TILLAMOOK Tillamook Jottings. HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 23, 1911. | APPROPRIATION FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR. FOUGHT IN THE TREES. RUSIE’S TERRIFIC SPEED. Curisus Duel Between a Pair of Firs Hi» Thunderbolt Delivery Terr« the Batters. * Wm Stephens while having a fight Eating Frenchman. A veteran ball player who ha» witti Will Rogers, a fisherman, In the swashbuckling days of the early part of the nineteenth century ted against nearly all of the — g ■ Thursday evening over a jug of Representative A G. Beal9 the dueling hero In France was the pitchers in the last twenty years ga whiskey, got Ins face and neck bad­ Succe tds In Ge‘t!ng $1500 Marquis Merle de Sainte-Marie. whose ed Amos Rusle as the universal 8tu ly cirt lip. It seems that in the affairs of honor were almost incessant. ard of speed in shooting the ball acta From the State. scuffle the fisherman 0toward the Tillamook Coun­ speed, but you will notice that wg ers of tiie stranded gasoline schooner It appears that one day there called ty Fair. Tile bill is as follows with fast pitchers are spoken of the j Oshkosh to rescue tier from tfie jetty upon the marquis one Pierrot d ’ lssac, a number of provisions: remark is always made, ‘Has he a sands where she drifted ashore a himself a famous duelist. Now. in A BILL we -k ago last Monday. A force of French pierrot means sparrow nnd speed that Amos Rusle had? M I For an Act to provide for the es­ I think, it will be that way toreJ men is at work on the craft, witli a merle means blackbird. tablishment and organization of the g S D’lssac struck himself on the chest As long as great names are reiueiiH large donkey engine to haul the hull ed or baseball is the nation's gj Fair Associa­ with emphatic dignity. "Marquis.” further up on the beach. As nearly Tillamook County Rusie will remain the champion nJ to define its duties and pow- ■M tion; said be. "I am a Bonapartlst nnd you merchant, the one pitcher who cm as can be learned, the hull is still and to appropriate money are a royalist. Moreover. 1 am the send in the ball faster than any j intact ami Hie engines practically sparrow and you are the blackbird. else that ever lived. When yon J uninjured except from the contact tiierefor. Be it enacted by the People of the It seems to me that there is one bird ‘fast as Rusie’ you don’t mean] with the water. Another body, sup­ State of Oregon: of us too many." either; you only wish to show tW posed to be that of Captain Latham, "I quite agree with you. monsieur,” your favorite pitcher is a very sped Be it enacted by the Legislative washe 1 up on the beach, making politely replied the marquis, "and my boy. Assembly of tiie State of Oregon: Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to four out of the nix bodies which choice is pistols, and, as is appropriate Section 1. Tillamook County Fair “Words fail really to describe ■ have been recovered. for birds of our species, let us tight In speed with which Rusie sent th« M produce at home, quickly and economically, Association Constituted. Within F. R. Beais closed the deal where­ thirty (39) days after this Act lie the trees.” He was a man of great width, grd t fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, Pierrot d’lssac was agreeable to this strength and the ability to pot erd by lie become owner of the Loin comes operative and every two unique suggestion, and as if it were ounce of his weight Into tile pM men place and the eighty acre tract years thereafter, tiie Governor of the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, not a sufficiently ridiculous thing that Coupled with this he had a set of dJ of upland on the Max Fis« her place. til- State of Oregon shall appoint crusts and muffins, fresh, dean, tasty and one man should challenge another be­ zllng curves which were manufactuJ Mr. l.oinmen received in the neigh­ t.uee residents of Tillamook Coun­ cause his name was Sparrow and the with the same effort required to u wholesome, with which the ready-made food borhood of $25'001 for tin- land only ty, Oregon, who together with six otbef- Blackbird the duel was actually duce the speed. Some men can this for which he paid $7,000 including citizens elected by tiie stockholders found at the shop or grocery does not com­ I fought from trees. The seconds stood a straight ball with great force, ■ implements of Hie association shall constitue stock and farmin on the ground below. have to slow up in order to dern pare. R oyal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ubout six years ago. According to tiie board of directors to be known At a given signal the pistols were curves, but Rusle drove in a cntw the general opinion of the matter and designated as tiie Tillamook ROYAL COOK BOOK-SOO RECEIPTS— FREE fired, and there was a rustling among ball with all of Ills tremendous piwj it had been the intention of Mr. County Fair Association, for tiie the leaves of one of the chestnut trees. “Far ing Rusie to a timid man «g Send Name and Addrest, Beals to lay out a townsite at this purpose of tliis Act. Pierrot d’lssac came tumbling to the like going into battle must be tog point, but nothing definite hits Section 2. Organization and meet ground “like a ripe chestnut." as one Inexperienced soldier. The «listaM been announced ns yet. In any ings of Board. Within forty' (40! of Sainte-Marie’s seconds expressed it, was shorter then. Rusle had $ event this any become known in days after this Act becomes opera­ whereupon Merle de Sainte-Marie in whole ijox to move around in instep due time, but the land included in tive tiie board of directors hereby a facetious mood began to chirp tri­ of being chained to a flab, and k Wood Fcr Sale, umphantly In Imitation of the song of simply drove the ball at you with Di this track is fully worth the price created shall qualify as required by information, to encourage immig-i paid for farming purposes when the constitution of tile State, ami ration, and shall on or before the [ Wood for sale, Spruce and Hem the blackbird. D’lssac waited till he force of a cannon. I have stood I compared to other deals which ■hall elect from their own number first day of December of each year, ' lock body, dry at $1.25 a cord on the had recovered from ills wound and to all the great pitchers of neaffl twenty years, I have seen scores I have been closed during the last a president of the board, a vice report to the Governor a full and place, 7 miles south of Tillamook.— then challenged Sainte-Marie for the them come and go, and none of tM chirp. year. The bridge at Zaddach.s president an a treasurer, who detailed account of their trans­ ; T. DAEPAZ. Inspired the terror In a batsmjil This time there was nothing nmus- actions, information gained, and place crossing over to the property shall hold office for tiie period of heart that was put there by tj lng about the encounter. It was has made n difference of several one year, or untill their successors also a i. ll financial statement of all : mighty Rusie. The ball was likei For Sale. fought with swords, and Sainte-Marie thousand dollars in its value ami are elected nnd qualified, tind shall funds received and disbursed. They | was badly wounded. The sparrow had white streak tearing past you wittag shall also make such suggestions Six 2-year old heifers, one fresh avenged himself on the blackbird.— time to balance yourself, figure tk ‘bis »net was no double fully under, elect a secretary not of their num­ course of the ball or take alm at I food by Mr. Beals when the ber, who shall hold office for one and recommendations as experi­ now and others coming fresh.— New York Herald. The fellows with the wide curve rafgk transaction wus finally closed.- Ne- year, or until his successor is ence and good policy may dictate, Frank Tone, Tillamook, Ore. fool you into reaching out and mlssii for the improvement of the agri­ baleni Enterprise. elected. them, but you weren't reaching onti FORBES’ GREAT FEAT. cultural and kindred industries of For Sale. The time of tiie annual meeting the State. Rusle—you simply swung at a wil of the board shall be fixed by the TUG OWNERS NOT River bottom acreage in small His Newspaper Story of the Last Days streak as It hurled past, anil If d Section 6. Secretary to Report of tho Commune. took a full arm swing the ball n lierein provided for. Orga nization to Governor. When tracts, near town. Terms easy. LIABLE FOR WRECK. directors One morning after the siege of Paris, gone and in the catcher’s hands lief« Section 3. Duties and Powers of the board of directors shall lie or- M. W. H akrison . when the city was believed In London you had half finished the swlnm Board Annual Fair. The board of ganized as herein provided, | the Judge Bean Terminates Case directors to be still in the hands of the com­ motion. shall have exclusive man­ secretary shall report such orgatii- Dairy Farm For Sale. "The convincing proof of Rusle’stq mune. Sir John Robinson, manager of Involving the Schooner agement and control of the ground zation to the Governor. the Dally News of London, reached his rible speed was this: If any otto Merchant’s Loss. and all property owned, used :12O acre dairy farm. About 250 office to And the late Archibald Forties pitcher hit a man the man swag Section 7. Appropriation Use or cot.trolled by the Tillamook of Money. To carry out the pro­ acres of which is rith river bottom lying on the floor asleep, bls head on a limped a moment and went to 8» Because the old schooner Mer­ County Fair Association, not only visions of his Act there is hereby land. Balance low bencii or hill postoffice directory, while the printers If Rusie hit a man the man retint chant went to pieces on the Nehalem during tile time of the annual meet appropriated for the fiscal year land ; tiie very best for fruit and were hard at work on bls manuscript, from the game and sometimes wi bar in 1900, while towed by the tug ing of said association, but at all 11*11 and lt>12, out of the moneys of berries, and also good pasture land the story of “Paris In Flames," a most to the hospital, To be hit by R« George R. Vosburg, owners ot ti e time, anil shall lie entrusted with the State treasury, not otherwise and for winter sown grain. About vivid description of the last days of the was worse than to bave an ordini man smash you with a rock.’’ — N tug are not liable forthe value of tin- all its business and financial affairs. appropriated, the sum of $l,5e powers Secretary, conditioned that said Located in the Coquille valley, in parliament Mr. Gladstone was ques­ tai and timely tilings. His house*, tow ttie Merchant from the mill of I mid duties of tiie officers, and fix money shall only be used in (lie about 2Mi miles from Coquille, Cixis tioned that afternoon and could only was blessed with a charming dnurt tin- Wheeler Lumber Company. their bonds and compensation. payment of- premiums awarded by County, Oregon. Price per acre say he hoped the story was exagger­ who grew up tall and beautiful, d manding the admiration of all w hoa ated. Before starting for the bar, the They shall provide for an annual $75,00. 't cash, balance on time. said association at ita annual fair, master ot the schooner announced fair or exhibition by tiie associ- "When Forl»es wakened from his her. and for no other purpose, provided, P acific R eal E state C o ., One day a visitor said to the go slumber amid all this turmoil what a to hie tow that, owing to the age of tion, of all industries mid indus­ that only so much of the moneys Coquille, Oregon. spectacle he was! His face was black doctor: “Doctor, your daughter gro the schooner and her shaky condi­ trial products in tiie county and with powder, his eyes red and in­ more eharndng day by day. tion. she could stnntl no pounding adjoining counties, mid determine herein appropriated shall be avail­ able in any year for the purpose of flamed. his clothes matted with clay she’s a regular Gibson girl.” AUCTION SALE. on the bur, and that she must not tiie amount of premiums; provi­ “Ah, thank you, thank you.” repi and dust. He was a dreadful picture. be permitted to strike while going ded’ however, that in no event shall this Act as shall be equal to an FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1911. He had been compelled to assist the the doctor in his best manner, Wl out When the towmnster reached the State lie held liable for any amount raised, secured, or^irovided communists In defending a triangular the visitor had gone, turning to Nothing Reserved. the bar he found it lumpy, and con- premiums awarded or debts con­ by said association, either by ap- space upon which three detachments of wife the doctor asked, “My dear, IS Cows, all liropriation by the county court of fresii and coming elude«! he could nut puss out with, tracted or create«! by said board of the Versailles troops were firing and are the Gibsons?"—San Francisco fresh. out permitting the schooner to directors under their control, be­ Tillamook County, or donations had actually taught the citizens how to gonaut. 4 half-blood Holstein yearling ’ bump on the shade, and he started yond the amount annually appro­ from tin* citizens thereof, or other­ Heifers. build a barricade." wise, and sbiill the board in any A Change For the Better. 10 10-gal. Milk Cana, Milk Buck- to turn arouiul and return into priated by this Act. By aid of dummy dispatches address­ year fail to offer anti award pre* ets, etc. Tho nlne-.vear-old boy Of a Bnitlnm ed to Lord Granville and the queen Nehalem Buy. While making this Section 4. Board to Appoint Mar­ miums for agricultural and other 1 6-liele Steel R nnge, Cooking Forbes escaped from this threatening family who is compelled by his pi «•Hurt the Merchant went ashore shals anil Police—Their Authority. Utensils. pu ■poses equal to the amount triangle and wrote all the way to Eng ents to practice daily upon the pi*i mid becuine a complete wreck. Her Die board of directors shall have 1 Heating Stove. clu ined from the State under this 3 Iron Beds, Springs and Mat- land, being the solitary passenger on may not lie a clever jierforiner, hot I owners, J. C. Eschen, Rotiert Minor, power to appoint all necessary mar­ has a pretty shrewd notion of tl the mall boat. tresses. Peter F. W. Matliiesen. the Golden shals and |iolice to keep order mid Act then tile benefit of this section worth of an instrument, as well as 1 Hardwood Bedstead. aha I not tie available for that year; Gate Ship Company nnd Henry preserve peace at tile annual fair of rather mature wit, as is evidenced 1 Dresser. Mutt Hava Bean a Storm Scene. and it is further provided, that no 1 Com mode. Smith, libeled the tug for the value said association, mid tiie officers so As perhaps th<.re may be some one an incident In the household not k part of the money, therein appro­ 0 Cane Seated Chairs. of ’he lost craft. ■Ince. appointed shall be vested witli the priated shall be offered as a pre­ who has not heard the story of the n Dining Room Chairs. His father upon returning 1» Suit was not begun until 19tX!. same authority for the preservation 2 Rockers. Dutch painter, I tell it,” says Elihu from a week’s absence heard the Evidence wus taken before |udge of order and peace on the grounds mium for a trial of spee«I. 1 Dining Room Table. Vedder In the Atlantic. plugging away at the piano. Bellinger in 1UM Briefs were not mid in the buildings of the as­ 1 Kitchen Table. “A person calling on this painter Wnnted Contract "When did you learn that new pi 1 Kitchen Treasure. Qntff 191». after Judge Bellin sociation that executive |ieace offi­ heard a most Infernal uproar In his son? ” asked the parent. Dishes. ger's death. By agreement of the cers are vested with by the law ,>f studio. Things seemed to be falling \\ anted immediately by a married 1 Hanging Lamp. “It isn’t a new piece, dad." ansi man,* with family, a contract .«> parties, the case win submitted to the State of Oregon. and brass plates flying about, and there 4 IL.nd Lamps. ed the boy. "The piano has t slash or cut wood. Would want a were loud shouts. Judge Bean in February of this 25 y ards Ingrain Carpet. Section 5. Board to Collect mid house to live in—Address G. E, tuned.”—Lippincott’s. "The servant came to the door in a I Couch. year, and he ut once rendered u Disseminate Information To make Barker. Tillamook. Ore. state of great anxiety and told the vis­ 1 Granhaphone and Records. decision. h«>lditig that the tug was Reports ami Suggestions. The Sh. Won. Terms of Sale-Under $5 cash. itor at once that the master could not not un insurer, and where using board shall use all suitable means Cows for sale. ne was a philosopher and a ta!t,r- Over $5 six months bankable notes. be disturbed. reasonable caution in hundlihg a to collect mid disseminate all kinds F. D. S talfurd , “ ’I should think he couldn’t be much She was a woman of action. T*fl I have 10 good Holstein cows for tow should not l>e held liable for of information calculated to edu­ Neskowin. Ore. more than be Is,’ said the visitor But stood together on the bridge »M sale, fresli ami coming fresh, one Io»». watched a tug that was hauling s what under the sun is the matter? cate and benefit th«- interests of the Holstein (mil calf registered and line of barges up the river. Apply to Sci.ilcl “ ’He is painting a sky.’ ” State, collect ami distribute reliable one work horse Bros., rilllaiiKMik, Ore. “Look there, iny dear.” said ** NASONI c LODGE In I hump I lark's a|«eech on the “Such |s life. The tug Is like the ■** A Student of the Drama. Turitl Bo«id bill is this excellent No. 57, meets on Satur- For Sale. It was at a performance of “Mac­ working and tolling, while the barf*! passage “But even we would be day of each month in beth." and the three weird sisters bad Mke the women, are"— Is-tter off if we had tauter intormu His wife gave him no time to 8«** I.O.O.F. Hall, at 7:30 p. m Just made their flrst appearance and the sentence. “I know,” she **k tiou." A greet I to unanimously. chanted their uncanny Incantations F rank S everance , W.N. Cold storage men object to pub­ when a handsomely dressed, lntelll “The tug does all the blowing aud*i licity. How different is the public- gent looking woman In the third row barges bear all the burden.” H. F. M orris , Sec spirited heti. Its loudest udvertis- turned to her escort and inquired, Not So Bad. «V ivmcnt the strictly Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor Whats the Idea in having those “What's the worst you can sav »1* witches r-New York Press ’reslr egg is available. exercise insufficient mastication of him?" fixHl. consti|«ation. a torpid liver Stray Notice. The process of making powdered “He hasn't an honest hair in * worry and anxiety, are the moat B. D. LAMAR, Pro Ds^rv.d to Ost It milk has been greatly improved in I head " A Itniwn Mare cmne to Ikerjuick’s common causes of stomach troub- "I want to ask you for a bit of ad recent yvurs, so that it is now more "Well, that’s l>ad enough." Uo««t«d in th* place on January loth. Owner can lea. Correct your habits and take vice, said the Insinuating man “<>h. not so bad as yon think. M favorably regarded and is even re­ have Hie same by pay ing exp«*ns<*s. ( hamlH-rlnin's Stomach and Liver I “What la Itr Tablets an«! you will mxm tie well « ear I Ihl Mare, 1250 It»». Fletcher says you should “hold u* ditlone and the convien« e ot car I 5 Year old Mmv, l«lsi Iba. y inough nnd expels the that your tongue will hang l“'rl***i IM, cohL M Stockwell. Hannibal. Mo. «aye and Rales. been introduced into Norway re- i nlarly in your mouth. To do this Tide l an«l Hay. $1* nr Everybody emits rays. An angry comfortably get down on your h«* de **)•. It beats all the remedies il ■ently where a company has under-1 hvered; tame Hay, #20 or $22 de- ever used. I contracted a bad cold ken the contract of supplying 3M1 liverrd. and knees when yoa eat. explains I* tons uf |H>wdered milk each year, Also Machinery and a good Gaao* pneumonia One bottle of Foley’si Chicago Record-Hera Id. tntereminr i woofer tf my line loum-h. V*"*1 T,r ‘«"'Pletely cured lot tbiee years to an Kngliali brut. ! now W'ouid emit a ten dollar ml«» Address FkA.XK llAXNEXKKATr. There fa but one virtue the et' » ‘«aetooM .»clume.-T L *^n~-Lo.tov1ito C^rtor3<^Si I I Sto-rUce of seif. Georg* Sand 0V4L w H4KIM6 ■ I Makes Home Baking Easy : ■ Lamar’s Variety Store, NEW GOODS on each boat