II
fewer than
NiiKpectcfl and deprav
th? strangers within our gates^imi ••ut
rd «•haraetern whone purntiiln were
only di*tant acquaintances
To cut
known to be of a criminal nature
your friends Is bad form and bad t«r
A inercfinnt of high reH|H*ela hlllty in
Bordeaux liad occHNion t » r»s|| Paris
Then. If the happy neophyte has
upon eonnm-rclii I (iiislness. carrying th»» tin. Ii? ofienB up a dissecting par­
with him lulls mid money to n very lor
Th? tin Is necessary I
large amount <>u til« arrival nt the blades
guien of the Kreuch niel rupi ills n geu
On? I tn Ila n trnveler was fien rd to
feel looking man opened rbe door of remark: "I now l»ell?v? that the unir
ttie eatriage and addrenned him to thin tyr St. Luke wa* skinned il 11 ve I
know th? man who sklnm*l him
•’Kir. I have been waiting for yon rthaved me this morning.”
«orne time According lo my noten, yon good men and true looked nt Ills face
were to arrive al tiiln hour. ami. your and then gave Hielr verdict, lie was
pernoti, ymir carriage ami your port
a truthful man
When a customer enter* nn Italian
mantean exactly answering the de
Nerifitlon I hold In my hand, you will barber shop he Is escorted politely to
an operating clntlr. The buck of Hie
permit me to have the honor of cull
chair I* stationary, but th? headrest
ducting you to M de Kart hie”
mid let* down to a remarkable degree.
alarmed hi I III* interruption ami Hl III Th? result I* flint while th? applicant s
more at hearing the mime of the <
i hip* and km*e* ar? bent to an angle
Inspector of the police mentioned, de of ninety degree* til* nwk stretches *o
inand«*d to know what M de Sirtlne that hl* head makes an nriite angle
wanted with him. adding Hint lie had with Ills back. Ills cliltb pointing dire« t-
never committed any offeune agaltmt ly at the celling. It require long prac­
the lawn and that the p*»llue could tice for stout gentlemen to l»e<-ome
comfortable In this position
have no right to detain Idin
Then the operator «tips hi* brush In
The meMHonger declared himself |g
norain of the chii *? i»t the detention Ice water and brushes It lightly h < to * s
__ soap.
He then, with a plnvfnl air.
and nald I lint when lie had conducted tin*
him to M tie Knrflne he nhunld have <Iiim|ieiiH Ills ••UHtolHer’s I I ward as If
to say. "Tills Is reiillv unnecessary.
executed hl* order*
After n um* fur
but I yield to the prejudice« uf « it rail
flier explanation* the gentleman |?*r
cnlfted the officer to conduct him to ger’* No, he never rubs the soap in -
he might pmdile? a lather
the police «iftlrlal
I I'oini»«
the major op<*ral1on Afterwind
M do Hnrtlne. the chief of police re
reived him with greiil polhene** and. the face Is washed with a * King
after reqttHHfIng hint to Ite Heated I«» liriish full of cold water, ami tlicit Hie
powder Is iipplleit: no. not tali-mu pow­
Id* tirttonishment <!e*crll»ed Id* port
mantHNtt and told him the emet der pondereil ilium
When the damages have Hut« been
amount In hill* and ca*h which he
tempiirnrll.v repaired the victim r»il«es
trid brought with him to Pari* where
he WNH to lodge, hl* iimiih I time of bls bend If he Is still able mid Ims H
emit of hrllllnntlue spplleil to bls luilr
going to bed and n number of other
IL* then totters home mul. after bls
ellvumRiam e* whbdi lie had conceived
wife has fainted st sight of him. re­
were known onlv to hlmnelf
solves to raise a mustache, sideburns,
Having thiiN excited hl* attention.
gnhvuys pud a full lieard. The barber,
M de Rartlne a*ked him:
memiwhlle having washiil up Hie
“Sir. ar? you a man of courage?**
gore, seats himself In front of his shop
The gentleman «till more n*to:d*h
mid smiles benignly on the psHserby.
ed hi the Mimriilarlty of hl* Interroga i
No. Italy Is not the Imiil of the stia ve.
fury. demand»*! the ren*on why miic I i
although It may he the home of the
a f|iie*tlon wnn put lo him, adding
flea.—New York Suu.
that no num had hitherto double«! hl*
Hit Advice Not Wanted.
“Nir. you are to be rohlied and mur
“My dear.” aaya the doctor to lila
tiered thia night.” replied M de Snr
wife, who la cuddling their new buy.
“If you are a man of courage
“yon aliould nut feed I lie t»ai)y «»fiener
you mini go tn your hot. • *nd retire
than every three hour*, you whoiiid nut
tn re*t at the n*nal hour
°ut l»e
take It lip every time II erle*. It aliould
careful tint t«» fall HHleep Neither will
aleep practically all I lie time. It tdmuld
If I»? proper for you to hark under your
not lie allow'n lo every one who <*alla.
l»e<1 or Info the clone l which I* In your
your mother and father atioiild not l»e
Tmi mum place votir |a»rt i
permitted to dandle It. you Hhuuid not
n’liiHt'iiii In It* u*unl Hlinaflnn near the chuck It under the chin that way. It
bed and Ifetrar nn aiiMplelnti
leave should aleep In a room without heat
what remain* to me
If von do not and with the windows wide open, iia
feel yor« e< »lira go Miitnclent tn I m air clothing Hliould la* simple—none of
roll out I will procure annie one who tho*e lacy, embroidered things—and —
will peraouate you and go tn lied tn and**—
your alead “
“llumphf* Interrupt* hl* wife. “Von
The merchant. being convInifHl that go and tell that stuff lu |»eople that
M de Surf ln?‘* Information wa* nvt ii
pay you $.”» n visit. I don't want any
rate In everv |uirt|cular refused to be of your old advice alout this baby.**—
|w«r*»nate<i and reauived to follow lit
erallv the direction* he had na vlxed
lie arrordingly drove to the lintel
The Big Wind In Ireland.
and went io I mm I m inn umiimi b«»ur. 11
Tba nlKht of ttu* tilg wind In Ireland
At half | uimi 12 tie* time Wil. Jan 6 anil 7. I83U
It aeenm lo
mentioned by M de Kartliie Hie d»*»r haie nerved fur aoiue «evenly yearn an
of hl* liedchainlter wh * quietly forced the ern point of no little ehronoloKy.
and three men entered with a 'l'he gale waa by no nmm routined to
A more of |ier»iina died In
dark lantern dagger* and plato I* The Ireland.
merchant, who pretenthil to i»c aaleep. Liverpool In the ernah of tiultdliiK«.
per»*4»ive«i one uf them to lie hi* own ■ nd the force of the wind wan felt
The» rltied hi* port ma nteau through Vheahlre. Warwick and Mat*
In Limerick. Galway and Ath
u nd I Mt urlwal and di*eu4Mt«<1 and Mettled
lone more than ’JOO houses were blowu
the plan nt put ting him to death
down and us many mure were tmrmst.
Hearing all tin« and not knowing by
Ill IRtW Dublin was awept by a gale
what mean* lie wa* lu I m « retened, the
quite a* great and half the trees lu
mervhMid «na linder great |ierturlis
the Phoenix |>ark were pul ilowu —
tiun uf mind ■turbia auch an ml er vu i New York Suu
>í an*j*en*c
Juet al the munieut the villains were
Shs Levsd Him.
pre|Miring tw lake the luenhaiil'a life
This was after the quarrel
“I can
four |*Hb*e utfteere n ho were »oueeab never forgive you." he cried
«*d uudvr the lied mud in the rlmtH« night you said I was a lobster "
ru«hed «ait an<1 aelxeil the olTenden» iu
’’Itut you know.” she replbst. nod her
the very net uf attempting murder and tone was conciliatory—"you know how
with lite mu »leu prv|$erty in their ptm- dearly I love lotmtera “
The mu mude «hori work of
With a glad cry be folded her to ht»
the crtinlnal*. and the puliré vuugmtil­ breast -Philadelphia Itecord
la ted the merchant uu I i I h cun rage ■ nil
Abuse la nut mt dangerous when
An Eacellent R»»a»n
there Is no retitele uf wit or cteth-nry.
"You girl« are l«*y<iud me.’* Mid I he no untale rsmveynnce
The <lin..remw
fat ber »» hr tied Ihr rllvlioii of hin Is-tween coarse and reflnesl «I mi *» to
d murili era h I x «- "Why don’t you wear as the dllference between Is-lna l .tul»
lHiti«MMMl ali'«« that won’t nniw nnfns ml by a club and wounded by a I«s
tened Insiemi of three evuifmiiHlml aoued arrow -Johnson
thin«» itesi are untied half the tliueF
"Hscsu»r |«|« ” ««Id Gladys sweet­
Dolin'! Tod Thin
ly. “I’d rather hare a bow than (•<
Allmm-Dvr landlmli ««r- "b* (Itere
Ihn book *-ll»n<ee'a Weekly.
to HVK ber I. MI nier, kirr ( ihh ! « k *
Hauirt- Well. «■■■»« «mute» »ra
UHlursllv I niel - H<«t..ii Iran« rl|H.
TV future H
eut —J uh
bawd by lbe prre
Au liwldeiil of Hie I mi HI h of !^*i»ao
to. wli!< h broke the |a»wer of the
Turk* III l£itr«>|»e. hit* hii liilerent fur
Htndenl* of Htenilure
“lu the Mar
que*a galley”-we quote froui <’oiu
Oa'iiider (’tirrey'a ’Sea Wolve* In the
Mediterranean”—••wax lying in hl*
I**!, wick of h fever, a young inau
twenty four year* of age. a Mimnlnrd
of Ahala de lienare*. the *<» ii of lion
arable parent*, we are tuld, although
tneae parent* were | mm > f
When thl*
young man heard that a battle waa
luuniueut he rone from lit* lied him I
demutided of bi* captain. Frau<i*<-u
Kan Pedro, that he aliould be placet!
in Ibe |M>at uf greatest danger
captain and other*, hi* friruil*. conn
se I cd him to remain In his tied,
•Senorea.’ replied Ibe young man.
i •what
would t>e wild of Miguel de
Cervantes Hbould he take till* advice?
On every occasion up to thia duy on
j which his enemies have offered buttle
I to hi* majesty I have served like a
good soldier, and today I intend to do
ho in spile of this sickness and fever.'
He was given command of twelve sol­
diers In s shallop and all day waa to
he seen where the combat raged most
fiercely. He received twu wounds in
the « best and another which cost him
Hie loss <»f III* left hand
Tu those
to whom lie proinlly displayed them In
after years lie was accustomed to say.
•Wound* In the face or the cheat are
like star* which guide one tlirongh
honor to the skies’ Of him the <-hn»n
b ier says. *Ce <-onHnned Hie rest of
hl* life witIi honorable memory of
thia wonderful <H‘cnrren<-e. and. al­
though lie lost the use of ill* left
hand. If added to the glory of his
How glorloiia was that right
hand Is known to ail readers of ‘Rl
IngenfoHo Hidalgo Don Quljote de la
Mancha.' **
Th. Seal That la So Often Used on
Legal Documents.
I Synopsis of the annual Statement Amount of unearned
______ on all out­
of the
standing risks ......
Due ior commission
and brokerage ..........
All other liabilities ...
Of Hartford, in the State of Conn.
on the 31st day of Deeember. 191t,
Total liabilities
mäde tothe Insurance Commission■ Total premium» in force
er of the Stale of Oregou, pursuant
December 31, 1910.
to lau :__________________ :_______
C apital .
Amount of capital paid
Lossea paid during the
Dividends paid during
the year on capital
etock ...............................
Commission» and salar­
ies paid during the
year........................... ....
Taxes, licenses, and fee»
paid during the year..
Amount of all other ex­
penditures ........................
Total expenditures . $1,404,943.119
A ssets .
Hnlp For ths Klnetrician.
Whittier’. Safeguard.
When nn overtlmld visitor fmm the
city one* commented to the |s>et Whit
tier upon the liure-urity that seemed
Inseparable from so many d.«ini often
Ing out fmm all aides of the large old
country home th» master of the bouse
■trove gently tn restore confidence by
pleading that most of them were lock
•si at eight.
Finanaial Warrla».
"8<v your dels» are but tiering yoaF
"Walking th» Poor bsvauaa yoa caa*t
pay ’rmî’
"No; bacallar I can’t make ’em any
Kn-b« ng».
O regon for
V eail
Value of real estate
Value of stocks and
bonds owned .........
Loans on mortgages
and collateral, etc...
Cash in banks and on
hand................... ...........
Premiums in course of
collection and trans­
mission .........................
Interest and rents due
and accrued.................
Other assets.....................
Taxes, licenses and fees
paid during the year
Amount of all other ex­
penditures .................
Total expenditures $
A ssets .
London & Lancashire
Fire Insurance Company,
Net reserve .................... $
Of Liverpool, in England,
Total policy claims ...
other liabilities ....
on the 31st day of Deeember, 1910,
made to the Insurance Commis Amount set apart upon
$167,086.38 sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­
Total liabilities .
$ 496.355.74
C apital .
Total insurance
Amount deposit in U.S. $200,000.00
force Dec. 31, 1910..$ 6,5o5,815.50
I ncome .
Total iinseta......... .. ■ $3,094,693.37
Less special de|x>»itu
in other States............
Total aaaets udmittel
in Oregon .................. $3,077,31601
Metropolitan Casualty In­
surance Company,
If you are over puxslsd In working
wllh vlwtrlc wire« as to which Is | hx 1
live and which Is negative or whether
the current la alternating then* In no
simpler method than the uu* of a po
Cut the vegetable In half and
Insert the ends of the wire Into the
fresh lody
Atwiut the imnltlve wire a
green stain will at «inee ap|ie«r. due tu
dissolved copper If the current Is al­
ternating the ends of both wires will
I* surrounded by dark colored stains
Chicago Trlbuna
»42.62 Market value of real
estate owned
■ $
142.62 Market value of stocks
and Ixmds owned.. •
Loans on mortgages
......... ..
210.30 Premium notes and
policy loans.................. ’
T he M etropolitan
C asu al i i Cash in banks anl on
I nsurance C ompany , of N >
P. W m . S imon , Secretary.
Net uncollected and
Statutory resident general agent
14,668. ¡8
deferred premiums..
200,000.00 and attorney for service
Other assets (net) .......
E. R. T hompson , Portland, Or.
. $ 776,970.59
Total assets
U.S. Branch
Total assets ad-
Synopsis of the annual statement
initted in Oregon $ n6,9<0.59
of the
117,996 30
L iabilities .
Insist on yourself; never Imitate
Your own gift you can prreeut every
moment with the cumulative forre of
a whole life’s cultivation, but of the
adopt ill tnlent of nnotlier you have
only an extrem|M>rniieoiw. half pos
SCHSfon Ttmt which each enn do best
none but his Maker enn teach him.
Where I* the master who could have
tnught Slmkes|>eareT Where Is the mas
ter who could have Instructed Frank­
lin or Washington or Bacon or New
ton? Every great man ta unique
that which Is assigned to you and you
ciiuuot hope too much or dan* too
much.— Emerson
$560,000.00 Total riaka
during the year .... >
I ncome .
Groaa premium» re­
ceived during the
Premiums received dur-
ing the year in cash $1,383.566. *3
Premiums returned dur­
Interest, dividends.and
ing the year
• • • •
rente received during
121,250.51 Loaaea paid during the
the year .......................
Income from other sour­
Loe sea incurred during
ces received during
the year ...........................
Total amount of pre­
miums outatanding
Total income..
in Oregon, Decem­
D isbursement ».
ber 31, 1910...............
A moHt nbMii.il thing «•onnreteil with
leglll bUHlness Is the little |ile<-e of reil.
L iabilities .
green or blue |iH|ier or ilnuli of sealing
wax which ive often place ill the eml Gross claims for losses
of n Hlgnnture to n deed, will or other
Amount of unearned
Important doeiitneDt.
premiums on all out­
It I h a very siiiiill thing In size, hut
standing risks............. 1,304,628.15
one to which ii great diail of Impor
Due for commission
tHii'-e 1« frequently given
It Is n relic
and brokerage............
of antiquity, mid no plausible excuse All other liabilities ....
run he Invented for continuing It“ use
Rome of the more progressive states Total liabilities.............
have practically abolished Its use by Total insurance in torce
December 31. 1910.. $235.731,430.1 0
i legislation, which deprives It of any
technical legal slgnlflcnnce. In others, B uhin ess in O regon for the Y ear .
however. It Is still used with nil se
Total risks written dur­
rloasiiess mid solemnity, mid mi al
ing the year............... $1,922,474.00
most magical value Is given to It by Gross premiums received
dignified Judges that Is little less than
during the year.............. 29.819,50
Premiums returned^lur-
ing the year.....................
A man died years ngo lenvttqr par!
Losses ¡mid during the
I of his estate to another to en|ov while
year..................... ............
he lived, with tile privilege of devising
Losses incurred during
the year.............................
might select by a writing under his Total amount of risks
“hand and seal ” A writing was exe­
outstanding in Oregon
cuted so devising the property, lint II
December 31, 1910 . ... $1,158,965.00
was contested by others claiming the
O rient I nsurance C o .
property upon the technical ground
By J as . WYPER, Manager.
that the paper contained no seal after
Statutory resident general agent
the signature and the devise wns and attorney for service :
therefore void.
S am B. S toy , Portland, Oregon.
Carl Haberluch, agent, Tillamook,
A wise Philadelphia Judge closely
wcnitlnlzed the signature and after Oregon.
carefully listening to the argumenta
of lawyers decided that at the end of Synopsis of the annual statement
the signature there was nn extra
of the
scroll or flourish made with the pen
with which the signature was made
and that this was sufficient In law to
constitute a seal —Case and Comme I Of New York, in the *«tate of New
Ba Yoursalf.
Orient Insurance Com­
Paid for losses, endow­
ments, annuities and
surrender values ...
Dividends paid to policy
holders during the
year.................................. .
Dividends paid on capi­
tal stock during the
year ...................
Commissions and sal­
aries paid during the
On the 3tst day of December, 1910,
made to the Insurance Commis­
sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­
sunn t to law ;_____________________
C apital .
Amount of capital paid
$ 200,000.00
I ncome .
B usiness
O regon for the
Y ear .
Premiums received dur­
ing the year in cash $2,476,584.81
Total risks written dur­
Interest, dividends, and
ing trie year............... I
rents received during
Gross premiums re­
the year
ceived during the
year ............................
sources received dur-
ing the yea r................ • 309,233. 27 Premiums
during the year
$2,932,993.34 Losses paid during
Total income
the year .......................
D isbursements .
Losses incurred dur­
ing the year .............
Losses paid during the
amount of risks $
the year.......................... $1,069,428.89 Total
outstanding in Ore­
Dividends paid during
gon, Dec. 31, 1910 ■
the year on capital
C ontinental L ife I nsurance &
stock ................................
Commissions and sal­
I nvestment C ompany ,
By T homas R. C etllo , President.
aries paid during the
................... ..
Synopsis of the annual statement
fees paid during Uie
of the
Amount of all other ex­
penditures .....................
Kansas City Life In­
surance Company,
$2,666,922.79 Of Kansas City, in the State of
on the 31st day of December, 1910,
A ssets .
made to the Insurance Commis­
Value of real estate
sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­
owned ............................. $ 350,000.00 suant to law:
____ _____
Value of stocks and
C apital .
bonds owned ............... 2,518,695.00
Loans on mortgages and
Amount of capital paid
collateral, etc ........ ...
_ up *
Cash in banks and on
I ncome .
hand ..............................
Premiums in course of
Premiums received dur­
collection and in trans­
ing the year ................. $1,049,825.79
mission ..........................
Interest, dividends and
Interest and rents due
rente received during
and accrued .................
the year.........................
Other assets .....................
Income from other sour­
ces received during
Total assets
the year.........................
Lees special deposits
in other states............. $ 20,498.02 Total income.................. $1,176,502.88
Total assets admitted in
D isbursements .
Oregon ............................. $4,081,538.55
Paid for losses, endow­
L iabilities .
ments. annuities and
surrender values........ $ 219,609.67
Gross claims for losses
unpaid ............................ $ 198,882.51 Dividends paid to policy
holders during the
Amount of unearned
premiums on all out­
standing risks ............. 2,365,266.47 Dividends paid tocapi-
tal stock during the
Due forcommission and
year ................................
brokerage .............
All other liabilities
99,827.39 Commissions and salar­
ies paid during the
Total liabilities......... $2,663,916.37
Taxes, licenses and fees
Total insurance in force
December 31. 1910. $472,125,013.00
Amount of all other ex­
B usiness in O regon F or T he
penditures .....................
Total expenditures
Y ear .
Premiums received dur­
ing the year .............. $ 794,560.42 Total risks written dur­
Interest, dividends and
ing the year................. $3,771,370.00
rents received during
premiums re­
the year .......................
ceived during the year. 60.732.02
Income from other sour­
Premiums returned dur­
ce» received during
ing the year ...................
the year .........................
8.79 Losses paid during the
year ..................................
$ 819,35296 Losses incurred during
Total income
the year ..........................
D isbursements .
Total amount of risks
Loaaes paid during the
December 31, 1910....... $2,875,426.(X
year, including adjust­
ment expenses, etc... $ 271,04616
L ondon a L ancashire F ire I n ­
Dividends paid during
surance C ompany .
the year on capital
»».' J as . YY ypkr . Manager.
20,000 CO
Statutory resident general agent
Commissions and sal­
and attorney for service:
aries paid during the
SAM B. STOY, Portland, Ore.
year ......................... ..
K S. Whitehouse A Son. Airent«
Taxes, licenses and fees
paid during the year.
Amount of all other ex­
penditures ...................
25,80640 Synopsis of the annual statement
of the
Total expenditure». $ 776,711.74
Continental Life Insur­
ance & Investment
A ssets
Value of real estate
owned .............................
Value of stocks and
bonds owned ..............
Loans on mortgages
and collateral, etc. ..
Cash in bank and on
Premiums in course of
transmission ........
Interest snd rents due
and accrued..................
Total asseta
Of Salt Laks JCity, Utah,
in the
Total expenditure«
A ssets .
Market value of real es­
tate owned .............. ,
Market value of stocks
and Ixjnds owned ...
Loans on mortgages
and collateral, etc... 1,330,225.87
Premium notes and
policy loans ...............
Cash in banksand on
Net uncollected and de­
ferred premiums ....
Other assets (net)..........
Total assets..............
Total assets admitted
jnj’reiion..................... $2,017,37659
L iabilities .
Net reserve
Total (silicy claims....
All other liabilities ...
Capital stock and sur­
plus .................
Total liabilities .............. $ 2,017,37659
total insurance in force
_Decemt>er 31, 19».... 28.881,445.28
State of Utah.
Busi mess IN O regon for T hi
on 1 the 31st day of December. 191U,
Y ear .
made to I
Insurance Comniis-
74.646 3B sioner of the State of Oregon pur- Total risks written dur­
«liant to law :
ing the year............... $ 226. QUO. 00
Gn»» premiums receiv­
C apital .
during the year .
Premiums returned dur­
Amount of capital {»aid
4.824. 14
.....................................» 298.87X1« ^xeTr" ’ a”1 ',l,rinK a>e
I ncome .
ine'irred during
re tired
’he year . ............
l-eaa special deposit»
ditnn« the year........ $ 247,816«! Tutsi amount of risks
in any state (it any
Interest, dividend* and
there be)..................... $
’•‘•«»nding in Oregon
rents received during
Total anaeta ad­
“<•- ember 31._itffii __$ 396,00600
the year.................
mitted in Oregon $ 831.267.84
42.51938 KA'i-« ClTY Un IXSL RANCBCa
Income from
9istm»re Re'-xou*. »'resident
sources received dur
ing the year
«r ’?n rr*”rn‘
•MM 44 an
an 1 "»'«’rnev foe service:
Total income
a v''
$296.4« 70
” 9 'ron » >lg . Portland. Ore