r « TILLAMOOK Bis of the annual statement of the rth River Insurance Company, w York City, in the State of New York, :31at day of December, 1910, to the Insurance Commis- of the State of Oregon, pur- to law:_____________________ C apital . it of capital paid $350,000 I ncome . HEADLIGHT, MARCH 2, BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Value of real estate owned ...........................$ $7o,ooaoo Total risks written dur­ Value of Btocka and ing the year.................... $32,2 bonds owned ............... 755,559.00 Gross premiums received on mortgages and during the year............. 748.02 Loans collateral, etc............... None. Premiums returned dur­ in banks and on ing the year......... 197.80 Cash hand ............. ............... 86,501.74 Losses paid during the in course of year................................... nil. Premiums collection and intrans- Losses incurred during mission 122,0T¿ 18 the year ................. '........ nil. Interest and rents due Total amount of risks and accrued .. .............. 9,174.16 outstanding in Oregon December 31, 1910....... $32,250.00 Total assets $1,043,298.08 N ational L umber I nsurance C o . By M. S. T remaine , Pres. Synopsis of the annual statement of the HENRY THE THIEF. Merchants’ Fire Assur­ ance Corporation of New York, The Black Heart of the Greely Arctic Expedition. Of New York, in the State of New York. on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commis­ sioner of the State of Oregon, pur- suapt to law :___________ C apital . 1Ô11. STORY OF HIS EXECUTION i Amount of capital paid up ............................... $ 200,000.00 The Order Issued by the Emaciated TOLSTOY WANTED BLOOD. Hi* Quarcal With Turgeneff and th« Reconciliation That Followed, llayiuuud Reeouly iu tbe Paris Fl­ guru gives the following account ot au early encounter between Tolstoy aud Turgeneff. with h shows the Rus­ sian sage lu a different frame uf mind from tbe one In which tbe world baa since come to know him: It wus on tbe estate of bis friend, the )H>et Fet. near Yasuaya. Turgeneff was umung tbe Invited guests. Thu hostess Inquired after bls daughter, who was being reared lu Francs. Turgeneff spoks highly of bls Eng­ lish governess. "With a truly British exacti’ude," be said, "she requested me to Ax tbe sum which my daughter might s|>eud for charity. And uow she teaches her pupil to mend the ragged clothes of tbe poor.” "And you consider that a good thing?" asked Tolstoy. "Certainly. ,’ ’ ’ replied tbe other. "It brings tbe benefactor Into direct cou­ tact with rbe persons whom he Is helping." "On my part, 1 think that a well dressed child wbo bandies dirty and ill smelling rags Is playing n tiyim- crltlcal and theatrical fnree." ”1 must ask you not to «|>eak In tills way.” exclaimed Turgeneff. with menacing looks. “Why should I not say what I am convinced Is tbe truth?" remarked Tolstoy. “You thtuk. then, that I am educat­ ing my daughter badly,” and. while Fet was Interceding, “If you will talk In that way I shall box your ears." Then ue ft the room, begging bls hosts to pardon Ills abrupt departure. Tolstoy also went. At the neighbor* tug station tie wrote to Turgeneff de­ manding an apology. He ordered pis­ tols and trl-.d in provoke his rival to a duel. Turgeneff’* answer, very dlgnl- tled. brought the apology demanded by Tolstoy. He closed b.v saying that lie thought It best that two men with such «¡-poslte tempers should hence­ forth break off nil relations. Tolstoy, carried away by his anger (It wns In 18611. declined to be satisfied with such an answer He felt that he hud been gravely offended He demanded reparation by arms. He therefore re­ pented his provocations. Ill* friend Fet. who attempted to pacify him. auccecded only In drawing from him tills vigorous reply: “I beg of you lien-eforth not to write to me auy more. I shall return your letters un­ opened. tbe same as I do with Turge­ neff’».’' After these occurrences Turge- ueff returned to France, where ho passed the greater part of bls time. Some months Inter. <»n reflection. Tol­ stoy regretted his violence. Seized with remorse, he sent Turgeneff a let­ ter asking bls pardon. "I dud it ex- ceedlngly palnful.” he wrote, "to think that 1 have made an enemy of you." Turgeneff forgave, ns one may Im­ agine. hut the complete and deflnltlve reconciliation took place much later. Less special deposits Commander and the Way It Was in any state (if any Statutory resident general agent ime received dur- Carried Out—The Rifle Shot That there be) ... None. I ncome . le year in cash.. $1,673,527.34 and attorney for service : Put an End to the T raitor. F red T ebben , Failing Bldg., Total assets admitted in t, dividende, end Oregon ..........................$1,043.298.08 Premiums received Portland, Oregon. received during One of (he many tragedie« of the during the year in 76,915.08 ’ear........................ L iabilities . cash ............................ $ 163,978.53 Greely arctic expedition was the exe- > from other sour- Synopsis of the annual statement of Gross claims for losses viltlon of Private lleury, who hail been Interest, dividends and received during unpaid............................$ 65,46000 rents received during ’ear............... ......... 2,606.50 caught time nfter (line stealing food Amount of unearned the year ........................ 14,875.14 from the scant store of the starving premiums on all out­ Income from other iconie $1,75i 048.92 party Henry alone was strong and standing risks ............. 565,407.87 sources received dur ­ Of New York, in the State of New DlSBU RSEM ENTS. Due forcommission and ing the year................ 2.932.00 active, thanks to the stolen food and York. to the fact that lie did no labor he brokerage ......... 1,000.00 On the 31st day of December, 1910, paid during All other liabilities ... 10,120.00 could possibly shirk. $876,309.76 made to the Insurance Commis­ ear .................... Total income $181,785.67 sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ Lieutenant Greely had warned and ids paid during Total liabilities......... $ 641,987.87 suant to law : warned Henry and had punished him. D isbursements . rear on capital Total insurance in force but to no avail, and Anally, after a par 34,943.00 C apital . December 31, 1910, 842.818.59 Losses paid during the ticularly despicable act of theft, the liions and salar- year ................................ $ 22,208.26 Amount of capital paid lid during the commander, in fear that Henry's B usiness in O regon F or T he Dividends paid during up....................................$ 200,000.00 551,247.33 Y ear . course would cause a general raid ou the year on capital licensee and fees the store of food and thus bring about I ncome . stock ...................... ... Total risks written dur­ during- the year, 42,101.76 the destruction of the whole party. Commissions and sal ­ ing the year .................. . Premiu. >s received-dur- $389,191.00 it of all other ex­ condemned Henry to death. aries paid during the ingthe year ................. $ Gross premiums re ­ it urea ................... 137,045.21 5,479,290.59 The story of the execution, which Interest, dividends "and ceived during’the year 9,735.28 year ............................ 48,833.33 makes a new page In history. is told Premiums returned dur­ Taxes, licenses and fees 1 expenditures. 1,641,707.06 • rents received during the year ........................ 1,985,761.70 ing the year ............... 3,722.04 paid during the year 3,063.85 In the American Magazine by Frank A ssets . Losses paid during the Income from othQy sour­ Amount of all otherex- It. Copley, who got his data direct . . 4 year 4,330.89 ces received during penditures ................. 8,885.29 from the survivors of the expedition I of stocks and the year................. ... 36,813.42 Losses incurred during He writes: B owned 914,500.00 the year ......................... 4,330.89 Total expenditures $ 82,990.73 "All his lethargy gone. Greely dis [ on mortgages Total amount of risks Total income $ 7,521,865.71 820,790.00 Collateral, etc... missed the man. seized pencil and pa A ssets . outstanding in Oregon n banks and on per mid. with trembling, emaciated D isbursements . December 31, 1910....... $407,266.00 219,037.06 Value of real estate lingers, wrote: T eutonia I nsurance C ompany . Paid for losses, endow ­ Ims in course of owned ........................ $ "Near Cape Sablhe. June 6. ISM By (signed) F rank L angbehn , ments, annuities and Value of stocks and Bion and in •'Sergeants Brainard. Long and Frederick: Secretary. surrender values. . $ 3,850,793.83 bonds owned ....... 322,654,78 mission ........... 342.057.02 "Notwithstanding promises given by Statutory resident general agent Loans on mortgages Dividends paid to pol­ it and rents due Private C. B. Henry yesterday, lie has and attorney for service: icyholders during the and collateral, etc... 15,194.48 Accrued ............... 201,500.00 since, ns acknowledged to me. tampered with seal thongs if not other food at the year ............................. E. R. T hompson , Portland, Ore. Cash in banks and on 592,930.93 old tamp. This pertinacity anil audacity hand .............................. il assets........... $2,283,176.32 Dividends ¡and interest Is the destruction of the party If not al paid on capital stock Premiums in course of ecial deposits in once ended. Private Henry will bo shot during the year......... collection and in 24,000.00 Synopsis of tlx- annual statement ite, if any there today, ail care being taken io prevent his of the transmission ........... 27,500.00 Commissions and sala­ Injuring any one, as his physical strength ries paid during the Interest anti rents due Is greater than that of any two men year ............. .... 935,433.95 and accrued............. 6,603,66 Decide the manner of ills death by two insets admitted ball and one blank cartridge. This order ............. . „. $2,255,676.32 Taxes, licenses and fees Is Imperative and absolutely necessary for paid during the year. 87,193.41 Total assets $605,398.60 Of New York City, in tlie State of L iabilities . any chance of life. A. W. GREELY." Amount of all other New York, “In the official report of the Lady expenditures................. 347,001.61 On the 31st day of December, 1910, Less special deposits in ■Jaime for losses any State (if any id..............................$ 169,000.00 Franklin bay exfiedltion It Is slm made to the Insurance Commis­ Total expenditures $5,837,353.73 sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ there l>e).......................... — t of unearned ply announced that ‘shots were heard Total assets ad­ iuma on all out­ about 2 o’clock, mid later the order suant to law : A ssets . mitted in Oregon $605,398.60 was read to the general party.’ Tbe ing risks............. 1,230,130.59 C apital . n liabilities .... 856,545.73 Market value of real mnnner in which the order was ex­ L iabilities . estate owned ............... $ 3,640,751.22 Amount of capital paid ecuted here npjiears for the Hint time abilities............. 2,255,67X 32 Market value of stocks up................................... $ 460,000.00 Gross claims for losses "Sergeants Brainard. Long and Fred isurance in force and bonds owned .... unpaid ........................ 8,129.06 crick could not. a» ordered, ’decide the nber 31, 1910 .... 2,186.724.76 Loans on mortgages 9,077,496.50 Amount of unearned I ncome . manner of death by two ball and one and collateral, etc.... 26,372,16X 20 premiums on all out­ in O regon for T he blank cartridge.’ Greely had failed Premium notes and standing risks ......... Premiums received dur­ Y ear . to take Into consideration that at this policy loans ............... 4,329,534.31 ing the year in cash..$ 681,216.22 Due for commission time tbe party had'left only one serv­ ska written dur Cash in banks and on and brokerage ......... Interest, dividends and le year................. $ 889,792.00 iceable title. hand ............................. All other liabilities .... 448,683.80 rents received during iremiums receiv­ Net uncollected and de­ “The three sergeants drew lots to the year .. .> ............... 35,134.91 20,201.04 ing the year ... Total liabilities . . $ 102,781.33 see who would do the shooting. When ferred primiums......... 857,135.00 Income from other sour­ ■ms returned dur- Other assets (net) in­ Total insurance in they had done so they bound them ces received during te year ................. 4,17a 62 force Dec. 31, 1910 . $ 18,549,725.00 selves with an oath that the Identity terest and rents due the year........................ — paid during the and accrued................ 601,589.67 of the man thus chosen never should B usiness in O regon for the 756.56 $ 716,351.13 Total income be revealed. Y ear . incurred during Total assets........... $ 45,327,354.20 "Henry was at the tent on Cemetery 1,256.56 Total assets admitted tar ...................... D isbursements . Total risks written dur­ ridge with all the other men when amount of risks OLD ENGLISH HOUSES. in Oregon ................. 45,327,354.20 343,148.00 ing the year............... $ inding in Oregon the time for putting him to death Losses paid during the Gross premiums re ­ L iabilities . iber 31, 1910 ....$ 877,892.00 year................................. $315,539.12 came. Wbnt was to take place, of In th« Day« of Wooden Hut«. Thatched ceived during the Dividends paid during course, was known only to the three Roof» «nd Clay Floor«. 3,490.00 year .......................... IRTH R iver I nsurance C o . Net reserve..................... $ 37,989,954.00 the year on capital sergeants and the commander Two The habitations of English common Total policy claims .... 324,084.79 Premiums returned By F. H. C um , Sec. 16,000.00 stock................................. 1,390.93 of the sergeants remained In the vl- ptMtple for centuries consisted of a during the year ... 505,069.99 Commissions and sal­ :ory resident general agent All other liabilities clniry of the old hut. while the third wooden lint of oue room, with the Are Guarantee and dividend Losses paid during torney for service: aries paid during the 1.72 I went to the tent to bring Henry down. built I't the eenter. To tills hilt. If a the year........................ fund (surplus funds). 6,508,245.42 so T ebben , Portland, Ore. year ............................ Losses incurred dur­ “The man who went for Ilenry told man lac;-.used In family mid wealth, a Ta. es, licenses and fees 1,001.72 him Hint be was wanted nt the old Total liabilities ........... $45,327,354.20 ing the year ............. paid during the year. 9,670.66 is of the annual statement Total lean-to wa» added and Inter Htiotber Total amount of risks insurance in force camp to help carry up some more of and another The roofs were of thatch, Amount of all other ex­ of the December 31, 1910....... 125,952,896.00 outstanding in Ore ­ 19,671.18 penditures .................. 235,032.00 tbe supplies that tiud been left there the beds of loose «trow or straw beds gon, Dec. 31, 1910 .. Suspecting nothing, Henry readily ac­ with bolster« of the same laid on ths B usiness in O regon for the Total expenditures. $ 595.223.81 Y ear . M erchants ’ F ire A ssurance companied the sergeant to the place floor or itorbapa eventually «hut in 4>y chosen for putting him to death. ilo, in the Statejof New York, Total risks written dur­ C orporation of N ew Y ork . A ssets . a shelf mid ledge like the la-rth» of a “Now, Greely had repeatislly emi list day of December, 1910, By E. I.. BALLARD, President. ing the year................. $171,050.00 Statutory resident general agent tinned the three sergeant« to take no ship or by n small closet. > the Insurance Cotnmission- Gross premiums re­ Value of real estate The Saxon thane or knlglit built and attorney for service: e State of Oregot), pursuant cliauees on Henry's getting away. for. owned............. . ............ $ ceived during the n more pretentious ’•hall.” n large open F red T ebben , Failing Building, year................................ 34,405.83 Value of stocks and although none at Cape Sabine knew Portland. Or. Losses (>aid during the 603,531.85 bonds owned ............. the man’s past history, enough of the mom like the Homan ntrluiu wltli a C apital . year .............................. 3,000.00 Loans on mortgages mail’s black soul hud been revealed to lofty roof I hutched or covered with t of capital paid Losses incurred during 254,500.00 and collateral, etc.... make Ills comrades feel that no crime slates or wooden shingle« In the cen­ $200,00000 3,000.00 Cash in bank and on the year ........................ ter of tbe hard clay floor burned great could he put |ia»t him. Total amount of risks 185,964.87 hand............................... tire« of dry wood whose thin acrid I ncome . “ So Brainard. Long and Frederick, outstanding in Ore­ Premiums in course of cautioned by their commander mid smoke escaped from opening« In th» ms received dur- gon December 31, 1910. 855,397.00 collection -.nd in le year in cash $255,084.89 94,306.98 TEAMING AND HAULING, warned by their own knowledge of the roof, above tbe hearth or by tbe doom, T he G ermania L ife I nsurance transmior.lon ............. t, dividends, and man with whom they bud to deal, hud window» and opening» under the earea Interest and rents due C ompany , decided that Henry should he made to of the thatch 5,216.95 received during and accrued ................. (Signed), C ornelius D oremus , GRAVEL SCREENED OR stoop to pick up something mid that By day the "bearthsmen" and vis­ ar ...................... 13,601.24 President. $1.143, 58a 65 from other soar- Total assets then he should lie shot from behind. itors when not working or fighting ant Statutory resident general agent •eceived during UNSCREENED At least oue of the sergeents had no on long benches on either »Ide of the and attorney for service Frank ar........’................. 2,146.42 Hayek, 314 Lumber Exchange Less special deposits more compunction abo”t killing him Are and. as John llay puts if. "eultniy in any state (if any than lie would have Iia6 «’■ »nt killing drlnked and Jawed" or. gathering at buildiug, Portland. Ore. WOOD FOR SALE come $270,83X 55 there lie) ......... ........... — a mad dog. long boards placed on trestles. regal­ Total assets ad­ D isbu rsements . “Bnt one of tbe other two men ed 'hemselva» ou some sort of porridge Synopsis of the annual statement mitted in Oregon $1,143,583.65 Bell Telephone, 1267. weakened nt Hie last moment. To with A«h and milk or meat and ale of the id during the L iabilities . shoot n man In cold Idood from ba- .................... .. $167,332.44 At nigh, straw or rt’abc« spread on hind, to send him Into eternity -rlth tbe floor formed beds for tbe entire ds paid during Gros» claims for losses s. VIERECK. no oppoiiunity to compose his soul, tar on capital unpaid ...................... $ 70,009.00 company in the earlier and ruder day», 20,000.00 was t terrible s thing for him to Amount of unearned Of New Orleans, in the State of wile,, tbe "baser sort" were glad to Tillamook Bakery, Mions and salar­ «tend It was s mistake that nearly prerns. on all out ­ Louisiana, share tbelr straw with tbe cow«.— iait! during the 378,803.99 standing risks ......... proves! dl»aetr.,tm. 77.008.54 on the 31st day of December, 1910, Due for commission OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. "Henry >»» told face to fnce that Charles Winslow llall In National made to the Insurance Commis­ licenses, and fees and brokerage ......... he wan to be put to death tn accord­ Magazine. sioner of the State of Oregon, pur ­ during the year . 7,096.48 10,000.00 Corner Stillwell Ave. and First ance with the order of tbe commander, All other liabilities . .. suant to law : t of all other ex- St. West, and both Phones. The Cabal. and he was advised to kneel and turea...................... 21,041.88 Total liabilities ... $458,81299 The term "cabal" as applied to **• C apital . make bls peace with hl« God. At the Total insurance in force ctvt faction« of any kind had Ita rlso penditurea........... $292,479.34 Amount of capital paid December 31, 1910.. $61,658,806.00 FEOILLTf IN ALL KINO OF CAKES same time tbe executioner appeared In England atxMit 1667. bring fl rut ap­ with bls rifle at a convenient distance up ..................................... $ 250,00000 A ssets . ALL KINO OF BREAD. plied to the cabinet of Charles II. and liefore tbe doomed man'» eye« B usiness in O regon for the stocks and bonds I ncome . Y ear .____ "Henry stood agape. He muttered formed from the Inltlala of the cab!- 211,235.00 something about something not ielng net members’ names—Lord Clifford. Total risks written Premiums received dur­ n banks and on right. Near where the third sergeant Lsrd Ashley, the Dake of Bucking­ 406,090.00 during the jear .... $ ing the year in cash $ 887,620.34 128,099.(8 stood an nx lay on the ground Hen­ ham. Lori! Arlington sad the Duke Gross premiums re­ Interest, dividends, and ma in courae of m CURE TH« LUNGS ry’s gaze, sean blng the ground, en of Laaderdale—C, A B. A. I. Minen ceived during the rents received during and trana- countered the ax. He sprang for It thnt day It has been customary. In all ypnr......... *................... the year.......................... 32,784.18 41,1*181 Premiums returned dur­ Income from other A warning cry was ruined The aer English «peaking lands at least, to ep- losses and ad- 3229.86 ing the year ..... sources received dur­ gen nt who stood near the nx Jiitii|H-d ply the name to any secret conclave, 54. ing the year ............ 2,963.50 Losses paid during the and got bls foot on It almost ss Henry especially tn politics. and tents due 148.68 year............. ............. . crued ................... 1,732.49 was upon him. There was a < ry of $ 923. .MH. 02 Losses incurred during Total income NJtilckr Even then there was danger The Way She Saw It. 1,198.68 year .. .. ....... - . B........................ $382,307.76 D isbursements . ef tbe executioner shooting Ills fellow “You must nit mo-k people. Hazel. Total amount of risks a admitted in A-rgennt If his alm wan the least tin On<-e upon a time, the Hible says, a Foscsœr täwä outstanding in Ore­ . $382,307 ~M Ixioaea paid during the steady. rrowi! of little children mocked a good gon. Decemtier 31. the year............................ $ 452.213 93 ABO m THROAT AHO LUIW TW0U6LM- I nabilities . "But despite all be bad bs«HI tbrongb man named Ellslis. and two ts-ars Dividends paid during 375.250.00 ma .............................. QUARAMTEED BATISPACTOMY the aim of tbe executlofier was true. rame ont of the forest and klllsd for­ the year on capital OM «OMET BJEFUWDED. E mpire C ity F ire I nsurance 24,466.00 The rille cracked, and the bullet sped, ty-two of them.” stock ................. .............. 32,738.98 C ompany . CommiMion« and «al­ [lenetrating tbe breast of the man for t of unearned pre "Wasn't that an awful thing for By D. J. B usti *. S en ., Secretary. arte» paid during the • on all outstand whom it wa« Intended when It was (betr mother»?"—Newark News. Statutory resident general agent year.................................. 244,804.96 125.rfi4.48 ike ....................... J. O D <1 E molded Henry whirled, crying: 'You w- M A HON I C ami attorney for service, Taxes, license«. and commission and have tricked me’ You hsre tricked U m I««« Telltag. F red T ebben . fees paid during Ibe «38.96 No. 57, meets on Sator- me!* Again the rifle < racked The 'Yon can always t»ll an Rngilsh- Failing Building. Portland. year .............................. 3,825.00 T liabilities, taxes aecond bullet went tbrongb Henry's man.” «aid the Briton proudly Amount of all other ex­ day of each month in Reinsurance pre head, and he fell dead." 701661.5T •-Of ronrw you <« b ." replied thu penditure* ................... Peter Asp has moved his shoe 1,414.37 I.O.O.F. Hall, at 7:3) | .m Yankee. “but It doMn't do any r«4 re­ F rank S everance , W.M. •arance tn force joys ble oo dart days. Phi »del ph Is Ledg«r A MET*. pairing. * 11. F. M urmm , Sec I iber 31. 1910 .. «Et. 410 557.92 The Germania Life In­ surance Company, Empire City Fire Insur- anc2 Company, mat Lumber Insur- ince Company, John B. Langley Teutonia Insurance Com­ pany, kill ™ couch w,tm Dr. King’s New Discovery .