♦ I ti Vol. XXIII. No. 40. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, MARCH 2, I9II. >i.5o per year. New Spring Goods at Patzlaf’s. ’ Rev. V ’. E. Hoven and wife, S. P. Re-cleaned Seed Oats, a cream Sprang, ’, Mrs. Watt. John Carlson, separator, flour and feed of all W. T. Cowes, W. Gradow, A. J. kinds, and a fresh lot of all kinds Crocket, Miss Jones, Con Johnson, of grass seeds at the Tillamook C. M. McMillan, Miss M. Watt, 11. Erickson, Carl Bandon and Otto Feed Co. She also carried a full The Golden Gate arrived to-day Johnson. to the young men for years has been (Thursday) with a full cargo and N. cargo of freight. Are Oscar Aschitn, H. C. Hansen and Sylvia Rowe, Hansen and wife, A. J. Wilkes, Mr. The Swastika Club met at the u all of Tillamook, each of whom guessed correctly the Bayles. C. A. Beckford and E. A. home of Mrs. Carl llaberlach Friday Wilkenson as passengers. afternoon and spent the time very author of eight out of the ten quotations, A tie C. A. Cornforth, who has bought advantageously, reading- and talk­ The young man with a bank account is property in this city, is going to ing of matters of importance. Mrs. resulting, the first, second and third prizes will be in a position to withstand a period of hard make a speciality of raising choice llaberlach served a dainty-lunch to times. If misfortune befalls him and he is equalled divided among the three, which entitles chickens. He has three pens of about fifteen members and tout guests before they left. out of work, he is backed by his money in Buff Orpingtons, the last pen arriv­ each of them to $10. An accident occurred last Friday ing last week from Chas. P. Nelson's the bank- This bank will be glad to^assist We congratulate the winuers and also those who to W. Stephens, Webster Holmes, yards in Portland. you. Start an account at once. A. K. Case has had his machine Dell B, Scully and Mr. Armbustei competed in the contest so favorably, yet without as they were driving to Nehalem. shop moved this week about forty feet west of where it stood. He in­ The surrey turned overlnorth of Bay securing prizes. The correct answers will appear iu tends building an up-to-date garage City, tangling them up. Stephen* the next issue. on in front to help care for the was scratched alMiut the face but Mr. growing automabile trade in this Scully, who represents the Central Door and Lumber Company, of city during the summer months. Portland, was badly shaken up and I The Ladies’ Guild of the Pres­ injured in the back, and he has byterian Church is preparing to The only U.S, Government Examined Bank in the County. since been navigating on crutches. give an anniversary party to mor­ Mr. Holmes, who wason his way to row (Friday) evening at thechu-ch, Portland, escaped without injury. this being their second year. A I royal goo 1 time is promised to thoae. e , Eugene Jenkins and S. A. Brod­ Cows for sale. i __ .................... . of . pen­ ' I head returned from Honolulu, New Spring Goods at Patzlaf’s. * ; ...i. who »._• bring their little sack 1 have 10 good Holstein cow» for Hawaii, Saturday'. They came in It will pay you to see the Tilla­ nies. sale, fresh and coming fresh, one company with Emmett Jenkins and Holstein bull cnlf registered and mook Feed Co. before you buy The Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Com­ Dr. Morris, eye specialist. C. H. Wi'lfeas far as San Francisco, one work horse. Apply to Schild your Alfalfa hay. • i pany’s saw mill is turning out from New Spring Goods at Patzlaf’s. • Bros.. Tilllainook, Ore. there taking the steamer Beaver to The seven weeks’ old child of 1 fifteen to twentv thousand feet with Astoria, and walking to this city by Fennies Wanted at the Tillamook ( a small crew, and in a short time Lowell McCarty,who died Saturday, For Sale. way of the Necarney trail. The bounty Bank. was laid to rest Monday, Rev. H. R. will have sufficient kiln dried luin- other two of the party came to Port­ Registered Holstein Bull Cnlf, an Apples, $1.00 a box at the Tilla­ Salisbury officiating. her on hand to start the plainera, extra tine animal, dam giving over land by rail, having business to mook Feed Co. 74 lbs. of milk per day now, sire of Powder! Powder! Powder! which will giveemployment to seve­ look after there before coming Good work horse for sale cheap, Just received a quantity of stumping ral additional men. calf his four newest dams giving home, and arrived in Tillamook Governor West “knocked” Tilla over 21 lbs. of butter per week each kpply to Webb Maddux. Governor West vetoed the Tilla­ Tuesday. All state that they had a powder. Secure what you need at his two nearest testing, 4.6 feet, Dement’s Best Flour is second to once.—K ing & S mith C o . mook County Fair County lull ap­ most enjoyable trip, thought the ■ nook County when he vetoed the price $75.00 if taken soon.—B. B. * small appropriation of $1,500 which lone.—Tillamook Feed Co. W. G. Dwight has had carpenters propriating $1560 for that purpose, country was fine to visit, but the State Legislature approved, to Goff, Forest Grove, Ore. R. F. D. John Borba, of Beaver, was doing at work on the building occupied which was introduced by Repre­ wouldn’t live there for any thing. go towards holding a Tillamook Wood For 8ale. luaineaa in town this week. by Bert Stephens’ saloon the past sentative A. G. Beals and passed They are all glad to return to Tilla­ County Fair. The bill was intro­ I week putting in a new front. both houses. This will, probably, mook, where every other person Wood for sale, Spruce nnd Hem The weather this week was dry have the effect of putting a dam­ met is not a Jap. “Labor condi­ duced by Representative Beals, o ck body, dry nt $1.25 a cord on the .nd cold with a strong east wind. The Ladies’ Aid Society ot the which we published in full in i> pre ­ per on the county fair this year. tions,” Mr. Jenkins states, “ are vious issue. It was only 11 small place, 7 miles south of Tillamook.— Ed.SchilLing returnedfrom a busi- Christian church will serve a clam T. D aepaz . The Golden Gate arrived in port very poor on the islands,” because smn to be used for a good purpose, I dinner at the Palace restaurant on less trip to Portland on the Elmore. Sunday with a full cargo of freight, of Jap labor being employed For Sale. yet the governor vetoed it, and in Write or phone to E. G. Ander- Saturday, Mar. 4. Everybody come. but because of the large amount of doing so he “knocked” Tillamook. Merrill Smith, the R. F. D. No. 1 en, Hemlock, for Cedar Fence 1 Light Year Old Mare, 1400 lbs. We received a shipment of hay I gasoline which she carried no p«B- 5 Year Old Mare, 1250 lbs. Murk the contrast. Besides the Kists. * mail carrier, has placed a fine new I engers were allowed to be carried. on the last trip of the Elmore, and 5 Year Old Mare, 1050 lbs. W. N. Heaston is preparing to rig on the run, which adds much to She left out Monday with J. H. are filling our orders at $2.00 per other exorbitant appropriations for 2 Year Old Colt, make about 1400 State institutions at Salem, a bill the convenience of the service. lbs. mild on his property iti Sunny- the prices for which Hoyes, E. Merwin, Joe Gabetich ton less than appropriating $150,000 (or additional Tide Land Hay, $18 or $20 de­ W. C. Strowbridge, the sign paint­ and G. F. Norbladt as passengers. we took orders, viz : ■ead. capitol grounds was railroaded livered; tame Hay, $20 or $22 de- Alfalfa..... $18.00 per ton. H. Soars, cheapest and best paper er, will leave with his wife for Ban­ livered. Process Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack; through, and without the least com Oat Hay. $20.00 per ton. anger in town. Leave orders at don this week, but expects to return $30 ton. Shorts, 80 1b«., $1.15 sack; Also Machinery and a good Gaso­ punetion Governor West approved line Launch. Timothy................ $26.00 per ton. to this city at some future date. >iag A Smith Co. * $27 ton. Wheat, 160 lbs.. $1.75 sack. Our Alfalfa hay iB as fine as any the bill and allowed the “Salem Address -F rank H annenkratt . The Board of County Commission^ County Treasurer Martiny handed Oats, white, 100 lbs., $1.70 sack; $33 seen in Tillamook. Ilogs” to get into the tax, ,iyers’ session this week trans-rf"hi" resignation to the court, ton. Oats, gray seed, 100 lbs., $1.75 AUCTION SAIB. Process Barley, $29.00 per ton, jeans nnil take the sum of $150,1X10 ho which was accepted. BurrBeals.sen., sack; $34 ton. Salt, Empire, 50 lbs., lg county business. $1.10 for 75 lbs. sack ;_shorts, $20.00 that someone can make a “graft” was appointed to fill the vacancy. FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1011. 55c. Salt, half ground, 100 lbs., 55c. per ton, $1.05 for 80 lbs. sack; bran, out of the deal and Salem beautified Minnie Stillwell has gone to Port- Phone your orders to the Tilla ­ Nothing Reserved. Bran, 60 lbs., 80c. — W m . C urtis , the Ind ou account of the serious ill- $25.00 per ton, 75c. for 60 lbs. sack at theTexpense" of the rest of tin mook Feed Co. for Dement’s Best Grain Man. 18 Cows, all fresh and coming • ess of bis daughter. State. ■ The little," insignificent sum 100 lbs. Sack Wheat ......... $1.65 fresh. Flour, it can’t be beat for good Grey Oats .......... $33.00 per ton. The Ladies of the order of the of $800 a year towards a Tillamook Setting of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 4 half-blood Holstein yearling White Oats $32.00 perton. bread, and they deliver it in the Eastern Star are rehearsing a plav, County Fair, which this county is rfeifera. Nd $2.00 for 15 eggs.—C. A. Corn- city. 10 10-gai. Milk Cunw, Milk Buck- which will be put on in the Opera T iliamook M ercantile C ompany . denied, will be insufficient to keep nth, Tillamook, Ore. ets, etc. The East wind which has been House March 17th. The object is to the capitol grounds in order. ¡Cha«. Lundquist, oi Hebo, was in 1 6-hole Steel Range, Cooking Go to F. S. Whilehouse & Son> blowing for the past week is caus- earn money with which to purchase Governor West has land to sell Utensils. )e city Wednesday, looking happy he leading agents, for Bond, Acci ­ ing a large amount of sickness in the necessary paraphernalia to re­ near the capitol buildings, which he 1 Heating Stove. nd Cheerful as usual. 3 Iron Beds, Springs and Mat. town. Sore throats are the most place the loss met by the disastrous dent and Fire Insurance, as they is willing that the Slate Boar! ¡The Tillamook Feed Co. will guar- prevalent. fire in the Olson Building about write more than three-quarters of should place a value upon. Thf tresses. 1 Hardwood Bedstead. the insurance written in Tillamook governor and Treasurer Kay are the btee the weight of every bale of We are taking orders for hay at three years ago. 1 Dresser. Leir hay to be correct. County, because they are better whole thing on that Isiard, which Commode. 1 the following prices : Alfalfa, $19 As the east wind this week dried 6 Cane Seated Chairs. )C. L. Correll, who was previously ton ; oat, $21 ton ; No. 1 Timothy, up the roads, those who own autos equipped than any one else in the gives the taxpayers some idea liow ________ 6 Dining Room Chairs. Reman at the Herald Office, came $27 ton.—H. C. K unze or W m . C ur ­ have taken advantage of it and took business. that bill passed the legislature and 2 Rocker*. I from Salem this week. received the governor’s approval. tis , the Grain Man. • their first rides this year. It is ex­ 1 Dining Room Table. Presbyterian Church. 1 Kitchen Table. Great is the "Salem Hog" in Ore Pete Lamar will move his racket Eight carpenter came in this pected that quite a numtier of our of In the morning the subject 1 Kitchen Treasure. lore in the building vacated by week to work at Bayocean Park, citizens will purchase autos in the sermon will be “God’s Builders, » » gon ! It is so greedy and gluttonous Dishes. that there is not ’ much show for a near future, and the auto travel in ­ byde Clements on Main St. and we understand that work will 1 Hanging Lamp. and in the evening “Jesus Christ.” county like Tillamook getting a to Tillamook will l>e large the com­ The Bible school meets at 10 a.m., I 4 Hand Lam (is. ■ Mrs. Hill will Hteve fresh fruit and be again start up inproving that smell. Ami the Governor helped 25 yards Ingrain Carpet. ing summer. and the young people’s society at Indies in on every boat. Try her seaside resort shortly. 1 Couch. the •’Salem Ilog” and "knocked” I.ife is too short to worry about Work has been commenced on 6:45 p.ni. All are most cordially 1 Graphapbone and Record*. blicioua cakes and sallads. Tillamook, wtiich we hope the peo­ chickens scratching up your garden Terms of Sale—Under $5 cash. invited to be present at these ser­ F. Zaddach, L. G. Reed and Henry the Gilford Stilwell Park, and it is ple of thia county will long remem­ Over $5 six month* bankable note*. or your neighbor's garden. The vices. expected that the grounds will lie S. F. F inney , Pastor. bhl, of Nehalem, were registered F. I>. S talforo , ber. in good condition by the first of largest shipment of Poultry Fence Neskowin. Ore. I th« Allen Hous^ Wednesday. that ever came into the county to April if there is suitable weather. Miss Jones Arrived Church Of Christ. EStudebaker Wagonsand Buggies, 45 rolls Dairy Farm For Bate A large amount of sidewalk has one firm has just landed, Mias Jones, of Chicago, arrived lowi, harrows and machinery of The minister and family came in been built lietween the business in all and if stretched in one line 320 acre dairy farm. About 250 on the boat Wednesday to take II kinds at the Tillamook Feed Co. • Have it in on the steamer Elmore thia week. part of town and Sunnymead the would measure 6750 ft. charge of the millinery department acres of which is rich river bottom 2 ft., 3 ft.. 4 ft., 5 ft. and 6 ft. high. — Regular service« next Lord’« day Rev. S. G. Finney will preach past week, which makes traveling at the Haltom Store. Miss Jones land. Balance low bench or hili • morning and evening. The church pth morning and evening in the to that part of town much easier K ing A S mith C o . brings to Tillamook a thorough 'an ' , the very I m -«( lor fruit and Ireabyterian church next Sunday. than liefore. has lately adopted two i m porta nt The wife of Tom Johnnon, who knowledge of all tbttl'H now in berries, and also good pasture hind “The whole was killed in this city on Monday, mottoes. The one?: [Peter Asp has moved hie shoe hatdom that Dame Fashion ap­ and for winter sown grain. Base Ball: Players who Aliout Church, and as many in the Bible is wanting Deputy District Attorney proves of for spring ami summer, 100 acres of thr bottom land cleared, Bop opposite the poet office where treated in base ball should school.” 118 were present in the and Mr. Haltom considers himself and nlsmt 70 acres of the cleared b is prepared to do all kinds of re­ look at our window. Only Spauld­ Willett to prosecute City Marshal Bible school last I Bird's day; offer very fortunate in securing one so ing High Grade goods are shown Reading, but as the evidence at the land under the plow. Bottom land tiring. coroner's inquest was such that no ing $3.97. The other: “The Whole high in the art of the millinery not cleared, covered with small [The highest Cash Price paid for and the largest assortinant ever blame was attached to that officer, Church in the Prayer meeting,” world. In cimversation to-day Mi“» brush, principally willow, which is in the city — K ing A S mith C o . * ■ kinds of Furs, Hides anil Sheep Mr. Willett has declined to interfere is also bringing results. There Jones remarked : “I hardly knew easily cleared. Good house and Bite. N. E. Melchior, Tillamook, The Elmore left port this morning after hearing the whole of the evi­ were 45 at the prayer meeting last why I left the windy city (Chicago) large dairy barn, also dairy house regoa * with Geo. Phelps, A. Pittinger, W dence. Wednesday, and much interest and to come to Tillamook for the blow and other outbuildings on Pie place. ¡In buying Furniture, remember F. Kannaly, O. E. Rikki, Del Scully The old maids of the Epworth enthusiasm were manifest. Come is great the same here, look nt Located in the Coquille valley, 1st Jones Knudson Furniture Com- J. Williams, B. A. Knoblock, T. League and Young People's Class and we will do you good. The those snow eap|xd mountains fiver about 2'4 miles from Coquille, Coos Nay will give 10 per cent discount Hook, Clark Hadley, O. Bynam and of the Metbodint Church will give young people went out to cheer the there—and tell me do you think County, Oregon. Price per acre r cash. C. Kunze and wife as passengers. a burlesque play at the Gem Theatre heart of Win. Latimer last Friday. the ladies will approve of my Paris, $75.00, cash, balance on time. [Subscribe for the Tillamook Head He know* how to entertain in a The report that F. R. Beals had Friday evening. It promises to Is* English and home pattern hats I P acific R eal E state C o ., vht and the Weekly Oregonian, bought the O. A. I/mimen place at one of the most laughable things substantial way—a chicken supper have brought with me ? The people Coquille, Oregon. pth newspapers for one year for Nehalem for $25.006 is no correct. seen or heard this season. A musi­ and a gn will I m - rendered iu they will serenade W. S. Hare and at home after the first foot step in A Mother’s Safeguard You Tillamook and 1 know I shall like Foley’S Honey and Tar for the [The K. of P. will give theirannual Rudolph Zweifel for $3>,OH. Mr. connection with the play by the fa’»J:y on the Wilson river, children, la la-stand safest for all ought to lie in that crowd. your little town.” til at the Tillamk Commercial Zweifel will put a cheese factory on best musical talent in town. coughs, colds, croup, whooping- ■bib rooms on St Patrick's day, the place. We received our complete line of cough and bronchi!*. No opiates. Bide Wanted. Ith of March. Wagon ” for Bale. < I. Clough. House cleaning time is drawing Spring Dry Goods on boat this [Ask your neighbor aliout De­ near. Ito not forget to use Alabas week at Patzlaf s. New good« in indi A Studebaker Wagon. 2 1 » “Foley's Honey and Tar is the N otice is II erhhy G iven , TllHt lent Best Flour, they all any «hat it tine. Put in right over the old wall ever)- department, You arc invited the Common Council of Tillamer. In all color* and anyone to our «tor- when making your City, Oregon, will receive bills for Apply to Henry, Schild, Pleasant •iilickly stopped >» severe cough Valley. that had long troubled me.' says J. btook Feed Co. • can do the work. Any ordinary apring purchases, We will lea v<* it the grading and graveling of Third Avenue from First Nt. to Hoquar W. Kuhn. Princeton, Nebr Just so For Sale. [Priaee will be offered at our room can be made new tor $1.(11 — to your judgment a* to prices after ton Slougli ; said street to be quickly ami surely ’it acta in all * comparing quality with any store graveled with a ls-d of grarel at < aw* of coughs, colds, higrippe Bunty Fair this fall for garden K ing A S mith Co. Si» 2-year old heifers, one frewh lunjj trouble. Refuse aulxti- mck. Buy your garden tools from Hataev Panglxirn, who wa«e»(ie<-t- in the county, and remember you least 8 inches deep anil so grailtd now anil others coming lre»h.— and lutes.— C. I. Clough. as to conform toestablishedgrades. ■ ing A S mith C o . ing to leave for hie old home in are never asked or urged to buy * All bids must he filed with the City Frank Tone, Tillamook, Ore. The moat common cause of inarm- The ¡mssengers on the Elmore the Recorder on or liefore March 6th, Mrs. V. K. Hoven returned on the Kansas this month, ha« de.-ided to nia is disorder* of the itommh. Mr. Ashmar, J, MU. The Common Council hereby ■more from I-oa Angele* where she •lay here nntil the first of May, hi« last trip were : Chamberlain’« Stomach and IJ ver reserves the right to reject any and ba been visiting tier imrenta for fattier having pro mined to put in Menn. I. W Kady. H. J. Daily and Tablets correct these disorders and all bide. T. H ff4Nlrt.gr, enable i oii'Jto sleep. For «¡lie by ■M time Her huslmnd met her hi« crop« if he wished to stay here wife. Ed Schilling. C E. Rikki, Mias City Recorder of Tillamook leamar’s Drug More. I the valley and came in with her. and finish hi« contract. M Johnson, C. If. Nelson, E. Kabbe, I City, Oregon. 1 | The Prize Winners in Our Literary Contest OUR ADVICE Have a Bank Account. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK IIXAMOOK JOTTINGS TILLAMOOK COUNTYj BANK TILLAMOOK, OREGON GOVERNOR“KNOCKS” TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Vetoes Small Appropria­ tion for Fair—“Salem Hog” Gets the Tax­ payers’ Money.