Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 02, 1911, Image 2

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view and an soon as some of the
apace is regained now used for con­
structing oil barges and pontoors
for the new North Hank dredge the
new vessel will have a clear field."
As the vessel is planned for a
special purpose and will not carr)
freight, its operation on the Port­
land-Tillamook run will not interfeie
with the regular carriers, the Gold
en Gate, the Sue H. Elrnore. th<
Anvil and the George R. Vosburg.
Th* Genial Calm That Settled Over the
Pretty Sehoolma'am.
Notice is hereby given that the
State Land Board of the State of Ore­
A pretty scbooluia’am ou«*e taught gon will sell to the highest bidder at
school In a faiug Island village. All
its office in the Capitol building at Sa­
the young fellows for miles around
Oregon, on April 11. 1911, at 10,
Tillamook Bay has been denied
were mad about her. but tbe scbool-
aide to navigation in the way of
ma’am was proud. Slid untie of tbe 00 o’clock a m., of said day, all the
seven p< st lights, according to ad-
boys seemed to stsud tbe ghost of a State’s interest in the tide and over flow
lands hereinafter described, giving,
vices received from the Federal
Young Jim Brown, the Judge*» non. however, to the owner or owners of
authorities yesterday. These lights
wus tbe best looking eliap In the any lands abutting or fronting on auch
it has been estimated, could lie in­
town, mid Jim probably loved tbe tide and overflow lands, the preference
stalled and maintained the first
sclioolma'am more than any of her right to purchase said tide and overflow
year for $2000. Now prime movers MODERN METHODS OF BUY­
other swains, but he never had tbe
lands at the highest price offered,
in commercial circles there declare
pluck to declare himself He felt too
that the Tillamook territory seems
small and mean before the Is-auty aud provided such offer is made in good
to l.e iri disfavor at Washington Average Farmer Prefers to Buy learning of the rwhoolma'am Blit one faith, and also providing that the land
His GoodB Direct and Have
since it was only thia week tiiat the
day. tile s< bisilma'aiu lielng away on will not be sold nor any offer therefor
a visit lu New York state. Jim asked accepted for less than $7 50 per acre,
Port of 'I illamook was turned down
Them Delivered at His Door.
advice of tlie editor The editor said: the Board reserving the right to reject
on tlie plan to improve the hurlair,
"Take ttie bull by the horns and In­ any and all bids. Said lands are situated
The average farmer of today feels
even after an agreement had been
sert nu announcement of your forth­ in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­
made whereby 1 illamook Buy cap­ that he lias as much right t > have
coming marriage III my mm lety col­
ital was to meet one-fourth of the iiis goods delivered at his door as umn It will cost you only 50 cents.
cribed as follows:
Beginning at a point at the Govern­
So Jim Inserted an announcement to
Additional word has been received time goes on the tendency in the tbe effect that the sehoolma’am and ment Meander corner between sections
tins week that a plan outlined for farming communities is more and lie would I* married the next mouth 2 and 3, T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South
tliebetterment of tliechannel marks, more towards buying their sup­ and would «pend their boueymoou at side of Nehalem Bay, and running
Atlantic I'lty
which was investigated by Coin- plies diri-it and having them delir
Well, n short time after this an­
me. rider J. M. Ellicott, inspector < t red right at their door. As a re
N. 49 29' E. 151.0 feet along high
the Seventeenth Lighthouse Dis suit of these conditions in all the nouncement appeared Hie sehoolma’am water line.
'•nine back home Jim heurd on all
trict, who in turn made recommend -nterprising farming communities
N. 42« 48' E. 7.75 feet along high
sides how furious she was For sev­
iitions that the lights he deemed you will find the grocer’s wagon,teu eral days lie kept away from her. water line.
necessary be authorized, had been and coffee wagons, meat wagons, Then one afternoon as she was com­ i N. 40« or E. 595.0 feet along high
unfavorably considered af Washing modern medicine wagons,
etc. ing home from schiwl he ran plump water line.
ton. Coming almost on file heels of 1'liere is no getting around the fact Into her In the lune.
N. 32 51' E. 2G6.5 feet along high
She let him know at once wbat she water line.
the news that the project recoin that these institutions for the con­
mended by Colonel John Biddle, venience of the farmers are here to thought of him and his oulritgeous
N. 21 31'E. 255.0 feet along high
conduct. She stormed and raved, and
Major Morrow and Major Kutz, for stay.
water line.
tlie improvement of Tillamook bar
One thing that is particularly
N. 7° 07' E. 402.0 feet along high
first on one fiHit and then on the oth­
and bay, was adversely acted on, noticeble is, that the sale of do­
er. and finally lie blurted out:
the action regarding the navigation mestic medicines, stock remedies,
West, 12.0 feet to low water line.
"Well. If you don't like It I can have
aids is taken there to mean thut flavoring extracts, spices, toilet art­ the announcement contradicted
S. 9« 44- W. 400.0 feet along low
Tillamook is not in good standing. icles, etc., thought the medium of
•Oh. bottier It’” said tbe school- I water line.
“If's too late now.’’—Wasb-
Business men there declare no lo- the modern medicine wagons driv­ mu'am
S. 21 53' W. 248.0 feet along low
culity in tlie United States has made en by up-to-date salesmen of today Ingtou Star.
water line.
tlie same liberal offer to participate has grown to an enormous propor­
S. 32 51' W. 266. 0 feet along low
iu the expense of harbor improve­ tion in the 10 to 15 years Of course,
ments as Tillamook Bay, and even all
S. 40 18' W. 584.0 feet along low
after it was announced tiiat tlie after the farmer’s trade and as a A Clats of Persons In Japan Who Try water line.
to Break Into Jail.
engineers favored tlie channel be- result of this competition there
S. 43“ 21' W. 80.0 feet along low wat­
Ill .liipnn there are people who make
oojy (O J{ay City, fllC has been a great improvement in
sham confessions tn order to obtain a er line.
i'ort of Tillamook came forward the quality of the goods handled period of the cumpiiratlve warmth and
S. 49“ 29' W. 72.0 feet along low
. ith a proposal thut it would con by these wagon, and our farmer comfort of n Japanese prison. The
water line.
tribute sufficient to be added to the friends tell us that it is a recognized .falinii Mall says; “Tbe police slang
South, 60.0 feet to place of begin­
Bay City fund so thut the bay’s pro­ (net in the fanning communities I of the capital Ims words to describe
ning, containing 1.55 acres of tide land
portion would leave the Government that a superior line of goods is ind distinguish these persons 'Meshl
fronting upon Lots 4 & 5, Sec. 2, T. 2
but three-fourths to pay.
handled by these wagons, com kul. or tin- rice criminal, will steal N. R. 10 W.
Regardless of the future devehq . pared with similar lines of goods some slim 11 article from a shop frout
Applications ar.d bids should be ad­
merit of the harbor through the in- usually sold over the counter in In su< h >■ wav ns to lie seen doing It
He then makes .-I bolt of It. pursued by dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State
reuse in water traffic and file com town.
the master of tin- shop, or some faith­ Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and mark­
■letioii or its first rail line connect­
The idea is right here, that these ful knzo. but presently h II own biniseli ed "Application and bid to purchase
tig it with liie Harriman system, medicine companies do not go to hi lie caught and banded to the |>u
le is a regular fleet plying from the expense of much newspaper lli-e He has to *do time’ for bls pre- tide lands.”
G. G. Brown,
Hand consisting of flic steaiuers advertising and as a result they tended theft. hut bls rice Is Hee 11 red
Clerk State Land Board.
"ten Gate, Sue H. Elmore, and ure enabled to give ti large puck for n period. aud when (but |**rlod bus
27. 1911.
K. . osburg and the gasoline
Tillamook Bay Thinks Fed­
eral Heads Prejudiced.
age of superior goods ut <i less i-uuglit again
price then the manufacturers who
"The 'uua udon.' or 'eel bowl* criminal.
marked their goods through other Is wilier than the one Just mentioned
To illustrate the high He does nut iietiiallv commit a crime,
quality of these preparations it is sin h ns will put him Into tbe «-onvli-t
only necessary to mention the fact side of tbe prison, i.ut allows himself
that the most of these medicine sales­ to lie found looking In suspicious
men practically leave their goods places, underneath lhe broad veraudas
of n tempi«, or In the garden of a pri­
on trial with their customers and vate house
He gets iulu prison all
ask no money unless the goods ure right, but lie secures lhe more generous
satisfactory. This plan of selling treatment of the bouse of deteutiou.
naturally appeals to the farmer which Is to the fare of tbe convict Jull
3-SCREW VESSEL TO BE and us ii result most every farmer «bat a dish of eels Is to a bowl of
buys nt least a part of his supplies plain rice
"The 'kuruuia' is a criminal who
from the medicine wagons.
T. B. Potter Orders $50,000 There was a time before the enact­ makes a sham confession In order to
sneak a free railway ride. The Asasl
ment of the pure food laws over the tells of a ease connected with a uiur
Craft to Ply From Port-
outry thut there were u lot of old der. known as the 'decapitated corfise
land to Tillamook.
peildlers of fnke nostrums travel­ <-ase, which took place Inst year A
Portland’s first triple-screw- vessel, ing about the country marketing ni-ui gave himself up to the police In
of yacht design mid to carry pas­ an entirely different line of stuff, Sendai as the perpetrator of tbe crime
sengers between that city and Tills but the enactment of the pure food I 1 He was brought to Tokyo and his story
It was found to be a
■nook during the summer season, laws seems to have driven this un­ Investigated
pure fabrication.”
is to lie built by Joseph Supple, desirable classof venders out of the
from plana drawn by Fred Hullin, field anil it is very doubtful if one
A Strauss Story.
murine architect. The cruft will be of these old time fakirs could go
A French «•onfeinpoi-ary toll* a
owned by T. B. Potter and its esli into the uvernge fiiriningcommunity phpiaui story of Hie coiii | m »*«» i ot “Sa
mated cost is $50. (W,
Under the mid do enough business to keep a lotlie ” He wiim dining one niglii wllh
building agreement with Mr. Supplì going.
The farmer of today de­ a party of musical friend* when the
the vi-ssel is to be ready for service mands the beet goods because he conversation turned on the <*oin|M>Hi
Some ot the
June 1.
has the money to pay for them, tions of (he kaiser
Three six-cylinder Seaburg gaso- Times i are not what they were 25 guests had ex|»r»‘ssoi! tlictr opinions
line engines, counted on to develop years ago
when grain and stock pretty freely when Herr Ftrauss pul
u combititSI strength of ¡kA) hors« were nelling ut n low price and Ids tlng<*r to his lips and saltl 'Nh sli
Yon should never run down the coin
power and drive the vessel at 18 every farm
had a mortgage ujion positions of cH»wned hpndrt in coin
miles un lieur, were ordered b> Mi. it.
patty There is no telling who wrote
The farmer of today is the most
Supple l iicsiluy through the Ruber
person on
.Machitierv Coinpnny, mid stock independent
Some Letters.
types Wire side« ted. mi there will fa­ They are independent und they
An InjrvnhitM |»»rmin Ini* dlmwpred
uci dc-liic ii. uiival
II was at first know it. and woe to the person who
considered to contract for using»« tries to dictate ns to how and thut the thr»*e nn»xi f<>n I hl»* ir (ters in
their uur filphnlw’t ure X It <• irnwity». ttiHi
engine to dnve the three propellers were th« y
Telegraph Her tlie two whl<*li rontaln not lung nre M
but on uscettuimug that tune would money
T «empty i. that four ex press* grpnl cor
tie lost in special construction the aid, .May 28, 1911».
pulem*p. () |l C ’I i<»lte>altyi; tliNl I Wo
st< vk engines were accepted
are In u devllne. 1» K idemy« that
R R Roberts, representing J R
I tie vessel i" plsiinecl «Iter tyqie»
four Indleeite exalted stNllon .X I X
Watkins Medical Co., who lias the C tel« ellem*y». Mild throe excite
ot steam yachts numerous in tlie
agency tor TilfauuHik county, is now hmrx yet When pnuvnintcd t«»g»qher
East. Imi Mt Balliti s.iul yesterday
liH'atcd 11 Tillamook City, and will art» ne« pssar\ tn a ipmm I uudt i-siaiHliux
th.it it would be the first of triple-
call on you soon, lie carries spices — !• K G «elegy nim ! leg.
»view consti iu lion on the c o.ist
and extracts, toilet articles, stock
lhe vessel will be 1&) feet long, with
Willing to Compromiso.
and |H>ultry tonic and medicine.
a I'e.oii of A* feet and 8feet moulded
“Didn't you prviulne uexer to do ibat
Residence one block west of the
It will have a clipper l«iw
new blacksmith shop in the Alder «trulli 7“
“Yen. father.”
• nd a yacht stern, with two stacks
man property
“A ud didn't I promise io whale you
to give it the appearance of a Stenin
irood If you didn't Y*
er. besides a foremast and mizzen
I Hr you know that ol all the ' “Yea. Imi I broke me |m>mlse and
minor uilmvntn colds ure by fur won't
Stuferò mi accmucalstrons will lie the most duiigerou«,* It is nut the Biada bold you to yours." — Toledo
arranged tor forty passengers, cold itaelf that you need to fear,
the serious disease that (if often
though it is expected thst theernfl's but
Ta ths Paint
leads t<k
to. Most of tl ese arc known
daylight «'«-rtiticate will provide for mb germ dibcaiMe, Pneumonia and
At a teacher-« conferme* one of the
carrying lit: persons.
The deck consumption are among
them. •cbaol |>rtncl|>nls rum- to pro|w* the
house will contaiu waabrooMMi, «tin Why
Chamber lain' a teant. "Long the tb«- tmrher« '
And a mroerr. pallid awlntaot la
ing saloon galley, pantry, a|iecial Cougl> Remedy and cure your « old
while you can.* For sale by Lamar'a •tractor In s hollow voice asked. ~<Jn
staterooms and general quarter«.
Drug Store.
wbat Y*-laidles' Home Journal.
"She will be a fine vessel of her
kiud and wr will turn her out on
Iti R»a«mblinc«
time." said Mr. Supple. "The ma
“Did thè nino whoa» auto «ras In col
ehiuery being ordered in advance
tlsfon laat night gire lt ■ curvory si
will sssut materially with the work
• mina Boa F
■• we can vroewed with the hull and
"lt «oundvd tbat way «Ir "-Ratti
Prntaclirv ^bvoltnt
aior» A merle «a.
•t everything ready for ft« install,
ut ion on arrivai. Tbe fact that the
• ij Tillamook Block,
»d’ics la not disliked her-. MW ft Is
will b under way at the yards will
•dvl.-s, but beca us* au few people
T illam « x > k
O r kgon
not lutertere with other work iu
oner Anvil, all but tlie Vosburg
i.?iug passengers und tlie four
ingengaged in the trunspoitation
o general cargo, It was principal-
ly to assist the tnasters of those
vessels thut tlie additional lights
were requested, while thete are
other curriers that visit the hurboi
as their business |wurrunts.—Ore­
gonian. ___ ____________
kauw bow to (tv. tt-Leigh
hbu L
Final N.tice.
N oticb 1» H ereby G iven ,—That the un­
dersigned, us administratrix of the estate of
D. W. IJAMS, deceased, has filed her final
account in the County Court of the State ol
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, that
Monday, the 13thday of February. 1911, it.
the hour of ten o'clock a.m., of said day, at
the court room of snid court, ha9 been ap
pointed by the said court ut the time and
place for the h aritig of objections thereto, il
any there be. and the settlement of said
estate. All persons having objections to
saiti final account are hereby required to file
the shme with said court prior to the time
fixed for r such bearing
Date of first publication January 12th.
If you have trouble in getting rid of
your cold you may know that you
are not treating it properly. There
is no reason why a cold should
hang on for weeks and it will not if
you take Chamtierlain’s Cough
Remedy. For sale by Lamar's Drug
The valued family re­
cipes for cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec-
tive than ever.
Right prices are also
Reliable Druggist.
Notice of Sale_ofjrUe lands.
Containing 4.859 acres of tide land I
fronting and abutting Lot 5, Sec­
tion 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. of W.M
Applications and bids should be
addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk
State Land Board, Salem, Oregon,
and marked “ Application and bid
to purchase Tide Lands.”
G. G. B rown ,
Clerk State Land Board.
Dateil this January 27th, 1911.
Notice of
• A ttoknhy - at -L aw
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
the State Land Board of the State of
Oregon will sell to the highest Complete set of Abstract Book»
tiidder at its office in the Capitol
Building, at Salem. Oregon, on in office. Taxes paid for non­
Aprilll, 1911, at 10 o’clock a.m., at
said day, all the State’s interest in
1 the tide and overflow lands herein­
after described, giving, however to
Tillamook Blçck.
the owner or owners of any lands
Both phones.
abutting or fronting on such tide
and overflow lands, the preference
right to purchase said tide and
overflow lands at the highest price
offered, provided such offer is made CARI- haberlach ,
in goixl faith, and providing also
that the land will not be sold nor
any offer therefor accepted for less
than $7.50 per acre, the Board re­
serving the right to reject any ami
Çeitiacher Abvoknt,
all bide. Said lands are situated in
Tillamook County, Oregon, and
Tillamook Block.
described as follows :
Beginning at a point, the south­
east corner of D.L.C. No. 39, T. 1 Q^EORGE WILLETT,
S., R. 10 W. of W. M. and running
S. 61 degs., Ofr W., 854.0 feet along
A ttorney - at -L aw .
high water line.
S. 77 degs., 30' W., 182.0 feet along
Next to Tillamook County
high water line.
South, 76.0 feet along low water line.
N. 82 degs., 20 E., 382.0 feet
low water line.
T illamook
O regon .
5. 79 degs., 45' E., 554.0 feet along
low water line.
North, 577.0 feet along low water
line to point of beginning.
Containing 5.67 acres of tide lands
fronting and abutting that part ot
A ttorney - at L aw .
D.L.C. No. 39, situated East of a
North and South line through the
: Opposite Court House,
center of Sec. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W.
of W.M.; also
T illamook , O regon .
Beginning at a point 2371.0 feet
South and 2640.0 West of Section
corner common to Sections 14, 15,
22 and 23, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. of W.M.,
on high waterline, running thence.
T. BO ALS, M.D.,
North, 110.5 feet to low water line.
S. 42 degs., 40' W., 270.0 feet along
low water line.
a 41 degs. 05' W., 155.0 feet along PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
low water line.
S. 69 degs., 00' W., 175.0 feet along
low water line.
East, 135.0 feet along high water
Tillamook Block.
N. 43 degs., 30' E., 270.0 feet along
high water line.
N. 60 degs.. 15' E., 145.0 feet along
high water line to place of be-
Containing 0.487 acres of tide PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
lands fronting and abutting on Lot
Tillamook Block,
6, Section 22, T. 1 N., R. 1U W. ol
W.M.; also
Beginning at a point on high
water 2371.0 feet South and 2640.0
feet West of Section corner common
to sections 14, 15, ‘¿2 and 23 and
running thence,
North 110.5 feet to low water line.
N. 42 degs., 4(Y E., 515.0 feet along
low water line.
N. 70 degs., 30- E., 242.0 feet along
Office over J. A. Todd & Co.,
low water line.
S. . 70 degs., 15' E., 343.0 feet along
Tillamook. Ore.
low water line.
S. , 50 degs., 30' W., 198.0 feet along
high water line.
a 5 dega., 35' E., 70.0 feet along
high water line.
S. 88 degs., 30- W., 183.0 feet along
high water line.
Appointment of Ad­
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
the County Court of Tillamook
County, State of Oregon, on the
17th day of January, 1911, duly ap-
iminted the undersigned as Admin­
istrator of the Estate of WILLIAM
B. JONES, deceased, and that all
persons, having claims against
said estate, are required to present
them with the proper vouchers to
my attorney, A. S. Dresser, Room
319 Worcester Building, Portland,
Oregon, within six months from
the date of the first publication of
this notice.
D avid W. J ones ,
Administrator of the Estate of
William B. Jones.
A. S. D resser ,
Attorney for Administrator.
Date of first publication, Febru­
ary 2nd, 1911.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
F inancial A gent ,
Tillamook, Oregon
J~^R. P. J. SHARP,
Office across the street frotr the
Court House.
Dr. Wise’s office.
*- . The Fashionable Tailor.
Ceauiug, Pressing and Repair­
ing a Specialty.
Store in Heins Photographic
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
Phone A. lor»
by virtue of an execution duly L and O ffice B usiness
a S pecialty .
issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
of Tillamook, on the Sth day of
December, 1910, and to me directed,
the same being issued in pursuance
of a decree and order of sale, made R oom 334 W orcester B uildino ,
T hird and O ak S treets .
and entered in said Court on the
14th day of November. 1910, in a Room Next to tbe U S. Land Offie*.
suit to foreclose a mortgage on the
real property hereinafter described
in which suit F. R. Beals were
plaintiff and Lawrence E. Sanders M RS. ALICIA PHELP3
and Gertrude Sanders were de­
fendants, commanding me to sell
the real property hereinafter des­
cribed. as by law provided to
satisfy the sum of <51X00 together
with interest thereon from Novem­ MRS.
ber 14, 1910, until paid and for the
sum of S1U0.00 aa a reasonable at­
torney’s fee and costs and disburse TILLAMOOK,
ments of suit taxed at $35.80 and
costa and all accruing costa «.f sale
and put the purchaser of said real
property at said sale in immediate
|Kissession thereof, to satisfy said
judgment and decree.
t1berrf,?rr' 1 »>•* on Saturday,
the 4th day of March A.D. 1911, ¡n
front of the Court House door in
«■id County and State, sell to the
Will give you full value
highest and best bidder, for cash
for every dollar spent
in hand, the following described
»*•1 property, situated in Tilla­
mook County, and described as
follows, to-wit :
SUITS »322
J-*>ts 3 and 4, of Block 14. Park
addition to Tillamook City. Oregon.
,n Tillamook County. State of
towers fish brand
•isui m’rt>reron J-nu
Sheriff of Tillamook Count v
State of Oregon
ou-Aiot nu
-AJ.Tcwg» Ca bostom .—
Town C anadian C o lmwi « Towm C am