TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 2, 19H I doctors. Dr. Boats testified tlu.t I his head a violent blow on the side­ Johnson was in his office in the walk when he fell. The sound of morning and was drunk at that the striking of the man’s head < n time. About half past three he was the sidewalk was very much louder called to the city jail and found the than that when tie was struck by the man in a comatose condition ami marshal. The marshal seemed to iu a very bad shape, llis eyes were be doing his duty as an officer and set ami he was breathing slightly did not use any more force than but his pulse was good. He told was necessary to overcome the man. the marshall to keep him warm. . The marshal was cool and was not When he returned he gave him ¡1 angry. Mayor Talmage’s testimony was hy|Hxlerinic injection, but he did about the same as that of the pre- not rally at all and died in about 1 half an hour, Hew as present at the ! vious witness. Dr. Sharp testified that Jchneon ¡coroner's examination of the man's ' was about half shot when he came 1 head and removed the top of the teeth ex- skull and found a fracture on the ' to his office to have two the man ' traded. After he did so, At the left side, back of the ear. point of the fracture mid pressing 1 wanted witness to extract more, but he put him off by telling him to Too much whiskey was the cause on the brain was a blood clot. The j come in some other time. Johnson membrane surrounding the brain | of fatal wounds which sent another thought he hail a $20 gold piece in man into a premature grave and was torn an inch and a half, and in 1 his pocket to pay him, but could caused soi.ie excitement in Tilla­ his judgment the fracture with the 1 Only find 75c., which he wanted left blood clot caused the death. 1 he mook City on Monday afternoon. Sharp limn- there for the janitor. The star act rs in the tragedy were fracture was caused either by a blunt ' aged to get him out of his otliee, City Marshal M. 1». Reading mid a instrument or violently striking the 1 when Johnson began singing. He Dr. Monk’s testimony fisherman hy the name of Tom John­ sidewalk. saw the marshal arrest Johnson, son, of Garibaldi, who was crazed was practically the same. 1 and the remainder of his evidence The Marshall’s Testimony. was similar to that of the other with drink and had been causing a disturbance in different purts of the ' Marshal M. D. Reading testified ! witnesses, with tile exception that city. The marshal was sent for ami that he was called about three lie did not see the blow strut k but tie arrested the man, and being in ■•’clock to arrest a man at the Com­ saw the man fall. a fighting mood, the marshal called mercial Building, by request of May­ Barber Johnson, who was a dose to his assistant e Mr. Tenant. When or Talmage. The man was drunk. 1 observer of wliat took place on the near the Todd Hotel, their prisoner He told him that he was the’Mar- I street, coincided with the other wit- broke away ami commenced light­ shal ami placed him under arrest. ' nesses, witti the exception that he ing the officers, striking them sev< - He refused to go with him, mid thought the marshal struck the man rd times. As Johnson was making with a great deal of difficulty lie I on the top of the head. The wit­ a lother thrust at thejmarshal Read­ managed to get him down the stairs ness took the "billy" in his hand ing pulled his “billy" and struck and over to the corner of Todd’s showed the jury that it was but a und the man u light blow over the left Hotel. He was resisting him' al) slight tap, when the man paitly side of the head. This rendered him the time mid lie called for help and reeled and fell backward and his linsconscious. He reeled and then a man named Tenant came to his head striking hard on the cement tell on his back on the concrete assistance. Johnson knocked Ten­ pavement. As an officer he thought pavement, his head striking with a ant down and broke away from the the marshal xvaB simply doing his heavy thud, Thia is, probably,what I marshal and struck the officer sev- c iused the fracture to the man’s eral times. The marshal drew his duty. Other witnesses were called, all The ¡clul> and struck the man a light skull and luter fatal death. num was dragged to the city jail, (blow on the side of the head below of whom gave similar evidence and He did not regain consciousness * > the ear. 'Die man made u quarter that the marshal had not used n.11 and died about half ail hour I of a turn and fell backward, striking due force or brutality. after being struck down, Dr. Boa Is his head 11 terrific blow when it Marshal is Exonerated. w is culled to uttend to the man’s in­ came it contact with the pavement. We the undersigned, the Jurors juries, and he pronounced him in a They picked him up and dragged summoned to appear before W. C. bad way directly he saw him. him to the jail and went for a doc­ Hawk, as Coroner for Tillamook The unfortunate man was a native tor. County, State of Oregon,’ in the of Norway, strong mid unusually Other Evidence. above named county and state, at uctive for u man 36 years of age. He Thomas Coates testified that the Tillamook, Oregon, on the 28th day resided at Garibaldi with his wife, man was drunk anil endeavored to of February, 19U, to inquire into who is an half breed. prevent him from going up to his the death of Tom Johnson having It seems that severul days before otliee in the Commercial Building, been first duly sworn and having Johnson came to the city he was in and was causing 11 distm bance. made such inquisition, after a quarrel at Garibaldi and was hit After the man was arrested he inspecting the body and hearing i n the bead and felled to the ground. fought aud struggled with the mar­ the testimony adduced, find as fol­ The Inquest. shal going down the stairs and un­ lows : We, the Coroner’s Jury, find Coroner W. C. Hawk was notified til they readied Todd’s Hotel, where that the deceased, Tom Johnson, ..nd he came to the city on Tuesday ttie marshal culled for help and was a native of Norway, and about nml held mi inquest on the body Tenant went to ilia assistance. The 36 years of age, and his present after a post mo tem examination of mall continued to tight the officers, place of abode Garibaldi, Tillamook die head had been made by the doc­ and the witness wondered that the County, Oregon : That he came to tor., the jur/ being composed of marshal did not draw Ilia club, tint his death on the 27th day of Febru­ Frank Severance, Alex. McNair, I . filially lie did sound struck the man ary, 1911, in Tillamook City, Ore­ I.. Reynolds, Carl I*. Knudson, W. h light blow. The marshal dier lb. Large White Beaus .. ... ■ per lb. Bayo Beaus . ................. per lb. Lima Deans.................... j>er lb. Pink Beans ................... • • • • per lb. 4 lb. Pale Cottolene 10 lb. Pale Cottolene 21) It». Fine Granulated Sugar $1.00 Beat Fruit Sugar per suck 5.00 Dry Granulated Sugar i»er sack 5.40 Extra C. 20 lbs. for 1.U0 Untie Sugar, 15 lbs. for LUO Regular 10c. can Spices 5c. 2 cans Salmon ................. 25c. 5 cans Sardines 25c, Westmoreland Syrup . . .. .5 lbs 50c, Westmoreland Syrup... ■ ■ 10 11». $1.00 1 Dea. Cans Corn 1 Dot. Cans Tomatoes A rlmck le C xiffee .... | h * r pk g. 3 II» Royal Club Coffee 1 lb. White Seal Coffee* 1 lb. Moelmand Java Coffee 1 lb. Canicola Coffee... Snow Drift Flour gbt llouac Flour 90c. •90c. 22 j c !<0c. 25c. •25c. 22 Ic per bbl. $5.60 per bbl. 5.25 60c. $1.50 Columbia Oat Flakes pkg 30c. Columbia Wheat Flakes, pkg. 25c. I 1 gal. 1 Kill, 1 ffnl. 35c ,L H' 30c 30c Ciiler Vinegar per gnl. 35c. Baker's Cocoa per lb. pkg. 30c. Arm A Hummer Soda pkg. 5c. 5 pounds t. rvwent Baking Powder Mb*. ** pounds Royal Baking Powder .. $1 S5 II lb. Box MiHvarnni J 35c. Shredded Wheat per pkg. THE RAY FEED CO. C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Grocery Dept Synopsis of the annual statement of the Phoenix Mutual Life In­ surance Company, Of Hartford, in the State of Con­ necticut, On the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commis­ sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ suant to law : CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up.......... .................... ■ I I ncom Premiums received dur- ingthe year..................$ 4,704, 198.33 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year ......................... 1.442,512.40 Income from othersour- ces received during 88,225.29 the year ......................... Total income........... ■$ 6,295,966.02 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses, endow­ ments, annuities and surrender values . $ 2,412,322.03 Dividends paid to pol­ icy holders during the 592,500.08 year ............................ . Dividends paid on capi­ tal stock during the year.................................. Commissions and sala­ ries paid during the 792,016.70 year ......................... Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. 140,91'. 30 Amount of all other expenditures................. 206,467.06 Total expenditures. $4,204,292.77 A ssets . Book value of real estate owned ................ $ 730,852.00 Market value of stocks and bonds owned .... 6,601,175.60 Loans on mortgages 17,624,998.28 Premium notes and policy loans ................ 3,765,910.64 Cash in banks and on hand .............................. 603,572.91 Net uncollected and de­ ferred premiums ........ 357,480.87 Other assets (net).... 427,255.10 Total assets ............ $ 30,117,245.40 Less special deposits in any State (if any there be ................ . .$ 145,280.60 Total assets admitted in Oregon .................. 29,971,967.40 ROYAL Baking Powder Economy The manufacturers of Royal Bak­ ing Powder have always declined to produce a cheap baking powder at the sacrifice of quality. Royal Baking Powder is made from pure grape cream of tartar, and is the embodiment of all the excellence possible to be attained in the high­ est class baking powder. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price, and is more economical at its price than any other leavening agent, because of the superlative quality and absolute wholesomeness of the food it makes. Mixture» made in imitation of baking powders, but containing alum, are frequently distributed from doer *•* door, or given away in grocery stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use in food. In England, France, Germany and some sections of the United States their sale is prohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, and all physicians condemn baking powders containing it The Label of alum baking powdara must show the Ingredients* AE4D THE LABEL Wanted Contract. L iabilities . Wanted immediately by a married Net reserve...................... $ 27,703,784.00' Total policy claims .... 62,420.91 man, with family, a contract to slash or cut wood. Would want a All other liabilities, Jess special deposits . ... 1,071,976.34 bouse to live in—Address G. E, Parker, Tillamook, Ore. Total liabilities.............. $28,838,181.25 Stray Notice. Total insurance in force December 31, 1910, $126,350,616.00 A Brown Mare came to Ike Quick's B usiness in O regon for the place on January 10th. Owner can Y ear . have the same by paying expenses. Total risks written dur- John W. Sickelsmith, Greens­ ing the year .... $ 1,000.60 boro, Pa., has three children, r.nd Gross premiums re- like most children they frequently ceived during the year ..... ... ............ 17,285.52 take cold. “We have tried several kinds of cough medicine,” he says, Premiums returned dur­ ing the year .... 2,236.34 “but have never found any yet that did them as much good as Cham­ Losses paid during the berlain’a Cough Remedy, For year ............................. sale by Lamar's Drug Store. Losses incurred during the year ......................... Total amount of risks Kills A Murderer. outstanding in Ore­ A merciless murderer is Appen­ gon December 31, 1910. 425,97200 dicitis with many victims, but Dr. jhienix M utual L ife I nsurance "„.„ King ’J s New Life Pills kill it by C ompany , I prevention. They gently stimulate By S. H. C ornwell , Sec. ,___ stomach, liver mid bowels, prevent- Statutory resident general agent ing t that clogging that invites and attorney for service J. C. appendicitis r,----- curing Constipation, Cox, Mohawk building, Portland, -.eadache, Headache, Biliousness, B Chill, 25c. at Ore. Chas. I. Clough. Reduction Rates. I TILLAMOOK ELECTRIC LIGHT AND FUEL CO. W ill S palding , General Manager. Number 1 15 Acres located in the suburbs of Tillamook City. All under improvement and fenced. Located on the Road. Near the P. R. & N. Railroad Terminals Distant, nearer railroad terminals than the Business center of Tillamook ; also nearer to Court House than some of Tillamook out-lying additions where lots are now being sold up to $300 per lot. The land is high, dry and sightly. This is an ideal buy as an investment. Land adjoining this is held at a much larger figure. mu: - 4 tract ---x is suitable for cutin*” into acre lots 6 This ~ & and will advance in price this Summer If subdivided, would sell easy at $100 per lot. This is a Snap Let us show you Now. To-day Price Now. $6,500 Less than $450 per acre Worth $500 per acre at least. LET US SHOW YOU THIS TO DAY DONT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY SLIP. ROLLIE W. WATSON, _ . v ~ of Ou March ist we will i augurate a new residence/rat For the first two units (kil watt hour.-) used per month f each 16 candle power lamp i its equivalent installed we wi charge 15c. per unit as 1 present. For all excess tl charge will be roc. per uni Checking of lamps for this ra will be by request only tn earlier than Feb. 10th or lati than Feb. 25th. TILLAMOOK LAND SNAP. 4|c. 4|c. *>ic. 7c. 7c. 21 lb. Buhl Milk Can ....... $2.50 Elaine Coal Oil per cast* 2.90 Reading, causing him to fall to the concrete sidewalk, fracturing his skull, causing concussion of the brain. From the testimony in the case it appears that the Marshal, wae simply per- M. D. 1 Reading ____ ‘ forming his duty aa an officer. Real Estate and Insurance uring the Future, when we have a Genuine Tillamook Snap Like the above, yon will hear about it.