SlOOREWARD $1OO REWARD will be paid to anyoneexhibiting will be paid to anyone exhibiting a commercial machine that will a commercial machine that will do all do all the work of the Potter the work of the Potter Automatic Change Computing Automatic Change Computing Machine. Machine. There is only one Automatic Change Computing Ma- chine in the World and that is the POTTER Automa­ tic Change Computing Machine, owned and controlled by the Coin Machine Manufacturing Company of Portland, Oregon. THE POTTER AUTOMATIC CHANGE COMPUTING MACHINE a Automatically figures out the change due a customer after purchasing a bill of goods and pays that change in the smallest number of coins. b Keeps a duplicate record of every transaction. c Adds the amount of every sale into the day’s total. d Operates with paper money as well as coin. e May be used for adding purposes in itemsup to $100 and totals to $100,000. f May be used for paying purposes in items up to $100 and totals to $100,000. The Most Serviceable Coin Handling Device That Has Ever Been Conceived ForGeneral Mercantile Use Important Things for You to Consider FIRST This company owns the POTTER AUTOMATIC CHANGE COMPUTING MACHINE. This company owns the POTTER ADDING MACHINE. This company owns the POTTER STREET CAR MACHINE. This company owns the foreign rights of the POTTER CASHIER. This company owns 30 acres of manufacturing property near Pittsburg, Pa. This company is now building its preliminary factory in Portland. SECOND THIRD FOURTH This company promises to become one of the biggest industrial corporations in the United States. 7 This company is officered and directed by the leading business men of the State of Oregon. The Stock of this company presents the most attractive investment opportunity in the Northwest today, mook’s leading businessmen are already subscribers. Several of Tilla- This Company has never consolidated with any other wfwf ^1 Bl ^11 v Interests and has never sold, leased or otherwise disposed of any of its holdings, patents or patent rights, save only the right to manufacture and sell the POTTER CASHIER in the United States alone. This statement is made to place the people ot Tillamook and vicinity upon their guard, as all successful inventions are certain to be misrepresented or imitated sooner or later. Our rights are all secure and will be 7.^’crously protected. The Jk Present Price of our Stock is $70 per Share Par Value $100 per Share. Coin Machine Mfg. Company, 720 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon