Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 23, 1911, Image 9

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    •sis of the annual statement
Total liabilities ... $1,372,063.41 Market value of real es­
of the
Total insurance in force
tate owned.......... None
December;!!, 1910..
$1.551,850.00 Book value of stocks
and bonds owned
B usiness in O regon for
FOR the
THE lxians on mortgages and
Y ear .
waukce, in the State of Wis­
Premium notes and pol-
; Total risks
during the year .... $
•‘’J loans..........
31st day of December, 1910,
Cash in banks and ori
to the Insurance Cominis- ’.’Gross premiums re­
hand .................................
ceived during the
of the State of Oregon, pur-
267.16 Net uncollected and de-
to law:
ferre«l premiums ........
- Total amount of risks
C apital
Other assets (net), less
outstanding in Ore-
assets not admitted,
gon, December 31,
mtof capital paid
$114,262.03 ......................... 230.560. ID
........... .................. $ 1,000.000- 0
W estern S tates L ife I nsurance
Total assets ............. $2,067,331.55
I ncome .
Less special deposits
iums received dur-
By A. D. Lockwood, Secretary.
in any state (if any
the year in cash.. $2.167,988. 5 Statutory resident general agent
there be)... ... None
(st, dividends, and
and attorney for service: Isaac Total assets admitted in
is received during
Oregon ..............................$2,057,331.55
[year.... ..............
L iabilities .
■e from other sour-
! Synopsis of the annual statement
: received during
Net reserve .....................
Total policy claims........
All other liabilities
Capital stock and sur­
plus .................................
D isbursements .
Of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa,
made to the Insurance Commis­
sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­
suant to law :
Notice of Sale of Tide Lands.
thwestern National
surance Company,
- Dubuque Fire & Marine
Insurance Company,
B usiness
C apital .
L licenses and fees
[ during the year,
int of all other ex-
ditures ...................
;al expenditures. $2,069,150.
of real {state
¡ed........................... $ 176,050.
) of stocks and
da owned .............. 3,848,937.
I on mortgages
[collateral, etc.... 1,255,000.
lin banks and on
D isbursements .
i claims for losses
mt of unearned
mums on all out-
iding risks.............. 2,812,031
for commission,
her liabilities —
igration reserve..
ea, rents, expen-
etc ...........................
county and muni-
J taxes.....................
A ssets .
Value of real estate
owned ......................... $
Value of stocks and
bonds owned .............
Loans on mortgages
and collateral, etc...
Cash in banks and on
hand ...............................
Prems. in course of
and in
transmission ..........
Interest and rents due
and accrued .............
I ecurity L ife I nsurance C o . of
A merica .
By W. O. J ohnson , President.
Total income ........... $ 824,779.28
Total expenditures
Th* Art of Boxing.
F or T ub
Amount of capital paid
up ..................................... $ 200,000.00 Total risks written dur­
ing the year...................
I ncome .
ceived during the year
Premiums returned dur­
during the year in
ing the year ........None.
eash .................
$ 761,881.62 I-osses paid during the
Interest, dividendsand
................ None.
rents received during
Losses incurred during
the year.............. None.
Income from
Total amount of risks
sources received dur­
outstanding in Oregon
ing the year.................
December 31, 1910. ... .
Losses paid during the
year, ............................. $ 349,742.80
Dividends paid during
the year on capital
Commissions and sal­
aries paid during the
total assets............ $5,801,888.67
I special deposits
licenses and fees
Iny state................
paid during the year
Amount of all otherex-
I assets admitted
Oregon..................... $5,791,888.67
L iabilities .
O regon
Statutory resident general agent
nd attorney for service:
W. R. J ames , Portland, Ore.
Final Notice.
N otice I s H brkbv G iven ,— That the un-
Convention of Stage.
Falls Victim to Thieves.
S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala.,
las a justifiable grievance. Two
liieves stole his health for twelve
rears. They weie 1 liver and kid-
icy trouble. Then Dr. King’s New
Life Pills throttled them. He’H well
now. Unrivaled for Constipation,
Malaria, Headache. Dyspepsia. 25c.
it Chas. I. Clough’s.
0 feet along
to point of
Gross claims for losses
risks written dur-
ihe year ................ $3,262,51a 00
Amount of unearned
premiums receiv-
prems. on all out­
urmg the year....
standing risks ...............
LaGrippe Coughs.
urns returned dur-
All other liabilities....
the year ..................
Strain and weaken the system
) paid during the
Total liabilities ... $ 768,158.20 ' md if not checked may develop
nto pneumonia. No danger of this
1 incurred during
force Dec. 31, 1910 .. $107,637,053.00 J vhen Foley’s Honey and Tar is
rear ........................
aken promptly. It is a reliable
amount of risks
’a.iiily medicine for all coughs and
B usiness in O regon for the
landing in Oregon
Y bar .
‘ xilds, and acts quickly ami effect-
■mber 31, 1910 ....I
vely in cases of croup. Refuse
Total risks written dur-
s substitues.—C. I. Clough.
BWESTERN N ational I nsur ­
ing the year................ $ 328,300.00
ance C ompany ,
Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor
Gross premiums re­
ky J oseph H u ebl , Secretary,
ceived during the
< cercise insufficient mastication of
mtory resident general agent
year .............................
5,898.12 1 >od, constipation, a torpid liver,
Attorney for service:
t orry and anxiety, are the most
M oses B illings .
during the year ...
1,364,80 < minion causes of stomach troub-
Losses paid during
1 •s. Correct your habits and take
the year .......................
1,554.91 < hamberlain's Stomach and Liver
bsis of the annual statement Losses incurred dur­
ablets and you will soon t>e well
ing the year .............
2,304.91 s gain.—For sale by Lamar’s Drug
Total amount of risks
outstanding in Ore­
Pneumonia Follows a Cold-
gon, Dec. 31, 1910 .
But never follow«
the use of
D ubuque F ire & M arine I nsur - 1 Foley’s Honey and Tar, which
checks the rough and expels the
ance C ompany
By N. J. S chuep , Sec.
c :old. M. Stockwell. Hannibal, Mo.,
Statutory resident general agent 1 «ays, ” It beats all the remedies I
fver used, I contracted a bad cold
and attorney for service:
M oses B illings , Portland. Or. ! ind cough and was threatened with
pneumonia. One bottle of Foley's
C apital .
Honey and Tar completely cured
Synopsis of the annual statement ' Tie.” No opiates, just a reliable
of the
1 household medicine.—C. I. Clough.
I ncome .
Belief from Kidney Tronble
Security Life Insurance 3peedy
“I had an acute attack of Bright’s
Company of America, < iisease with inflammation ol the
idney’s and bladder and dizzi-
In the State of Virginia,
on the 31at day of December, 1910, r ess,” says Mrs. Cora Thorp, Jack-
” A bottle of Foley’s
made to the Insurance Commia* ‘ on, Mich.
ear ........................
tuoner of the State of Oregon, pur- ' Cidney Remedy overcome the st­
I from other sour-
the inflammation,
Huant to law :
received during
uok away the pain and made the
C apital .
t ladder action normal, I wish every -
ne cotild know of thia wonderful
Mai income
$ 450.9H6.00 Amount of capital paid
r emedy.”—C. I. Clough.
$ 500,000.00
I ncome .
! Premiums received dur­
ing the year................... $ 496,300.70 '
Interest, <lividends, and
rents received during
the year...........................
74,968.08 ’
i Income
sources received dur­
ing the year..................
2,537 34 ‘
Total income
$ 572.806.12 [
Paid for losses, endow­
ments. annuities and
surrender values........ I
Dividends paid to policy
holders during
9ft, 91 f> 54
John B. Langley
2,175 01
il,»a 16
L iahiliti
Their arms uplift In air, their heads wlth-
’ draw
Back from the blows, and. mingling hand
with hand.
Provoke the conflict.
Pugilism has been a typical English
sport from the days of King Alfred -
London Standard.
dersigtied, as administratrix of the estate oi
D. W. IJAMS, deceased, has filed her final
account in the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, that
Monday, the 13thday of February. 1911, in
the hour of ten o'clock a.in., of said day, at
the court room of said court, has been ap­
pointed by the said court as the time and
place for the h a ring of objections thereto, if
any there be, and the settlement of salt,
estate. All persons having objections to
«aid final account are hereby required to file
the same with said court prior to the time
fixed for such hearing.
Date of first publication January 12th,
swv^s W.
Total assets ad­
mitted in Oregon $1,301,521.42
L iabilities .
rugillsm. the practice of boxing or
fighting with the fists, wns a muiily
art nnil exercise highly esteemed
among the ancients. In those days the
hands of the pugilist were armed with
the centus, leather throngs loaded with
lend or Iron. This form of athletic
sport wns at first only permitted to
freemen among the Greeks, but grad­
ually It was taken up ns a professiou
and lost much of Its prestige.
As an Illustration of Its early use we
find In Virgil's fifth Aeneld the rec­
ord of a match between Dares, "with
nimble feet and confident In youth.”
nnd Entellus. the veteran chiimplon.
“strong and weighty limbed.” when
the combatants—
Within the imperial preserves where
the kaiser and Ills guests secured 500
deer In one day Is the Bcborfhalde.
which each year toward the month of
November becomes the meeting place
of t. isands of stags. Thia nnuual
asseu.olnge on the Hchorfliulde has
taken place every autun'ii for cen­
turies past. Mention thereof lias been
found In documenta more than a thou­
sand years old. All sorts of theories
have been put forward to account for
it. Some natives say that the animals
meet to decide matters affecting the
leadership of their various clans. It
seems hnrd to account otherwise for
the attraction which brings stags and
their mutes from Gallein, on the Rus­
sian border: from the Liechtenstein
game preserves south of Vicuna aud
from the still larger »wtates In Hun­
gary belonging to the Archduke Fred­
erick. all the way to the Bcborfhalde.—
London Chronicle.
Ths Dialect Was There.
Notice of
Appointment of
N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That
the County Court of Tillamook
County, State of Oregon, on the
17th day of January, 1911, duly ap­
pointed the undersigned as Admin
istrator of the Estate of WILLIAM
B. JONES, deceased, and that all
liersons, having claims against
said estate, are required to present
them with the proper vouchers to
my attorney, A. S. Dresser, Room
319 Worcester Building, Portland,
Oregon, within six months from
the «late of the first publication of
this notice.
D avid W. J ones ,
Administrator of the Estate of
William B. Jones.
A. S. D resser ,
Attorney for Administrator.
Date of first publication, Febru­
ary 2nd, 1911.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That
by virtue of an execution dhly
issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
of Tillamook, on the 8th day of
December, 1910, and to me directed,
the same being issued in pursuance
of a decree and order of sale, made
and entered in said Court on the
14th day of November, 1910. in a
suit to foreclose a mortgage on the
real projierty hereinafter descrilie«!
in which suit F. R Beals were
plaintiff and I-awrcnce E. Sanders
and Gertrude Sanders were de
fendants, commanding me to sell
the real proiierty hereinafter des­
cribed, as by law provided to
satisfy the sum of $513.00 together
with interest thereon from Novem­
ber 14, 1910, until paid and for the
sum of $100.00 as a reasonable at­
torney’s fee nnd costs andtlisliurse-
ments of suit taxed at $35.80 and
costs and all accruing costa < f sale
and put the purchaser of said real
property at said sale in immediate
|>oaaeanion thereof, to satisfy said
judgment and «lerree.
Now, therefore, I will on Saturday,
the 4th day of March A. D. 1911, in
front of the Court House door in
said County and State, sell to the
highest and lieat bidder, for cash
in hand, the following tlewrilred
real profierty, situated in Tilia-
mook County, au<l descritte«! as
follows, to-wit
lx>ta 3 and
addition to Tillamook City, Oregon,
all in Tillamook County, State of
Dated Tillamook. Oregon. Janu­
ary 31st, 1911.
H. C renshaw .
Sheriff of Tillamook County,
State of Oregon
Ex-Oovernor Bob Taylor of Tennes­
see was ones entertalnltix n northern
guest who wns rather skeptical about
the prevailing dialect In stories of
southern negroes. He thought It over­
drawn. To disprove the contention.
Mr. Taylor laughingly made a wager
wl«h his guest that the northerner
would lie unable to Interpret the I ho -
guage of the first negro they met. Ac­
cordingly they set out end presently
came upon a black man basklug In­
dolently In the sun. Telling Ills friend
to pay close heed. Mr. Taylor stepped
up to the negro and demanded sud­
"Web he?”
The negro blinked hla eyes stolidly
and then answered in a gntttiral vole«:
IVa h w ho ?”— Every body's.