TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 0, Notice of Sale of TUe^Lands. The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE: ------------------------------------ e - Leaves Tillamook for I g flstonia and Portland, • ---------------------------------------------- I THURSDAY of Each Week. • I Freight and Passengers. * -------------- v------- i | ■ FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. ' M Ü I Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. Jusi as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We ' are experts in lighting aud posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. Monk's Studio, Next to the Post Office. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. Y oh Use ibeiu. -_ _ _ _ We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) .Tillamook & Portland. ♦ 4 . . „ . —: ............. ............................. ... -— Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Couch St. Wharf. Portland. ” That's All.” HIS GIRL FRIENDS. 1011 LAYING BRICKS. SHOCKED THE GUIDE N otice is H ereby G iven , That the State Isinci Board of the State of Antics of an Irrsvsrant Vis:tor at ths Mbsv Seisntific Method« Raised the .Oregon will sell to the- highest I •taltoard of a Day's Work. National Capitol. bidder ut its office in the Capitol There are now eminent consulting A big mau with u tierce, bristling Building, at Salem. Oregon, on Mark Twain Dearly Loved Chil gray beard aud wearing a broad brim Mutineers who are engaged by Indus­ Aprilll, 1911, at 10 o’clock a.in.-at said day, all the State's interest in I med slouch hat marched down the trial beads to study tbelr establish­ dren as Playmates. . the tide and overflow lnntis herein­ main corridor of the cupltol. closely ments from top to bottom with a view after deocri lied, giving, however to followed by a guide at a dogtrot. to lodinfl by scientific study the meth­ I the owner or owners of any lands SOCIETY. They had inspected statuary balk mid ods of working, accounting and han­ abutting or fronting on such tide THE ANGEL FISH tlie rotuudn and looked in at tlie cham­ dling labor which will improve on tbs , and overflow hinds, tlie preference ber of the supreme court, mid the vis old traditional bablta. Some extraordi­ Iriglit to purchase said tide and overflow lands at the highest price A Delightful and Touching Story About itor hud uiuos no other couimeut on nary results have been attained. What Little Margaret, One of Its Members, the sights shown him than to utter'uu aetaatlfic management meatia Is ad­ offere«!, provided such offer is made mirably Illustrated by the story of «in good faith, and 'providing also end the Genial Humorist—A Pretty occasional gruut. snort or growl. I that the land will not be sold nor The big mau paused at the end of bricklaying, as told by an exiiert. Compact and a Quaint Letter. any offer therefor accepted for less the corridor mid Jerked bls bead to- Ordinarily a brick mason makes ! than $7.50 per acre, the Board re­ Like many another great man. Mark ward n cnrjieted passage. eighteen different sets of motions In serving the right io reject any and Twain was fumi of children. He lieve,’ “What's them burglars doing to laying a single brick. He bends over, all bids* Said lands arc situated in outgrew childhood. and h:> nlwa; day?" lie demanded. I« * in the first place, to pick up one brick, Tillamook County. Oregon, and «hose young playmates where they "The senate Is not in session, sir." and tn lifting it he lifts ten pounds of described as follows: brick and about a hundred pounds of Beginning at a point, the south- | were to Is- louud. He formed curious said the guide In a shocked voice. After the visitor had departed the brick mason—the upper part of bis east corner of D. L.C. No. 39, T. 1 sts-lelles of these girl friends. Back S., R. 10 \V. of W. M. and running in the nineties, when he was living lu guide sat down on his chair In front of own body. In laying 1.000 brick* lu n thence: Eumis*. he < rented a club which was the statue of Daniel Webster and day’s work hs lifts 100,000 pounds of S. 61 «legs., Oik W., 854.0 feet along to consist of one (only one! girl In each mopped his heated brow. brick mason. Thia was ati obvious high water line. "That's one kind that comes her»"." waste of labor. So n common laborer country of the globe, the duty of salii S. 77 «legs., :ftr W., 182.0 feet along member being to write occasionally to he said "We have all kinds. but Ills was hired to put the bricks where the high water line. style is the hardest to deal with. masooa would not have to stoop for South. 7tkb feet aloi glow water line, the chief officer, who faithfully replied I N. 82 «legs., 2l> E., 382.0 feet along : to these random and far faring mes­ Called the senate burglars—you heard them Another thing Is that when a sages. Of course these little girls were him—mid he kicked at everything else mason picks up a handmade brick. I low waler line. S. 79 «legs., 4.5’ E., 554.0 feet along swept Into womanhood presently, but I showed him. That kind comes pre Which Is always a little thicker st one low waler line. even to the last years of his life the pared to kick. They ain't got no pa­ side than on the other, he tosses the North, 577.0 feet along low water member who slgued herself* "France” triotism at all. and a United States brick up. turning ft over until hla line to point of beginning. seuator ¿In’t uo more to them than n touch tells him which side Is the top remaim'd faithful to the law. Containing 5.07 acres of tide lands Another club of girls, little girls. Ac­ doorkeeper. Why. I'm afraid to take before he puts It In place In the wall. fronting nnd abutting Hint part of came one of the chief Interests during men like Idin Into the supremo court. The cure for this was to have all the D.L.C. No. 39, situated East of a Likely as not they'll say sopietliiug bricks piled top up before they were North and South line through the i his final years. It had Its beginning dlsrespis tful right out loud. I>o you brought to the innsbus. Then, further, center of See. 11. T. IS.. R. 10 W. In Bermuda during one of bis frequent i visits to those happy Islands. It was know wluit that one said when 1 show every one has seen the mason tap his of W. M.; also Beginning at a point JJ371.O feet called the Angel Flsli club, after a ed hlui statuary -ball? lie aays. 'Who brick several tlmei to settle It Into the South and 2040.0 West of Section I gorgeous swimmer of these waters, and are nil these crooks?' Thea lie wanted mortar—more waste of time The «-nre corner common to Sections 14, 15, lie gave to each member an angel fish to know how much all them statues was to make the niortar thinner, so I 22 and 23. T. 1 N.. R, 10 W. of W.M., pin as a society badge. It was a suc- cost the government mid who got the that the weight of the brick would set­ on high water line, running thence. .«■essful club, and on his return to rakeoff. I told him they were given tle It Into the right position. This was North, 110.5 feet to low water line, by the states, and he said that was scientific management, ’ motion study.” S. 42 clegs., (O' W., 270.0 feet along America he elected other members, once whe^ the states put one over. enough to make twelve in all. It raised the day's work for the aver­ low water line. “You wouldn't think." said the guide, age brick mason from 1.000 up to 2.700 Ills home ut Itedding. Conn., Storm­ S. 41 degs. 05 W., 155.0 feet iftong field. had been originally named In­ with a sigil, "that patriotic Americans bricks n day and In ludlvldual cases to low water line. 5. 09degs., Ob’ W., 175.0 feet along nocence nt Home. aud as Angel Fish could come here and be so callous much higher figures. The unison made low water line. headquarters Innocence at Home It about the things they see. They seem only six motions where be used to East. 135.0 feet along high water always remained. Members with their to begrudge giving a dollar to bealiowu make elgblnen.-American Review of line. parents visited him there, and the bll the place where Webster stood when Reviews. N. 43degs., l-Kf E., 270.0 feet along lhird room, where the “I Bsbes” were ho made his reply to Hayiie. I don't high water line. know what the country's coming to. N. 00 degs.. 15’ E., 145.0 feet along likely to spend most of their time >’ve been n guide here twenty years, WHISTLER WAS INDIGNANT. kuocking the balls about, under the high water line to place of be- but I never thought I'd live to hear chief member's Instruction, was called ginning. The Idea of Buying Hi« Picture« and Containing 0.487 acres of tide the Aquarium, and gay prints of the seunte called burglars.’’— Washing Then Demanding Possession. lands fronting and abutting on Lot many Bermuda fishes wereiiung along ton Cor. Kansas City Star. A certain eminent English Indy, the 6, Section 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. of the walls to carry out the idea. Each proud possessor of a title of fairly high W.M.; also member had the privilege of selecting LIGHTNING VERSUS STEAM Beginning' at a point on high one of these as her patron fish aud of degree, who admired Whistler’s gen­ water 2371.0 feet South and 2016.0 ius to the extent of purchasing one of identifying it with her name. Testing ths Telegraph In the Early feet West of Section corner common lit* pictures, -never was able to obtain It was In Bermuda one day when he Days of Its Invention. to sections 14, 15, 22 and 23 and possession of her property. Oue day was walking along tlie beach with one Years ago, when the electric tele- running thence, of his angel fish members that he pick­ graph was n new Ijlen and u mystery she drove to the studio In her victoria. North 110.5 feet to low water line. N. 42 degs., 40’ E., 515.0 leet along ed up a small Iridescent double shell, to the masses, there came trouble one Mr. Whistler went to greet her. "Mr. Whistle**.” she said, "two years low water line. delicately binged together. He sepa­ Saturday night In the Bank of Eng­ N. 70 degs., 3i> E-, 242.0 feet along rate«! It and handed ills companion half. land. The business of the day hud ago I bought one of your pictures. a beautiful thing, and I have never been low water line. "You will be going away from me S. . 70 degs., 15' E., 343.0 feet along pretty soon, Margaret,” he said, "and closed and the balance was not right. able to bung It on my walls. It has There was a deficit of Just £100. !t was low water line. growing up. and I won’t know you not the money, but the error, that been loaned to one exhibit Ion or an S. . 50 clegs., 30' W., 198.0 feel along any more. I shall see a great many must be found. For the olllcers and other. Now. today I have my carriage high water line. with me. and I would like to take It S. . 5 degs., 35' E., 70.0 feet along Margarets, and now and then one of the clerks there could be no sleep until them will say she Is my Margaret, but I the mystery hud been cleared up. All home with me. I mn told It Is in your high water line. S. . 88 d«*gs., 30 \V\, 183.0 feet along I will say. ’No; you resemble my Mnr- that night mid all Sunday u force of IMissesslon.” “Dear lady.” returned Whistler, “you high water line. garet. but you are bigger than (iiy men were busy: money was surely S. GO degs., (JO W., 625.0 feet along Margaret, and I can't be sure.’ Then I gone from the vaults, but no one could ask the Impossible. I will send It to high water line to point of i will take out this shell aud I will say. you when I have It again, but It la not discover whence. beginning. here. You have been misinformed.” On the following morning n clerk Containing 4.859 acres of tide land ‘If you are really my Margnret you .Wul so forth, and so forth, io the saute fronting and abutting Lot 5, Sec­ I will have the other half of this shell, suggested that the mistake might have effect, and the Indy drove off w II bout nnd it will fit exactly.’ Then if she occurred In packing for the West In­ tion 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. of W.M. her picture. Applications and bids slionhl be has the shell and It fits I shall know dies some boxes of specie that, had After she had departed Whistler addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk that it la really my Margaret, no mat­ been scut to Southampton for ship­ State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, ter how tnany years have gone by or ment. Ills chief acted on the sugges­ commenced to poke around Ids studio and. to the great astonishment of a and marked “ Application and bid how much older she has grown." tion. Here was mi opportunity to test to purchase Tide Landa.’’ All this he said very gravely nnd the powers of the telegraph—lightning friend who lull] been an Involuntary G. G. B rown , listener to the above conversation. be Clerk State Land Board. earnestly, and the little girl took the against »team, mid stenm with forty­ brought forth n canvas. shell thoughtfully and promised to eight hours the Blurt. Very s, 1911. “Here It Is.” he said. "She was rlglit keep it always. Next morning when telegraph asked n man In Southamp­ about one thing—It Is beautiful.** Aud she came running up to meet lilm on ton, "IIiis the ship Mercator sailed?’’ It was beautiful. NOT1CB OF SALE OF the hotel veranda be looked at her The answer came bock. "Just weigh­ "But the Impudence of these people." TIDE LANDS questionlngly. ing anchor.” ho continued, “who think Hint because “You l«wk like Margaret,” he said, "Stop her In the queen's name." Notice is hereby given that the "but I can't be sure. If you are really flashed back the telegraph. "She Is they pay a few paltry hundred pounds they own “i.v pictures Why. It more State Land Board of the State of Ore­ my Margaret you will have a shell 1 stopped," was returned. l.v secures thetn the privilege of bar gon will sell, to the highest bidder at gave her once—the mute to this one”— “Have on deck certain boxes (marks Ing them In their houses now and He got no further. The talisman was given», weigh them carefully mul lei its office in the Capitol building at Sa­ then! The pictures are mine!” lem, Oregon, on April 11, 1911, at 10; promptly producisi, and It fittisi ex­ me know- the result." telegraphed the 00 o’clock a. m., of said day, all the actly. He returned to America, nnd chief. A Medioal Sherlock Holmes. This order was obeyed, and one box State’s interest in the tide and over flow somewhat Inter Margnret recelvisl a A physician was knocked down nod letter—one of the pretty letters he was was found to be somewhere about one lands hereinafter described, giving, always writing to children. In It lie pound and leu ounces heavier than Its I roblied while on hla way to •« » pa­ tlent. nia pockets were ilflciL mH however, to the owner or owners of said: mates—Just the weight of the missing one of the articles stolen was a clin­ any lands abutting or fronting on such I am always making mistakes. When sovereigns. "All right. Let the ship ical thermometer with which lie had tide and overflow lands, the preference I whs In New York six weeks ago I was go!” war the next order earlier In the cietifng taken the lam on a comer of Fifth avenue and saw a right to purchase said tide and overflow small The West India bouse was debited girl—not a big one—start across pernture of a patient. He romeni lands at the highest price offered, from the opposite corner, and I exclaim­ with tlie £160 anil Hie Blink of Eng bored the temperature registered nod ed to myself joyfully. “ That Is certainly land was at pence again.-Harper's provided such offer is made in good also that he laid not shaken down |!jn my Margaret." ao I rushed to meet her faith, and also providing that the land But as she carne nearer I began to doubt Weekly. mercury ts»fore putting the thermom •ter In hla isaket lie com mu nPa ted will not be sold nor any offer therefor and said to myself, "It’s a Margaret, that Hallucinations of Henbane. Is plain enough, but I'm half afraid It Is those facts to the |s>lice. Some time accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, somebody else’s.” So when I passed her Henbane bears a remarkable reputa the Board reserving the right to reject I held my shell so she couldn't help but tion for creating Hie most extraordi­ afterward n thermometer r«-glatertng the Identical temperature whs dla> or see It. Dear, she only glanced at It and any and all bids. Said lands are situated i passed on. I wondered If she could have nary hallucination*. I)r. Houlton re ered In a pawnshop, and the police in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­ overlooked It. It seemed best to find out, lates that some monk* who ate tlie were enabled thereby to track (be o anxious to know I thence: know your name by your looks, and I’d could not read, others "fancied the was raking loaves off the lawn one fall N. 49 29' E. 151.0 feet along high advise you to shut yourself up with pen letters were running alsuit like ants.” water line. ■nd Ink and write some more rubbish 1 mid some rend whnt wns not In tliefr I day when a nelghlmr. panning by. In N. 42” 48- E. 7.75 feet along high am surprised that they allow you to run Itooks. Even the exhalation* from qulred of him. "Where’s the ganlenor at large. You are likely to get run over these pretty but very poisonous flow who used to work here?" water line. N. 40 01’ E. 595.0 feet along high by a baby carriage any time. Run along er* produce these weird effects. —West “Imad, sir.” was the reply. now and don ’ t let the cowi bite you." water line. "Dead!" said the astonished neigh­ What an Idea! There aren't any cows minster Gaxette. N. 32 .51’ E. 266.5 feet along high on Fifth avenue. But I didn't smile I bor Then, musing, he added. ‘Mollimi water line. didn't let on to perceive how uncultured the (rent majority, ell?" The Adoration of the Wig. N. 21 31' E. 256.0 f«iet along high ■he was. She was from the country, of “Oh, sir.'' the gardener Interrupted hi Wig* were never so IKipular ns In the water line. course, and didn’t know what a comical N. 7 VT E. 402.0 feet along high blunder she waa making lelgn of Charles If Tlie author of a *h«»l<«s1 voice, "I wouldn't like to water line. Margnret. with her mother, called “The Beaux mid th«* Dandles" tells •ay that, lie waa a gmsl enough man West, 12.0 fe. et to low water line. when they returned to America. When vs that “when Cibber played Kir Fop aa far aa I know" S. 9 44 W. 400.0 feet along low the « arils wen- brought to him he look­ ¡lug Flutter bls wig win so rnm b ad water line. Caution. ed at hers and said: mired that he bad It carried to the S. 24 53- W. 248.0 feet along low "Khali I have this prescription filled "Well, the young Indy, her name footlights every evenlug In u aedsn water line. without further consultation?" asked S. 3? 51' W. 266. « feet along low sevins familiar, but I can't be sure It’s • hair, from wlibli It was handed to the patient. my Margaret without a certain token him that he might put It on hl« li«*ad water line. "Certainly." replied the physician. S. 40 18- W. 584.0 feet along low which she la stipfsised to carry as a "Why not?" water line. prwof.** Tlie shell came tip without Piecing the Blsme. “I thought maybe I'd belter call lu S. 43’ 21- W. 80.0 feet along low w«t- dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, Stste In Bermuda In the home of one of Ills angel fish. Helm AHm. dntighter of with Mr*. Nearby arty more? Wife— to others.—Confmlua. Lend Board, Salem, Oregon, and mark­ Rhe the American vice consul there ed “Application and bid to purchase was Me dally companion, and It will No The last time we went she want­ Pretty Narrow. ed a remnant that I wanted. -Judge tidelands.'’ Mrs. Hoyle—I* there much room tn 1» her lifelong happy memory that G. G. Brown, she brightened and comforted hla Anal It’s faith In something and enl host- your flat? Mrs Doyle—I should say Clerk State ljin,| Board. days. - Albert Bigelow Faine In I «dies asm In something that make life worth I i.ot! There Isn't room to giie any- Dated tuis January 27, 1911. I WorM. Issly a broad hint.-Judge. looking at —O W Holmes I I