riLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 23, 1911- TILLAMOOK COUNTY BOOSTERS. The Editors Get Together for Boosting and Publicity Work—Officers of the Editor Boosters’ Association F. W. Christensen Is Re-ap­ pointed Inspector and Grader. The annual meeting of the Tilla­ mook County Creamery Association was held on Monday anil F. W. Christensen was re appointed In­ spector and Grader, the Association being well pleased with the results attending the inspection of the fac- tories, the uniform cheese manufac­ tured and grading. Following are the reports of the Secretary and In­ spector : To the Stockholders of the Tilla­ mook County CreamerylAssociation, Tillamook, Oregon. Gentlemen:—Following is my re­ port as secretary of your company for the past year : The association inspected a total of 2,191,492 lbs. of 1910cheeee, being divided among the following factor­ ies and the amounts set opposite their respective names, to-wit: Lbs . 411,661 The Tillamook Creamery 409,713 Maple Leaf Cry. Ass’n . . 357,605 Fairview Dairy Ass’n .. . 206,767 South Prairie Cry. Co. 180,254 Three Rivers Cry. Co. • • 171,816 Clover Leaf Cry. Co.......... Meda Co-operative Cry. Co. . 125,906 Elwood Creamery Co............... 125,519 Cold Springs Cheese Factory 98,023 East Beaver Cheese Co.......... 74,105 Pleasant Valley Cheese Co. . 30,129 For such services the association charged 1-19 cent per lb. cheese manufactured at the several factor­ ies mentioned above, during the months of March, April, May, June, July and August. This brought the total revenue of the association to $1,635.42. Association also received TROMBLEY, FRANK TAYLOR, check on April 8, 1910, for $24.52 for S ecretary , VlCB-pRESIDKXT, balance inspecting cheese for Ray T illamook H erald . C loverdale C ockier . There Cheese Co. during 1909. was a balance of $108.62 on hand on Jan. 26, 1910. Expenses for the year were as follows : Paid Inspector.................... $1,350.00 To Get More Milk. IS GASOLINE. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. CARGO 10.15 Paid A. Benscheidt............. 1.50 To get a large yield of milk give C. 1. Clough, mdse............. 75.00 Ltw to Be Enforced in Ore­ Golden Gate to Carry Big the cow threetimea a day water that Curl Ilaberlach....................... Load to Supply Towns. has been slightly warmed and salt­ gon by the P.O. Department. $1,446.65 ed, and into which bran has been The item of $75.00 paid to me was While attending the State Editor To forestall a famine in gasoline stirred at the rate of one quart fur expenses of my trip to Portland, ial Association at Topeka last week in Tillamook, Buy City and other bran to two gallons water. She will Seattle and Taeon.a during Decem­ it was lem tied that the Poatollice De­ points on Tilluinook Bay, Captain make an immediate gain of 25 per ber, 1910, and lanuary, 1911, looking partment ut Washington meant just <>. W. Hosford,of the Portland-t ill.i- cent and will become so attached to up the cheese situation. w lat they said when they issued i mook Transportation Company, the drink as to refuse clear water Resources are cash in bank and orders that the publishers of weekly , has accepted consignments in huge unless vei ry thirsty, lint she will two accounts, a total of $321.91. newspapers should not send a quantities for shipment on the drink the bran water almost any Liabilities, none. paper to anyone after the subscrip steamer Golden Gate, sailing from time and ask for more.—Missouri 1 think that for the coming year tion hud lapsed for one year. The here tomorrow alternoon, and lie­ Ruralist. it will not lie necessary to make the Department has given publisers cause ol the presence of explosives l-10c. charge for more than the Sea Yields Oshkosh Dead. plenty i f time to get their list in aboard, no passengers will lie cur­ months of April, May, June and shape aud now proposes to enforce ried. Work was commenced on the A storia , Or.. Feb. 18. The bodies July. • the order vigorously. It tniikert it Golden Gate, which is on the Oreg- of three of the victims of the gaso­ I am pleased to report that the absolutely imperative, therefore, i dry dock, yesterday morning, and i line schooner Oshkosh disaster, quality of cheese manufactured by that all publishers of weekly news­ ' Captain llosfort says that she ■ will papers must stop their papers when be floated this alternoon and im- were found today, one at Columbia the factories mentioned above meets Beach, one at Gearhart Park and with general satisfaction. There subscribers are delinquent one year, mediateiy begin taking cargo, She one at Holladay. can be no doubt but what the in­ audit they continue to send the will have considerable cargo I ill The bodies were brought here to­ spection of our cheese is worth more paper their right of entry in the addition to gasoline. Captain Bus night and were identified as the than it costs. The only trouble is mails nt the second class rate will toil was informed that firms hanil- boilies of William R. Dean, part that the factories are so scattered be taken away from them which | ling gasoline ut bay point depend­ owner mid engineer on the craft, that it is imitosHible for one man to meunsthat they might us well shut ed on the schooner Oshkosh de­ Charles l.arsott and Gus Chilberg, make all of the county once each up shop mid quit business. This livering the usual supply this week, two of the sailors. The bodies of week, and there are also several that paper proposi s to comply strictly but ns she lies high and dry on the Captain Latham, master, Al Davis, will not or do not want to see the with the regulations of the Depart­ 1 beach as a result of Monday s gale, cook, and Gus Rainbager, a sailor, benefit they can derive by coming ment und will endeavor each other arrangements had to lie made arc still missing. into the association. month to notify subscribers whose , Toe Elmore intends, owners of Respectfully submitted, subscriptions will lie one year in the Oshkosh, have decided to en­ Among the book« anil pii|iera of C arl H aberlach , Sect’y. arrears during the following month tertain proposition tor the sale or the late Mark Twain which were that it will be necessary to1 salvage of the vessel and bids w ill To the Tillamook Creamery Ass'n, taken to New York to l>e sold at have their renewal by that time if be opened on Monday. She lies Gentlemen :—I submit the follow­ auction the other day was one they wish the paper continued to one quarter of u mile south of the manuscript expressing his extreme ing re|x>rt of cheese inspected for t icir address. If the subscriber Columbia River jetty, having been dislike of former President Roose­ the year 1910: c innot or does not care to put stranded above the low watermark, Y.A. Trip. velt. It was entitled “An Article Maple I-eafCry. Co. Flats NtH 711 16287 with the coin ut that time, they and tenders tor the purchase of the on the Inauguration of President Tillamook Cry......... 423 483 16507 may come in und sign a promise to | ...... n||| or engines or both will lie con Tult and the Deliverance of the Fairview D’y Ass’n 585 14701 pay at some future time in order to i sidered on their present condition. 753 8492 Country from Mr. Roosevelt.” It S. Prairie Cry. Co.. Comply with ilie regulations of the Rivers Cry. . <>49 7198 gives thanks for Iteing rid of the Three Captain Paul Schrader, master of Clover Leaf Cry. Co 162 <>3 6627 Department. We trust our readers “burden,” but does not suppose Meda Co-op Cry. Co the steamer Sue II. Elmore, which 196 5236 will all und. i mil the situation the deliverance will tie permanent, Elwood Cry. Co.... 954 4917 in i do all they cun to help us tn arrived yesterday from Tillamook, 371 3256 and says he expects to have Mr. Cold Spring C. Co. 621 avoid trouble with the post office , suys Unit conditions outside are E. Beaver C. Co ... 1333 2731 Roosevelt sitting on us again after Pleasant Valley Cry 482 department. This mutter will have again normal. He learned that 1107 Ills return from Africa It ends: none of the bodies of the Oshkosh's to be adjusted by 1st of April und “Our people have adored this Total 2970 7280 87061 crew hail been washer! ashore and those who are delinquent at the end showy charlatan as perhaps no im This cheese was graded for a high of that time will liuve to I m * stricken he thinks that there is only postor of his breed lias been ador­ standard of excellency, and of the from the mulling lists. 1‘rutl County one body on the wreck. Residents of Seaside yesterday found the ed since the golden calf; so it is to amount 63 Flats, 163 Y. A., and 1222, Republican. masts and n portion of the sails be expected that the nation will Triplets were of poor quality. The Who Opposes Parcels PostT and rigging ol a small vessel, want him track again after he is Secretary was informed as to the done hunting other wild animals, condition of the various lots, which John Wannainaker, while post which drilled into a cove near Till' especially in Africa, with the safe­ enabled him to dispose of them master general, said that there uniook kiH'k The wreckage is and advertising equip, without injury to the reputation of were five “reusons” against par- thought to have I teen from the Osh guards ment of a park of artillery and a Tillamook's best stock. On examin­ koali. Lines were made fast ami C *ls |HM*t -"the five express com • brass band.” ation of his records it will be found greedy conno an effort w ill I m * made to drug it 111 panics. “ These that thia cheese brought various rants are yet. »ml always will la*. shore Imlay. -Oregonian. Backache, Rheumatism, Sleepless prices, from seven cents to within opposed to parcels |s>st. But there ness Tortured For IS Yeats. Result from disordered kidneys. a cent of the market price. are others the retail inerelianta in With tlie exception of thia small the small towns who profess to be­ Hv a curv-detying stomach trouble Foley Kidney Pills have heliied that battled doctors, ami resister! .others, they will help you. Mrs. J. lieve that, were parcels post service ■ill remedies lie tried. John \\ Mod- 11 Miller. Syracuse. N.Y., says. amount of inferior cheeae, the qual­ established, the “mail order” bouse den». ol Misidersville. Midi., seemed [“Fora long time I suffered with 1 ity haa been very uniform at all the in the large cities would drive them doomed. He had to sell his farm i kidney trouble and rheumatism. 11 factories, due to the general use of out of business. This lielief is and give up work. Ilia neighbor» | had sei err backm lies and felt all I commercial starter as a base, giving said, "he can't live much longer.” played out. After taking two I largely inspired by the express " Whatever I ate distressed me," bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my . them all the same flavor to start • companies, yet the latter rob and he wrote, “till I tried Electric Hit backache is gone and where 1 used i with. 11 *ece the retail merchants with aa ters. which worked such wonders to lie awake with rheumatic (rains I ! \\ bile some of the makers were I I for me that I can now eat things I now sleep in comfort. Foley Kid­ opposed to it at first on account of little compunction as they do the I could not take for years. Its surely , ney .Pills did wonderful things for, extra labor in looking after it, they humblest citiaen. 'a grand remedi tor .... ...... . . me." Try them now. C. 1. Clough. find their work ia so much more stomach Be it rememlH-ml that when rural trouble " Just us good for the liver satisfactory that they are more than You are probably aware that; repaid. free mail delivery was first pnq«« anil kidneys. Every Ixittle guar- Only 3m. at Charles I. pneumonia always results imina ' To meet thia standard of excellency ed the retail merchants m the lanteed. t lough's. , cold, but you never heard of a cold requires continuous and persistent auiall towns throughout the eoutry resulting in pneumonia when effort on the part of the makers and raised the same outcry that sin h | Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy wm they are entitled to much credit for Wife Got Tip Tup Advice. used. Why take the rink when this the work which haa been sc com- mail service would hurt their Imai, "Hy wife wanted me to take our urea There was aa iiuk I i logic in I hoy to the dis.'tor to cure an uglv remedy may lie hud for a trifle ?-For pliahed. »ale by Lamar's Drug Store. that claim as there is m their oppo If a maker doesn't take an interest Frankel, of Stroud. • ition to parcels post. in hie work and doesn't think : \’kla. ■ I said ' put Bucklen Arnica How to cure a cold is a question enough of hie job to try to excel, I Salve on if She did so. and it Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable cured tha boil in a short time.” I m which many are interested just inspection will not help him. it will remedy for backache, rheumatism Oukkeat healer of Hurns. Scalds, i now. Chainberlsin'sCough Remedy only expose him and he had better ! j lias won its great reputation and and urinary Irregularities. They Corns, Bruises. Sprains, immense sale by its remarkable step out and let some one have the place who ia willing to earn the are , tonic in results _ . In action, quick ... -------- _ SwaUings. Heat Pile cure on earth. : cure of colds. It can always be de- money. nud afford a iwouHH tehel from .11 .Try it. Only jfc. „ Charles I I bT Lamar's kiduc) disorder — I. I I lough. 4 lough's. Respectfully. F. W CHRtsTB.xagx. Inspector. I 'W I TILLAMOOK’S HIGH GRADE CHEESE. ¡GOLDEN I GATE heaves Tillamook for Astoria and Portland 1 I Each Week THURSDAY of Freight and Passengers. » w I 'w Ä * The Fast Steamer FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN', Agent. w THE TILLAMOOK, OREGON New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures. Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up according to Room. Large Office, Dining Room and Ladies’ Parlor. Best Hotel in Tillamook County. P. W. Todd, Prop R. H. Todd, Mgr. /J Child Portraits Made Us are Child-Like. dr Jusi as our portraits of adult possess strength and character. We are experts in lightin| and posing, and our equipinen is complete. Come in and se our line. ■d i Monk's Studio, Next to the Post'Office. ■ HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Thei We Sell Thei W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. KAISER BLUME. Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating, MALT TEA STAR BREWERY Hop GrOld BOTTLED BY THE Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon- Soda Waters. Nipthons, Bartlett Mineral 4 4 Waler Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists êc Blacksmiths. Boiler Work. Ixtgger’» Work and Heavy Forging Fine I oo M m Work a NpetJaJty. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. I I » »