J 4 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 23, 1911 pick up the newsy little paper, j 9 I RATFS OP SUBSCRIPTION. . STRICT l.V IN AOVXNCR.) Otwyttir................................................. 1.50 1 3n months............................................ 75 50 Three months....................................... r ^ilfamook ftrabligbt, 5 P. R. & N. Co.’s depot will be lo<-ated. The company, as we understand the situation, ¡H morally Isainil to locate on the 4 ioodspeed tract, for that was the site the company selected and which the railroad com­ mittee in getting rights of way and in 1 raising money worked for. ’ These are well known facts, In regard to the depot being located on the water front, 1 the place is not. suited lor that purpose, for the reason that a public street should not be utilizeil in that way. The spur to the water’ front is a good thing for industries, or for the railroad to get through the city, but for no other purpose. I shot man would make if he had I editors of the county newspap­ anything to do with expending ers have the boosters’ spirit ami the road money and getting they must work harmoniously together. Every newspaper in the county is deserving of the best support than can be given HIGH SCHOOL FLASHES. them. _______ ___ Tillamook Debating Team I T. BO'ITH, called the Seaside Signal, and in • A ttorn ey - at -I, aw . glancing through it we ran across the School Notes. We are glad we Complete set of Abstract Booltj read it for we found out considerable in office. Taxes paid for non. concerning the ignorance of its Residents. composer, Nathaniel ¿thorthone by name, and also some things con­ Tillamook Block. cerning Tillaniookers which we never knew before. The one of Both phones. most importance was that because • the Tillainookers had never seen a railroad or engine that their time CARI- HABERLACH, would be occupied with them and they would be unable todebate.” A ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, little advice: First, a youth of his caliber just shedding his milk teeth getttechev ¡A Du ok nt, and not fat enough yet for beef should not talk so frivolously of Tillamook Block. people of our rank in the world when the fact is that if he would come to Tillamook the cows would Q.EORGE WILLETT, eat him. Second, we have three locomotives A ttorney - at -L aw . in Tillamook already and a railroad which when completed in the com­ Next to Tillamook County ing summer will bring our beach Bank, property to the front so rapidly that T illamook - O regon , Seaside will look like a mere speck of sand in the ocean in comparison with it. Come over, sonny,we’11 tie A GOYNE, the cows and show you some of the choicest land in the world. A ttorney - at L aw . We want to impress upon the Lost with the Seasiders. wide-a-wake persons of this city Editorial Snap Shots. the important work which the The Ciceronian program, which TillanuMik Commercial Club is to be rendered this coming Fri­ Pity the sorrows of the poor will la- called u|>on to do this day promisee to be one of the best taxpayers. vear to help Issist the city and this year. It is the first one to be county, and *or that reason it is under the supervision of the new Taxe» are on a par with Till­ certainly deservingof the moral cabinet. The race for the pennant amook land darn’d high, boy». and financial assistance of is to t>e a stiff one during the fast every property owner and per­ semester, and although we may son engaged in business. In have confidence we should never 'The editors are not a bad look­ the short time the club has been boast for neither society can feel ing bunch, after all, consider­ organized it has done gooil work sure that they have it einched until ing the many mean things said I anil in securing commodious, the final decision is made. iitul published about them. The anti-assembly state legis­ well furnished quarters. Ibis Those pleasant things called lature has adjourned, and the took a large amount of money, monthly tests are again past, to the Gee, wiz, the wind was tro­ taxpayers have got it where the but we are glad to know that, great delight of -'everyone con­ pical on the bay last week, ami chicken got the ax. Election apart from the more important cerned. We would like for every we felt quite concerned for fear times and spouting almut tlie- features of the club, the mem­ body to take a backseat this month, it would catch up the city on sovereign will of the people by bers and their wives have had but as this is impossible, we must ttie bay and make it an addition thi*»e who aspire to public office pleasant social times together to the metropolis. follow our rank. is a good way to fool the people, the past winter. President As ttie instructor in-stenography, but the wilful extravagance of Webster Holmes and his Execu­ "The people!” Yes, “the the anti-assembly legislature is tive Board have endeavored to Prof. F. A. Scofield, was chaperon­ people” elected the most extra­ certainly tough on the taxpay­ make the club pleasant and at­ ing the debating team while at vagant state legislature in the ers. Isn’t it a fright how taxa­ tractive to all the memtiers, Seaside, he was unable to correct history of Oregon last .Novem­ tion is increasing and becoming and where business men can his test papers, which fact will un- iqA Office : Opposite Court House, J. CLAUSSEN, ber, having little or no regard burdensome ? But, then, it was assimilate and work harmoni- 1 doubtedly being moving day a week later to the sorrow of some and the LAWYER, the sovereign will of the peopli- as to liow excessive they were |ouslv together, not only for the T illamook , O regon . which sent a lot of peanut poli­ .city’s ami county’s interest, but enjoyment of others. making taxation. Jktttechcr ticians to the state legislature, for their own welfare as well. Last Thursday at noon the High and they have succeeded won­ As a result of this getting to­ School debating team left on the 213 Tillamook Block, Bro. Gove, the great apostle of derfully well in keeping taxes T. BO ALS, M.D., the lndeiK-ndent church, ha» at high watermark. So don’t gether, the rule or ruin spirit Sue If. Elmore, bound for Seaside. T illamook - O regon gone to the hot place we mean “lieef” about having to ¡»ay ex­ I which was rampant in this city The whole school turned out to bid is gradually dying out and is tlie debaters a fond adieu and wish the hottest place in California PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, cessive taxes if you're one of, to reside. Whether basking in the anti-assembly agitators. Al confined to the saloon element, them success. TILLAMOOK. The trip down Hoquarton Slough the sunshine will have any bet­ conservative estimate of the ap­ ¡and even that factiou will meet As and Tillamook Bay was delightful, ter effect propagating his pecu­ propriations made by the It g- its Waterloo before long. Tillamook Black. liar religious views remains to islature amounts to $5,IttO.tXJO, , we bave already stated the Com­ the view of the bar from Garibaldi mercial Club has important was very charming, but when the be seen. with several hundred thousand I work before it, and admitting On March ist we will in- dollars in addition for increase I that it is a live boosters' organ­ boat began plunging' and rolling, M. KERRON, in salaries, making the anti-1 ization, it is money, after all, as she passed through the breakers augtirate a new residence rate. everyone began to look serious. assembly legislature the most which makes the mare go, and For the first two units (kilo­ None of our party, which con­ extravagant in the history of we wish to say this that ttie watt hours) used per month for PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, sisted of Prof. F. A. Scofield, chap­ Oregon. club will need some motley this eron. Benly Staui, Elbert E. Ginn each 16 candle power lamp or Tillamook Block, year to show the city’s hospital­ and Myron Blanchard, debaters, its equivalent installed we will It is generally conceded that ity to those who are or may be Oregon. charge 15c. per unit as at Tillatncok, until Tillamook bar is improved i identified with industrial under­ had ever enjoyed a voyage on the present. For all excess the rolling deep and knew not whether the large timber owners are not I takings in this county. We going to do much in the way of ' think the club will be playing they would have that pleasing sen­ charge will be toe. per unit. R. I. M. SMITH, Checking of lamps for this rate starting saw mills and manti-1 a trump card in showing it hos­ sation called sea-sickness or not. As Susie mounted the first roller will be by request only not facturing lumber. That being So Tillamook County is to be the case, shows how important1 pitality on suitable occasions. then went plunging down to meet earlier than Feb. 10th or later PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, disjointed. And is to have a it is that there should be renew What little money was spent the next one, our chaperon began Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. ( in that direction last year gave sucking very seriously on an than Feb. 25th. representative in tin- state leg­ ed efforts put forth to have that; Tillamook. Ore. islature without th«- "joint”pre* project started. To make Tilla­ the club a good name, and we orange.,By ttie time we had reached TILLAMOOK ELECTRIC tlx. This county has been yoked mook county a large liitiibering \ hope the club will show the the bottom of the next trough he up with Old Yamhill for many center, it must have water as same hospitable disposition this said “ Show me that bucket,” and LIGHT AND FUEL CO. yearn with either a joint nemp well as railroad transportation. year towards those who aim to every one knows the rest. W ill S palding , » ^7^7’ c- hawk tor or representative, but the!- The latter is assured, and toob- j improve the industrial and com­ We had a fine trip; were from mercial interests of the city and General Manager. connection proved most agree- tain , Goribaldi to Astoria, eleven hours the former is to keep iqi able mill pleasant to both conn a . persistent effort until the en­ county, for it is employment out, and arrived in that port at a PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, and pay rolls which are our NOTICE OF SALE OF ties. few minutes pust two Friday even­ gineers at Washington get out greatest needs as soon as the ing. TIDE LANDS of the stereotyped rut about the Those who have been predict­ prospective commerce not jus­ railroad is finished. BAY CITY, OREGON. % We spent Saturday seeing the Notice is hereby given that the ing thut the large saw mills tifying the expenditure. sights around Seaside and pre­ As State Land Board of the State of Ore­ will be located on Tillamook the pros|H-ctivi- commerce of The system of road building paring for the debate which was gon will sell to the highest bidder at Bay will have to exercise a lit I this county looked good to the R. BEALS, booked for that night. Although tie more patience before thej Harriman mid Hill sys'ems is not conducive to economy or we came nearly fainting when told its office in the Capitol building at Sa­ tin- best results, as in vogue lem, Oregon, on April 11, 1911, at 10; will be able to see this. In the who are spending millions of now in this county. The Head- that the Seaside team wag com- REAL ESTATE, natural course of events it is^ dollars rushing two railroads I light has so often referred to ¡rosed of three girls, our nerves had 00 o’clock a. m., of said day, all the State ’ s interest in the tide and over flow going to lie four or live year»* into Tillamook, they are doing: became somewhat settled by eight F inancial A gent , In-fore the bar is improved, anU so because they see the com­ this matter and the people are o’clock Saturday night and we felt lands hereinafter described, giving, 'so thoroughly in accord with until that time there is not merce here. It is unfortunate satisfied that a glorious victory was however, to the owner or owners of Tillamook, Oregon much likelihood of many big that an appropriation could not what we have advanced, yet the awaiting us. After Benly St am any lands abutting or fronting on such same old rut is to tie followed siiw mills being erected there.. tide and overflow lands, the preference have been obtained in the pre­ am! the same old system of flail led off in his whirlwind way, sent rivers and harbors bill, for spending large sums of money- our hearts began ¡tenting with en­ right to purchase said tide and overflow j~y. P. J. SHARP, lands at the highest price offered, Bro. Buker seems to lie surprised bail the improvement of the bar on road work, with thousands of tire ease. to see two of his ¡brethren still In ¡been assured it would have bad The Seaside team is composed of provided such offer is made in good dollars wasted every year, is to RESIDENT DENTIST, tin- "dry column" after the county a great deal to do in the timber three brainy girls, who, if they had faith, and also providing that the land Is- gone all over again, when will not be sold nor any offer therefor Inis gone "wet." They might have owners deciding when they will everybody knows that the sys­ been taught the art of debating, accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, Office across the street from the been "wet" la-fore election, Bro. >. commence to manufacture. could give any team a good rub, tem is to blame. A radical Court House. the Board reserving the right to reject Tlii- rule of contraries applies to change is necessary, and we but as it was they had only been any and all bids. Said lands are situated editors as well ¡»a mules.- Nehalem Dr. Wise’s office. We give on another page the suppose it will take a jierson couched on oratory. Consequently in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­ Enterprise. Just so, Bro. KHen they could not tear down our argu ­ i pictures of the newspaper men ) { with radical ideas to bring it cribed as follows: berger. but that's better than 'of this county. In this connec-1 alMiut. Before a person builds ment while it was a matter of the Beginning at a point at the Govern­ 'HA SARCHET, “once u jackass a I irmly, always a ition we want to say that they) I a house he obtains plans anil easiest kind for us to refute any ment Meander corner between sections jackass yet. "—Cloverdale Courier. thing which they said. . The Fashionable Tailor. are more free mid independent ascertains what it is going to After the debate was over and we 2 and 3, T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South Don't get too guy, Bron,, with today tlum they have been for cost him, everything being side of Nehalem Bay, and running your jtickass ideas. many years. This is how they , planned and figured out, altho­ were waiting for the decision we thence: Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ were favored with a selection by should tie, for as soon us a news- ugh the house may cost only N. 49 29' E. 151.0 ing a Specialty. feet along high I one or two thousand dollars. It the Seaside orchestra, Then came Patronize home industry is | |Mi|H-r liei'omes the mouth-piece' water line. the climax, the reading of the gmsl advice. It is 11 matter of some political boss or indi- is planned to sjienil another N. 42- 48- E. 7.75 feet along high Store iu Heins Photographic and over this year, yet votes, which entirely* changed the or s|M>einl interests it is which concern» thia city as irv well w VI4 I viililill . * water line. looks on all our faces, as the girls , there is no practical engineer L. '•“* la-tore they die a until-1 Gallery. 11» every business man. !........ N. 40- 01' E. 595.0 feet along high only to re and road builder at the head of were expecting nothing but defeat, ’ loyal to your home town mid nil death. We have water line. • * ’ road work with that large while we were confident of victory. that every. the --------------------- - ................. — — B usiness Phone A. 1«M patronise the Imai merchant» mind our readers N. 32» 51' E. 266.5 1 feet along high L and O a ffice But because of judges who were S pecialty . and local industries. We nil newspaper that the rule or ruin ' amount of tax money involved, water line. either partial, or who knew nothing see the need of pay rolls in this faction started died for want of but ia left to the supervision of & CO WINCI N. 21« 31' E. 255.0 feet along high ÇAOWING »i»t. in quite n uumlier of ‘manimously, the judges having N. r 07' E. < 402.0 feet along high they obtnined coutrol of that case», upon getting n fair day’s I Kr“ded according to oratory and them mid business houses as R oom 33* W ohcsstks B vildum ., T hibo ahi , o * s sntm. out of those ‘who work on not according to rebuttle and points water line. ' well, mid in that way the money newspaper,and for several years work Room Net to th. U.S. Land office. West, 12.0 feet to low water line. _____ ¡fie roads, Any old stiff, not of argument. “ But Seaside, sure, ia kept longer in circulntion in attempted to "do up” the Head- S. 9» 44- W. 400.0 feet along it was indepen- [ capable of doidg a day ’ s work, bus some swell orators. ” low PORTLAND, OREGON. th - home tow 11 Let every la sly light IteCHUtMS We started home Monday morn­ water line. ♦.ike a pride in patronixiiig the dent, fenrlc»», out»|M>keu mid CHn H«»*! employment on road S. 24» 53" W. 248.0 feet along low ing at 7 o’clock after having spent ___ _______ 1" ” L, __ j • work. Whether people agree could not be controlled by any- home merchants mid home in- M RS. ALICIA PHELPS water line. 11 most enjoyable time in the town passed have one. Those days _ are all , _____ _ with us or not, . we would _____ ___ uuatrie». S. 32 51' W. 266. 0 feet along low and gone, but it took a good deal all the rigid work planned out by the deep blue sea. water line. GRADUATE NURSE, The immoral condition exist of grit and pugnacious per»- - before a lick of work was done, I The Necarney trail is something 3. 40» 18- W 584.0 feet ■long low verance to overcome. There with an estimate of ci>at, obtain to dream about "believe me. ” Rid ing amongst aome of the voting water line. people of this city is terribly will, no doubt, I m - other news bid» ou road work where possi­ ing was good part of the way, where MRS. PAGE’S HOUSE, S. 43’ 21' W. 80.0 feet along low wat­ low mid depraved The curtain |Mi|»ers started for exploit ape­ ble, also ascertain whether it we didn t have to swim, but we were er line. has ngnin been pulled nside ami ci n I interests, but the public would be economy to let the glad to hit Nehalem. ORE 3. 49' » W. 72.0 feet along low TILLAMOOK, After a nice cool ride of over five our citizens »<-»• what is going cannot I k * fooled. For the moat rock crushing by contract, but water line. on behind the scene». Which is |u»rt the county new»pa|>eni are the county to reserve the right hours we entered Tillamook at 12:45 South. 80.0 feet to place of begin­ simply this Young men train­ independent today,and we hope to do its own work. When that a.m. in the prime of condition and ning, containing 1.55 acre» of tide land ing young women in the habits they will la-come more so and is done the engineer should get ready for a tight The High School gave a party in fronting upon Lots 4 4 5, Sec. 2, T 2 of prostitution. One of these be stronger factors in the ilevel- together a road crew, and the This ia a three road rollers and sufficient the Mason building Saturday • > as N. R. 10 W. days mi enraged father will take ment of the county. fur more important mission teams and implements, and to be awake when the decision was Applications and bid« should be ad­ the law into his own hands unit We are glad to dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State shiM>t the ilavlishta out of those than having to do the bidding start in one end of the county wired through. of those who control new»|Hi|>ers and clean up the road w ork to know that our school haa some Land Board. Salem. Oregon, and mark who have used his off spring (or fur their own agWrundiaement the other end of the county, and school •pint and can show an inter ed "Application and bid to purchase immoral purposes. And no and to vent their spleen on quit wlieti the money was ex- eat in school enterpriaea, but are tide lands." one should blame him. Ami, G. G. Rrown, also, report» are freely circu­ someone <>r their busine»»com­ pended. In that wav the engi­ extremely sorry that the "mighty petitor». The news|gi|>er men neer would »elect men suitable braves from the acuth land,” as the Clerk State Land Board. lated of considerable drunken­ arc alive to the situation which to that kind of work and he toast master dubbed ua at the re­ Dated this January 27. 1911. ness amongst some of our so now confront» the county, mid w ould see that they did a good called "respectable citiacna.” ception Saturday night were unable joining bund-* to help develop day’s work, and in thia way Foley Kidney Pill» are a reliable to bring home the scalps of the remedy for backache, rheumatism the county, all ¡ictty strife, fuc there would he no political pet» whole Clatsop tribe. They wonld and urinary iiregularitiew They The question tM»tM up every tiotial and aectioual animosities to be given »oft jot» This is l>e a Rood addition for the museum are tonic in action, quick in reanlta ouce in h while «• tu where the will not he toleriiteil, for the the radical change the snap •■‘T’ “ relief from all I W bile in Seaside we happeuej to . kidney disorder.—