riLií-AMOOK HEADL1GE.T FEBRUARY 23, 1911. PLAY WITH DEATH HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. Men Who Are Reckless In Han­ dling High Explosives. ''TORIES BY HUDSON MAXIM. j Th. Accident by Which the Inventor', We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Loft Hand Wat Blown Off—John B»n- der’e Contempt For Dynamite—Mix­ ing Fire and Nitroglycerin. Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw. ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County < Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy .to KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in ttie County. New Machinery, Experienced WorRmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. OLEYS ORINOIAXAT1VE for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad I breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habituel constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. inless Dentistry hobby—oor study tor years and raucoeaa. sad nun io th« b at pst nines work I found aaywham. bo tatter how much you Compare four Friona. |W® finish plata and bridge work fur out- of-town palr«>ne m E day If desired. i I hm oi tract Ion when p ates or I bridge work is order CBeaultalop free. iMrCnra $5.00 2atnO.TMu4.00 IcmHteg» 1.00 E.MMlFita,. 1.00 iS.iM.f.ih.„ .50 _ __ 6 m J 5.00 Bsst Red Rubber H.IM 7.50 Pafel,,, (itr’tiM .50 ■ CtoT MKTMOOB ork fully guarantawd fwr flftewa yean. Ise Dental Co.,i«. Painless Dentists to* TUMI. CTW •u..,, »tel Pills it They Will De for Yoe * I* After having the M easi . es ® I The valued family re- cij.cs for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec- tive than ever. • have your eyes looked after, * examined, before you try to W j R do any close work with them, R |B It will save you the trouble R f you M ay otherwise have, ■ • besides it will cost you I nothing to find out the truth g about them. . .... R Measles very often leave ■ R your in a very bad con- to. • dition, eyes half of the trouble g ! with our eyes, or the eyes of I S the people is caused by !" M easles . Don’t risk your eyes when they can tie saved as well • as nut. w " *- ' j « Right prices are also * assured. * : « I w • CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. 1 : J Dr. H. E. Morris, * n | R s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, y will cure your backache. Jthen your kidneys, cor. OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. J urinary irregularitiea, build the worn out tissuea, and Comer Stillwell Ave. and Firat St. West, and bolli I’honea. inate the excess uric acid cauaea rheumatism. Pre. PE3IALTÍ IM ALL KINO OF CAKES : Bright's Disease and Dia- ALL KINO OF BREAD L and restore health and - preciate the necessity of care iu the I safe handling of explosives, aud the | life of the careful man Is always eu- | dangered by the actions of the care­ less one. “After 1 had sold the works at Max­ im and had Invented niotorite 1 needed a place in which to make the material I and hired u branch of the works there j for that purpose. It was winter. My I wife had accompanied me as a pre- | cautionary measure. She was sitting I in the laboratory to keep warm, near a big barrel stove charged with bitu­ minous coal. “On entering the laboratory for something my wife asked me what was in those two tin pails sitting near the stove. She said that she had a suspicion it might be nitrogylycerin, and site informed me that one of my men had Just been in stirring the tire and that the sparks dew out in all di­ rections. some of them light im; in the buckets to lie quenched on top of the oily liquid. " •Horrors!' I said. 'It is nitroglyc­ erin!’ “I called the num who had placed it there and told him to take it away. As It was necessary to keep the material from freezing lie took it into thp boil­ er house near by. A lit lie later ou. go­ ing into the boiler bouse. I saw one of the men stirring the tire while tire oth­ er wiis standing with Ills coattails out­ stretched in either hand, forming a shield to keep the sparks from dying into the nitroglycerin. “In the manufacture of high explo­ sives aud in experimenting with them n little absentmindeduess, a very slight lack of exact cautiou, a seem­ ingly lnslgiiidcnnt inadvertence for a moment, may cost one a limb or his life. The accident that cost me my left hand is a case in point. “On the day preceding that accident I had had a gold cap put on a tooth. In consequence the tooth ached throughout the night and kept me awake n greater part of the time. In the morning I rose early and went down to my factory at Mnxim, N. J. In order to test the dryness of some fulminate compound I took a little piece of It, nlHiut the size of an Eng­ lish jieuny. broke off a Binall particle, placed It on n stand outside the labo­ ratory nnd. lighting a match, tom bed It off. “Owing to my loss of sleep the night before my mind was not so alert'as usual, nnd 1 forgot to lay aside the remaining piece of fulminate com­ pound. but instead held It in my left hand. A spark from the Ignited piece of fulminate compound entered my left band between my fingers, Igniting the piece there, with the result that m.v hand was blown off to the wrist. “Once when entering m.v storage magazine at Maxim, in which were several carloads of dynamite along with 37.000 |>onnds of nitrogelatin, I saw John Render, one of my employ­ ees, calmly but emphatically opening ■ case of dynamite with a hammer and a chisel. I promptly discharged him “Not long afterward the innkeeper at Farmingdale called on me to buy some dynamite and said be bad engag­ ed Render to blow the stumps out of his meadow lot. I told him Bender was courting death for himself nnd everybody around when handling dy­ namite. 'but Boniface still wanted Bender to do the work. “ ‘Well.’ said I. 'the dynamite yon want Is ifl cents n pound, but If John Bender does not succeed in blowing himself up nnd killing himself with the dynamite you can bare It for noth ing. On the other hand. If be does blow himself up you must pay for the dynamite.’ "A few days later there was «o.«e hitch in Bender’s exceptional Im k. A particularly refractory old stump had resisted a couple of Bender's dynamic attacka. The failure to dislodge the stump Bender took ns s |>en«'i>»l af­ front because ft reflected upon Ills skill aa a stump blaster “’Next time.’ said be. ‘something Is going to happen.’ He placed slamt twenty pounds of dynamite under the deep rooted veteran. touched it off. and several things hapfiened In very quick sti<-cesslon The huge stump let go Its hold on earth and proceeded to bunt Bender, "It was a level race, left the stump won Striking Bender on tlie north quarter. It stove In four rib*. dlsUr-at cd several Joints end d-imspcd him In several other respect« and pariP-il'ars. B'Hilf»«-« r»mr tn settle for tlie dyna­ mite. “■Sixteen rents a pound.’ I «aid ’Bender hasn’t a chame In a hundred. Walt till the doctors are through with hint ’ “ ’What do you «ay to a compro­ mise.’ suraeated Boniface, ’of M < rnta a |smnd? For. really. I dd not Is-lleve that Bmdcr in more than half dead.’ And the aerount was settled on Unit heal»." ORIGIN OF AN EXPRESSION. “It Thia Court Knows Hersslf, She Think. She Do" and We frequently bear the expression, i "If the court knows itself, aud it | thinks it does.” but few |H*rsona are i aware of the origin thereof. The individual who gave birth to it was a ¡‘Ike county Missourian uamed I Blackburn, who flourished iu the west , many years ago. Blackburu ran away from home when tie was a mere boy and sought bis fortune 111 the west, where he grew to manhood as an In­ dian tighter, hfcnter. trapper and mountain guide. Although not an ed­ ucated man. he was possessed of great acumen, to which was united a keen wit. When gold was discovered In California. Blackburn was one of the first to proceed thither. The miners as a sort of Joke elected him alcalde, an office that combined the duties of mayor and justice of the peace. The first case coming before the uew al­ calde was that of a gambler who while drunk had ridden his horse over a young Mexican wotuuu. She was seri­ ously injured. The trial took place in the largest cabin in the neighborhood. The gam­ bler, who was rich, had retained able counsel to defend him. Alende Black­ buru called the young woman to the witness stand. She told a strnight­ forward. honest story. When she bad finished the alcalde jiereuiptorily end­ ed the trial. The attorney for the de­ fendant protested vigorously, but the alcalde disposed of liis protest thus: "if tills court knows herself, and she thinks she do, I tine you «.*<»> damages ami assess upon you the cost of puttiu’ this young woman in good condition." When asked what lie meant by “good condition" the alcalde replied that the gambler must pay the doctor's bills and nil other costs of the young woman's k I c 1 ui <* mh . -Exchange. THE GOLD WAS THERE. But Mark Twain Misaod It by Just Ono Pail of Water. With Steve Gillis, a printer of whom he was fund, Mark Twalu weut up into Calaveras county to a cabin on Jackass hill, where Steve’s brother Jim a lovable, picturesque character (the Truthful James" of Bret Harte), owned mining claims. Mark decided to spend his vacation in pocket min­ ing and soon added that science to his store of knowledge. It was a halcyon, happy three mouths that be lingered there. One day with Jim Gillis bu was following the specks of gold that led to a pocket somewhere up the hill when a chill, dreary rain set in. Jim was washing and Clemens was carry­ ing water. The “color” became better aud better aa they ascended, aud Gll- ila. |H>ssessed with the mining passion, would have gone on regardless of the rain. Clemens, however, protested and declared that each pail of water was bls last. Finally he said in bis delib­ erate, drawling fashion: “Jim, I won't carry any more water. This work is too disagreeable. Let’s go to the bouse aud wait till it cleats ■p.“ Gillis had Just taken out a pau of garth. ‘ Bring one more pall, Sam," lie plead­ ed "I won't do It. Jlnt! Not a drop! Not if I knew there was a million dollar« in that pan!” They left the pan standing there nnd went over to Angel's camp, which was Bearer than their own cabin. The min kept on, nnd they snt nround the grocery and barroom smoking and tell­ ing stories to pnsx the time. Meanwhile the rain had washed away the top of the pan of earth left standing on the slope of Jackass hili •nd exposed a handful of nuggets— pure goto. Two strangers had come ■long nnd, observing It, had sat down to wait until the thirty day claim MOZART'S UNTIMELY END. notice posted by Jim Gillis should ex­ pire They did not mind the rain not Bad Finish of the Career of the Great with that gold in sight—nnd the min­ Musical Genius. ute ihe thirty days were up they fol­ Late hours, unwearied vigils, ever­ lowed tho lend a fow pans farther and lasting labor, tlie effects of chills, damp took out $20.000 in all. It was a good and exposure, in the hard life be led pocket. Mark Twain missed it by one a life alternating between brilliant pall of water.—Chicago Post. passages and the most loathsome drudgery, betweeu rosy anticipations •INSURANCE MAPS. of fortune and Inevitable and eternal disappointment» laid (heir effects on the vigorous constitution of Mozart. Handy Guides For Underwriters In Fixing Premium Rates. His lamp of life burnt out untimely. Many persons must hnve noticed While still a young man -only thirty- five years old be fell into ill health, when making application for fire In­ tlie symptoms of which were a fitful, surance that It is the prnctlce of tho restless nervousness, a craving for in­ underwriter to examine certain maps before he will fix the rate of premium ordinate excitement and a rapid decay or accept a risk on the property of­ of the physical stamina of liis consti­ fered Ills lithographic surveys mark­ tution. ed off In diagrams of red and yellow Unfortunately for him. in tlie ab­ ■nd other color» are always In evi­ sence of any strong influence at homo dence, sometimes bound securely In which might keep him Iu tlie path of dozens of large volumes, on other oc­ duty, be was tempted to seek recrea­ casions iHld conveniently in piles of tion abroad and fell into the company loose sheets for handy reference. of a dissipated set of men. haunters Few persons realize, however, that of the thenters and taverns of Vienna, these maps contain all the Information tlie chief spirit of whom was one which tlie underwriter desire» to know Scliiknnisler. a low. coarse uinn of nei­ ■bout the building he Is asked to In­ ther refinement nor talent. In com- sure and that in most instances more puny with this crew the glorious gen­ matters arc explained to him by a ius, whose critical state of health de­ •ingle glance than tho applicant could manded the utuioHt care nnd attention make even though ho lie Ihe owner of from loving Imnd.s. flitted night after the property. « night from tnveru to tavern In Vienna, As a matter of fact the details ust deluding himself with vice under the forth arc most explicit. The map- idea that he was gnthering tlie secret maker ha» munaged by colors, charac­ Hplrit of brotherhood for use in his ters and signs to give a full description opera. “Tlie Magic Flute." on which ad the ons’ructlou. equipment and uc- be nt that time was engaged Bow ewpatlon of the building, everything hot Ini iii ' h “Private Life of Great Com- Whl-h over flft.v years of this sort of ■■rvevlng has provisl to lie of any pos- posers.” Sibl- lnt»re»t to th» insurance man, It Bl so complete, for ln»tan< e. that an Toeth In Their Stomach*. Wlinteier it may be tbrt the it-L*tC" «■snt In New Yo.'« tty can readily nnd (lie crab, rapiwioits. never dainty, fonu a grssi idea of the -character of a are eating they always »ee eoniethlrig risk situated tn sotns town In Missouri else that they want and can't wait tin cr fYillfomla, or. vice versa, agents in til they have masticated the first be­ towns In these western atatns can ilk»- fore attacking the second. But they ■to« tell the character of a risk in don't give up the first, not by any Naw York city.-Cassler's Magazine. milliner of meaaa. Nature, humoring Poising on Nothing. tills rapacious l>ent. has fitted Hie lob­ Away up In the air. far lieyond th* ster and the crab with tectli In their atomaehn. and they swnllow their half msuatnln tops, the great condors will masticated food and finish the chew­ hang poised as motionless as if perch- ing process with their stomachs while ad >m solid rock. Tme. their wing» they seize and chew the other tiling ■re outstretched, but even through that bus attracted them, ixibsters nnd «(fa«"»» not the slightest motion Is par- Wptthlo They remain In this position crabs have no twth iu their mouths. «Sr many minutes, sometimes for an They chew witli their claws what they toaor, making a careful scrutiny of sv- hove time to and together th«.' same facility of poising apparent- from all over the world," snld the bank to «■ «othlng cashier. "Part of tlie |mper filter Is linen rug from tho orient. Banksd Ralls. "The silk corn«*» from Italy or t'hlnn fo HMMdlng a curve the tendency The blue ink Is made from German or flf th* weight of a train I» invariably Canadian cobalt. The black Ink Is «g ahfft Io the outside wheel« To made from Niagara Fall» acetylene MUBteract this tendency the outer rail gas smoke, and most of the green Ink flf ■ rwrve la raised on a higher level is green color mixed In white zinc mil fon the Inside, the elevation being pblte made In Germany. * ■■ «fact proportion to the sliarp- "When the treasury seal Is printed ■Bte *f the curve as determined by th* In red the color comes from Central g«te‘ tples of engineering if both Ainerl'«.’’ New York Kun. tetta of a curved track were of exactly th« some elevation a train would not No Apology N»oo»»sry. Bare round It at high speed "I cingrutnlaie yon moot heartily," said the nearsighted guest st the sed T«ndsr Hsartsd Ysuths. dine, 'on this happy oh. I beg your Sympathetic Old I.sdv—Yon're kind pardon' I thought I was speaking to toterted boy» tn help that poor fellow the bridegroom “ ■p Here’s a quarter for aotn» randy. "That » all right," Hie other man re Bnthtishisllc Hinn i I Bov (helping plied "1 accejH your congrstubitloM. tut assn worse for llquorF Thanks, I am the father of the bride " t'hi- ago ■toan». but Jeet hang around a rnlnnt* Trllmnc ■Bd watch th' fun when he fall» ag'ln. Nww York Time« Vory Lucky. “I dofl't get wlint I d< -< rve f«r my C«mie Optra Milkmaids. jokes.” walled the liiimorixl. “f thought I would Introduce a real “You're lucky." syrnpatlilz'-d his