L>._ TILLAMOOK « modern methods of buy . FOR HARBOR Cost Bill. State of Oregon vs. Lou s WAITING ING ON THE FARM. Smith and Roy Smith. IMPROVEMENTS. Miles Warren, Justice.............. l.’.O Average Farmer Prefers to Buy The Board of County Coimnissioi - D. E. Dawson, t unstable........ 5.. I) Whitney Company will Ex­ His Goods Drcct and Have ers, composed of County Judge Work on Road Di“’. No. 2. Them Delivered st His Door. Mason mid Commissioners Alley S. Tomlinson ........................ ¡9.50 pend >1,000,000 on Plants. 9.75 The farmer of tialay feels and Farine>-, were in *<-«aioti ast Anaelorino GocXouukey ■ ■ ■ As siw.n as the government autli- that he average 7.50 has as mtn h right to have week and transacted ttie tollown g Frank Dye ........................... 2.25 o izes ex|H-nditure of enough funds his goods delivered at his door as i. W. Alexander................. business : It 13 f. r the completion of the entrance the party who lives in town, mid Gey. Williams ............... lu tue matter of the resignation ol State of Oregon vs. Henry Mc­ to Tillamook Bay, the Whitney Co., as time goes on the tendency in the D ivid Martiny, the same was ac- Kinley and Thomae Holman. Limited, which holds large tract* of farming communities is more and more towards buy iug tlieir supplies c pted and his lionds exonerated. E. W. Stanley, Justice of timlier in that vicinity, will put into direct and having them delixeied 11.10 B. I- Beni* was appointed to till the Peace . .............. circulation more than fl.(HI),(40 in right at their door. As a result ot Survey Rejairt. va.-aiicy, and his bond being ac- plants forthe carrying on of logging these conditions in all the enter­ 8 (0 prising farming communities you cepted he took possession of the ioiiie Smith, Price road 4.UÜ and tile manufacture of lumber on will find the grocer’s wagon, tea Price road .... H. Alderman, office. Ü.ÚO the bay. and coffee wagons, meat wagons, In ttie matter of the petition ol Blaine Haye, Wheeler road . . Russell Hawkins, manager of the modern medicine wagons, etc. Olsen Road, Jonae He' ry Tobi fora public road, Coun 1.50 company, which has offices in this There is no getting around the Blaine Hays, chainniiin ....... ty Purveyor U. G. Jackson, Fred Thomas 1.25 i city, returned yesterday from Wash fact that these institutions for the Holman, chainman Zadduch and William Armstrong' ). H. Schrader, surveyor .... 2.50 ington, D. C., where he laid the convenience ot the farmers ate here to stay. were instructed to lav out the road, Rogers A McNamer, team m.d One thing that is particularly not- 3.00 matter before the Board of Reviews »>K ............................... .............. which commences at a point 30 feet of the governn ent engineers, the iceble is, that the sa.'e of domestic Hemlock Road. N of the N W corner of Block 4, o’ medicines, stock remedies, flavor­ 3.75 special lioard of government engi­ ing extracts, apices, toilet articles, the town of Nehalem City, being in J. Baker, chainman ............ 6. CO neers having already reported favor­ etc., thought the medium of the B. Hayes, chainman ........ section 27, tp. 3 N, R 10 W , and run 3.75 ably upon the proposed pioject. modern medicine wagons driven by Hugh Wallace, axman....... ning thence in a northwesterly dir< c. Fonest Ajer, mileage 8. CO The improvement, according to this up-to-date salesmen of today has ».CO tion along the most practical rc ute J. Holgate, mileage.. .. reiMirt would invoivean expenditure grown to an enormous proportion in the 10 to 15 years. Of course, all and ending at a point in the N line of $1,744,(44), provided the people of manufacturers are right after the of section 6, tp. 3 N, R 10 ft, BARGE OF RAILS AND cars Tillamook furnish $436,(34) of this farmer’s trade and as a result of where! he county road established this competition there has been a Sea Smooth st Know in Last amount. by Clatsop County intersects the 8. Mr. Hawkinssnys that he believes great improvement in the quality of Twenty Years. the goods handled by these wagons, line in section 6. the appropriation will be granted In the mutter of the petition <4 Laden with 600 tons of steel as soon as the matter can be taken and our farmer friends tell us that it is a recognized fact iu the farming Dan Nicklas for a road of public rails and flatcars the barge Ne­ up again, the amendment to the coiiiinuniiies that a superior line of easement, the same was continued. halem will be towed to Nehalem goods is handled by these wagons, i rivers and harbors bill, calling for In the mutter of the bond oil'. G. next week by the steamer George compared with similar lines of goods $300,(44) with which to get the work usually sold over the county in Jackson, as county surveyor, the R. VoHburg, Captain Rorvik, which ' under way having been withdrawn. town. siiiic - was approved. arrived from Nehalem this morn­ The idea is right here, that these The proposed improvement will In the uiatterof the application ol ing and will remain until the barge give a 16-foot channel at lower low medicine companies do not go to S. Scovell for a county road, County lias been loaded. The construction the expense of much newspaper Surveyor Jackson, FrcdZaddach and material unti equipment are for the . water from Bay City to the mouth advertising and as a result they of the bay. and 20 feet at lower low are enabled to give a large pack­ F. M. ft’akely were appointed as the new Lytle road, which has been water, or 27.7 feet at high water on age of surperior goods at a less board of county viewers. completed on the coast end of the the bar, a depth sufficient to accom­ price then the manufacturer who In the matter of a change in the line for a distance of 28 miles. The marked their goods through other county road at Hemlock, it was steamer will carry a cargo of gener­ odate the class of carriers that will channels. To illustrate the high be required to carry the product of quality of these preparations it is ordered that Surveyor Jackson, For al! merchandise. the mills to market and make to only necessary to mention the fact rest J. Ayer and Jack Holgate Le On this trip Captain Rorvik says that the most of these medicine appointed l oad viewers to locate mid tiiat lie never saw the sea so smooth navigation for coasting vessels safe salesmen practically leave their at all times. survey the same. The court decid­ in his 20 years' experience on this goods on trial with their customers It is estimated that it will take and ask no money unless the goods ed to allow damages to F. Buhrow Coast. He declares there was not a in the sum of $103 ; Antone Shul- ripple on the water and he could about live years to complete the are satisfactory. This plan of sell­ ing naturally appeals to the farmer ton, $13 ; mid Chas. Winters, $1(4), land at any point on the beach he project, and this would give the and as a result most every farmer Tillamook people double reason to the county clerk to draw warrants desired with a skiff or canoe. A buys at least a part of his supplies when deeds were executed mid peculiarity he cun not account for rejoice at theopeningof the Panama from the medicine wagons.| Canal in 1915. Much of the timber There was a time before the enact­ placed on file. any- wuh the absence of breakers to be shipped from the district, it ment of the pure food laws over the David Martiny, auto ser......... He asserts that the water where. that there were u lot of old ri. M. Farmer, Commissioner. is believed, will find its market by country peddlers of fake nostrums travel­ wuh ho smooth along* the shore line H. V. Alley, Commissioner way of the canal. ing about the country marketing as out at sea, a condition he had Fred Zaddach, work That water transportation will be an entirely different line of stuff, R. Henkle. coffin. T. Johnson . never witnessed before. - Telegram. but the enactment of the pure food necessary to open the immense W. Southwick, grave .... Dawson Bro*., exp. Johnson limber bodies adjacent to the bay laws seems to have driven this un­ Oshkoali Will Remain a Wreck. desirable class of venders out of A. Finley A Co.,Co. poor........ is the contention of Mr. Hawkins, the field and it is very doubtful if H. E. Weeton, relief of Bourg- The owners of the wrecked packet who says that 14)percent of the out­ one of these old time fakirs could go hmn Brier ................... .......... com­ 9.00 Oshkosh have abandoned the idea put of sawmills will not bear the into the average farming I. W. Hiner et al, jury list ... ft OU of salvaging the Indi of tile vessel expense of rail transportation, and munity and do enough business to E. ft’. Stanley, et al, jury list. Remington Typewriter Co. . 210.00 and will begin today tocut out her that Tillamook does not offer suffi­ keep a going. The fanner of todav demands the best goods because he 161.46 engines. They are in perfect condi­ (•lass A I'rudhomine cient local demand to take care of lias the money to pay for them. a 60 Dawson Bros, rig ................. N. M. F. Dawson, examiner.. 20.il> tion, including the pumps mill un I C. Holden, salury................. 133.33 beingcut into to enable the workmen Oregon and Washington Lumber it. 75.11. K. Mills, salary .. ..................... The furnier of today ia the mint 1’eml I’tielps, salary ............... 50. IX) to get them out withoutjdvtaching Manufactures’ Association in the \\ S nm l. «aimv ............. 83. XI any purt of them if possible. They Canadian reciprocity matter and independent person on earth. They are independent and they know it, David Martiny, salury............. 48.81 will be carefully cleaned and put reports from Washington indicate and woe to the person who tries to 39.00 ft hi . Bodyfelt, suhiry in fine condition. They are not that he was one of the most ardent dictate us to how and were they H. Crenshaw, salary ............... 133.33 C. A. lohneon, sulaiy 75.0.1 very old, only having been in use workers in behalf of the lumbermen shall spend their money. —Duluth John Aschim, aulary ........... 75.01 a little over a year, mid weight nine of the country. Mr. Hawkins says Telegraph-Herald, May 28, 1909. A. M. Hare, auh.ry ............... 160.00 tons each and were of 1(1) horse­ R. R. Roberts, representing J. R. he considers the proposed rec­ I. H. Johnson, sulnry .. .. 78.00 40. (U power each. Mr. Dean said vester iprocity measure inconsistent mid Watkins Medical Co , who has the Win. I). Bodywit, board... 3.10 day that the new packet now build harmful to the Pacific coast where agency for Tillamook county, is Bertini Moser, Co. poor.......... I C. Holden, freight dig ... ft 36 ing nt Itmidoii for this company the lumber industry is one of the now located in’Tillamook City, and will call on you soon. He carries Wm. Hoskins, sup..................... 1350 nml service was practically framed most valuable assets, although even apices and extracts, toilet articles, King A Smith Co., mdse 10.67 I lea llig lit ... 70. Iti up mid the work progressing ad with the present low protection stock and ^toultry, tonic and med­ 1 lectric Light A F. Co ........ 28. IM inirably. She is Io be 124 feet long, against Canadian competition the icine. Residence one block west of the new blacksmith shop iu the J-orreat J. Ayer, work ............. 22.80 28 feet bemii mid nine feet depth ol 9.(11 hold mid will lie (towered with' lumlier business is far from as Alderman property. Miles Warren et al, jury list. 10.50 twin engines of 125 horse power pros|M-roiis as people unacquainted S. M. Kerron, Co. poor 50.(11 1’. Mason, salary ............... with actual conditions seem to sup­ Information Regarding Tea­ 1 Hlumook Meat Co., Co. pc nor 8.15 each. — Astorimi. lióse. Mr. Hawkins would not ven­ Nelson A Co., Co. |Mior 17.75 chers’ Examination. tóte to guess what£will! be done Uinta to the Grumbler. 89.(1) I'. G. Jackson, surveying, 1 when the measure ¡«’’’taken up 'iohl A Atideison, mdse 1(1.18 The next examination will be held C. L. Dougliiiey, gravel . 117.75 The man who habitually griini at the special session of congress on June 21, 22, 23, and 24. Geo. Eichinger, road work 12.10 hies ia n Helf-confessed failure; he next month. There will] be no examination in 735(1 C. L. Alley,road work E. Duvi«, indaa 4.40 admits that things are wrong with ' Mr. Hawkins also represented the August, hence all persons whose certi­ Oregon A Washington Lumber ficates expire in August, or who wish Im Diamond, road work 240 30 him. Tillamook Lbr. Co................ 108. lt‘ If things lire always wrong with l Manufactures’ Association at the II. B. Johnsonet nl,road wotk 39.(0 you. it ia your own fault so don’t Panama American Commercial con­ to take the teachers' examination in l order to teach next year should write Lea Tittle, till st Olson’s 800.(41 Burrough Adding Machine Co 373 00 spend valuable time mid energy ference held in the hall of the at the June examination. The new law proclaiming the fact. 1 ’ ut them Americas February 13 18, at which ' does away with the county certificates, Herald ........................................ ft 00 J. C. Bewley, truant officer 8. :w right. 26 American republic« were but the County Board are given the ft <>rk in R. I> X<> I Ikin’t grumble with conditions represented. Mr. Hawkins says ' authority to issue county certificates T. H. Pitt* ............................... 28.(4' — put them right ■mike the best of that much admiration whs ex­ on State grades until May 20. Gordon Pitts........................... 28.(4) them or go where they are better, pressed at the beauty of the reception i . Under the present law applicants I ester Pitta 31.(4 Ikm't grumble with your job; if Jo«. Weal .... 37.(4 room finished in Oregon fir. The ■ must complete the subjects for « State you crfnnot do I letter where you woodwork in this room was donated • ¡eo. I.lidtke ............................ :«).(» i I certificate within three successive ex­ E. Rhiwle* ........................... 2I.O) are «hi la-tter somewhere else. by members of the Oregon A Wash­ aminations. The new law provides that i uliu* 1‘ohl 38.01 Don't grumble with your ctia- ington Lumlier Manufacture«’ As­ Hugo Klein ............... .... such persons may complete their exam­ 37.50 A. Miller.................................... 7.25 toiliera; they won't stand it. sociation at the time the building inations under the law now in force. Don't giumble with your deliti rs; Ihin Alley............................... 22.0' was erected. — Oregon Journal. All pernons, therefore who are Oren White ....................... 18 Ol they will pay you and transfer the writing for State certificates should ft'. Womelsdorf ................. 2ro account. Roy Main ................ 5.O. appear at the June examination. Attacks School Principal Don't grumble with your cred­ Frank lllingawiuth 6 25 Applicants for a one-year State cer­ A severe attack on school prin ­ W. II. Dm Uy 38.25 itors; a cheerful luce und a wont of cipal. Chao. IL Allen, of Sylvania. Joe llmnsoti 2.50 thanks get miother month's grace. Ga., ia thus told liy him. "For tificate must make a general average of Clias. Moigaii 21.25 I here a nothing like a growl to more than three years.” he writes. not less than 75 per cent and shall not W. Hu it cell 21 25 "I suffered indescribable torture fall below 60 per cent in any one of the B. fl. Thompsva ................... l.Vo fetch a writ. from rheumatism, liver anil stom­ following subjects: Arithmetic, Civil A. Gott ............................. If you have to grumble invi­ 13.75 ach trouble and diseased kidneys. ■ Government, Geography. Grammer, < lia*. Grave* . ....................... 13 75 sion.• certain remedy Dr. tounding cun« in the past forty Leslie Bar tn r 11 25 ■■roved king's New l>i«oiwn i«. we have veurs | made them. Its the liest chology, American literature, algebra, Hugh Burlier............................ A 73 no tear. We rely on it for croup Salve in the world for sores, ulcers physical geography, and composition. Bob Kenneib............. 130 Chester lloakltis ............. II. 30 mid for coughs, colds or any throat eeacma, burns, boil«, acaMa, cuts, Twelve months of teaching experience or lung trouble.” So do ihi'msnnds corns, sore eyes, s|>nuns. «welling* is required for thia paper. Mark llotHion ........................ of others. So may you. Asthma. bruises. coM sores. Has no equal I Dick Hartrow Applicants, for a Ml» certificate, Hay Fever. I s Grippe. Whooping lor piles 25c »1 Cha«. 1. Clough Blake riKimpsou .................. must make a general average of not Cough. Hemorrhages fly ls-1.>rv it Work in R D. N ik 3 Vk- nndtl UU. Tinil bottle tie. 8ol«| leas than 85 per cent and shall not fall LaGrippe, then Pneumonia L. C- ft ood« .. by Chan. I Clough. Is too jdten the fatal aequence. bek>w TO per cent in any one of the fol Carl Curl .. Lloyd ft'ood* ft hen you have rheumatism in Foley a Honey and Tar ei|>ela the fewingsubjects: Arithmetic, writing, Fred Lewallen vour foot or inateq apply ths in cold, checks the lagrippe, and pre orthogarphy, theory and practice of tea­ C. Lewallen tierlsm's Liniment and you will get venta pneumonia. It is a prompt ching. U.S. history, psychology Ameri­ Joe Price ....... It coata but a quarter. ami reliable cough medicine that can literature. Eagliah literature. Alge­ C. Ixwalh-n no narcotics It is as safe For sale by Lamar's contains lor vour children yoursell Luaciou* Lane bra. physical g»og Clough. etrt, botany. Commissioners’ Court. j i HEADLIGHT, MARCH 0, 19U- : T. BOTTS, composition, general history, geology and history of education. Six months • A ttorney - at -L aw . teaching experience is required for Complete set of Abstract Books this paper. Applicants for a five year State cer­ in office. Taxes paid for non. tificate must make’ a general average Residents. of not less than 86 per cent and shall not fail below 70 per eent in any of the Tillamook Block. following subjects: Methods in reading, methods iu arithmetic, methods in lan­ Both phones. guage, methods in geography, theory — and practice of teaching, writing, or- Jhograyhy, physiology, psychology, and , arl haberlach "in addition theerto shall write a thesis upon an educational Bubject selected ATTORNEY AT-LAVV, j .Mm a list prepared by the Superintend-. end o f Public Instruction. Twelve Jivittecher ¿JLbvokat, months’ teaching experience is required for this paper, which gives the applic­ Tillamook Block. ant authority to teach only in the first, second and third grades. EORGE WILLETT, No examination in English classics will be required in the June examinat­ ion on the account of the lack of time A ttorney - at -L aw . for announcements and preparation. All examinations will be based upon Next to Tillamook County the text-books adopted by the State Bank, Text-Book Commission. The above are extracts from instruct T illamook - O regon . ion of the Superintendent of Public In­ structions, to County Superintendents. A H. GOYNE, W. S. Buel, County Superintendents, A ttorney - at L aw . C , '1 Warning to Railroad Men. Look out for severe and even dangerous kidney- and bladder trouble resulting from years of railroading. Geo. E. Bell, 639 Third St., Fort Wayne, Ind., was many years a conductor on the Nickel Plate. He says : “Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys in ter­ rible condition. There was a con­ tinual pain across my back and hipsand my kidneys gave me much distress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most painful. I got a supply of Foley kidney Pills and the first bottle made a wonderful improvement and four bottles cured me completely. Since being cured I have recom­ mended Foley- Kidney Pills to many of my railroad friends.C. I. Clough- A Special Medicine for Kidney Ailments. Many elderly people have found in Foley’s Kidney Remedy a quick relief and permanent benefit from kidney and bladder ailments and from annoying urinary irregulari­ ties due to advancing years. Isaac N. Regau, Farmer, Mo., says : “Foley’s Kidney Remedy effected a complete cure in my case and I want others to know of it.”—C. 1. Clough. Office : Opposite Court House, I T illamook , O regon . T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Tillamcok, Oregon. - R. T. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,J Office over J. A. Todd & Co., Tillamook. Ore. John B. Langley c - hawk , TEAMING AND HAULING GRAVEL SCREENED OR UNSCREENED. WOOD FOR PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,; BAY CITY, OREGON. SALE R. BEALS, Bell Telephone, 1267. REAL ESTATE, s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, F inancial , A gent -, Tillamook, Oregon. OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firs St. West, and both Phones. PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES ALL KIND OF BREAD. I ! : J « M FAMILY RECIPES. 1 he valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. ■ w I Office across the street frotr the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. . 1 he Fashiouable Tailor. 1 J C.eajtng, Pressing and Repair­ ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic | Gallery. L and O ffice B usiness a S pecialty . Flione A. I ij W 1 cowinc ; 1 LAWYERS. OWING I li I CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. PORTLAND, OREGON. 1^£RS. ALICIA PHELPS GRADUATE NURSE, PAGE’S TILLAMOOK, ^¡^7.50 .61 w£ei)ën*tarco7,i«. & R oom 334 W oucbstbi B uildino , T hird and O ak S trbbts , Room Next to the U.S, Lnnd office. MRS. UHM DENTIST, . RESIDENT 9 Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec- tive thau ever. Right prices are also assured. y )R. P. J. SHARP, HOUSE, . ORE.