TIIzLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 23, Igll Opportunity is ^jiid to knock but once But you Uavtxa chance to open an account with this bank six days out of every week. Once you have started to saving a part of your earniugs, you will be prepared when­ ever a good business opportunity presents stself. Having a bank account helps create busi­ ness ability. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK, OREGON. IzAMOOK JOTTINGS In buying Furniture, remember that Jones Knudson Furniture Com- pany will give 10 per cent discount -. Morris, eye specialist. for cash. ’ le weather is beautifully fine Peter Asp has moved hie shoe week. shop opposite the post office where ,‘nnies Wanted at the Tillamook he is prepared to do all kinds of re­ nty Bank. pairing. • torney H. T. Botts will leave for Fred Burton brought in another land on Saturday. raft of large saw logs for the Till­ rite or phone to E. G. Ander- amook Lumber Mfg. Co.’s saw mill Hemlock, for Cedar Fence in this city last week. fe. Wm. Bays vs. Edwin Hooker, torney Webster Holmes leaves trustee, and Robert T. and Annie ay on a business trip to Port- Fowler is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover $8,531.86. iod for sale, any kind or any W. G. Dwight vs. Ted McDonald int. —For prices see George and W. G. Dwight vs. Annie Mc­ « Ml. Donald are two tax foreclosure 'de Clements has rented the cases filed in the circuit court. >n building which he will turn The passengers who left this morn - b saloon. ing on the Golden Gate were E. F. Sours, cheapest and best paper Craves, E, P. Lewis, A. J. Wilks, er in town. Leave orders at Retha Wilks, G. Kaufman and Mrs. C. M. Allen. ■ A Smith Co. * We are taking orders for hay at is Blanch McNair left on the the following prices : Alfalfa, $19 ner last week to spend several ton ; oat, $21 ton ; No. 1 Timothy, s in Portland. $27 ton.—H. C. K unze or W m . C ur ­ rral disgraceful fig-tits have tis , theOrain Man. » place in this city of late, and J. C. Gove is at Calexico, Cal., does not add to its reputa- where he has about decided to buy a place in the Imperial Valley, which • highest Cash Price paid for will be a great change to him going nds of Furs, Hides and Sheep from the wettest place in Oregon . N. E. Melchior, Tillamook, to one Of hottest places on Califor- □a. nia. Margaret Watt was a passenger out on the Elmore last week from ' Bay City. She will buy the Spring stock of goods for the Van De Wiele store before returning. TILLAMOOK LAND SNAP ■¡>800. With five saloons, this city could just as well have had another $2000 in the city treasury. Number The Golden Gate arrived in port Monday with J. H. Hoyer, Grant Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Maxwell, Mr. Hupper. Mrs. M. E. Mowry, J.H. West, and Miss Johnson as passen­ gers. 15 Acres located in the suburbs of Tillamook City All under improvement and fenced. Located on the Main Countv Road Near the P. R. & N. Railroad Terminals Distant, nearer railroad terminals than the Business center of Tillamook ; also nearer to Court House than some additions Mrs. Hill has moved into the building vacated by the Parker Bros., where she will have more accommodation to serve meals. Give her a call. Home made cakes, breads, salads, etc. B. C. Wiley received $346from his three cows, as well as raising one calf and furnishing his house with milk and butter. Had he sold all the mlik he says the three cows would have made him $400. I George W. Grayson has received the sad news of the death of his mother in Tennesee, who was 80 years old. Mr. Grayson and his daughter, Mrs. Clark Hadley, visit­ ed her about 12 months since. The second annual Sunday School birthday will be held at the Pres­ byterian Church onFriday evening, March 3rd, to which all are cordially invited. There will be a program and the ladies of the Church will serve refreshments. lot. The This is an ideal buy as an investment. Land adjoining this is held at a much larger figure. This tract is suitable for outing into acre lots and will advance in price this Summer If t subdivided, ’ would sell easy at SI00 per lot. This is a Snap Price Now, SO,500 Go to the Star Theatre on Friday- evening for special attractions. The feature of the evening will be a new reel, entitled ’’The Sergeant,” a romantic story told in the Great Yosemite Valley. The specialties are yodle duets, etc. 1 Let us show vou Now. acre To-day. Worth S500 per acre at least. Process Jlarley, 75 lbs. $1.20 sack; $30 ton. Shorts, 80 lbs., $1.15 sack; $27 ton. . Wheilt, 100 Ib.-e, $1.75 Hack. Oats, white, 100 lbs., $1.70 sack ; $33 ton. Oats, gray seed, lyo lbs., $1.75 sack; $34 ton. Salt, Empire, 50 lbs., 55c. ‘Salt, half ground, 100 lbs., 55c. Bran, 00 lbs., 80c.—W m . CURTIS, the Grain Man. ’ The passengers leaving on the Elmore were : Roy Brown anil mother, E. Goodwin and wife, F. H. Perry and wife. Miss Lizzie Van Patten, F. Kutcher, A. Lukta, C. Christensen, P. J. Jonas, wife and three children, P. Pedrragi, P. Sazzini, O. Sall, G. Zuban, C. G. Sinclair, R. Slaughter. LET US SHOW YOU THIS TO DAY DONT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY SLIP. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Real Estate and Insurance During the Future, when we have a Genuine Tillamook Snap Like the above, you will hear about it T a i BIG BARGAINS ! GROCERIES ! IN 'rices Cut, Slashed & Slaughtered. In Connection with our immense Stock of all kind of mill feed, grain, etc. e have added a full and up-to-date lire of groceries and provisions, which will be •Id at the following low prices: Elaine Coal Oil Sugar • lbs. fine granulated sugar «t fruit sugar, per sack ■y granulated sugar “ :tra “C”, 20 lbs for $1.00 5.60 5.40 1.00 Coffee per lb. buckles 4» >yal Club <4 >od Mocha and Java iracola 22Hc 3 2 Vic 25c 2?Hc Flour low Drift glit House $5.60 per bbl. 5 95 44 iati white beans ¡pan nee tied Italian prunes lied apples bed peaches bed Apricots l»er III. 44 • 4 4« 44 i-’/ac 4*6c 7 He 10c 10c 12Hc per case $2.90 I doz. cans Corn 90c t doz. cans Tomatoes 90c 1 doz. cans Pioneer or Carnation $1.00 milk 3 pks seeded raisins 25c Westmoreland Syrup, 5 lbs. 50c 5 cans sardines in oil 3 cans cove oysters 25c 25c 25c 6 cans deviled ham t’V 3 bottles catsup. 3 cans pork and beans 25c 35c 1 good broom 25c 2 cans sliced pine apple 45c 1 lb. can Roval baking powder 2V6 lb. can Royal baking powder $1.00 5 lb. can Royal baking |>owdcr 1.85 1 gal. cider vinegar 25c 50 lbs. table salt 55c THE RAY FEED CO. C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Grocery Dept aw The Fireman's dance was a success in every particnlar, which added $129 to the hose company’s trea­ sury, and the committee of manage­ ment is entitled to a great deal of credit for the manner in which it was arranged. As business has been dull for several months it is expected, with i a continuation of fine weather, that it will soon begin to pick up, but at present there is no building going on to give employment to men out of work. AnneS. Abraham vs. J. A. Abra­ ham is a divorce suit filed in the circuit court. They wire married in Portland,< Ire., on the 7th of July, 1906, the giounds of the divorce be­ ing desertion. Plaintiff also prays that she may resume her former name, AnneS. Burton. then reached noon. tilia city tilia after­ If you want a good time come to the basket social to be given by the Sodality girls of Sacred Heart Par­ ish. The play ‘ 'Trouble at Satter- lee’a” portrays vividly the rollicking fun of boarding school life. It will be given in the Academy Hall, free of charge. Come and enjoy your* self February 27 at M o’clock, We promise you a good time. Louis Schilling, who has been spending the winter on Coos Bay, returned to Tillamook Monday tiy way of Necarney mountain. He will have charge of the Wheeler Captain Errickeon, the new mat- Saw Mill on the Nehalem this sum­ ter of the Golden Gate, was in com­ I mer, and intends to start it running The passengers in on the Elmore mand ol that vessel when she eante were: E. T. Basse!!, W. A. Stewart, as soon as it is put in condition. in this week. It is 15 years since he R. Cornell!, H. Bell, Mr. Stetson, John H. Hughes, who has been came to Tillumoook a* master of a Mr. Soule, Mr. Maddux, Mr, Brant, looking after his timber holdings ill vessel and he found the bar in much Mr. and Mrs. Young, F. H. Perry, this county, accompanied by his about the same condition now. Mrs. Henry, R. N. Henkle, M. C. niece, Mias Herta Smith,returned to Captain Hosford also mudr another Fleck, Mrs. Hayes, and John Miller. his home in California the last of trip in. They found 18 feet of water Mr. George Stetson, of Portland, the week. Mr. Hughes had just re­ on the bar, and instead of spending has bought 80 acres of the John turned from a trip through Europe money on building a jetty to im­ He prove the bar they both think that a Heagney place. He is a pleasant when coming to Tillamook, gentleman and will become one of was very favorably ¡■«■pressed with bar dredge would be preferable our substantial residents, as he in­ the conditions in Tillamook and and would bring quicker results. Captain Errickeon, having been tends to reside on the place. He thinks that it has a great future, in command of coasting vessels for left for Portland this morning. and Tom Hol ■ Henry McKinley a number m years, says that in re­ „ Another co-operative company 'man were arrested on Tuesday was formed on Wednesday evening charged with rape upon a young moving a bar by j itties another at a meeting of the dairymen at | girl under sixteen years of age. forms further out at sea, whereas a Long Prairie, when the Ixing Prai­ j They waived examination ami were dredge, whenever there ia a shallow place in the channel, will remove it rie Creamery Company was organ­ leach placed under $2,500 bonds. It He thinks the days of jetty work ized. It was thought the company j seems that these youug men took along this coast is past. would take over Henry Rogers’ lac two girls to the room over the Gem tory at that place for $1250, but the i Theater, where they remained all | night, one of the young men and Bran, per ton .. ..................... deal did not go through. I Th me who obtained certificates ; girl «s-cupying the lied ami the Shorts, per ton .................... . young man and girl laieare Club met al the on Thursday. home of Mr«. II. C. Ijimti on Thurs bunch of letter mail was brought in Go to F. S. Whiteh.'Ute & Hon, day, and, as usual.the memlierwaml over th>- North Yamhill route, ami the leading agent«, for Bond, Acci­ the same afternoon more came by a few invited guest, spent a most dent and Fire Inautance, •• they enjoyable and profitable afternoon way of the south, bringing the first write more th«n three-quartet« of daily pa (»era since Monday. The together, tne hostess serving a the insurance written in Tillamook dainty lunch served in up-to-date remsnder of the letter mail came in County, because they «re better on Sunday and Monday, some of style. Mrs. latmli'a residence was equipped than any one else la tfea artistically de« orated with choir« the newepn|KTH Iwing a week old. business. ami what tailed to get across the carnations and rosea. i