Mflto 3 lû AMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 16, 1911 I SPOILED THE ACT. Makes the most nutri­ tious food and the most dainty and delicious. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over thebiscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook’s success. I Inc dent That Enraged tho Actor and Amused the Audience. Some years sgo a melodrama was living performed in a country theater, the chief actor hi which bi d made himself, from hla haughty and over- bearUg conduct, disliked by all. lu the last scene ho was supixiscd to vl-it the to ribs of bls ancestor. In the center of the stage upon a marble pedeu'al stood the statue of bls father A heavy fold of ' rupery covered the ; figure. Enter Albert, who thus ad dres '-ed the statue: "1 am hue once again to gaze upon ‘ th se features which hi life so often lo-dred on me with teuderest affection. 1 uth, r. t gr mourning sou now comes to pay thee adoration. I*vt me re- I move Hi - veil which from the vulgar gaze shields lhe beloved Image of a once dear parent!” Off went the drapery, and, behold, there was disclosed the statue of the father gratefully standing uiion Its ! bead. The effect cannot be described, It was electric. '1 Im shouts of laughter which followed I lie mistake of the su ¡ mt effectually ¡iut an end to the scene, which chanced to the next as qul kiy ns ¡MMslbte amid tlte Jeers of the audience, the anger of the mana­ ger nn 1 th“ uncontrollable rage of the actor.—Loudon Telegraph. THE PARISIAN CABMAN, PAID ADVERTISEMENT. BUSINESS LETTERS, Writs to a Man Just as You W raid Talk to Him at Your Desk. Business letter writing Is no longer merely ’x-orresiiondence,” but "litera­ ture,' and the correspondent who for­ merly wasted his precious breath ou each Inanities us "Yours received and contents duly noted” ls now relegated to the “old school” class, and unless he Is willing to adopt the new rules of letter writing he is likely to change not only his position, but tind It neces­ sary to change his vocation as well. The up to date business man does not waste time indulging in the pro llminaries of "I l*g to acknowledge receipt” or "In reply would say.” but goes straight to the subject nt issue firmly, without frills, even eliminat­ ing the time worn advice. “Awaiting your early reply," and closing without the absurdity of "Begging to remain.’ "Write to n man exactly as you would talk to him If he were sitting at your desk," Is the maxim of one of the best authorities on letter writing In Chicago. By eliminating useless phrases having no bearing on the sub­ ject the business man not only saves his own time In dictating, but that of I his stenographer In transcribing the notes. By the old method of letter I wilting the opening and closing of letters contained almost five lines of useless "form" matter which would average on 100 letters Just 500 lines of superfluous effort.—Chicago Tribune. THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH AND BAPTISM. I. --The Place of Christian Baptism. 1.—It is in the Great Commission. Matt. 28:19, 20; Mk. 16:15, 16. 2—It ie commanded in the first gospel sermon. Acts 2:38. 3. It ie the last step of the soul into Christ. Gal. 3:27. One cannot preach a full gospel and leave out Baptism. II. -The Form of Baptism. Rom. 6:17. 1. Meaning of the Greek word baptizo-“ to immerse, to sub­ merge, to dip.” No Greek scholar ever translated it sprinkle or pour. 2. —How it was done for the first 700years. Rom. 6:4. 3_ How the change was made. In 753, Pope Stephen II. per­ mitted the sprinkling of babies not well enough to be im­ mersed ; sprinkling was made a law by Catholic Council at Ravenna, 1311. Whom will you take-the Pope or Christ ? III. -Prerequisits of Baptism. 1. —Faith, Mk. 16:16; Acts 18:8. 2. —Repentance, Acts 2:38. 3. —Confession, Roni. 10:9; I. John 4:15. Therefore an infant cannot bejscripturally baptized. IV. —Purpose of Baptism. 1. —Unto remission of past sins. Acts 2:38; 22:16. 2. —Gift of the Holy Spirit. Acte 2:38. 3. — Into the name of Christ, Acts 19:5, the time when we re­ ceive the name Christian. 4. —Into Christ and his church. Gal. 3:27; Eph. 1:22, 23. • THERE IS ONE BAPTISM.” Eph. 4:5. THE CRESCENT. A Dsadly Verbal Insult That Will Render Him Speechlees, Legend of Its Adoption as an Emblem by tho Turks. A discreet knowledge of slang Is a Royal Cook Book—600 Receipt» Fret. Stad Name and Addrete. very useful accomplishment for the The cresceut bus been known Blnce stranger or the foreign resident in time out of memory. In ancient my­ »OVAL BAKINO ROW or It CO,, NrW YORK, Faris. Thus If u cabman Is rude or thology It decorated the foreheads of more than usually extortionate or If Diana and of Astarte, the Syrian Ve­ be splashes you with mud from bend nus. In the days of Rome's greatest to foot as he passes and then turns glory the ladles wore It as an orna­ THE OSHKOSH TURNS 'of those present. After society the around to grin at the damage done. ment in their hair. members of the Ciceronians ad­ and cocbera frequently do these things, Since the foundation of Constanti­ TURTLE ON BAR journed to the Commercial room an Inadequate command of the nice­ nople, the ancient Byzantium, it bus and the two societies proceeded to ties of the French language leaves all been the emblem of the city and us (Continued from first page. > eleit the officers for the ensuing the advantages on his side. such adorns Its walls and public build­ capeixed house was turn com­ You might call him "idiot” or "Hau­ ings, be.lies being stamped on Its year. The Emersonian officers are: pletely off.” Benly Stain, Pres ; Myron Blanch- lage,” but this would only tickle him. coins and postage. The legend which Captain Thomas Latham, master arch, Vice. Pres. ; Helen Beals, Sec. If, however, you were able to shout accounts for Its universal adoption In of the schooner Oshkosh, was "Va dono, Colllgnon!” the result of the Turkey, and Constantinople in par­ mid Treas. ; Eva Wheeler, Pianoist ; encounter would lie at once wholly in ticular. Is as follows: for many years one of the best Fay Todd, Critic ; and Harry Ebin- your favor. known mariners engaged ill the Philip of Macedon laid siege to the ger, Seargent at arms. Those elect­ ■ To say “Colllgnon’’ to a cocher Is city in the year 340 B. C. He chose a coasting trade He was whs a u native ed by the Cicervnians were: John the supreme Insult. It leaves him gasp- night of unusual darkness for the pro­ of Wales, 58 years of age, and Ebinger, Pres. ; Oscar Aschiin, I Ing and further speech on his side use­ posed assault, but was foiled by the came to Astoria in 1872 us an ap­ Vice Pres. ; Daisie Goodspeed, Sec. less. It Is easy to understand why. moon suddenly breaking from behind prentice on the British bark Chan­ Colllgnon was a coachman who as a cloud. In commemoration of this nndTreas. ; Elbert Ginn, Critic ; Hel ­ nel Light. He woiked for the late long ago as 1855 went to the house of providential deliverance the crescent Cuptain George Flavel. us n deck en Stum, Pianoist ; .uni Horace Sap a poor professor nud murdered him be­ was adopted as the symbol of the city. , pington, Seargent •' iritis. Il is bund in tlie tug boat service, and in cause he had protested against an over­ The Mohammedan sultans wero Blow 1878 became mute of the old tng II. j not hard to see that wiili the corps charge. It Is satisfactory to know that to assume this emblem until some one has Colllgnon was promptly tried, sen­ J. Brenham. One year later he was I ’of officers _ which each society J . mentioned that It was the symbol of appointed a pilot on the bur and that the tight will be a stiff one for tenced to death and guillotined. To Increasing greatness, power changing the championship this • tar. this day, then, "Va Colllgnon! ” remains as rapidly as the phases of the moon. served in that capacity for 11 years. The Sophormores are digging nt the last word.—I’urls Cor. New York —Westminster Gazette. He was also employed for a time Suu. on the steamer General Miles, ply­ Georntry nt present, i, being the Federal Homeetead Laws. ing between this port mid Gray's study which takes the place of Al­ His Inspiration. Tho federal bomesteud laws begin llurbor. In 18P0 he went to Alaska, geliru in the Inst semiater. “Isn’t Inspiration a queer thing?" with the act of 1862. now a part of the uh master of the steamer Columbia, The Freshmen have also taken up ‘"I supiiose so. What about It?” and run for iilxml five years on the a new study, nt present theirs be- “Why, a few weeks ago I hud a red- United States revised statutes. Their hot squabble with iny wife over a policy Is to give ¡xirtiona of the pub­ ■ nail route between Juneau mid | ing Botany. dressmaker ’s bill, and when I came lic lands to those who will settle, cul­ Skugway. Returning to Astoria, The debating team which has dow n to the office I was mad enough tivate and make permanent homes he joined the Elmore tleet of const been digging so faithfully nt the ui>on them. Any person who Is the ing vessels, mid took commund of 1 question, "Resolved Hint the Chi­ to chew spikes. Then I sat dowu at head of a family or who ls twenty-one m.v desk and wrote a little ¡ioem ou the illfuted Oshkosh, when she w:i- nese Exclusion Act should be ex­ ’Help the Erring Brother with a Single years of age and ls a citizen of the built in 19H9 Captain Latham left a tended to nil Asiatic people,” for Kindly Word!’ And. say, those verses, United States or who bus filed hla widow, but no children. William the |>ast two weeks, will meet I born of b tterness and nourished by dedication of Intention to becoms such R. Deane was about 45 years of I Seaside’s teiim at that place on Sat linger, have been copied hi the leudhig may acquire a tract of unappropriated uge mid came here n few years ago I unlay, Feb. 18, if the bout makes new spupers all over the country! I public land, not exceeding 160 acres, on condition of settlement, cultivation troin Coos Hay. He was part connections right. We did our liest How's that?" "Fine. Why don’t you Improve on and continuous occupancy an a home owner in the .’raft ns wim his to secure the debate for this place, by him for the period of five years brother Chm les I Ivane. whois iiiih Imt the Seaside team protested the idea?" and the payment of certain moderate "How? ” in Sun Francisco arranging lor the against coining here mid,our teiim fees. It la expressly declared that no "Why. get mad enough to beat up construction of another vessel. Mr. will have to go there in order to stay your wife, vet Uro to the house, shoot lauda acquired under thia statute shall Deane left n widow mnl two young ! in the league. The team which are a poltaemmi anil then write an epic in any event become liable to any sons. The Oulikusli was built at logo to Seaside are Benly Shun, that will go thundering dowu the debt contracted prior to the Issuing of the patent therefor by the government North Bend in lil’.t. She was a Klliert Ginn mid Myron Hlam hard. ages." Cleveland Plain Dealer. to the settler.—New York American. craft of 123 tons net mid was It is a bad thing when politics I equipped with 211) hot sc power vn Mads His Position Clsar. inters the school to the extent that Cheap Family History. giiice. An old Peunsylvaula German living half the school Even in political defeut there are In the mountains had a bard three day. hours' dusty walk to accomplish one comiiensationa. A Washington heights High School Flashes case first ; morning, and be rose very early to man who aspired to office tells of one make bis start. He had gone but a that he discovered. Sickness is still holding her ovv II then “Must have cost yon a pile of money Utile way when he was overtaken by in the school, and although a lew an automobile. The driver picked up to run. didn't It?” a friend aaked. Folev ol those who huve been sick re “About $1.000, but still I came out The I'oley |H*uks are still cap¡ied the old man. and they were at bls des­ $4i«J ahead.” turned the first oi the week, there tination lu about twenty minutes. "Howl" suid the friend. are at present about one-tlurd of with snow. \\ hile thev make a "Danka so much awfully mlt de ride pretty pi» hire, lhe chilly wimlsfiom If I had known myself to be here al­ "On genealogical research. My wife the seats which are vacant. The inter-clusa ami ■ewiety bits that direction have a bud effect on u ready two hours In front of de clock has a society bee In her bonnet and yet I wd lie st home fast asleep al­ had about agreed to pay a man $2.000 kct-ball gomes which were played ¡«•rsou's wood pile. to look up my family history, but at the Opera House Frida}’ night We notice n number of teams ready to start unless I knew you vud when I became a laudldate my oppo­ not have picked ins up since.** — House ­ were interesting in the extreme. passing through Foley loaded with keeper. nents did that for me and saved us In the inier-Huciety game the Kin- new machinery to be installed in the money.”— New York Times. eraoniane with the uiil of an old the cheese factory nt Halm, which Scottish Students' Dress. player and through a streak of Itn k will lie opened up for business in The Scottish university student has Eight Lions. outcliisseil their opponents the the near future. This will lie a a code of eUquette In clothes as strict There aro eight 1 tarns known the Ciceronian», the final »core being good thing for the farmers of that •s that of Eton or of Harrow’. And world over—tho lion of 8t. Mark's in lOto 5. Tlie Ciceronian leaiu wa» i icinity who have been hiindieup|»ed Into It tlte straw hat enters. On Sept. Venice, the four lions at the baso of liadle broken becauao of sii tuieaa, lor the last few years owing to it* 15. be tho weather ever so bleak, the the Nelson monument In Trafalgar Streets are hill of what the small boy square, the lion of Waterloo, the liou three of their l>e*t meu being un­ shutdown. able to play, wlucli neceiwitiited the 1 Miss Winefred Spencer, who fins knows as "straw lumbers." On the 10th of Lucerne and the lion of Chaorooea. you will find never a one on a stu­ Uuskln In hla "Stonoa of Venice” satai using of Mr Scofield mid Clarence: liven to the county seat lor a few dent’s bead, that Ls As for the medi­ that the lion of St Mark’s was the Stanley, tn the game lietween the da> staking teacher's examination, cal student, he seldom wears a straw one lion the fierce exiseoalou of which Junior and Sophormore teamathere returned Friday accompanied by hat at all or anything In Its place. It no artist bad ever been sole to repro­ wae a bitter struggle from start to Mrs. Funnel Bales. and her little is hla pride to go Imrvbeaded. as It Is duce The boast of bronze baa the finish. The ei|>erience of the older son. Lenoni. to wear a fancy waistcoat ami turned distinction alan of wearing a pair of ilaasmen helped them and Iwcauae. Miss Baiay Daisy Tomlinson was de up trouser ends The arts and divinity wlnga—London Graphic. Of tilia fact the younger men wen lighted the other dav on receipt of men sedately avoid these last three fashions Loudon Chronicle. at last outclassed not from lack ot a Valentine from \ounti School quality in their playing but I» fciperintendent jHuel. in the form The Forgotten P>eturw. cause the older men had nearly all of .. diploma .forming her she Mr. ’lope Moacrtoff recalls In “Ia>n been Otara the «••*. 1 • had l»d imamnl paaaed the the Mh Mh gnulr grade miv success don“ a curious story <>f Bird Hartford Tile final score was 8 to 2. Mndi fu||> <•>11. The one noble taste he had was for good material was shown in these r..,, School has sent word the eotlsetion of pk-turaa, which be la they are coming upto Foley Friday sakt to hare hung with their fa.-so to Gladys Broto and Jennie Blanch i evening to have a regular old fash the wall. He once cnnimlsaloncd an •Sent to find him a picture which. It ant haw Iwen teaching down stairs toned ------ 1 a(ielling match. We I...,, hope lhe past week liei aiiav ot the aick I* they will bring their apelton with turned out. bo bad hl moot f bought three or four yean earlier! Hess of Mrs. l.ea« Il unit .Miss Eater J them. We have gut mini. Fisher. We learn the achual in the Crane Tils h.mersuinaii progrum was _„ diHtrn t will ... lw . opened up again in I vary good eunaidering the number ’■je near luture. future, Iiwtnf owing to a division Miaiua. ot their member, who were sick. of '” the *** district ‘ : on -- the — •• Rtwat deal of laughter was jror nai- -rulla c rea ted by the rendering of conK’i ------- .. aongs. levitations and a diakmualw/ . young so* sow anti amt six Hr» ‘I* two year**wld he itera. -................. .............. - — V. E. HOVEN, Church of Christ The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. AUbEN. Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. —■ Steamer tk Sue H. Elmore” (CA' » P. SCHRADER) Tillamook & Portland Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf, Portland That’s All INFORMATION by TELEPHONE INFORMATION BY TELEPHONE. PEOPLE are not leaving so much to chance in these days of universal telephone service. Instead of risking disappointment they telephone and get the facts. Will school be held on a stormy morning, will your friend be in if you call, what does the weather man predict and when does the train leave—are samples of myriads of questions constantly passing over the wire, and being answered by the proper authorities. There are also questions to be asked about the telephone service, how somebody can be reached over the Bell Long Distance Telephone and what it will coat, and similar questions, which are being answered by the information operators. THK PACIFIC TELEPHONS AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Every Beil Telephone in the Center of the System.